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Starting chemo August 2014



  • jetgal23
    jetgal23 Member Posts: 28
    edited August 2014

    I'm sorry to hear of so many with pains from the port.  In some ways it would have been nice to have it but I will only have 4 treatments so I'm going with the IV.  Hope my veins can handle it.

    For those starting their first treatment - enjoy food while you can.  And the day before drink a lot of water.  But stay positive, its not as scary as you think and you'll get through it.  I'm now a full week past my treatment and yes the middle days were tougher - day 3-4 probably.  Not awful but you don't know what to expect so you can't be sure what to do.  I also didn't eat or drink on day 3 for far too long and I think that made things worse for me, so try to do what you can.  I'm eating a lot but in smaller meals.  Been feeling like a mini-furnace and energy is burning fast.  Low grade fevers but I think I made it through the tough spot. My mouth is very cottony, and I keep rinsing a few times a day either with Biotene or baking soda/ water (just enough so you can barely taste it) and so far that helps.I also bought the Biotene tooth paste, which helps. I was taking the Atavan to help me sleep but I think it only helped me get to sleep and then kept me tossing and turning all night.  Last night I finally did not take anything and slept pretty well.  You just have to see how your body reacts to things.  So I hope this will be a good week for me, and I hope that all of you just getting started will sail through the process like you're on a beautiful calm lake.  

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,237
    edited August 2014

    Finally -- Port placement today!!

    I caught up on the post and so glad you guys
    were discuss ports. I didn't have the option
    to place my port during my ALND although the Drs already knew I would get chemo. I had to
    push to get a port and with the support of the Onc Nurse it was approved. I am
    doing the happy dance, as my blood draws have been very eventful and painful
    due to lack of “good” veins. Last night I had to ask for a new tech as the first
    one stuck me 3 times (just for a blood draw) and it hurt – never had a blood
    draw hurt before. She was not

    Other good news, I can eat and will enjoy every meal while I
    can. I can’t taste but just the fact I can eat is a good thing. I have put on 5 lbs -- never thought I would jump for joy adding 5 lbs. LoL. 

    Anyone else have the cardboard or “metallic” taste lingering? I am
    using the Biotene mouth rinse two times a day and also the baking soda/water
    mix. It helps reduce the “after taste” quite a bit which helps me eat.  I have also started using my Soda stream a
    lot to make water a little more “fun”.
    I have added juices and lemon to the soda water and it makes a big
    difference. My body has rejected lime.

    I have had a few sleepless nights and used Tylenol PM and
    finally had a good night sleep last night without waking up – at least 8+

    Good luck to those starting their first
    treatments: Mullerin, JustAmy, Gatomal, Kellog,
    Purplegurll and Kellya. Remember plenty
    of water, rest and yes exercise/walking when you can. Listen to your body and report any side
    effects to your MO/team.   Thinking of each of you.

    I hope this is a good week for all that are on the rebound
    and preparing for your next treatments.
    My next infusion is on Wednesday 8/27.
    I have my next MO visit on Friday so hopefully all goes well.   


  • wizard50
    wizard50 Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2014

    Ladyb - I'm happy to hear you are feeling better and eating again.  I can taste again but I don't have the same appetite I did before chemo.  I try to eat healthy but sometimes I go for what sounds most appealing.  Yay on the port!  No one should have to suffer through multiple sticks because of bad veins.  

    I've also been dealing with insomnia too. The other night I took Tylenol PM and still was awake at 2am!  All it did was make me feel groggy the next morning.

    My hair is falling out today big time!  Monday and Tuesday I noticed I was shedding a bit more than normal and today is wow!  I have a hair appointment on Saturday but not sure how much hair I'll left by then lol!  Is anyone else seeing noticeable hair loss yet?

    I'm feeling good this week and trying to do as much as possible before my next infusion on 8/28.  Thinking of you all who are starting chemo this week and sending positive vibes for minimal SE. 


  • pangtidor
    pangtidor Member Posts: 121
    edited August 2014

    hi all...

    Jetgall, I use the Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash . The gum was out and I bought the Biotene mouthspray and just read that the spray has paraben!! Day one after chemo, my taste buds start their reactions. I could tell I couldn't taste anything on some parts of my tongue but I still eat good so far....

    Pangtidor was my nickname when I was at school, I could sleep anywhere, anytime when I needed too. Lol. I hope chemo won't change that.

    ladyb.... Woot woot woot for your port placement!! For me, the pain of needle sticks is a lot better on the port than on the regular IV.glad you bounce back and feel good!!! 

