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Starting Chemo June 2014



  • Basia
    Basia Member Posts: 345
    edited June 2014

    It should work Magdalene.  It has something to do with the anti-histamine that helps with the bone pain.  Last time I ran out of clariten and used allegra and I was fine.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited June 2014

    oh that's good to know

  • Cammychris
    Cammychris Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2014

    Originally I was scheduled to start chemo on the 13th of June but postponed it till the 27th of June.  I am now waiting on Onco test to come back, praying that maybe I will not even need chemo but for now I do.  I will be having 6 rounds every other week of AC followed by 12 every week of Taxol.  Hysterectomy, with 10 years of hormonal therapy.  I have fallen into a funk I was fine with everything up intill the Dr told me I will lose my hair.  This has made me so sad, I know it is the least of my concerns but in a weird way it is harder for me to lose my hair then it was my breast!  There I said it, I know I am awful for feeling this way but can not help it.  Oh well I am having a small pity party but will cheer up when my kids get home from school.

  • gatorgal89
    gatorgal89 Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2014

    @Basia...I recall the second AC being the worst for me. I had wicked spine pain from the Neulasta and that wiped me out. The first AC...just felt in a big fog and I didn't want to eat much. I do remember finally figuring out by the second AC that I needed to drink my fluids warm or at room temperature. I drank a lot of warm lemon or lime water after I ate to help digestion and I kept my diet pretty light for the first week and then the second I tried to eat a little more. Protein shakes were definitely my friend as was ginger tea.

    Hang in there ladies! You will do this!

  • Basia
    Basia Member Posts: 345
    edited June 2014

    Gatorgal, when did the hairless start? 

    I hit a brick wall yesterday afternoon.  Had a ton of energy in the AM, but my 3 or so i couldn't do anything. Couldn't wait for hubby to get home so I could go to bed. The girls tucked me in at about 8pm and I slept like a rock without ativan or anything else.  I guess the neulasta shot kicked in or the low spike of WBC…not sure which one.  Feeling better today, but going to take a nap, girls have gymnastics when they get home and I don't want them to miss it because of me.  

    Cammy, we all have issues with the hair loss.  I had a harder time with chemo than with the mastectomy the first time around.  I felt like the hair loss was an announcement to the world that I am sick.  I hated the "looks" everyone gave me, the whole pity thing.  This time around though I don't care about what anyone else thinks.  I need to kick this cancer's ass and be done with it. You will get thru this and we will all be here to help you out.  

  • Radical2Squared
    Radical2Squared Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2014


    The hair thing keeps making me cry. I keep trying to "see" in my head what it will be like and I cry. I'm sure a lot of it is the fear of the unknown once I start chemo Tuesaday. I also know once my hair is gone, I will accept it. I just don't do well thinking about it!

  • Mommato3
    Mommato3 Member Posts: 468
    edited June 2014

    I'm on day 3 of my AC.  So far I still feel pretty good except being a little more tired.  I did have a foggy head on Tuesday and this morning after taking the steroid & Claritin.  

    I'm not sure how I'll feel about losing my hair.  Losing my breast hasn't really bothered me.  My anxiety has been more about the future and whether this thing will come back again in a few years.  

  • Mompv
    Mompv Member Posts: 57
    edited June 2014

    well round one done of AC. Feel foggy and my head feels full. Trying to drink water...I am sick of plain water so switched to sparkling water. Feel a bit hungry but nothing appeals to me. 

    Ok can't concentrate! Have a good night everyone

  • Basia
    Basia Member Posts: 345
    edited June 2014

    Mom, make sure to eat, I made the mistake of not eating because nothing was appealing, and I felt queazy all night until I had something light…and hydrate! 

  • Mompv
    Mompv Member Posts: 57
    edited June 2014

    I did eat small plate of pasta and a roll. Feel like I am floating with all the water and peeing all the time. At least it's not red anymore. I will take ativan before bed. I am going to try and go to work at least a half day tomorrow. Just a bit nauseous and took the med they gave me. Here is to good sleep!!!

