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January 2014 Surgery Sisters



  • lighthouselady
    lighthouselady Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2014

    Oh Laurie - great job!  Relay for Life was such an emotional night for me.....kudos to you for representing us all so well!  {{hugs}}

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited June 2014

    Good luck tomorrow, Eve!


  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited June 2014

    Wow, do you think I will get some bling?  
    thanks, Mary.

    All will be well.

    love, Eve

  • lighthouselady
    lighthouselady Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2014

    haha. Maybe I should try that. I'm at appointment #3 of the day and have already stripped down twice... Once for exam and photos (never get used to that) at plastic surgeon and again for gyno exam and pap at gynecological oncologist. 

    I do have my recon surgery scheduled... Nov 5th I'll have permanent squishy foobs and thinner thighs!  LOL

    Also will have hysterectomy mid-August. 

    Waiting for check up with breast surgeon now.

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited June 2014

    Yeah, I think what this cartoon is hinting at is the tradition of flashing your boobs on Bourbon Street at Mardi Gras for bead necklaces. If I had a necklace for every time I stripped for docs, nurses, residents, or assistants, well, I don't think I could wear them all. I'll never get used to them feeling me up, even if I can't feel it anymore! My first BS was at a university teaching hospital. During my first exam, 3 or 4 residents were brought in and stood in line to feel my tumor during my first visit. Very strange...!

    Congrats on getting a date for your exchange, Michelle. I'm 6 weeks away from mine! Can't wait! Winking

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited June 2014

    Hmmm, just a little humor here, but I think about when I showed off my new implants 30-something years ago! Had 'em standing in line!  But, never got any bling. Now, I just walk into a doctor's office and strip off my top without being asked to do so. One of these days that's gonna be a bad thing, depending on what kind of doctor. Oh, Lord, can you imagine what my dentist would say?? Bawling

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited June 2014

    lol lol Polly,

    Right before the BC dx I was at my pcp....he wanted to examine my I just stared stripping off my top...he was like oh oh no wait....I have to uh get the nurse....lmao........dude they are just boobs...sooooo very funny.

    Mary, I get it with the bevy of young docs observing....After I had my implants done back in the 80's my gyno was amazed that they were inserted through my armpits....he asked if his partners could come in and take a look....well ok, no problem, but you do realize Dr that I am lying on this freaking table pretty much exposed up to my eyeballs. Would they like to look anywhere else?

    I like the reference back to Mardi Gras. Anymore its like What the hell....I hate it all too.

     So we'll see if I have to bare it all tomorrow....I think I will start charging for the boob flash.





  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited June 2014

    Polly - well, I guess we're just going to have to take your word for it since we haven't seen any pics, lol! 

    During one recent appt. I had the gown on backwards for a different doc and she rearranged it for me, saying I was wearing it like a breast cancer patient. What's the diff? My DH said why don't you just leave it off?

    One time I was waiting for someone at the PS's office to take me back to the "photo studio" for my update pics. I was sitting with my gown hanging open and the lady says, "Make sure your gown is snapped when we walk across the hall." Like - who cares?

    Here's another one for you, lol!


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited June 2014

    That is so true! And I still do it! If I wear a camisole to my PS office, I hide it...weird

  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    Eve, good luck with your appointment today!

    Diane, went to MT class last night.  Felt pretty good about myself especially when I had a chemo infusion on Tuesday.  I walked 2 miles while the rest of class jogged.  When we go outside we do running up and down a hill forward, backward and side ways.  Managed quite a few of those before we went inside.  Didn't want to over do it but I did try a few round house kicks into the pad and front and back leg jabs.  Felt great! Stayed away from any upper body contact and focused on my modified push ups. 

    One newer person in class had some muscle spasms that wouldn't go away and she wanted 911 called. First time ever they had been called to the gym.  The woman is fine but the irony wasn't lost when my friend who helps run class was on line with 911 and explaining that a bald woman with a do rag on her head would be meeting the paramedics outside to show them the way.  Chemo girl to the rescue! 

    I sure hope this is the beginning of a great weekend for all.  It's another beautiful Michigan summer day!

  • levassel
    levassel Member Posts: 254
    edited June 2014

    Good luck today Eve....hope you get answers to all of your concerns!

    Let us know!


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited June 2014

    Today, I am going to have the procedure where they stick the needle in between your neck vertebra. It is supposed to bring heavenly relief to those of us that suffer from frozen shoulder and neck pain, which I've had for quite awhile. I will let you know how much it hurts! Getting nauseous just thinking about it as time closes in on me!!!