    Wizard50, I just cut my hair really short this morning, they will fall out big time too for the next 12-14 days. It will be hard but we will get through this and the hair will grow back :-)

    Good luck for the ones who will get port placed and start chemo soon. We will be thinking of you...

    One question from me. They gave me pre meds for nausea and vomiting before chemo. Zofran, Emend and Dacadron(steroid). They told me they should help with my nausea/vomiting for the following 48 hours after chemo. MO prescribed me Zofran and Phenergan by mouth at home. Do you guys actually take any of them after chemo? 

  • wizard50
    wizard50 Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2014

    pangtidor - I took the anti-nausea meds after chemo as needed.  I also had Zofran and Emend via IV at time of chemo but in the following days post-chemo, if my stomach starting feeling off I popped a Zofran.  Like they say, everyone is different so you may or may not need them.  For me the nausea and vomiting is worse than the hair loss.  

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264
    edited August 2014

    Sorry I've been gone so long yet again. I've just surfaced from 2 weeks of GI hell. I do not have nausea or vomiting but severe abdominal pain and D. I get H the two weeks between TCH weeks (every three weeks). H is not supposed to have SE but for me, it does. Sometimes, I don't think my MO believes me. I lost 5 lbs in the first week. I've gained back about 2.5. I do a lot of drinking that is also eating, like soup. I do have the "everything tastes like cardboard" thing. When something seems appealing, I try to eat that but then never want it again. I'm running out of foods.

    I'm planning on having a good week this week and to have a better strategy for next time. My MO is not much help on that. He has not offered any suggestions. Maybe when I see him before the infusion, I'll ask again. I do have some Bentyl from an old GI issue and may try that. Ladyb, we are taking different drugs but have similar reactions. Hope this next one is better for both of us.

    I just wanted to tell you all that I come here every day, sometimes several times, and am inspired by your strength and courage and good humor in the face of this battle. 

  • Catie57
    Catie57 Member Posts: 259
    edited August 2014

    Pangtidor - as Wizard said, they give you meds thru IV during chemo, but a couple of days afterwards they seemed to be out of my system. My MO told me if I even have smell sensitivity to food, that is a sign of nausea and to take as needed. I had that and unfortunately more, but took as soon as I felt anything. I was told to take Claritin for the shot given the next day. Take Tylenol or Aleve after that. Prevention is a good thing. I know you will do fine, just a little advice from my own experience. 

    After my first treatment I have been preparing for the next SE's and prevention. I am not good with feeling sick, so this is torture for me, but bounced back after the 6th day and have been feeling good. Of course not everyone has the same or even as many SE's but good to be ready. 

    Haven't lost any hair yet, although not even 2 weeks since first treatment. I will probably start seeing some by next week. I bought a couple of hats. I tried on my scarves and decided I don't look so great in a scarve, funny shaped head. I guess I'm going to become a hat person. I will wear my wig for work. 

    I didn't get a port. My Dr recommended against it, but have to say, so far so good. I hope my veins hold up for 5 more treatments. I have to get in my left arm and I'm a lefty so that's not so convenient. I've had a good appetite last few days also. Initially lost 4 lbs but gained 2 back already. I'm not a big person so trying to keep weight on thru this. 

    Hope all the ladies starting chemo for first time are doing well. You can do this!


  • pangtidor
    pangtidor Member Posts: 121
    edited August 2014

    thank you  so much wizard50 cathie57....

    The best advices come from the one who have been through that problem. My MO is really nice, explains all the details to me. He sees me an hour before chemo, he said he does that to discuss any reactions I got from my previous chemo, review my labs together and write the chemo order for me. He advised me not to take Tylenol or Ibuprofen on my day 0-7 days post chemo so they won't mask the fever I may get from neutropenia.

    Right now like others have said, it's more like the morning sickness, my moderate one. I will keep Zofran&phenergan handy.

    cathie57, I will have to do Herceptin for a year after surgery so I don't have any other option but the port.

    Jaycee49..  Hang on there, you will get through this. Discuss everything with your MO. Check the TCH forum, some of them may have similar problems as yours.

    Pain free for the port...:-) I will have to work tomorrow. stay strong August ladies. Hugs to you all

  • Hope50
    Hope50 Member Posts: 76
    edited August 2014

    when does the everything taste like cardboard go away?  It's hard to drink when everything tastes like cotton and food cardboard.

    I go for blood work tomorrow.  Did not sleep good last night and cold today.  I'm believing tomorrow will be a turning point and good day.

    Has anyone's head really itched?  Mine began last night like crazy.  Also my face is really breaking out like a teenager.

    Thoughts and hugs to you all.

