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TEs. A Beginner's Primer



  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Sitti, I've talked to a few one lady was 5 years out and another was 8 years out and they said they still get the itching and phantom nipple sensations. I'm hoping it goes away eventually 🤞

  • TWills
    TWills Member Posts: 509

    What was recommended that you wear after your TE's were placed? What was most comfortable?Short term and long term.


  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61 TEs were placed during my nipple sparing BMX, and my surgeon told me to wear nothing even slightly constricting. So I wore a loose cami. When I went back to work I wore a loose cami and silicone nipple covers.

  • minuteatatime
    minuteatatime Member Posts: 68

    My PS said only a camisole for 4weeks bc they are trying to make sure the blood supply is good to the skin. After that there have been no restrictions, so I tried switching from a camisole with no support to an Amoena(sp?) post surgery camisole and also tried a light bra (no underwire). I found both of them to cause pain because of the band and cups pressing up against my TEs. Im just over 4weeks out so maybe this will change. I hope so. I'm going back to my non-supportive camisole for now and just will use scarves and blazers or sweaters to hide my lumpy chest. But ask your PS bc I gather they are all different. Also I had nipple sparing surgery so that may have affected my docs restrictions. Thanks for asking this. I'm curious what others will say too.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    My TEs were placed during my DBMX and sit high on my chest I was hoping they'd drop a little so I've worn nothing after my drains were removed and my fills were started. I'll decide what to wear if anything at all after my exchange surgery. I decided not to keep my nipples and I love being able to wear my spaghetti strap sundresses without you know who popping up.

  • meg2016
    meg2016 Member Posts: 188

    I wore the post-surgical bra for a a few weeks ( ask them for two so you can have a spare.) My plastic surgeon told me she wants me in a sports bra as much as possible and something wireless and supportive the rest of the time. This truly depends on the surgeon!

  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297
    TWills - I had Mentor CPX4 tissue expanders, which were designed to be more comfortable. I didn't have any discomfort until the last fill, when my skin was really stretched. It may also make a difference if you are small, as I was. My PS only put 60 ccs in initially and then filled to 300 total. If you are larger, the PS may have to put more in during placement to get good adherence between the muscle and skin (this is my understanding, which may not be accurate!).

    Best wishes to everyone! I had my exchange last October, then fat grafting in March. I just scheduled one more fat grafting for Sept., then I'm DONE!!
  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    grandma3x, YAY for being done!

  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61

    grandma3x how did u decide on fat grafting? I had my exchange may17 and one side already has some significant rippling, so I'm thinking about fat grafting and wondering how you made your decision.

  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297
    Hercules- the fat grafting was not horrible. I had it done on Wed. and was back to "normal" - driving, etc. - by Sunday. My PS harvested fat from my thighs, so it was kind of a win-win for me 😊
    I had a lot of rippling on my right side and the side of my foob was flat instead of rounded. I could also see the top of the implant so I had some fat transferred to the upper pole to soften the curve. About 50% of the fat didn't take with the first procedure so I decided to give it one more try. In clothes I look fine, but it's mostly the rippling that bothers me when I look in the mirror.
  • TWills
    TWills Member Posts: 509

    I had my TE surgery this morning, couldnt take any pain meds because I was too nauseous after surgery, as usual. Took some of my chemo anti nausea med a bit ago when we got home and just took pain meds and muscle relaxers. Not helping yet but hopefully the next doseshould. Never good to play catch up with pain meds. I couldn't stand the bra they sent me home in pushing against my insisions so I had to unhook it. Not sure what I'll going to do about that. I'll call the PS tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Twills, hetes hoping fir fast healing. Grannyx3 glad the fat grafting went well.

    Sorry I havent been on much. Please feel free to PM me if you have questions and no one is here to help. Ive got it sent to email for PM so I should answer fairly quickly. Been quite busy and a few health issues of my own.

    Much love. I'll check in tomorrow if there are any questions.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    moonflower. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  • minuteatatime
    minuteatatime Member Posts: 68

    Moonflower, Hope you recover soon and things calm down for you.

  • minuteatatime
    minuteatatime Member Posts: 68

    Twills--I am so sorry -- it sounds like you had a really rough time. I hope your pain is more under control now.

    Hugs to you.

  • minuteatatime
    minuteatatime Member Posts: 68

    Sorry for the multiple posts--I'm catching up on this thread.

    Sitti, my PS's nurse suggested massaging the breasts very gently with lotion to help calm the nerves down and I found that helped. I am about two months out from surgery and not having the nerve issues anymore--it stopped for me several weeks back. ( Just looking forward to my exchange in several months! ;-) ) Maybe ask your doctor about whether she/he is ok with you doing some light very gentle "massage" with some lotion or coconut oil or something. Mine had shea butter and frankincense essential oils, but I think it was just the light massage itself that was really the most helpful thing about it. Hope that helps.