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited June 2014

    Ann! You Are one bad a$$ kicking warrior princess! This is for you...

    Ok this kitty's not kicking but she's got spirit!! You go girl!


  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited June 2014

    Polly - good luck with your shot today! Please let me know how it goes. I just found out I have a frozen shoulder in addition to a bone spur and arthritis in that same shoulder. I've been seeing several PTs since my surgery and it happened despite all the intervention. Very frustrating. I don't want to take high doses of NSAIDs or the cortisone shot they recommend. I'd like to try acupuncture first - have you tried it?

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited June 2014

    I have all of that! But I haven't tried the acupuncture except when I had a nerve conduction test. Let you know how it goes!

  • levassel
    levassel Member Posts: 254
    edited June 2014

    Anybody out there download music?   If you can download "Be Okay" by Oh Honey.  I just love it!  Makes me cry sometimes.  Very uplifting!  I'm going to blast it at the relay!


  • levassel
    levassel Member Posts: 254
    edited June 2014

    I think it's a song that anybody would love....but it has special meaning to me...and to us all.


  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited June 2014

    hi ladies,

    first of all thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support. ((hugs))

    The appointment with the MO (a woman) was wonderful. She listened and was very willing to answer all of the questions my friend and I had. Very informative, and accepting of my concerns and views on taking an AI. Absolutely a perfect fit for me.
    She wasn't pushing the meds at all, and stated she didn't like to base everything upon statistics, because you just can never really know what is going to happen with a stray stem cell. Her advice was to base my decision based upon Quality of Life and the Ai's benefits of protecting against reoccurrence. She completely respected my intelligence and the research I have done.

    She is all for evidence based alternative/natural medicine including acupuncture, herbs and supplements.  And recommended I see a colleague of hers and my BS, who is a respected naturopath that works with cancer patients. My BS has recommended the same DR. he is an MD

    That will be the next step.

    I will have an MRI in January 2015. (I hate MRI's so I will be drugged up for that :)  )

    The burning and stabbing pain I have been feeling is normal and is still part of the healing process.

    My neck and shoulder pain is inflammation and arthritis and I will take CoQ10 for that. I have to quit my rowing regime until that heals or the joints get lubricated. :P The new doc should be able to help me with that.

    To sum was a very encouraging visit. I felt listened to, supported, and walked out feeling so much less anxious. AND, I was not charged for the visit. HUH! nope no charge for initial consult. There is an angel out there. I think it is my BS. It was obvious that my BS spoke with the MO. Mo knew way too much about me that is not contained in normal medical records.  So grateful for the extra attention.

    Life is good.


    have to eat.





  • levassel
    levassel Member Posts: 254
    edited June 2014

    glad to hear your appointment was positive Eve.  


  • lighthouselady
    lighthouselady Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2014

    Oh Eve, can you clone your new MO and send her to me???   I would love to have a woman MO who actually LISTENS and seems on board with what I want and what's best for me.

    I'm glad your visit went so well.

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited June 2014

    So wonderful Eve!  Get some really good rest tonight Snooze

  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited June 2014

    This has been a crazy week...and I have 10 minutes to leave for class, but since I started to post this several times, I'm going to see how I do. :)

    Laurie - just absolutely LOVED you broadcast! Is the Relay today?  You will totally rock it, and blast that song...playing it on my phone as I type, and it's fantastic.

    Eve - I just knew that things would go your way.  Your spirit just brings out the goodness in people.  So glad it was so positive.

    Ann - I can't begin to tell you how much in awe I am of your tenacity.  Most people struggle just to get up and go to work with chemo, let alone kicking and running drills!  Chemo girl to the rescue...what a picture!  Love it.

    Polly - Hilarious posts.  How was the shot?  I so hope it works for you!  I'm getting a cortisone shot in my tailbone (old injury) in a few weeks.  I usually get them every 6 months, but couldn't because of bc, but have been cleared by my PS now.  I can't wait to get rid of the literal pain in my ass and referred pain to my hip.

    Mary - Love the punching kitty!  I think that has to go up on my Facebook!  Countdown to exchange - Yay!

    Michelle - It pisses me off that your MO isn't listening...makes me want to kick something.  I'm glad you have your exchange date.  I remember how good it felt just knowing it was coming.  Hopefully the Hysto will go smoothly. 

