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January 2014 Surgery Sisters



  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited July 2014

    So I'm sitting in my hospital bed and my roommates doctor is giving her her results. She has ovarian cancer and don't over do any strenuous things. She said you know the saying, no pain, no gain? It doesn't apply in this case. There is no reason to be in pain! My roomie only wanted Tylenol no narcotics!!! Everyone is so different!!

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited July 2014

    Oh wow, that's too bad for her. Maybe it's a good sign then that your results will take 2-3 weeks since she is getting hers right away?

    Rest up!Happy

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited July 2014

    Beverly, so great you are resting! Hopefully the nausea will fade away, sleep helps. Nerdy

  • levassel
    levassel Member Posts: 254
    edited July 2014

    Just popping in to see what's been going on.  Seems everyone is doing pretty good.  The appropriate amount of pain....fear...and anxiety!  Lol

    Beverly, glad to hear surgery is over! 

    Mary.  Sorry to hear how difficult it has been with your mom.  I hope things start to get easier for you both.

    I am getting my fill ports removed Friday.  Not a big deal really.  An hour tops.  But it done with local anesthetic.  That kinds freaks me out.  They will only cut 1" incision behind each foob and pull out the ports.  I just don't feel to comfy about it.

    Then MRI next Wednesday.  Eve....I got ATIVAN for it!   They gave me 4 tabs.  He said to take 1-4 an hour before.  Is that a lot?


  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2014

    Hey Laurie,

    I am SUPER claustrophobic....SUPER!  I didn't realize it until I had the MRI. So for me if my doc said I could take 4, I am taking 4. My MRI lasted 40 minutes, it wasn't until the very end, at 5 minutes left, that I started to really feel panicky. I fault the techs for not telling me how much time was left. When I started to hold my hands wide open that they asked if I was ok...well, HELL NO! so the woman tech came in and held my hand for a sec and said that I only had 3 minutes left and that I was in the most important part of the test, meaning the contrast was injected and it would show the tumors.  Just her holding my hand made all the difference. Those last minutes....I counted down the seconds on my fingers.  Man o Man, I was so glad to get out of there. I felt and looked like I had been hit by a bus.

    So now that you are totally scared, sorry, take the meds. My BS said she was all for knocking me out for the next one. She is claustrophobic also. Yay!

    If all they are doing is your uterus, you probably will be face up and not brought into the machine the whole way. So that is better.  Can you do an open MRI? I'll be asking about that method.

    For MRI number two I think I will be a lot better, but I am still taking everything she will give me. And finding a new facility.

    Diane had no problem though.  I guess I am just a be it...I going for the max in meds.

    I am curious if the next one after BMX will be shorter? hope so.

    And are they doing your foobs and uterus? I think I would request both. As long as you're there...might as well.

    I have found a lump...pea sized...just like the smaller tumors I had..:P I see BS on August 3rd so depending on what she thinks I will be requesting an ultra sound or the dreaded MRI.

    Sorry for being a downer...but you know I don't pull punches.

    Beverly, glad everything went well. When do you get to go home? Rest easy girl.




  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2014


    every challenge makes you stronger.

    I received in the mail today a notice that my cable/internet service bill was going up by $20 bucks a month...what? no way jose! so I got on the internet and checked out the deals my cable company was putting forth. :P a big :P.

    So I called, armed with my BC friends attitude!! ya! ladies, I got a re-set on my "deal" only paying one solitary dollar a month more.! HA! I can handle that.

    I rock, you rock, we all ROCK!



  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited July 2014


    I will be going home tomorrow or Friday.  Not trying to rush to get home because ill have the 4 kids..., 

    I've been up walking to keep things loose but getting in and out of be certainly sucks!!! I have an itchy rash, again. Keeping an eye on dilaudid... Hope I'm not allergic to this too!!! I am allergic to Percocet and these are similar symptoms. I keep telling myself, this too shall pass!!!

