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Mothers with school aged children



  • DianeKS
    DianeKS Member Posts: 36

    Carla, that sounds like it was a very moving experience, you must have been so proud!  You obviously did a good job raising him, give yourself a pat on the back...hoping there will be more moments like it.

    Kjones13...thinking of you as you have scans done tomorrow.One day at a time and hoping for good results for you.


  • DianeKS
    DianeKS Member Posts: 36

    Carla, that sounds like it was a very moving experience, you must have been so proud!  You obviously did a good job raising him, give yourself a pat on the back...hoping there will be more moments like it.

    Kjones13...thinking of you as you have scans done tomorrow.One day at a time and hoping for good results for you.


  • tarheelmichelle
    tarheelmichelle Member Posts: 248

    I love the photos! 

    Brandall, I saw that Google/gmail commercial last night at the movies (it's a collection of high school memories, from freshman to senior graduation.) My son is just finishing up his sophomore year. Praying I will be healthy enough to see my son through the next 2 years. 

    I just returned from an Inheritance of Hope retreat in Orlando. Once in a lifetime trip. We didn't have to wait in a single line. I used a wheelchair (first time) and it was a real energy saver. I urge everyone to consider applying to IOH for a retreat. They accept any family with a parent with a terminal illness, not just breast cancer. 

    But even if you don't apply, if your summer plans include a theme park, reach out to the park's Guest Services to see what services are available, such as fast passes. You will be a happier mama, I promise. (I initially balked at a wheelchair, thinking my kids would worry about me in it. So glad I decided to use it. I did walk some, but being able to sit helped a lot, especially on an 11-hr Magic Kingdom day.) 


  • in_cognito
    in_cognito Member Posts: 87

    We just got accepted on an Inheritance of Hope retreat for Labor Day weekend! So excited! We are going to Orlando! Ronda did you feel like you got to see everything? The itinerary looks so busy !

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662

    yay!!! So glad you had a good time on the ioh retreat!

    Incognito--it is very busy. Don't feel like you have to stay with other families. This is your time!

    My scans this morning came back stable! NEAD--no evidence of active disease :)

  • DianeKS
    DianeKS Member Posts: 36

    That is a great picture Rhonda. Smart to use the w/c and 'saved your spoons' for other things.  Must feel like winning the lottery incognito!  Unfortunately, last I looked, not available to us Canucks  :(

    Fantastic news on your scans Kjones13, now you can breathe again and enjoy each day, with whatever it brings.


  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650

    Great news Kjones!  Time for some celebration!

  • RosesToeses
    RosesToeses Member Posts: 244

    Wonderful photo, Michelle, looks like it was a terrific time (and what a sweet family!).

    And Kjones, whoo-hoo!  That is terrific news!

  • wildrumara
    wildrumara Member Posts: 109

    Love the picture Michelle.....very "magical". 

  • stellaratovsky
    stellaratovsky Member Posts: 131

    Diane, your daughter is stunning.  

    My sons prom is this Thursday,  I waited for this for so long I have been living with mets to the bone for 2 years and I originally was diagnosed in 2009.  This is a special mild stone I was so excited to live to see it that I did most of the planning from tuxedoes to coursages to limos.  It felt like my prom.  I am more excited than he is I think he is going along with the whole thing because of me.  But on the other hand I am so teary because my little guy is only 8 and I may never get to see him graduate hs or prom.  That just kills me because he tells me mom one day I will wear a tux for u.  My little guy and me are supper close.  But I will not think negative I hope and pray I get to see my 2nd baby go through this.

  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650

    I know exactly how you feel, stellaratovsky.  I was sooooo excited for my sons graduation, maybe more than he was.  But, I got sad too, for my 10 yr old.  I had a pretty good cry that morning.  But I didn't let it ruin the wonder of the day that I felt so privileged to be a part of.

  • kebab
    kebab Member Posts: 98

    We had a big week here. Yesterday my son turned 9 and today my daughter graduated from 6th grade, ready to start middle school next year. Last fall, my liver tumors were running rampant and I had just started Xeloda. I really wasn't sure I'd be here to see the end of the school year, but now it's here and I'm doing well and so happy to be able to celebrate these milestones with my kids.  I'm so grateful and trying hard to just focus on the good-ness of these past few days instead of worrying and wondering how many more we'll have together.

    That's all. Just wanted to share.

  • stellaratovsky
    stellaratovsky Member Posts: 131

    kebab, these milestones are so important.  To great doctors and medicine.  To many many more.  We have to fight to be here as long as possible for our little ones there is just so much to do.  

  • roberta37
    roberta37 Member Posts: 24


    Well this is my crew taken this last Christmas.  My son is 14 and my daughter is 10.  

  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650

    Nice pic, Roberta.  I just finished spending the day with my oldest daughter talking, having lunch, doing some crafts, making some dinner, and even a little shopping.  Whew!  I'm tired!

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662

    thanks for sharing everybody! My son's team is going to the championship game tomorrow night! They won last night and tonight...which is really crazy because they have looked like the bad news bears all season :) love to see him excited!


    I did not even think about next year and what if...until now...just trying to take advantage of the time that I feel good! 

  • RosesToeses
    RosesToeses Member Posts: 244

    Kebab and Kjones, congratulations on the big accomplishments you're able to share with your kids, those are wonderful!  Roberta, nice picture and so cute that they were all willing to put on the Santa hats :)

    Do any of you have your kids in counseling because of the MBC?  And if so, how did you find a good person and did it help?  My daughter (14) is pretty even keeled and sometimes she's really sad about what's going on, naturally, but not out of control or anything like that.  I think she's doing well, considering what's going on, but the other day I saw my GP for a regular physical (it'd been a while because it never occurred to me to make that appointment since I'm seen by so many people so often as it is!) and she was talking about that.  So now it has me wondering if I'm doing her a disservice by leaving her to sort it out with only my and my husband's help?