  • barremom64
    barremom64 Member Posts: 122
    edited August 2014

    Hope- I have no advice as I am starting T/C 8/28. I've been following you and just wanted to say I hope you wake up feeling better tomorrow. It seems you've had a tough first week...wishing you an easier road ahead.  Keep us posted :)

  • Nomatterwhat
    Nomatterwhat Member Posts: 210
    edited August 2014

    ladyb -- Please add my name to the August list, I must have been overlooked.  I start chemo tomorrow, 8/21.  Thanks.

    Is anybody else having hot flashes?  I started my steroids today and after about 4 hours, I started having extreme hot flashes. 

    Hugs to all!!!

  • didi123
    didi123 Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2014

    ladyb- I start chemo tomorrow as well.  8-21.

  • barremom64
    barremom64 Member Posts: 122
    edited August 2014

     Didi and nomatterwhat- ---Best of luck tomorrow-Hope you have smooth sailing! 

  • Catie57
    Catie57 Member Posts: 259
    edited August 2014

    Nomatterwhat and Didi - good luck with your first treatment tmrw! Please keep us posted on how it goes. Keeping you in my thoughts. Drink lots of water....

  • Terri1975
    Terri1975 Member Posts: 45
    edited August 2014


    My hair starting selling out last night, today, it's been way worse! I planned it just right, I got my wig today. I'm going to hang onto to my hair until this weekend, I think! And I might shave it Sunday night. My head it very itchy and tender, kinda just ready for it to be gone, but I can't take that plunge yet. 

  • Gatomal
    Gatomal Member Posts: 418
    edited August 2014

    Sorry to hear about rough SEs and Terri's hair  :( just got back from my MO, and asked to see my BS as well. With the pregnancy, I feel like the tumor has gotten bigger these past two weeks, so I got felt up by everyone, and we found an enlarged node, like 1.5 cm. very low. I swear it was not there two weeks ago. Terrifying. BS staged me between a 2 and 3 now, and says it doesn't matter either way. All that matters is how I respond to treatment, don't get caught up in the numbers. There will be no surgery until after the baby's are born. We'll just roll into T from AC chemo...AC will take me to 28.5 weeks, I'll be thrilled to make it to 34 weeks w twins. I just want to get hooked up yo the poison and kill these cells. Tomorrow we start, and I can't wait til this time tomorrow. Cold capping will be done for the first time, and AC #1 will be over. Good luck to everyone starting tomorrow, or having treatment. 

  • didi123
    didi123 Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2014

    Barremom & Catie: Thank you for the well wishes and advice.  I'll be packing my cooler with plenty of water and Popsicles in the morning.  I went wig shopping today with my mom.  Emotional afternoon. ...

    I wish everybody well and no SE's. 



  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296
    edited August 2014

    Chemo tomomorrow. I'm feeling a bit anxious but so ready to get started. If all had went as planned, this would be my second treatment but stuff happens. 

    Nomatterwhat: I've been on steroids for 3 weeks BC I was hospitalized and they make me hot every time I take them. I asked the doc and he said that it was normal. I hate it though!

  • thinkpink4ever
    thinkpink4ever Member Posts: 83
    edited August 2014

    So yea, as I prepare for bedtime on the eve of C-day, I'm really not sure if I'm ready to wreak this havoc on my body. But ready or not, it's time to put the whammy on the big C because this is it for me. I've reached the Toni limit of 2 cancers per lifetime. It's not gonna wanna see no more of tonimonigirl because I've got a lot of life to live. 

    I spent the eve with 8 friends from high school, and was so blessed to celebrate life with them tonight talking and laughing about life's challenges, struggles, personal and family health issues.  It truly made my heart smile!  In our thoughts and hearts tonight, and here in spirit, was another high school friend (Peggy) who has just finished her last chemo for ovarian cancer.  Now it's my turn for chemo or as I call it, C-day #1!   I told Peggy 'We got this, sister!'  And I told the rest of our friends 'And so, let the battle begin and everyone just sit back and watch Peggy win and watch me win....again! We serve an awesome God, y'all!"

    And on that note, I wish my survivor sisters who are starting chemo with me tomorrow, a smooth, uneventful, pleasant day in the midst of this ordeal that we're dealing with.  And to those who have started before us, I hope those SEs are none to mild.  And to those waiting to start, I hope the experiences that we share help you, even if just in a small way.  So, with two Decadrons down the hatch today, it's time for me to get some shut eye.  Sending (((HUGS))) to you all...