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2014

    good girl!

    get the rest you need before you face the 4. Don't hesitate to tell the nurses about the rash...I am sure there is something else they can give you to ease the pain. AND keep up and walking...the best thing you can do.


  • lindacam
    lindacam Member Posts: 97
    edited July 2014

    Glad you are doing well, make you are ready to face the little ones.  How old are they?

  • Jackiegray
    Jackiegray Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2014

    Hello ladies I am looking for advice. I had a BMX in January no further treatment needed. My friend has now been diagnosised and she will need chemo and radiation what can I do to help her through her treatment! What things did others do to help you through? 

  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited July 2014

    Hi Jackie:  I'm sure Michelle, Linda or Ann will have some good advice for you.  Ann recommended the book The Silver Linings to us a while ago.  I have read a lot of it, including the chapters on chemo and rads, and there is a lot of practical advice an inspiration in those pages.  Your friend will already be better off having a friend lie you who understands how it feels to hear those words...even if your battle was different. 

    Ladies - personal milestone! I hit the 20 lb. mark on my training diet this morning.  Only 5 pounds to go to pre-BMX weight!  I feel so much better, and am getting some of my speed back.  Tonight we did light sparring drills tonight and for the first time, I donned my newl Surgery Sisters Viking Breast Plate sports bra (yep, my new name for it) under my regular chest protector.  It works just fine, even when one of the Masters blasted me with a roundhouse to the solar plexus.  She was hilarious...wanted to be the first one to kick me with it as a test.  We all had a good laugh and it felt so good to be out there like everyone else...I just can't describe it.  These were baby step drills and I'm still plenty worried about the sparring part of the testing, especially from the stamina side of it, but I'm encouraged that I should be able to get through it without popping my foobs! :)   

    Beverly - glad you are doing well.  I get wanting to stay in the hospital until you feel stronger and an handle the kids.  I'm sorry for your room mate.

    Eve - you are anything BUT a wimp.  I'm not claustrophobic, so there was no bravery involved with my MRI, since you can't be brave if you aren't scared and  I did take an Ativan when I had my PET/CT because I was nervous.  

    Laurie - I say take the drugs and relax.   It takes the edge off for sure and there is no down side unless you have somewhere to go, or don't have a ride home. LOL.

    Sweet dreams ladies!


  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited July 2014

    Diane, Linda and eve,

    Thanks for your posts. Well my roommate went home late yesterday afternoon. I'm doing ok- well I will be in a couple of days- I'm extremely sore especially when getting in and out of bed. They changed my medication from dilaudid to NorCo because I have an itchy rash similar to the one I got for Percocet and I was allergic... I've been weesing a lot do the nurse wanted me to cough to clear.... Omfg!!!! That hurts!! I started crying. I've been walking the halls every now and then. Sometimes with my husband, sometimes a nurse. We live an hour from the hospital do my husbands been driving back and forth and my family have taken the kids in. I'm so blessed to have their help!!! The nurse asked me on our walk if I felt up to going home today. I said no! I'm very sore, nauseous, and having difficulty breathing. I hope I won't have to fight for another night but I think I need it! For the BMx they basically kicked me out too early- I was being pushed out with a barf bucket. But that was a different hospital. We will see. What should I say if they MAKE me go home?!?!

  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2017

    hello everyone.  Wow, a lot going on right now.  

    Eve, did I read a few posts back that you found a Lump? Rant on my friend all you want. When is your appointment?  Can't be soon enough.  Sorry, if I got this wrong. Blaming it on chemo brain.

    Laurie, good luck with getting your fill ports out. I am not familiar with that type of te.  Mine have a magnetic area that the ps locates and puts the syringe directly through the skin into the expander.  

    Mary, hope a few days in your mom is doing better so you and your brother can relax a bit.

    Beverly, glad the surgery went well.  If they send you home ask about a visiting nurse or other home care support for the first few days.  Sounds like hubby and family will be around for support and I know you won't hesitate to ask them for additional help with the kiddos.