    Thought I would share a few pics from my son's 5th grade promotion.  Included is a rare picture of hi dad and I in the same photo...also a pic of some BC workout towels given to us by one of the Master's wives (a 13 year survivor herself).  We'll be taking them to the floor at the testing for sure!

    Time to go kick and punch!  Hugs to all!



  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited June 2014


    She thinks the hardened part is swelling?!? I'm like but I'm swollen here and it's soft... She said its from swelling settling.. Whatdya think?

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited June 2014

    Man!!! So much going on with everyone! Good to hear the good news everyone has been receiving!!!! I went to the relay for life last week- wow very emotional. I was there at night with my sister and daughters; 7 and 9 years old. We all stood in the middle of the crowd crying! I was worried it was too much for the girls but we hugged and talked and smiled. I think deep down we really needed that. I know I did. I'm feeling more upbeat and accepting of my new foobs. Still emotional at times but I think I'll always have those moments, gotta allow myself to have them and move on is what I've come to understand. As long as I can always move on. Looking to be a new me after the hysterectomy in July. New foobs, new job, no more bleeding each month... Can't flipping wait!!!! I mean this from the bottom of my heart... Thank you all for being there with me on this journey!! You are all my silver linings!!!!! My new friends in this terrible thing called cancer. See, something did come out Of this... YOU

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited June 2014

    All of you are great. Ddkd, that son of yours is soo handsome but most of all, he's happy. And Mommyathome, where are some pics? I bet this a moving moment for you and it sounds very healing.

    My injections went well. They know I'm a puker so the first thing they did was slap me with some med to keep that from happening. My left arm was marked as restricted so I didn't have to worry someone was gonna sneak up and do something to it. Knowing this would be the first time on my stomach, the techs had several ideas and worked to make me comfortable before anything started. They even tore up some egg crate material to fit. Then there is a special face helmet to fit the hole which keeps your chest pressure elevated while exposing your neck. There was a slide show on a computer going that you could watch and I felt only one needle prick as they started to numb it. I kept telling them I couldn't feel the margarita yet and I think I was telling them again when I was instantly transported to my little cubicle drinking crankberry juice with my DH. He said I repeated the whole thing to him several times. I'm a chatty Kathy anyway so he just let me chatter. Got an order of French fries on the way home and went to sleep. Have not had any neck pain or shoulder pain. I had 3 vertebra injections on the right and 2 on the left. It will be interesting to see how this benefits my recovery with my ongoing therapy. I don't understand why if you have pain and especially if it is ongoing or was there before BC, would that not be part of your treatment? How can you heal if something is already broken?

    I will tell you that I did not ask permission to do this. This doctor is part of a Neurology team that is trying to control a spasm that occurs in my left hand and as they continue to work on this and rule out certain things, they are all aware of my BC and how it is being treated. I can't say that is the way it is for my BC team. It was my neurologist who found I was terribly low on B12 and started me on injections plus pills plus minerals, etc. I told my MO did they need me to fax that info to them and he said no, it was okay, you just could have too much B12!!!

    So, my next stop is to find a new PCP and an Endocronologist  (sp?) to check every little thing. My PT recommended reflexology as well and to find an acupuncturist that is realiable. I've learned that if I don't do it, I can't depend on any one doctor to do it for me. I made the assumption that my PCP and MO would know what was going on in my body, especially at a vitamin level.

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited June 2014

    going back and reading through posts ...If I miss anyone ....forgive me.

    Polly, you are totally cracking me up. I am the same way with...well there is a pink paper thingy..that I have to put know why bother...I'll just strip and save the dang money on the pink paper coverlet. My pcp back in the day...wanted to do a breast exam and I am just starting to pull of my shirt....sooooo funny, he threw his hands up in the air, spun around and was like !NO NOT YET! he had to leave first and wait for his nurse to come in before he could be alone with me ...half naked. God, the whole thing just cracks me up. I just want to hurry things up so I can get the hell out of the Drs office.

    Diane, love, love , the pics. Agree totally, David is a cutie...keep him close.

    Michelle, do you take anyone with you to your appointments? My BFF went with me to the MO and had her own questions about me. She is there to kick butt if need be.  My Mo was the bomb.  Totally supportive. Answered all my questions and even told me what my BS had planned for on-going follow-ups, scans etc. It was clear they were in sync with my care. I think everyone should have the same care. If not, run to someone new!

    gotta go, hubby has dinner ready....

    be back

    love and huge hugs





  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited June 2014

    Wow - lots happening here and in the coming months. Exciting!!!

