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Starting Chemo June 2014



  • Bow1965
    Bow1965 Member Posts: 107
    edited June 2014

    Kimmy FYI - there is a little snack room at my facility, with an ice machine and juices and whatnot - hopefully at yours too - volunteers are swarming the place and can't wait to help out. Good luck today!

  • Cammychris
    Cammychris Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2014

    I am so nervous and excited.  Today I find out my fate in regards to chemo..  I put chemo off on June 13th till June 27th.  Something told me to have Doctor order onco type test.  I am hoping for low score but prepared.  I go for my port Tuesday.  Anyone expierence  pain after having port placed?

  • Radical2Squared
    Radical2Squared Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2014


    Before chemo I suppose I could've fasted...but after, no way! I'm pretty sure it was the steroids, but I was starving for 2 days! I ate everything I could get my hands on!

    Also, I find that each time I start to feel a bit queasy, I can make it go away by eating something.

  • Grace3Boys
    Grace3Boys Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2014

    Cammy, I am hoping for a low score for you! 

    Canuck, Keep us posted. Not sure I could successfully fast, but I would be interested to hear how it goes. It was hard enough for me not to eat before surgery!

  • Laurais50
    Laurais50 Member Posts: 51
    edited June 2014

    I couldn't eat for a week. I had to force down half a bagel or half an English muffin. Tiny bit of soup or whatever. I did feel queasy but never got sick. I shaved my head before chemo and now the rest of it is starting to come out. I want it gone all of it. It's itchy, and it kind hurts in a strange sort of way. My daughter said my head looks like the Dalmatians. LOL thanks daughter she is 21. I go in for my second round of A/C and it still creeps me out that RED STUFF, but we gotta do what we gotta do to get better right?

    Cammy- yes the port hurt a little and it bugs me now, but it is so worth it.

  • CanuckMom
    CanuckMom Member Posts: 143
    edited June 2014

    Ordered some head Buffs...hope they fit cuz I have a small head! 24 hrs into my fast...still hanging in there.  I did allow myself a cup of coffee with a splash of almond milk this morning.  Other than that just herbal tea & water.  Tomorrow morning at 10am is my first infusion.  48 hrs till I can eat.  I will post my side effects in case anyone is interested! Hugs to all - we can do this!!!

    This is good info, in case anyone is interested:

  • Cammychris
    Cammychris Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2014

    I got my score 31. Aww I was hoping for a low score. So chemo it is:( in a weird way I have a sense of relief knowing now I will benefit from chemo. Even though I wish it was a low score, I know I can do this. I have to for myself and family!!!!

  • Cceandme
    Cceandme Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2014

    Canuckmom., I have 6 Buffs. I haven't lostmyhair yet buy I love them and I'm sure they will fit. There are some great YouTube videos to show you all the ways you can use them.

  • KimmyD78
    KimmyD78 Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2014

    I'm with the others - there is no way I could fast that long. The midnight rule before surgery and the no carbs, no sugar for 24 hours for the PET scan just about did me in. More power to you, though. I hope it works for ya. 

    Pretty uneventful day today. I'm exhausted, even after a 2 hour nap, but I'm pretty positive it has very little to do with the the chemo. I didn't fall asleep until about 2 am, and was up at 5 am, so we could be at the hospital for my 6:30 am MRI. 

    My infusion started about 9:15, and we were done about 12:15. Used the EMLA cream and it no was no big deal accessing my port. They checked it for blood return, then flushed it. Before I got the A/C, they gave me 2 steroids via drip. Dexamethasone and something that started with an A I can't remember the name of. The Adriamycin was given first. This one the nurse sits there with the two vials full of what appears to be red kool-aid, and manually pushes the drug into the line. I sucked on ice chips all through both therapies and drank so much water I had to pee twice (and yes it was dark pink) while I was getting treatment. The Cytoxan took about an hour to drip. In all honesty, it was a pretty boring morning. That's a good thing, though! Next time I plan on sleeping more - the recliners are super comfy. 

    Came home and worked for a bit, then took a nap. Am planning on going to dinner with the BF's parents tonight. Just got the slightest twinge of nausea while typing this, but I forgot to pop my Zofran when we got home. Fixed that mistake, and am munching on crackers, and hoping we won't have to cancel dinner. 