    Jackie, I am in the middle of chemo now.  1 round do TC, 3 rounds of AC and started my first taxol on Thursday.  Will have them weekly for total of 12.  Outside of the book Diane mentioned you can also check out some of the chemo threads to see what some women go through.  I am in the starting chemo in April thread which is pretty active.  Just checking in and visibly showing your support will be of help.   Ask if you can drive her to and from chemo appointments or sit with her during treatment. She won't or shouldn't want to drive herself home.  I am always tired or a bit loopy.  Purchase a cute scarf for her or go wig shopping together in advance.  Send a card.  I found starting chemo 3 months after my BMX harder emotionally than the surgery itself.  Be prepared for that with your friend.  Chemo is so visible 24/7 to everyone, including oneself that you can't hide from it or pretend in denial for a moment.  I was pretty good at that. So, wearing wigs and scarves in public was hard for me in the beginning.  I am over it now but still don't like wearing a wig.

    Girls, I name my wigs for fun.  Veronica is the one you have seen in my pics.  I have sporty Rachel which is the same color as Veronica but a slightly shorter style.  I picked up Sharon Stone at the local look good, feel better wig bank Thursday.  Yes, she is very blond and short.  Debuted her at my daughter's grad party on Friday and my mom didn't recognize me. Lol. She is my personal favorite so far,  DH fave is still Veronica.  Love having choices!

    Diane, so proud of you.  It takes hard work and dedication to have lost the weight and trained like you.  I have this mental picture in my mind of you looking like Wonder Woman with your Surgery Sister Viking breast plate on and your long dark hair flowing.  I think you need a Wonder Woman tiara!

    Long post....will go for now!  Happy day everyone!

  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2014

    mmta-  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the names and personas for your wigs!  You are an inspiration to all of us for finding the bright spots in some tough situations.  I think your suggestions to Jackie were right on target.  I did not have to have chemo but my MIL did, and rides to and from appointments were so helpful to her.  We will be counting down the treatments with you...hang in there!!  Hugs!!


  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited July 2014


    Dr said I'm healing good but agreed to have me stay in hospital 1 more night do I'll go home tomorrow

  • Dtkd
    Dtkd Member Posts: 422
    edited July 2014

    Ann - You are an amazing woman. The strength it tastes to keep fighting with grace and humor humble me, as does your willingness to support the rest of us emotionally along the way. I'm understand putting on a good game face for others so read your post and can feel the undercurrent of emotion. I can't seem to stop the tears...wishing I could be of more support. Hugs to you.

    I've been battling some wicked joint pain for the past few months so about a week ago I went to see my PCP. She had blood work done and a few days later called and referred me to a Rheumatologist. It seems I tested positive for the substance that is indicative of rheumatoid arthritis. My appointment was a few days ago and they still aren't sure, so I will have a musculoskeletal ultrasound at the end of the month. Basically I have pain in my feet, knees, hips and elbows in the morning and every time I get up after sitting or in activity. Aleve takes the edge off, but its likely to be a challenge during testing when i have to sit periodically and jump. Ive never had knee pain before and the elbow pain is a challenge during forms, as it is always present. here are times when I feel more like geriatric than like wonder woman, but I have my own game face. Last week was hard, but am focusing on those silver of which is all of you.


  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2014

    mommyathome- So glad your doc agreed to one more night.  Rest, as much as you can, and heal, heal, heal!!

    Diane- Hope they can determine what is going on and provide you some relief.  Know we are thinking of you!


  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited July 2014

    Hi all!

    Well yesterday mom and I had about as nice a visit as one could expect. When I walked in, she grabbed my hand and arm and held on like she thought I'd run away. I have no words for the look on her face .... a cross between relief and desperation? I won't elaborate too much about it on this thread since it's off topic and don't want to depress anyone here. Let's just say the Ativan is helping me sleep and that's a good thing! I'm going back to my psychologist who helped me through difficulties before and am looking for a support group. I've also been relying on the hotline at the Alzheimer's Association.

