FEC-D regime
amazon warrior I have a question, when your hair started to come in did it feel like regular hair or eas it more like duck down in terms of thickness and texture. (Very thin soft hair)
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Quasi: I was never entirely bald during chemo. I kept a bit of stubborn fuzz that felt rather prickly. Then my hair started to get thicker when on Docetaxel. Mostly on the sides and back while the top still shined. Then the white peach fuzz started to appear around 5 weeks PFC.
I started to notice a real growth spurt at around 7- 8 weeks PFC. This time it was dark hair that was coming also on top of my scalp, but in a rather patchy way in a reverse male pattern baldness.
Now I am 9 weeks PFC and the bald spots: widdows peaks and one on the crown are gradually filling in with very soft hair. According to the Norwood chart of male pattern baldness I would currently fit stage 2-3.
It seems that the hair keeps coming back in stages and layers.
I just hope that the bald spots will disappear one day as I'd like to go without any head covering in public especially during hot summer months.
My hubby commented on my hair today that it feels now like 'real hair' not 'fly hair'.:-)
I will post another pic next week of the hair growth progress.;-)
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Thanks Amazon for the warm welcome! Looks like your body is amazing, it waited till the worst is over to allow the flu a bit of partying! Have a well-deserved rest!
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Today is my B- day! It's a good time for me to pause for a moment to be thankful that I made it to this point.
yesmiles: I think me catching the cold at the very end of my treatment reminds me of a marathon runner who is collapsing at the finish line. Yeah, it's been a long, bruttaly hard and exhaisting race to the finish!
Here is a pic from my garden this morning. Enjoy!
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Happy birthday AmazonWarrior!
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Welcome yensmiles!!!
So ladies my hair has started to fall out. Not a lot but it has started. The scalp is tender but not painful yet.
I seem to have developed a rash around the PICC line, it started yesterday after the nurse came to change the dressing. It's very itchy and annoying. My skin is a b**ch!!! I will post in the other group as well to see if anyone has a suggestion on how to stop the itchiness and how to prevent it. Anyone had anything like this?
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Football, I forgot to mention that I read that eating sugarless candies might help with the dry mouth. Give it a try.
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HAPpY BIrHTDAY AMazonWarrior!!! and what a wonderful description for the chemo-journey!
Thanks for the warm welcome Lolis! and oh dear, rash at the PICC line sounds unpleasant.. hope tips will be rolling in for you to ease it. Is a PICC line "permanent" as in always there till you finish the entire chemo regime?
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lolis: I too developed a rash around my PICC. It turned out to be an allergic reaction to the skin prep called Chlorhexidine and the dressing. After that they switched into using only normal saline and Mefix dressing and I was fine after that. At some point it got so bad I wanted the darn thing out no matter what.
The chemo nurses had to talk me into keeping it and doing the above PICC line care.
Here is a pic of my rash.
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Amazon thanks for sharing the picture. My rash is a bit more extensive, it goes all the way back on the triceps area. here's a picture of it.
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Happy Birthday Amazon and wonderful garden you have!!!
Yensmiles, yes it is a "permanent" PICC line till the treatment is done. I called the nurse that changed the dressing and she said it is an allergic reaction (because it is itchy even where the tape is) and she will come and change it again YAY!!!
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lolis: Ouch, your rash must itch like heck!
My rash quickly resolved after being dressed and cleaned in the following way:
(Please, talk to your nurse about it.)
1. Normal saline
2. Mefix dressing and a sterile gauze
3. No stat lock
I hope it helps and you will start feeling better soon.
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Thanks again Amazon!! It's disgusting that my skin would react to it, isn't it?!? The back of my arm is worst, full of those Lil bumps... thanks very much body!!!! hahhahah
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lolis: My home nurse told me that he sees about 40% of the patients having reactions to skin preps and glue in the regular dressing, so it's not uncommon.
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amazon this is the end of my journey. I've decided not to do rads. I will be starting harmone therapy soon. Ugh. But sometimes you have to please other people. I will be still seeing my drs n keeping an eye in me. Like anyone else I'm sure. However I'm pumped to get back to normality. Whatever that may be for me at this time hugs to all wherever your journey is leading you all now.
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She came and changed the dressing and it felt so good to have that tape off of my skin. She put on the same bandage that I had last week and hopefully it will be better. I asked if I take some benadryl and she said.
I am walking my dog and there is a nice breeze outside but what's up with sore scalp!?!? Hair started to fall out this morning. I even saw my gray hair come out and I was like "in your face gray hair!!!""" Ahahahha. I am sort of looking forward to shave it all off, curious about the shape of my head and blame any bumps on my mom (dropping me when I was a baby ahahahaha
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Lolis I do hope that your skin continues to heal. Nothing worse than having a picc to having a reaction to the bandages. We have to endour a lot of crap but might as well make us comfortable while doing it. And the sensitive scalp. It does go away. I had my youngest shave my head because it hurt so bad to have my hair on my head. I think it's the treatments that make it this way. But once it was gone it managed to settle. I always wore a scarf at nite. Felt softer my hair picked thru the cap but it is only that way for a cpl of weeks. Maybe some baby powder to soften the tiny hairs would help.
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Thanks for the tip Gonein40. How are you feeling?
