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Starting chemo July 2014



  • Hello to all, I did this whole thing back in 2006 and am now getting first Chemo tomorrow..... I thought I was perfectly fine with starting treatment for my recurrence but today I feel nervous to do again.... I was 26 at first diagnosis and am 34 now. 

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Posts: 2,062

    Welcome, too_young. If you have to have chemo, you've found a great group of ladies to go through it with. Do you know what protocol you'll be getting? I'm sitting in the chemo chair right now getting my Cytoxan. So far so good.

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Posts: 286

    Mags, I hope you have an easy night and we hear good things from you tomorrow.

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Posts: 286

    Too young Mom of 2; I agree. "Do-overs" suck. I also agree that you are way too young for this to be in your life.  I'm not saying there is a good time, but it's way wrong for you.  My thoughts will be with you tomorrow.

  • Blownaway
    Blownaway Posts: 662

    You look great Mags! Hope you have a quiet night and restfull sleep tonight.

  • Blownaway
    Blownaway Posts: 662

    Welcome to the group Too Young - I have my first chemo session (FAC) on Thursday. I'll let you know how it goes. Meanwhile try not to dwell.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Posts: 2,062

    I'm home, resting in the recliner, with music. Cousin has dinner in the oven, some new casserole with chicken and mushroom in cream topped with cheese. Smells yummy. I do have some nausea but not bad, probably more from the "excitement" of the day. Drinking ginger ale.

    They actually push the adriamycin by hand, not from a bag, so that part goes fast and I ate a Popsicle while she pushed. Hubby got bored, I knew he would but I couldn't talk him out of going. He saw what chemo did to his mom who died of throat cancer in 2001. He feared this for me more than anything. I think I'm fearing the rads more though.

  • kpmacmill
    kpmacmill Posts: 69

    Thanks for the update Mags - sounds like it was fairly uneventful. I hope you are able to overcome any nausea quickly and were able to enjoy some dinner this evening.

     - Kelly

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Posts: 2,062

    Dinner was great, I ate it all, been drinking ginger ale, no real nausea as yet. 5 hours post chemo.

  • mommymel
    mommymel Posts: 77

    Hi girls I was suppose to start chemo last week but I had to delay. The reason is that the 2 MOs that Isaw couldn't     agree on what kind of treatment is best for me. I'm torn and seeing another opinion tomorrow but will definitely start chemo these week. 

    It's complicated because since I have a local reoccurrence and I had chemo 12 years ago ; some say that I can't have the same drugs and others say that I could.

    Well I will make my decision tomorrow can't wait anymore.

    I'm having a bless with the metaphors girls...:) and I laugh a lot about the monster under  the  bad .... Funny 

    I love the caps they are beautiful I would love one......

    Well if I can help I did get side effects but was mild... Had some breakage on my face and some pain on the bones but  more by the end on the lest 2chemos.

    I was cancer free for 11 years and than again.... I don't think I was worried all the time I only got a little anxious bymy annual   checkup . Thanks good we have them because I have a 2 year old to take care of. I'm sure I m an 8% exception so don't you guys get nervous ok my case is vary rare. 

    Just want to share something that I have in mind to do for myself as soon as I finish the treatment. I will start to do an yoga class to help me to relax more and try to be good with my diet, because the immune system can detect the cancerous cells and kill them, but , when our immunity is compromise one off  these defected cells can scape and start the tumor.

    All the best for all here 


  • RainDew
    RainDew Posts: 228

    hello ladies!

    Looks like I will be joining this club...had BMX back in May and after multiple tests and soul searching, I start TCx4 next Friday.

    I am super scared...and was tempted to skip it w lowish oncotype, but given I am still in my 30s, MO suggested Mammaprint too...which came back high risk. we go.

    It helped me a lot to see I am not in this alone...chemo class scared me witless. It's all a bit real now, isn't it?

    I am also planning to try cold caps if I can get them arranged in time. Anyone else?

    Anyhow, Mags, thanks for leading the way! Look forward to keeping in touch as we go. Very glad I found this group. (Also found by accident looking thru the chemo board!


  • Mags glad your doing well :) I cannot have AC again so will be doing doxorubicin (sp?) for min 8 rounds accompanied by min 12 months of herceptin and another new antibody I can't quite remember the name of. Doxorubicin I had last time did cause a lot of joint and muscle pain with nose bleeds and exhaustion but i.was working at the same time so assume that may have worn me down more. Fingers crossed for a easy treatment, I had a port last time and not this time so am leary as I really wanted one my poor left arm is tired from all the pokes it give since my node removal in right 8 years ago...

    I am glad to have other and share our experiences together 


  • nancy2581
    nancy2581 Posts: 408

    Guess I'll be joining you all on July 22.  I am suppose to be doing ACT because it is shorter ???  I can't remember how many times I have to do chemo though.  It's four months though.



  • mommymel
    mommymel Posts: 77

    Hi ladies I just want to let you know that there is an option if you get bad ulceration on your mouth, is a laser that you can get at the dentist. It suppose to heal all withing ours after the application. If you need you google and see who does that laser near you! 

    Since we are all using metaphores I m feling like the music today: 

    Shout me down but I won't fall I'm titanium ....:) kkkkkkk 

  • kpmacmill
    kpmacmill Posts: 69

    Raindew - I will be using the cold caps from Penguin. My chemo starts 7/9. They should be delivered tomorrow. If you have any questions, I can try to answer them from what I've learned so far. PM me if you'd like.