    In other news - I haven't had a cigarette since right before I went to bed at 2 am last night. I want one soooo bad, but I'm holding to my resolve for the time being. I figure if I do break down and sneak one, the wayward taste buds will take care of that super quick. 

  • Dixie1
    Dixie1 Member Posts: 39
    edited June 2014

    How is everyone feeling today? I had my first infusion yesterday and went back for my neulasta shot today.  Did a little bit of shopping afterwards.  Had a slight headache all day yesterday and was queezy to my stomach.   I feel a little bit better today but feel extremely tired.  I've been doing a little housework and then have to rest for a while.  I did sleep on the way home from the doctors today.   Hope everyone is doing well. 

  • Radical2Squared
    Radical2Squared Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2014

    Kimmy and Dixie,

    Sounds lime things are going ok so far! I'm on day 3. I gave the dog a bath this morning and was out most of the day. I took my last dexamethasone at dinner today so I'm guessing I won't be starving all day tomorrow. I'm really thinking it's that drug that is making me want to eat constantly! On the other hand, I'm happy to not be nauseous!

    Sunlight is killing me. It hurts my eyes and my head. My best description of how I felt today overall would be....hung over.

  • jdmac1199
    jdmac1199 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2014

    Had my first chemo today,  so far so good. Such a long day, I was there for 7 hours. I am tired and a little achy but that's all so far.  Pretty uneventful day for me so far. I feel like the steroids I took yesterday caused more problems so they kept me up all night with a headache and wide awake brain and achy back.

    I went pee about a dozen times during my chemo. Everyone else was pretty old and all snuggled under blankets in their armchairs and never moved once.. and I was walking back to forth to the toilet and walking around my room like a crazy woman.

    KimmyD78 How did Chemo day go for you? How are you feeling? Did you get your hair cut? I am waiting till next week I think...

    CanuckMom and  Nola70115  Good Luck for tomorrow.. will be thinking of you!!

    Grace3Boys Glad to hear your 1st Chemo was uneventful too!!! The Steroids did the same to me.. got me all wired up too.

    Hope everyone is feeling good and getting lots of rest !!!


  • KimmyD78
    KimmyD78 Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2014

    I'm feeling a little "fluish" at the moment if I had to describe it. Kind of an all over ugh feeling. The queasy/gassy feeling I've got isn't horrendous, but just enough that it's annoying. We ended up going to dinner with my BFs parents and I managed fine. Been folded up on the couch since. I'll be heading off to bed soon and will be crossing my fingers I'll sleep this off. 

    JDMac - got my haircut yesterday, but my stylist wouldn't chop it off super short. It's just above my shoulders. He told me when it starts going to call him, and he'd come over and buzz it for me at my house. I really like the cut, it's super cute. Just bummed it's not going to last long. Oh, and I also was the chatty/mobile one at my infusion. Honestly, I should've joined the old crew and slept it off. Now I know for next time. 

    Have my Neulasta shot at 12:15 tomorrow. I hate shots. Took my Claritin earlier. Maybe that's what's giving me "medicine head". Lord help me if chemo brain is setting in after only round 1! 

    Good luck to you gals going to your first treatment tomorrow!

  • Radical2Squared
    Radical2Squared Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2014

    I've been really lucky on the se end of things so far. I pretty much feel hung-over without having been to the party....

    The one thing that is bothering me is my eye site. I have astigmatism in both eyes. On normal days I don't use my glasses unless I'm driving, reading or getting tired which keeps my brain from adjusting to my eyes quickly.

    Yesterday and today I'm noticing my eyes have a hard time focusing...the worst part is, I think it happens with my glasses on too! My eyes are super light sensitive (which I never really had before). Could it just be that I'm tired and my eyes need to rest?

  • Laurais50
    Laurais50 Member Posts: 51
    edited June 2014

    You are all so awesome. Such good attitudes on here.

    DIXIE- that's how I felt the first time. It gets a little better but for me not much.

    CANUCK-They will fit and you will love the head buffs, I want to get more. Good luck!

    KIMMY-I shaved my head. Once your hair starts to come out, it does and it's kinda creepy. I'm almost bald and I'm going to shave it all of this weekend. I wish you luck on your hair. It does happen to most of us, just another thing to deal with. Thank God it's not forever.

    Alright ladies have a wonderful weekend. I'm off to get my A/C yeah!!!!