  • KJR1964
    KJR1964 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2014

    Hi Ladies... Just joining in... One week today since my first round of FEC with ... I have had little or no SE... Slight nausea in morning (Pramin tablets took care of that and food) and also felt on top of the world for the first 3 days ( Dexmethsone took care of that one 8mg for two days then 4mg 3rd day) come day 4 without the Dexmethsone I was an absolute mess, couldnt talk without crying, over-reacted at the silliest things and very angry.. which I can tell you is just not me... I vowed on Day 5 that I was not going to let that happen again .. so got up and went shopping haha that really cured it.... I have never eaten so much in my life, silly things ie: a tin of beetroot its almost like being pregnant again is what I liken it too... (thank god I'm not, 5 kids is quite enough)... They only other SE is the taste in my mouth which has now subsided which I can't explain but definately not metalic will have to think about that if it happens next time... No hair loss as yet but I know its coming, might do the big shave this weekend ???... All in all I know I have had it pretty easy but realize it might get a bit harder next round in two weeks... Hoping everyone else is doing OK... Love reading your posts as we are all going through this together as either first timers or those who have done it all before who have a lot of valuable knowledge to share... :)

  • Basia
    Basia Member Posts: 345
    edited June 2014

    KJR, sorry you are joining us.  But this is a good place to be for information and support.  Keep track of how you are feeling on each day because you will probably feel this way with each cycle.  And it is best to be proactive vs reactive when it comes to taking meds.  Don't wait to feel nauseous, at the first grumbling of your belly take the anti-nausea meds.  Anger and depression are completely normal feelings to have especially going thru chemo, vent away, we are here for you. And there is nothing like retail therapy to make you feel better, lol :)

    Mom, go to bed and sleep it off, nothing more you can do today :)

    Have a good night all

  • gatorgal89
    gatorgal89 Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2014

    @Basia...I didn't start to lose my hair until about a week after the second AC and I still had some before my fourth AC (think Beetlejuice - nothing on the top but enough on the bottom to fake everyone out with a hat). After the fourth, I had my mom cut the straggly pieces to my collar and started wearing head scarves.

    Cammy...losing my hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes is still hard for me...even now that my hair is growing's stark white and I'm in my forties! I do not like looking in the mirror because I basically feel like I'm the same until I do that. However, that is a small price to pay for being I'll take it.

    Those of you who don't feel like eating...I'd like to suggest a protein shake (riced based seemed the lightest to me). You have to keep your strength up to fight this beast!

  • Basia
    Basia Member Posts: 345
    edited June 2014

    gator gal, so you're telling me I could have left my hair alone until after the kids finished school so I wouldn't be asked all these questions! Damn! That stupid nurse who told me about 10 days for it all to fall out! I hate that woman!  Thanks for the info, kind of faking the outrage here, can't tell in written word, sarcasm doesn't type well. Lol.   Thanks! 

  • Rosiesride
    Rosiesride Member Posts: 197
    edited June 2014

    hi ladies...just chiming in to tell you that while it seems so bad at this moment ( and it is)... There is the light at the end of the tunnel and keep on thinking it's only temporary...I am sick of having no hair and wearing my little caps!  I finished TAC JUNE 2 ...drinking a lot helps so much...I was always hungry so I ate...when my mouth was not great feeling I had a nutribullet shake ( great little shake maker btw) with frozen banana berries, juice peanut butter or whatever I had that would be cold and some protein.  Maybe eating helped ward off nausea as I didn't suffer much from that.  When I thought I was getting nauseous , I popped that little pill and slept.