    Diane - LOVE the Surgery Sister Viking breast plate!!! And I love Ann's visual of you as Wonder Woman :)) Yes, you need a new tiara - and a cape. I'll have to look for a new graphic! Every time I'm sitting here thinking I'm too tired or in too much pain to get up and go for a walk, I think of you and Ann out there kicking butt - in more ways than one. Diane, sorry to hear of the possible RA diagnosis. I've been wondering the same thing about myself. For a long time now - way before bc - I've had pain and stiffness in the morning and after sitting down. I can't sit too long or I have difficulties getting up and moving around afterwards. I can relate to the old lady feeling. Even walking is sometimes a challenge ... talk about feeling like a wimp! Anyways, I"m crossing my fingers for you - wishing you the strength you need to power through this!  

    Eve - Sorry to hear about the lump. That is soooo scary! I hope you can get in quickly for an ultrasound. BTW, how did things turn out with Nate's spot?

    Laurie - Good luck to you with this last step in getting "done." Hopefully this will be the last surgery for you! How exciting to be almost done! Are you planning on having nipple surgery or tattoos? I can't remember if you had NSBMX.

    Beverly - Hope you get closer to feeling better during your last day in the hospital! Sending healing vibes to you!

    Michelle - where are  you? You must be so busy having fun with your kids this summer you don't have time to post. I hope so, anyway!

    Luv and hugs to all!

  • levassel
    levassel Member Posts: 254
    edited July 2014

    thanks everyone!  No...I decided not to do nipples or tattooing.  Maybe someday get fun tattoos on my breasts.


  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2014

    mary, so glad the Ativan is helping....sleeping well is such a relief and escape from all the crap. Good job being pro active in getting the support you need. Sounds like mom will be ok. The more she becomes aware that you and your brothers have not abanded her, hopefully she will relax a bit. I don't think anything is off topic on our thread.

    Fabulous job Diane! I love the image of you as Wonder rock!

    Yup found a lump. I see my BS in early August, so I will keep an eye on it.  If it is a leftover from surgery, it will grow pretty fast as my other ones did. I am not worried, been there done that. Thanks for asking about Nate's spot. He has to see an ENT doc. BUT, and I am worried, Nate won't go until after labor day. Talk about wanting to kick someone's a$$. He manages a 3PL warehouse, the summer is just incredibly wild for him so he won't take time off. arggggghhhhhhh! But it is his call, sooooo I won't nag him.

    Beverly, so glad you get to stay one more night. You get to go home on Independence Day. How appropriate for you. Almost done. Feel well!

    Hope things go swiftly for you tomorrow, Laurie. Take an Ativan, boy I really promote that stuff don't I? SillyHeart. It will help because you will be awake. But at least you won't have a stay in the hospital, take care.

    Have a fabulous weekend ladies.  Nate is bringing me Steak and Shake for dinner tonight, he is barbqueing Jerk chicken tomorrow, we pick Daniel up from Boy Scout camp on Sat. so that will mean Pizza and a ton of laundry. I won't have to lift a finger all where is my tiara..

    love to all,





  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2014

    Eve-  wear that tiara proudly!!  You rock!!  Enjoy the week-end and wouldn't it be great if you didn't lift a finger!!  Haha, but as you said, you have that stinky, camp laundry!  My son came home from LAX camp and the bag was beyond smelly!!

    Happy Fourth!


  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited July 2014

    Eve, there's not much you can do about DH's decision - it's his body. But that must be so frustrating for you! 

    DOH! I forgot to mention some of the good things happening right now! Oh well, a crisis tends to do that to a person. Okay ....

