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Time for hospice and Im really scared



  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited September 2014

    I think of Teri sometimes when I am outside in the garden and wonder about all of the people who used to come here to give support. I hope all are doing as well as possible, breathing comfortably and are painfree. 

    With the help of my sister I have managed to empty our mother's house and it feels so good to be done with it. The new owner's are having it painted and are putting in a pool. I hope they will enjoy it as much as she did.

    I also just finished work on a Living Will and Health Care Directive for a dear friend whose old one is out of date. She told me she wants to be able to remain in her own home and never get put into a nursing home, so the new one contains wording to that effect. Fortunately, she has the financial ability to pay for home care. She is no longer married and has no children, so chances are that step-sibling surrogates and lawyers will be the ones to make decisions when she gets older or too sick to care for herself, and more than likely, they will take the easiest path which would be to put her in a nursing home. This way they will know her wishes. It feels good to know she will be protected.

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited September 2014

    So Happy Hortense that you got that all straightened out. Today is 2 years to the day that I was informed that I have Breast Cancer. I am doing fine and hope all the others that have been here are also doing well. Hugs as Always Cynthia

  • Tilda
    Tilda Member Posts: 30
    edited September 2014

    Cynthia, Happy cancerversary, wishing you many many more years to come :)


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited September 2014

    Happy cancerversity

    Ho so glad that u figured it out 4 u r frirend, what wording did u use n did u find it varies state 2 state

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited September 2014

    Thanks Ladies!! It has been quite an adventure. Living and Loving Life to the Fullest!

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited September 2014

    Blondie - Thank you. I appreciate that. I hope you are doing as well possible and are comfortable. I think about you and hope you are managing to enjoy each day. (((Hugs)))

    Macyhen - Congratulations! May you continue doing fine for many more years. Hugs to you too!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited September 2014

    Thanks hort, hugs

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited September 2014

    Thank You Hortense!! Hugs to You and Everyone!!!!

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited September 2014

    Since Terri died I've had a hard time visiting this thread. I keep expecting to hear from her and the adventures of Deuce. I know she wasn't religious but I am and I think she will be reunited with her precious critters again. Having an after-life is the only way I can cope with the thought of death. I hope everyone who is keeping Teri's memory alive is doing well.


  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited September 2014

    I come and read and like Sara I wonder what everyone who made part of this community is doing now.  This was my one online thread for so long and I truly miss Teri.  I enjoy and learn from all of you who post ... I just don't have much wisdom to add so I read and appreciate.  Janet

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited September 2014

    I feel the same way Janet. I always read. I always think of Terri...everyday. The road that leads to my house has a farm with goats and they are always doing something funny like sitting in their feed trough. I think of what a special thread this has been. Love.

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited September 2014

    Goats sitting in their trough! How hilarious. I'd love to see that. 

    Teri would have appreciated the scene enormously as her's probably did things like that. I haven't any goats that I know of anywhere near me, but I have plenty of deer and their antics remind me to think about Teri sometimes. The fawns dash around and play with each other and lately the young adult males are starting to mock fight by butting heads with each other. We have an old orchard in back and the deer go there to eat the fallen apples. Some even stand up straight on their hind legs to pick apples high on the trees which is delightful to see. 

    Teri did not believe in an afterlife, and neither do I, based on what I know of science, but she had an appreciation for the wonders and beauties of life which she called a spirituality. She loved her creatures who gave her so much enjoyment and she cared deeply enough about them to make arrangements for their care and well being after she was gone. What a beautifully responsible thing to do. I have known people who loved their creatures and even pampered them, but failed to make any provisions for them after they died, leaving their pets in the lurch. The lucky ones were dumped at caring vets who volunteered to try to find new homes for them at their own expense, others were put to sleep though they were perfectly healthy, horses were sold down the line and probably ended up at a slaughterhouse eventually. Animals have no control over what happens to them. People who take the time to plan for their pet's futures have my respect and admiration. It reflects well on their characters.

    Teri also had a wry sense of humor and of the absurd which I liked. I remember her dryly commenting with amusement on how people suddenly liked her more now that she was dying, and I could sense the twinkle in her eye as she wrote it. I miss her even though I only knew her here online. She is no longer struggling to breathe and no longer is dealing with any pain, and that is a good thing. I think she was a realist about living and dying. I hope I will be also when my time gets nearer. I am a realist now.

    I wish you all comfort and the ability to enjoy each day. I will keep coming by and hope to meet you here.

    Best, Sarah

  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited October 2014

    wow, wrote a long post and went to another window to check something, returned here and it is gone.  Should have submitted it and just come back to edit. Lesson learned.  Thinking a lot this morning about Teri, Deuce, and another friend, recently lost, "whybenormal".   Came across this funny goat with his tongue out!


    Learned about something called the mussar movement at services yesterday. Have not gone for quite a few years but something about that "sealing of who will die and who will live in the next year" and the opportunity to check out a new congregation focused on social justice and to meet up with my son who said if I went he would too drew me in.  I found that although I do not believe in afterlife and I don't quite know if I believe in g-d, the music, familiarity of the text and the lack of a sermon made me glad I went.  I am going to try this mussar thing where you focus on a different character trait each week.  This week will be trust.  I want to show greater trust to my children, my colleagues and my care team.  I know I am someone who likes to be in the drivers seat and I will have better relationships and actually achieve more of ny goals if I can show more trust.  It is just hard.....