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Lolis I'm feeling pretty good. I have been experiencing a lot of bone pain with this neulasta shot as well. Don't understand it really but oh well. My feet n fingers are numbing to the touch. It's all part of the process I know. But here's to better days ahead. I'm taking T3's for pain and sometimes if I don't move I feel pretty normal. Lol. But on the other hand things need to get done and I'm not a quiter.
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Thank you ladies for wishing me a happy B-day yesterday.
My cold is easing up a bit, but I still have a pretty intense cough, my throat is sore and horse. I keep taking Advil for the body aches and pains and lots and lots of garlic.
Gonein: Were they icing your hands and feet during the D- part infusion?
Lolis: My scalp would hurt too. It was a sign that my hair was going to fall out. I shaved my hair very short. I remember the sensitive scalp being quite bothersome. In the end, when the hair was finally out, the scalp would stop hurting. So, it is a process. I am sure that if the pain gets to be too much, you could take something for it.
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for those of you fine ladies done with FECD, what is the condition of your eyebrows and eyelashes, my eye lashes are almost gone I have about 6 on one eye and 10 on the other and I am left with the little ones not the long ones, eyebrows very very thin and continue to fall with gaps in them, do you ever get those back? Any success stories would be welcome.
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quasi: I am almost 10 weeks PFC now.
My lashes and brows continued to fall out up to about 8 weeks PFC and then I started to notice a real differnce- new growth. After that some old lashes and brows continued to fall out, but they were almost imediately replaced by new ones.
My lashes are coming in nice and thick. They are not as long as the old ones yet. I guess they need more time to grow.
The eyebrows are coming in stages. I am noticing more growth closer to the centre of my forehead than the sides.
Bottom lashes are ahead of the top ones and growing more on the inside edges (closer to the nose) first.
I started to supplement with Biotin 300 mcg 1x day about a week ago. I heard it helps with hair and nails. We'll see. :-)
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I started Tamoxifen today: Let the fun begin!
I understand that the latest recommendation is to take it for 10 years! So it's going to be a while without any daily meds. I will be taking it with a low dose Aspirin as well because latest research shows it's beneficial.
I was a wonderful day today. I spent a lot of time in my backyard resting in a hammock.
Here is a pic of a old world swollowtail that showed up in our garden today. Actually my son caught it first and then we had to release it.
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Love the butterfly picture - very pretty
My eyebrows & lashes stayed as normal on FEC but started to thin from 2 weeks after the first D. Since I didn't continue Taxotere I'm not sure what it would have done with dose 5 & 6... Looking pretty thin now and still losing some each day, so we'll see!
Rads start this Thursday!!
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All: When do you usually take your Tamoxifen? Morning or evening, with food or without?
Are there any dietary or supplement restrictions that your DR recommended?
Are you also on a daily dose of baby Aspirin? If so how often? Every day or every other day?
How do you manage any SE?
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amazon I did use the ice in fingers m toes. My nails are strong. I've always kept some polish on them even before I started any treatments. So I think that had to of helped thru all of this. I did notice little lines and a ridge forming but it's all good. I too will be going on 24 th of June to start tamoxifen Ugh but I asked my mo about baby aspirin and got shot down with taking it. I am fortunate or misfortunate however you look at it, I have two mo looking after me so I will ask the other and see what she thinks of it. I've heard good things for it so if it helps w clots. Why not take it.
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Hi Ladies,
question, did you get any spotting/small clot during this treatment? I am cd 12 and the period is not due for another 20+ days. This morning I had light cramping and I notice a pinkish/reddish when I wipe (sorry TMI) and a few little clots in the washroom. I usually have 1 or 2 big clots during my period but this spotting between periods has never happened to me. Now I have a light backache as well. Could it be a SE?
I am taking an antibiotic for my skin reaction and I don't that it is caused because of the antibiotics.
I am seeing the MO tomorrow morning so I will ask here as well.
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lolis: I had a light spotting with cramping for 2 days after finishing chemo. It was 6 weeks PFC. I had no clots.
I would definitely ask the DR about it, if it is unusual.
Are you on Tamoxifen or any other HT already?
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Hi Amazon,
Not on hormone therapy yet. Going for my second round of chemo on Thursday. It doesn't make it to the liner and I see it only when I used the washroom and I don't have spotting between periods normally so this is unusual for me.
I will ask my MO tomorrow if I don't forget
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hi all.
Amazon happy birthday! Sorry for being late but still wish you nothing but the best! Beautiful pictures!!!!!
I have been fairly tired these past few days. My third round of FEC is next wed do hubby and I will be going to Niagara Falls tomorrow night until Monday for a short getaway
Today I meet with the cdn cancer society to discuss the possibility of volunteering. Hopefully they will want me even though I'm going through treatment. I need something to get me out of the house!!
Lolis I had a bit of spotting 3 days after my first round of chemo which continued fur a few alternative days then spotting for 1 day a few days after my 2 nd round
I also still have wisps of hair on my scalp that don't seem to be going anywhere. My hubby offered to shave them off but I'm good with having them there. My scalp did hurt and got very itchy when the hair started coming out. A cold compress really helped
Lolis you might want to use the lint roller. It really helped!!
The dry mouth seems to have calmed down although it's still there but not as bad as earlier this week. I just can't believe how tired I feel in the morning
Once I exercise I start to feel better
We had a band practice last night for the first time since late last year. OMG! It was great! I picked up my guitar and sang. It felt so "normal "!!!!
I hope that everyone has a wonderful day!!!!