    We're spending the long holiday weekend at the cabin - leaving tonight. I hope to get lots of swimming and paddleboating in. Then when we get home I'll pack my suitcase again and head to the cities where the fun continues all next week. My brother and nephew are coming for a visit next week. They live in Vancouver, WA. We haven't seen them for 2 years!! I'm sooo excited! They want to visit with mom and spend as much time with her as possible, so I am planning our itinerary and it's going to be so FUN with all of us together!! Mom will love it! DH and I are staying at a really nice hotel close to mom with lots of things to do nearby. It will be expensive, but we haven't had a vacation since I don't know when. DH will love it because it will be a break from his usual daily 4 hour commute to work.

    Both my nephews have done summer vacations here in MN since they were toddlers. Only the youngest is coming this time, though. He just graduated from high school (with honors plus in top 5% in his class). He'll be attending the University of Washington next fall, so who knows when he'll be coming back to MN. He'd absolutely hate this if he knew - I'm posting a pic here, but will take it down later today.

    I'm just so darn proud of him!!


  • 2-boys_mom
    2-boys_mom Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2014

    Hi all!  I have been away for a long while due to my kids busy schedule and just had my exchange surgery Monday.  One step closer!  Nipple reconstruction and tattoos up next!  

    So glad to hear how well most are getting through their journey!  Eve-I will be praying for you and Nate!

    Diane so glad you are kicking butt!  Hope they figure out what is bothering you!  Can't wait until I lift weights again!  Keep up the good work!

    Beverly best of luck in your recovery. I wish you the best school year -I will be going back for the first time since January!   I think I need to continue the celexa!!! 

    I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th and continues on the road to recovery!!!

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2014


    sounds like a blast! your nephew is a doll, what a cutie. Congrats to him on the outstanding grades. My mom, dad, aunt, cousins, and my cousin' s niece all went to U of W. Beeeeeeutiful campus. I just love Seattle. Best wishes to him.

    Yup a mountain of stinky laundry...especially here in hot and humid Fl. Peeeeewwwwww. That is why my little tough Boy Scout is going to learn to do his own laundry. He is on his way to being 12 yo afterall,  AND I know he is going to come home all full of himself! Oh the horror. Winking  Did I say I love that kid! he makes me jelly toast for breakfast when he is here. yum

    Thanks for the prayers.  Right back at'cha.





  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited July 2014

    Well as I said one more day in the hospital. Today I'm pretty campy but no blood. Just got a new roommate. She had a miscarriage at 9 weeks so she's in for a d and c.... Seems like there is so much that we deal with. If its not one thing it's another ! It's so important to have positive people in your life, someone who no matter how difficult the situation is you can dig deep and say I got this- we got this! I am so lucky to have this with my husband and my family. My mom and sister just left with 3 of my 4 kids. Gosh how I love them. I hope they see me- or will as they grow older- as a strong woman. I have been through so much these past few months-this all started in October 2013 with my regular annual exam. My gynogologc issues have been there for the past 2 years. My kids have even made comments that I never go swimming with them etc. now I can!!! We will see if  feeling up the road trip to Cooperstown ny. The plan is to leave July 10 and drive to Albany and stay over then in the morning drive 2 more hours to Cooperstown. My daughter kaya is on the softball all stars team send has a game at 545 do we will leave after that. Then my family is taking kaya 10, Hannah 7 and Juliana 4 to myrtle beach for the week. Now I just have to look for a chair that i can get in and out of.... Any thoughts?!

  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2014

    wow, Beverly that must be heart wrenching to have had one roommate diagnosed with ovarian cancer and then the next roommate comes in after loosing her baby. Such an emotional place to be. My heart goes out to your roommates.

     I was once in the hospital where I had an ectopic pregnancy and came very close to dying.  I was 31 at the time, my roommate was a 19yo. She was about to get married. She was there because the docs discovered that she had cystic fibrosis.  Wow. So scary for such a young woman. She was in significant pain with drains into her lungs. On morphine 24/7. Not a good prognosis at all. We talked all night and her concern was for me.  My concern was for her. My GYN said I was lucky to be alive...but my roommate may not have lived.  I am glad I had those few hours to comfort her.