    Feeling exhausted was my worst SE and the first 2 treatment , bone pain about day 4/5...I started taking 1 1/2 Claritin after neulesta shot as doc said I could try that and it helped me...also I made the mistake of taking a trip to town after my first treatment on day 6 after treatment...did ok but as I was shopping exhaustion set in and I also panicked a little as I had to drive back home 30 minute ride.  I made it home but was down the next then I knew to wait at least 7 days, see how I felt and if I was ok, I stayed local to go out and only went out for a short time....usually was really tired in the afternoons and napped. In the beginning I also only went out with someone, my sister or kids, as I also felt uncomfortable... So you do learn the pattern and it became my new routine...each treatment for me was cumulative so I slowed down much more by my 5 doc cut my TAXOTERE dose 2  x for rash and then I felt neuropathy and told him , so he cut it the last treatment.  Always tell MO of side effects...what may seem like not a big deal, may mean something to them....sometimes we think well that's just how it's supposed to hope this helps some...good luck and hang in there! Rosie

  • Laurais50
    Laurais50 Member Posts: 51
    edited June 2014

    So I just wanted to share that my WBC as of yesterday was 0.4. That really freaked me out considering I have had only one treatment of A/C so far. The Dr. gave some cephalexin and iron pills to take over the weekend. And probly start on NEUPOGEN on Monday. I'm really trippin out and worried. I feel so depressed about this. Anyone go through this? What did you do?

  • gatorgal89
    gatorgal89 Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2014

    LOL, Basia...Just relaying my experience. I deluded myself into thinking maybe it wouldn't fall out, so why cut it and shave my head just in case I was that one rarity? Either way would have been equally horrible, I believe. WBC tanked a week after my first treatment and it went back up in time for the next treatment with the Neulasta and a lot of kale. Make sure you stay away from germies!

    Hang in there everyone!

  • KimmyD78
    KimmyD78 Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2014

    Joining the club, as I start chemo next Thursday, the 19th. Will be doing dose dense A/C x 4, then dose dense Taxol x 4. Had my port put in yesterday. A little sore, but nothing major. The boyfriend has been riding me about taking my oxy and ibuprofen and resting/sleeping, but honestly I'm fine without the oxy and I'm already sick of laying in bed. He actually left this afternoon to go out of town for a few days for work, but will be back Wednesday night. I'm enjoying my first "Nurse Ratchett" free hours, but I'll be so glad when he's back in a few days. :) 

    I've got so many appointments in the next few days, echo, MRI, PET, etc. that I'm trying to relax this weekend, but there is just so much I can't stop thinking about, including the ever growing laundry list of items I need to get from the store and stock up on before Thursday. Getting my hair cut to a pixie or something similar on Wed night. My hair has also never been shorter than my shoulders, so it's going to be a shock. I know I have a lumpy head, so I'm looking into scarves, caps, wigs, etc but honestly don't even know where to start - it's so overwhelming! 

  • Laurais50
    Laurais50 Member Posts: 51
    edited June 2014

    Thank you everyone for the encouragement. I think I might have a UTI, so I guess it's good I'm on antibiotics. Hopefully when I go back on Monday my count will be back up.  BTW.. Kimmy, Someone here posted something about head buffs. I just got 4 of them generic of course these are the ones I bought They are amazing. I hope it's okay to put that link up. Anyway, I will use them a lot.

  • Radical2Squared
    Radical2Squared Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2014


    You're 2 days after me and on the same regimen... sounds like it's going to be a blast doesn't it? I'm trying to schedule every last second of the next 2 days so I have no time to think!

    I chopped my hair short...haven't had it above my shoulders since I was 5. Everyone keeps telling me how cute I look but I'm not buying it! I have ears that stick out. I've been wearing larger and larger ratings hoping my ears look smaller! Lol

  • Basia
    Basia Member Posts: 345
    edited June 2014

    I hate the short hair, never had it shorter than shoulder length except for chemo.  Everyone tells me how cute it looks and what a great "summer" cut it is.  Then I am forced to tell them, this isn't a choice.  I kind of wish I could just take the complement and walk away, but of course that is the easy way out and I can't do that, lol.  The first time around, no matter how crappy I felt, I told everyone I was doing great, this time, I'm like, f*ck it, and I say I feel like crap and all this sucks.  What is the point in putting on the everything is ok act? 

    My mom came over today, she had a blast with the kids and the 3 of them trying on my wigs and scarves, it was fun. Never thought I'd see my mom laugh like that about my cancer.  She is usually so serious about everything.  