  • TWills
    TWills Member Posts: 509

    I'm doing much better, I've been able to take the pain meds and muscle relaxers. I think the muscle relaxers help more than anything. I also switched to a Coobie bra instead of the surgical one they sent me home in. The wider band at the bottom doesn't dig in as bad. Dr said it was fine to wear it. My follow up is tomorrow so I'll find out then what TE he used. I know it's a 400 and he filled to 300 during surgery. Skin doesn't feel tight at all so hopefully we can get another good fill in before Rads.

  • jswfosu
    jswfosu Member Posts: 4

    I am scheduled for my TE placement on August 7th. My BMX was March 6. I am terrified of this procedure! My PS indicated this was more painful than the BMX. Any advice from anyone who has been through this?

  • TWills
    TWills Member Posts: 509

    Me! I posted just above your post. My BMX was in December and TE's placed 3 days ago. It's been pretty comparable for me. I had terrible pain because of cording after BMX. My pain now is an intense muscle pain but not too bad. Stopped pain meds yesterday and I'm just taking an antibiotic and muscle relaxer which helps somewhatwith pain. It's been worth it to have boobs again.

  • jswfosu
    jswfosu Member Posts: 4

    Thank you for the info! I also developed cording and have been seeing a physical therapist. It has really helped! It makes me feel better that you can compare it to the BMX. I was worried it would be much worse! I'm getting 450 cc TE's and was told he could probably only get me to a b cup. I'm fine with that. I just don't want to be flat anymore.

  • TWills
    TWills Member Posts: 509

    I did PT as well and it helped a lot and I'll continue as soon as the PS says it's ok. Dr said that would help a lot.My TE's are 400 and they were filled to 300 during surgery. Mostly because I will start Rads asap. I had skin and nip sparing so I have enough skin to not feel to tight yet. They said I should be able to be a C cup. I was a full B before.For me the pain is getting better quicker than after BMX.

  • jswfosu
    jswfosu Member Posts: 4

    I did not have skin or nipple sparing but am hoping my skin will stretch ok. I was a C before my BMX. Are your TE's under the muscle? Did you have alloderm placed with your TE's? Sorry for all the questions

  • TWills
    TWills Member Posts: 509

    Ask all the questions you want to:)

    Yes, under the muscle and alloderm was used.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    I had my UMX in march, had TE exchange today, and it wasn't as bad as UMX.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352

    Is some of the reason Exchange is not as bad as UMX/BMX because our nerves were cut and have either regenerated somewhat or are toast? Much of my issue after BMX with TEs I think was healing from the BMX. I'm set for exchange in early Sept and although I have to have a lot of pocket work (my TEs are realllyyyy far apart) I'm hoping it's not as extensive a healing process as BMX. ;)

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Good morning! I'm also trying to catch up!

    TWills, hoping your pain is doing much better today!

    Eastcoast, I'll be having my exchange late September or early October, I haven't decided yet. I'll also be having extensive pocket work done. My TEs are far apart and go into my armpits. My PS asked me if that bothers me? Umm YES!

    I'm filled to 840cc and will be exchanged to an 800cc implant... I won't be as big as I was which bothers me a little but I'll adjust to the new me soon enough. Maybe I'll hold off until the 900cc implants become legal LOL

    Sending gentle healing hugs to everyone 🤗

  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61

    east coast.... my right TE had gone on a field trip up and out, so it sat high in my armpit and also far away from the left one. My PS made a new pocket for it during the exchange. The healing was much much easier than BMX, and 2 months out my implants are staying put. They are rippling though. I wonder if those of us who tend to make more scar tissue (cording,capsular contracture) also have more rippling? Is the rippling secondary to scar tissue on the implant surface? Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Hercules, do you have saline or silicone implants? I've seen that more women have problems with rippling with the saline implants. Does your PS do fat grafting to help fill in the rippled areas? My PS doesn't do fat grafting but he tends to steer clear of saline implants as there is a higher chance of rippling. Maybe someone has better info

  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61

    mine are silicone. I'm going to ask about fat grafting at my next appointment. I'm unsure how much rippling is normal and I'm trying to keep my expectations reasonable but I really don't like the look when I raise my arms or bend over. Standing up straight they look ok.

  • TWills
    TWills Member Posts: 509

    Thank you WenchLori, I am doing better.

    I feel like I'm healing fast and getting around good for just having surgery Monday. Had my post op appt this morning and Dr said everything looked great. I was filled 300cc's during surgery and he said we would try to fill another 180cc's at my next appt. Trying to fill as fast as possible so I can start radiation. So far I don't feel stretched or tight at all. Its been easier and more comfortable than I expected, so far anyway:)