    A friend of my older son posted on FB recently about feeling unempowered. he is 30yo. His mom had a heart transplant many years ago. She died anyway. He is alone and still dealing with the loss. I just told him to live the day not the years. All of his friends and that means my son"s friends liked my simple post.

    So my friend keep living the moment. LIVE THE MOMENT. What can you do for others...the women in your room.

    You have so much experience now to uplift others.  To let other women that you meet know that , quite frankly it is not the chair you seek to ease your pain, but the knowledge you have obtained through your experience to ease their pain.

    After a few c sections you know you just need some pillows behind your back, sit on the edge of a chair or couch and get up!

    Just get up! and teach your little ones this year that they are strong, just like you! No doubt! girl, no doubts!

    written with love,



  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2014

    Just wanted to put this out there...

    Tomorrow is The 4th of July.  My sons have served our country.  My younger son Steven is a Marine, he did a tour in Iraq. My older son, Sean did 5 years as a corpsman(medic) with the Navy in Afghanistan. I know some gruesome stories from their time in the sandbox. Stories no one wants to really know. Nonetheless. my sons did their duty to our country and did it well. They did not always like what they were called to do, but served us with honor.  I am so very proud of my boys and others that over the last 230+ years that have tried to form a better union. I think, as we all have had our own challenges of late can understand the commitment to be our best and do our duty as women and comrades in this nasty fight against BC.

    I am not sure if the goal is to get better. I am sure the the fight should include that no one is left  alone to face this by herself or himself for that matter, by themselves.

    My personal feeling is to be there in anyway I can, but that doesn't always manifest in a kind and nurturing way.  I expect and welcome a challenge to be better, to get up and move and continue to grow...forward.

    I feel it is my responsibility to be the best I can be. To help others through this mess and be grateful for every word you all post.

    You all have been my backbone on countless occasions. you have propped me up and driven me forward. I sure as hell don't want to go back.  I falter everyday. but I look to my sons that never faltered in their service.  I look to all the young men and women that support our flag and our liberties...I feel I owe them my very best.

    and I promise to you, my friends, and my sons I will continue to try.

    Best wishes on this Independence Day.

    Love you all


  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    edited July 2014


    From the moment she walked into the room she pulled the curtain completely around her and her boyfriend. They seem very young and have not had their parents in so I don't feel comfortable just sparking up a conversation. With grace I did. She spoke about her diagnosis and I spoke about nine and when she left last night we wished each other well on the journey. 

  • anneb1149
    anneb1149 Member Posts: 821
    edited July 2014

    Wow-so much going on with everyone. Beverly- glad you get to go home tomorrow. Hope all goes well with your roommates. Eve-will be praying about that lump & that Nate will realize health is more important than work. 

    I have had a tough week myself. One of my closest friend's daughter had a severely handicapped baby two years ago. They knew he was blind before he was born and that there was brain damage, but had no idea how severe the damage was. He had optic nerves, but they were not connected either to his eyes or brain. The MRI done right after birth showed major gaps in the skull where the brain just had not developed. His life was one hospital stay after another. He passed away this past Sun at 2 years old. What made it so tough for me is that I wasn't there- I am in Ga. She is a close enough friend that my first response was to book a flight home immediately. Then I realized that the reason I had come to Atlanta this week was because I had 3 Dr appts- one of them my Herceptin infusion. What makes it even worse is that her other best friend moved to North Carolina 3weeks ago. Thankfully, DD#3 really stepped in. She and the baby's mom were good friends as teenagers, and she took food over, and went to the viewing and funeral yesterday. Little Max is buried within view of my husband's vault, which I think is God's way of letting them know that Max is being well taken care of by people who love him.

    Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow - we will be 10 adults and 8 kids. Then we head back to Fl first thing Sat morning. I hope to have at least 4-6 weeks there before traveling again.


  • pinktiara
    pinktiara Member Posts: 716
    edited July 2014

    prayers for Max and family  & friends 

    Brave little guy