  • jdmac1199
    jdmac1199 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2014

    KimmyD78 I feel a bit fluish today too. A little jittery and weak and achy. Not feeling as bad as I expected though.. so Yay. lol I am not ready to cut my hair yet. Hope the Neulasta shot is ok and the claritan helps with the side effects!!

     Maybe next I was told to cut it short as soon as it starts to fall out though if not before as it hurts when it falls out and you have long hair. Hope you get some sleep and feel better!!

     I slept all through the night and didn't get up till lunch (although I did wake a bit through the night)  I think next time I will be more like the old folk too and stay snuggled in my

    Radical2Squ… I am finding my eyes don't want to focus too well today.. I don't drive though so it's not too big a problem for me. Hope it passes for you soon!

    Laurais50  Hope it goes well today!

    Sending positive thoughts to everyone and good luck to those having their first chemo today!

    Going to have to check out these buff things!!

  • mommymel
    mommymel Member Posts: 77
    edited June 2014

    Hi guys just wondering if any of you have had dulcetaxol and carboplatin. I am a triple negative and I had cancer before when I was 24 now with 36 again . I did have a double mastectomy and now I will start chemo. The dr recommended this combination and I just want more information about it. Buy the way, my Brc1 and 2 were negative so I think I will join you to play the lottery .... :)

    If any of you have more information with this protocol please let me know....

    Thanks and good luck to everybody

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Member Posts: 286
    edited June 2014

    MommyMel:  I'm a generation older than you, but find that I am having a "do-over" with TN also - beginning July 10.   MO has me lined up for the same combination as you. She feels this is the correct combo and most effective for TN. I was encouraged to see that your doc agrees and hope that I'm doing the same protocol will be helpful to you. She told me that it would be difficult but is necessary to deal harshly with TN.    My previous MO (2012) did not choose this one,  I am BRC1 & 2 Negative also.   Good Luck to you.

  • mommymel
    mommymel Member Posts: 77
    edited June 2014

    CoyoteNV  than you so much for sharing I am strong but a little scare because I have a baby girl , she is the love of my life and she just turned 2. I really need to do the best to win these fight again.....

    I will begin chemo next wednesday so I will post how it goes to give you some information about our protocole.

    Be well, best of luck to you

  • Cceandme
    Cceandme Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2014

    Mommymel, so sorry you are having to deal this with a 2 year old at home. I can't imagine how hard that is. Hugs

    I see you live in Boca. I grew up in Boynton. I went to Atlantic High School

  • nola70115
    nola70115 Member Posts: 61
    edited June 2014

    Hi all - 

    Today went fine.  I even drove myself.  The cancer center I go to overlooks the Mississippi River and I could watch the ships go by.  There was an entertaining group watching a world cup match in some other language and I enjoyed their enthusiasm.

    I had a little bit of a headache right after the cytoxan, but it didn't last long.  Had dinner with my husband and daughter at a Thai restaurant right after I finished at 5:00.  I was starving, even though I'd had a good breakfast and lunch!  Thanks, steroids.  I'm trying to pace myself so I don't eat all the snacks in the house, too.

    I feel a little flushed now, but my temp isn't elevated to the point they want me to call in.  I've got some mild tingling in my hands and feet too.  It doesn't bother me, but now of course I'm worried about neuropathy.  I know the doctor can reduce my dose at the next infusion if they need to, but I'm worried that will make the chemo less effective.  

    Radical - could your eyes be dry from the meds?  Maybe saline drops would help make your vision clearer.  They help me when I'm taking antihistamines, including Claritin.

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Member Posts: 286
    edited June 2014

    Mommymel, I am so sorry you have had to deal with this in your young life with a young family that needs you.  I know you must be frightened on so many levels.  Be as strong as you can be, for your baby's sake. Be determined.  Yes, please do let me know how it goes for you. This is how I am thinking - sort of a visualization:  All this treatment is like locking the gate against the TN - the wolf at the door.  Every time you feel ill or have an ache, recognize that as one more bar placed on the gate to protect you from the wolf.  I'll be thinking the same thing. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

  • Radical2Squared
    Radical2Squared Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2014


    I think you are correct about the Claritan! My fuzzy eyes may have been dry eyes! Eye drops seem to help! Of course, today I woke up with my period and a sore throat (no fever though) so it looks like I'm going to relax a bit today and enjoy my clear eyes tomorrow!