    Waiting for the bloating to go away.  Last time I had treatment every 3 weeks, so I had about a 1.5 weeks of no bloat, this time with every other week, I feel like I will be bloated the entire time! 

    It seems like we are all (or most of us) are getting AC and taxol.  Is this the latest and greatest treatment?

  • Mommato3
    Mommato3 Member Posts: 468
    edited June 2014

    There are a lot of us getting AC plus Taxol.  I've read that TC-H is almost as effective but this was what my MO suggested for me.  

    I cut my hair real short about a month ago.  It was harder to take care of after my MX.  I really need to start looking for scarves.  I probably only have about a week and a half before my hair starts coming out.

    Has anyone had problems with anxiety in public?  I went to dinner tonight with the family.  The restaurant was really busy and loud.  I just wanted to run out.  Took me some time to settle down after.  

  • Basia
    Basia Member Posts: 345
    edited June 2014

    I have had anxiety since my first diagnosis. Nothing too bad, but I feel very uncomfortable in crowded areas sometimes.  I was never like this prior to BC.  I live in NYC for goodness sakes, people everywhere! 

  • KimmyD78
    KimmyD78 Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2014

    Yeah, not looking forward to the bloat or any of this at ll.  It's been the sh*ttiest 6 months on record. Lost my job in Dec (but honestly that was okay, b/c I had started a side business and wanted to go FT with it), lost my Dad unexpectedly 3 months ago today, and now this. Figure after I take care of this whole cancer mess, I should be problem free for a LOOOONNNGGGG time! :) Like most others here, I have to laugh or I'll cry. And let me tell you gals, I am SO over crying. 

    Are the buff things just headbands? Or do they cover the whole head? I think some of the scarves are gorgeous, but I would not be able to tie them properly or make them look cute. I found these. Has anyone used/heard about them? They seem to be perfect for my uncoordinated self, since they just slip on.

  • Basia
    Basia Member Posts: 345
    edited June 2014

    Kimmy, those look cute.  I ordered these :…

    I need them pre-tied because I am completely useless when it comes to this sort of thing. There are a lot of other companies that sell beautiful scarves.  Last time I had about 10 of them, but only wore 3 over and over again, so this time I am only buying a handful and see how it goes.  I also have 2 wigs this time (mostly for the kids, they wanted me to get wigs), so I think I am covered.  Not sure how it will be in the summer. Last time it was winter and it felt good to have my head covered all the time with a hat or scarf. 

  • Dixie1
    Dixie1 Member Posts: 39
    edited June 2014

    Is anyone going to be on Epirubicin (Ellence) ?  

    I was told i would be on epirubicin, cytoxan, and taxol.  Chemo starts on Wednesday.    It kinda concerns me because I don't see other using this combination.  

  • Laurais50
    Laurais50 Member Posts: 51
    edited June 2014

    Kimmy- yes they cover your whole head. You can wear it like a bandana or tuck it all. You can take another and wear it around your head like a head band to make it look contrasting. Look it up on you tube on how to wear head buffs.

  • Mompv
    Mompv Member Posts: 57
    edited June 2014

    Good morning all!  Mommato3, yes I get the anxiety thing! Too many people or being out to long bothers me. At work I can close the door to keep noise from the store to a minimum. 

    I am at day 4 and am surprised my taste buds are shot. Nothing tastes good. Also still spacey . 

    As far as scarves , hats, and wigs. Check out your nearest cancer center, I go to roswell cancer here in buffalo and we have a resource center with free scarves, hats and wigs. Ask around!!

    For online check out Cute scarves and hats. Also 

    Have a good day everyone!!

  • Homehelp
    Homehelp Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2014

    anyone allowed to go on a plane before next cycle

     Any advice ?

    2 hr flight ?

    Counts good .. Just fatigue .. 1/4 TC done 


  • Basia
    Basia Member Posts: 345
    edited June 2014

    Home, I would check with her oncologist first.  I am surrounded by kids and I felt a sore throat coming on over the weekend, can't imagine being stuck on a plane with sick people.