    Eve - happy to hear things went well for you at the MO's. What is CoQ10? You're lucky that your doc is following you with scans. I wish that I could have them, although my MO's office listens to me whenever I report something that seems strange - they are ON it! I think if I really begged them to do it and told them I was losing sleep, they would do them.

    Polly - were those shots just for frozen shoulder or something else not diagnosed yet? Sounds awful.

    Thanks Diane, for "liking" my kitty boxer! :) I'm a cat lover and couldn't resist posting that.

    Beverly - glad to hear you're feeling better about the new foobs! I'm feeling nervous and anxious about my upcoming surgery.

    Michelle - you've got a lot ahead of you. Keep going! Wish you were in a better place with your MO. I've only met my MO once and that was before surgery. The rest of my visits have been with her NP. She is a dynamo, but still - it would be nice to see a doctor. I think for me the hard part is over and now it's just doing the standard checkup which is basically a physical exam and asking "How are you feeling?" That's about it.

    I think it's amazing that the medical community these days is recommending alternative healing methods like you all mentioned - reflexology, acupuncture, herbs and supplements. I think it's great because these things can only help - they can't hurt ya, that's for sure!

    I decided to start taking Yoga again. It's been a looong time since I've been in a class and I'm going to have to start slow! It'll have to be modified, of course, due to my shoulder pain. Another one of my goals is to set aside time each day to meditate and do deep breathing exercises. I've been referred to the Integrative Medicine Program at my clinic for a consultation. I'm hoping to do acupuncture and massage. I'm not sure these are covered by insurance, but I figure I could at least do one or two sessions just to see what it's like. I would have gone sooner, but I've been spending so much time at mom's relieving my brother from caregiving duties. It's getting to the point where the driving and the time away from home is getting to me. I'm exhausted and crabby and not fun to be around. But since we are going to be moving mom soon, there's going to be even more work to do, plus mom is probably going to freak out and get super agitated. She may even refuse to go. That's going to take some creative cajoling on our part. More learning ahead ..... There'll be packing and unpacking to do....(sigh), and countless other details I'm sure we haven't even thought of yet. This is hard stuff, but after it's done, I'm hoping we can all breathe a sigh of relief knowing we did our best by her.

    Sweet dreams all!

  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited June 2014

    Mary - It sounds like yoga and meditation are just what you need to help you through such a stressful time. You are doing the right thing for your mom, at the most difficult time. Hang in there,, and know that we are all with you.

    Try not to worry about the exchange. I was nervous too...more nervous than with my BMX but didn't need to be. It's outpatient surgery for a reason, and recovery is nothing compared to BMX. The important thing is managing your expectations. We get used to the way the TEs make us look and the permanent implants are different, so it takes some getting used to. Although I have one more surgery for fat grafting, my foobs are looking better every week. The scars are fading, and I can sleep on my side without any pain now. After my August surgery I'll see about posting my photos on the photo forum....just not ready yet.   

    Happy Monday everyone!


  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited June 2014

    good morning all,

    Hang in there Mary. You have a lot to contend with, but you have made it this far., you can go the distance. Remember to carve out some time for yourself. I think I "get" to have the MRI in January is because I am not taking  an AI. They keep a closer eye on you.

    I am making this quick, I have to help Nate pack up for our camping trip to the beach. I should be floating in the ocean by 2pm.

    Whoo hoo!

    The pooch is coming so it should be a blast watching her in the water.

    I am not bringing the laptop, so I see you all on Wednesday.

    love to all,




  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited June 2014

    Thanks Diane and Eve! It helps to know you guys are out there and that someone cares. Yes, Eve, I get your drift about the scan. Just the uncertainty, you know - it always gets me going especially when I'm feeling down. Tomorrow it will be one year to the day that I got The Call. I think I've been dwelling on that too much and reliving those awful moments in my head. Anyways... I'm gonna try my best not to focus on that - going to line up some Yoga classes and start meditating :)

    Diane, thanks for the foob advice. Ok, I'm forewarned...I'll try to manage my expectations, but sometimes I'm not in charge of my emotions, lol!! I'm looking forward to just getting it done and over with so I can put this all behind me...hopefully.

    Happy floating Eve! Sounds heavenly!!ThumbsUp

    Edited - oops, it's actually one year ago today! Just saw my signature....I'm fighting back by enjoying the wonderful sunshine. Going out to garden now...  love you guys!