  • stellaratovsky
    stellaratovsky Member Posts: 131

    I just wanted to share with everyone my son's prom picture.  It was a very special milestone I got to see.  I have battling mets for a little over 2 years.  I still have my 8 year old but I will take one day at a time.


  • stellaratovsky
    stellaratovsky Member Posts: 131


    I cried from joy.  Thank u god for this moment.  It is priceless

  • DianeKS
    DianeKS Member Posts: 36

    Fabulous pictures everyone! What a handsome son stellaratovsky.

    Rosestoses...I think if your feel your daughter is doing fine now, then You are doing a good job.  She is going to be sad, sometimes angry etc.  That is normal behaviour.  If you see changes in behaviour or withdrawing from things that she is involved with, then I would be concerned and seek advice/counselling.  The social work department here used to run a 'kids can cope' workshop that was for children and have stopped running it.  The thinking is that parents are the ones needing support, in order to help the children.  The children would be sent home after these sessions, but the parents had not participated with them, so there was a gap there and the parents found it hard to follow up on what the children had learnt.  If the parent is coping well, then the children benefit from their thinking.

    I have been very open with both of my kids teachers in giving them updates about my treatment and progressions.  The girls have both had incidents at school where they needed counselor support for them.  One was when a class was watching a movie about Terry Fox, which brought on sadness.   And the other was a teasing on the playground where a boy was saying 'you've got cancer' which upset my younger daughter....and her motherDevilboth normal reactionsIMHO.

     Having an open communication, allowing questions, modelling how to deal with hard things in life, are all things you can do to help while you are still here.


  • stellaratovsky
    stellaratovsky Member Posts: 131

    thank you Diane

  • leftfootforward
    leftfootforward Member Posts: 1,396

    My littlest one just graduated from preschool yesterday. Off to Pre-K next year. She was only 3 months old when I was orgianally diagnosed and 2 with mets.  So happy to have this time. My older kids are finsishing school this week and next (5th, 3rd, and K).  All the activities are killing me.  I am so so very tired.  Somehow I manage to find the energy to help with those last projects.  The hard part is being able to find the patience to do so.  I had a moment with my kids yesterday where i just said, mommy is tired and can't be mommy right now. I will be back with you in an hour.  It was good. After an hour I was able to bake,  make dinner, and help with two big school projects.  I so need school and all the craziness to be over. But then after two weeks, I will be crazy.  4 kids home for the summer is going to be trying at times.  But I wouldn't have it any other way.

    Take care

  • kebab
    kebab Member Posts: 98

    So many wonderful milestones for so many of us this week! Congratulations to all.

    Leftfoot -- I find myself doing the same quite often. I'll just say I need to lie down uninterrupted for a bit and the kids give me that gift. An hour later, I'm recharged and ready to face the rest of the day's tasks.

  • stellaratovsky
    stellaratovsky Member Posts: 131

    leftfootforwards,  you are amazing with 4 small kids.  It's hard to deal with family and than this cancer who takes all of  our energy and good vibe out of us.  But the love for our children just makes us that much stronger.  Me personally I am not the same anymore and will never be. The cancer took all that away from me but I put up a face and do what I have to do for my children.

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662

    they won! None of his previous teams (basketball or baseball) have ever won...😃👏🎉⚾ and that is the most genuine smile on his face (he usually makes weird fake smiles) so happy for him!


  • tarheelmichelle
    tarheelmichelle Member Posts: 248

    These photos are so precious. They make me so happy. We are here for our children right now and their milestones, such as prom and sports. I feel such joy to know that collectively, we as moms are enjoying those gifts of time!

    Incognito, you asked awhile back if the Inheritance of Hope retreat gave me time to do everything. Because IOH secures disability passes ahead of time, you don't wait in lines, and you have plenty of time to see everything. We never felt rushed. IOH allows you to extend your visit at your own expense, and we did that, so instead of leaving Tuesday we left Thursday. We did not have a volunteer with us those days, of course. We spent 1 day at Universal during the retreat, but we were given a 2-day ticket. So, the next day we skipped Sea World and went to Islands of Adventure (Harry Potter). The next day we shopped at Downtown Disney then relaxed by the pool. I recommend a rest day highly! The pace may wear you down otherwise. I also recommend using IOH's rental wheelchairs. Universal's were not comfortable (but if you bring a towel or pillow for your bottom it will help). PM me if you have specific questions. 

    August is very hot in Florida, and it's important esp if you aren't used to those temps to stay hydrated. 

    Wishing all of us many happy moments with our wonderful children!!!

  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650

    These moments make it all worth it.  This is my two oldest last week at his graduation party.  He doesn't hand out smiles haphazardly, and he was ear to ear that night.  My heart swells looking at them enjoying everything!


  • roberta37
    roberta37 Member Posts: 24

    Love all the pictures and the wonderful milestones and achievements we get to be part of.  I'm just taking things day to day and trying to enjoy every minute.  I know my 10 year old daughter is struggling to understand everything and right now sticking pretty close to me.  

  • wildrumara
    wildrumara Member Posts: 109

    These pics are great ladies.  Thanks for sharing....working on posting one of us.  At Roberta....I've got an 11 year-old daughter.  She is handling much differently than my teenage boys.  Breaks my heart!!!  Ahhhhhh! 

  • wildrumara
    wildrumara Member Posts: 109


    My kiddos....Christmas pic from this past year!   Feeling a little sad and sorry for myself tonight.....when I look at them, I can't believe this is really happening.  You know?