    It sounds like a Mississippi infusion is beautiful! Do you actually get to watch the river action out the window? My room had a tv...but it's no substitute for a view! It sounds lime things are going well for you so far. I hope your tingling is the most you have to deal with!

  • CanuckMom
    CanuckMom Member Posts: 143
    edited June 2014

    Mommymel, I hear you - I also have a baby girl - 2 & 1/2 as well as 2 boys who are 5 & 7.  They are my shining light through this!

     Cceandme - thanks for the buffs tips! I can't wait to get them.  I am not going to wig shop until I'm bald but I may have a 'head shaving' party when it starts to come out...I've already cut it into a pixie in anticipation.

    Had my first infusion yesterday ...brought my Ativan and took it before treatment after I checked with nurse (sometimes they put it in the IV so I wanted to check). Yesterday, I felt like I had been hit bye a truck.  I just felt 'heavy'. When I felt nauseous I took an anti nausea (rotated between gravol and anti nausea prescription. Bad headache. Slept the whole day from 1pm to 6 in bed then on the couch til 10pm and back to bed. Hubby and my parents are caring for the puking, one diahrrea (sorry tmi). Broke the fast for a few sips of broth and a Popsicle.

    Today I woke up feeling good...Will let u know.  Considering cutting the next fast to 48hrs total....we will see if it helps.  I'm a puker bye nature so this is pretty good so far...

  • Bow1965
    Bow1965 Member Posts: 107
    edited June 2014

    Ditto on the thanks to you Nola - funny, I bought eye drops in my prep for chemo shopping but it didn't dawn on me to actually use them - what a difference.

    Bless all of you with really little ones. Mine is 15, old enough to help me out & understand what's going on - not that it's easy for her, but a bit of a different stage. 

    Bone pain from Wednesday's Neulasta is gone thank goodness, that is my worst SE by far. Crying even hurt! Hope you all have a good weekend.

  • KimmyD78
    KimmyD78 Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2014

    Not sure how we count, is this Day 3, or do you say 2 days post infusion? Anyway... it's Saturday and I had chemo on Thursday, so you do the math. 

    Still feeling a bit fluish, and JDMac, jittery is a good word to use for my hands, they're slightly shaky. The slight queasy feeling seems to come and go. Nothing seems appetizing, so I'm having to force myself to eat. My tastebuds haven't turned on me yet. I just feel "eh" about all food at the moment.

    I'm sure this won't be the last TMI thing that I post, but for you coffee drinkers, I've found that keeping with my morning coffee has kept the plumbing moving like it always has. So far nothing out of the ordinary in that department. But I'm stocked up with the Senekot and Immodium just in case. 

    The Neulasta shot wasn't quite as bad as I had imagined. I made them put it at room temp before giving it to me. The nurses looked at me like I was crazy, but went along with it. Supposedly, it hurts less when it's not cold from the fridge. I had to stick around a bit longer than I normally would have for just the shot, but it was fine. The Claritin is keeping the bone pain at bay so far. Nothing out of the ordinary to report. 

    Hope you all have a good day!

  • Cammychris
    Cammychris Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2014

    I have a question? I start AC on Friday and am wondering what and when to expect.  I know everyone is different but how did you feel after your first infusion?  Thank you!


  • Cammychris
    Cammychris Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2014

    Also is there a list of things I should have in house for after chemo?

  • Mommato3
    Mommato3 Member Posts: 468
    edited June 2014

    For me, the only side effects were fatigue and anxiety from coming off the steroid.  My head felt a little weird for 2 days but then I felt better.  For the Neulasta shot, I took Claritin the day of and for 2 days after.  I didn't have any bone pain at all.  I didn't really go buy a bunch of stuff.  I would recommend having a variety of water and juices.  Along with different fruits and crackers to eat.  Nothing really sounded good to eat or drink but I made myself do it.  Good luck to you!

  • CanuckMom
    CanuckMom Member Posts: 143
    edited June 2014

    cammychris, yes, you should have gravol, Immodium, Advil & a digital temperature thermometer (the kind that goes under the tongue) I also have a bunch of Gatorade to remain hydrated & a heat bag that I put in the microwave for aches.

    Hope that helps!