  • Blownaway
    Blownaway Posts: 662

    Yeah !!!!You are an inspiration. Im next - tomorrow at 5:30 pm my first infusion of FAC.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Posts: 2,062

    Welcome to all our new ladies! Mommymel, RainDew, Nancy, you never wanted to be here, none of us did, but we're in the boat, all together, and gonna make it through the journey, together. 

    So far so good. Didn't sleep well, steroids probably, so very tired but nothing unusual for me. (Side note: with fibromyalgia, arthritis, and hypothyroid, fatigue is my normal state.) Had an English muffin with cream cheese for breakfast, along with the juice my cousin makes for me (carrots, beets, spinach, celery, apples) and coffee. Worst side effect is my hands are shaking badly. Slight metallic taste but not unbearable. Neulasta shot this afternoon. I take rx clarinex, doc said that should do the trick for bone pain. Heck I have so much bone pain, how am I gonna tell?

    Blownaway, you're having evening infusions? My clinic closes at 5. I kept them late last night. I'll be thinking about you. Consider me in your pocket.

  • JoeysMommy
    JoeysMommy Posts: 64

    Thinking of you Mags, hope you are doing well so far today Smile

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Posts: 286

    Hi Mags,  Just a quick hint that I got from my Chemo 101 class:  Eating with plastic utensils helps alleviate the metallic taste. (I've stocked up already.)   Being the first of us to go, you've been a wealth of information already. Thank you. Scared Hmm. Did you notice most of these "smiley's" are BALD?

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Posts: 2,062

    Odd thing was, I was not using utensils, just my hands. But that is on my list, we have a stockpile of plastics so no worry.

  • jc254
    jc254 Posts: 332

    For those who are considering cold caps, just wanted to let you know there is a thread on called "cold cap users past and present" where you can get advice and support while considering or using the caps.  The women are very friendly, helpful and supportive and I'm really glad I found them.    

  • RainDew
    RainDew Posts: 228

    thanks Mags for welcome - glad first tx went well and SEs seem manageable so far. This all seem WAY scarier than surgery to me. Somehow made cancer very real.

    JC - I will dip in to cold cap thread. Ordered my caps today! Very curious to see if I can put up with the ginormous ice cream headache along w everything else..


    Thank you all for being here!

  • Blownaway
    Blownaway Posts: 662

    Mags - Thanks Im not so scared now. My port installation is morning - I was told they will insert the needle while I am still under.  I see my oncologist at 2 to go over my chemo meds/schedule for the first time and the infusion is at 5:30 pm. Long day....

  • Good afternoon ladies!  I'm meeting with  my oncologist on the 24th.  Then I'll know exactly when chemo starts for me  (BTW, my oncotype is 30).  I'm super nervous and anxious and I'm probably a month away from it.  I've been reading blogs on how people cope.  This one was pretty funny...considering our sucky situation.  I hope you enjoy it like I did.

  • mommymel
    mommymel Posts: 77

    Mag thank you for welcoming, I hope you feel ok and that you can fly by this chemo stuff ....

    As you well spooke before, we can do this!


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Posts: 2,062

    Welcome, Nigelsmommy! Thanks for the link; I think one thing we have to learn through this time is to keep laughing. DH & I were watching a commercial where the lady was talking about doing the "new hairdo breaststroke" in the pool and he says, "Can you still do a breaststroke?" I said, no, I don't think so. He keeps me laughing, and I know how hard this is on him, having lost his mom to cancer in 2001. So I'm relieved as much for him as for myself that the SEs are minimal right now as that was his big nightmare.

    We're going to get through this, together. And Nigelsmommy, stay with us even if you go into August to start, as you will be able to see our progress. That's what I did; since I had my bmx in May I figured I'd start chemo in June but missed it by a day. I've stuck with the June thread just to see how everyone's doing and what they're experiencing. It's been a big help with preparation.

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Posts: 286

    Well, so far, Team July looks like this:

    Magdalene51 – July 1

    Too young momof2 – July 2

    Mommymel – July 3

    Blownaway – July 3

    Hemmie – July 9

    Kpmacmill – July 9

    CoyoteNV – July 10

    RainDew – July 11

    JoeysMommy – July 16

    Nancy2581 – July 22

    Slappy-Squirrel - TBD

    Hholmy - TBD

    Nigelsmommy - TBD

    I think these are the correct start dates for those of us who have checked in here so far. If not, please let us know so we can keep each other at the top of our thoughts. 

    Mags, you seem to be holding up pretty well so far.  Too Young, I hope your day was tolerable, and I send my best thoughts to you, Mommymel and Blownaway, for tomorrow.  A friend (Sue) here in my town had her first chemo today, but she didn't come on line.  My thoughts have been with her today too.

  • RainDew
    RainDew Posts: 228

    Coyote - thanks for the roll call!!! Super helpful :-) 

    Wish all our week 1 ladies (Mags, Tooyoung, Mommymel, Blownaway) the very best for your first treatments. Thank you for leading the way in July.



  • Cammychris
    Cammychris Posts: 23

    I pray the side effects are none for is all.

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Posts: 286

    Thanks CammyChris.  Wouldn't that be wonderful? SE free chemo all around!


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