    One love,


  • Tabbygirl521
    Tabbygirl521 Member Posts: 97
    edited August 2014

    Gatomal, we don't know each other but I follow your posts and have such admiration for your strength. I am sending you my best wishes for minimal side effects and uneventful weeks of treatment. This is definitely the place to get good information in dealing with chemo challenges, and tons of moral support. We are with you. {{hugs}}

  • Gatomal
    Gatomal Member Posts: 418
    edited August 2014

    Meow tabbygirl521,

    Thanks for the support! Was over reading the node positive and stage 3 boards. It's weird for me to be wanting surgery, but knowing that I may have better results all around after chemo. I hope to feel things shrinking over the next few months as I expand at the same time. Since I really do not enjoy being pregnant, maybe it's better to spend my pregnancy getting chemo! I can get scarves and hats for my baby shower. Lol! I'll post after treatment while cold capping, since I'll have like 4.5 hours to kill. Good luck everybody!

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,237
    edited August 2014

    Nomatterwhat I have added you to the list.  Didi I have updated your date. 

    Gatomal, I am node positive and there is a lot of information on the boards.  I was also told not to get caught up in the numbers but how I respond to the treatment.  I am on a pretty long regimen ACx4 followed by 12 weeks of taxol so 6 months of chemo then 6 weeks of rads which will be 36 rads.  So I am on this journey until January/February timeframe.   I keep you and the babies in my thoughts and prayers.  Specifically for minimal SEs since pregnancy itself effects the body and that you are able to carry to 34 weeks.  

    Hope50:  I was told my taste my not return to normal until after tx.  I pray that you are feeling better and have been thinking of you since you weren't feeling so hot.  

    Thinkp4ever what an awesome time with friends.  You / we got this girl and are kicking "C" behind.

    Mullerin how are you doing?

    Justamy I am so glad you are able to get this show on the road! Go get 'me.  We will do all things through Christ that strengthens us.  That is my favorite scripture.

    My port is in.  I popped a Norco ( generic Vicodin) and slept most of the afternoon.  I didn't realize that the port would tie into the neck vein so my neck is a little sore right now.  The port area has mild tenderness but nothing compared to the effects chemo had on my body.  I have to figure out what to wear to work to cover the incisions on my neck and chest.  I have to say I am about 100% with just a few tummy pangs here and there.


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,237
    edited August 2014

    Good luck to all starting treatment tomorrow! Drink plenty of water and remember stay ahead of the SEs do not wait for them to occur. Take the nausea pills on schedule, rinse mouth with magic wash after eating and get plenty of rest.

    Go get 'em Gatomal, JustAmy, Thinkpink4ever, didi123 and Nomatterwhat! Remember one day at a time.

    Wishing everyone else a great day tomorrow or minimal to no SEs for those just coming out of treatment.


  • mullerin
    mullerin Member Posts: 18
    edited August 2014

    Day 10: decided today would be the day I focused on my hair. My wig had arrived, so before the fitting I had my head buzz cut at the wig salon. The wig is a mid- priced synthetic, and the color and style are a pretty good match for my own hair.

     It's a relief to find that I have a pretty nice looking head, and I think I'll be able to go with or without a wig in my normal activities, but it's nice to look normal when I'm out in public. I was surprised how easy it was to make the transition -- I was expecting more drama, but instead I felt relief. Another step taken, another bridge crossed. And I promise myself that I will paint a self-portrait now that I have this interesting new view of myself to explore. 

    Good luck to all who are starting this week, and special prayers to all of you who are pregnant or raising young children. Gatomal, I wish I could send you strength for this challenging time. We are all facing the same ordeal, but some of us have greater demands than others.  May we all make it through this cancer year. 


  • Purplegurll
    Purplegurll Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2014

    Best thoughts to those starting chemo today and wishing a great day to all the August ladies.

  • pangtidor
    pangtidor Member Posts: 121
    edited August 2014

    good luck for those who starting chemo today....

    Gatamol, extra kisses for your twinsSillyHeart

    Thoughts, prayers, and hugs for you all ladies. Keep our chins up, we can do this !!!

  • SandyLovesLucy
    SandyLovesLucy Member Posts: 154
    edited August 2014

    Welcome to to all of you who are new and good luck to everyone starting today.  

    Gatomal, you and your babies are in my thoughts everyday. I pray that your treatment will work and not be too hard on you, and that you will get to 34 weeks.  Hang in there!

    I'm thinking of all who are starting to lose hair.  It is one thing to prepare for it but I can't imagine what it will really feel like when it starts to go.

    Had chemo #2 on Tuesday. I worked yesterday and felt pretty good. My appointment was on Cape Cod, about two hours from my home, so my boyfriend drove me.  Found out that my customer is a 10 year BC survivor. It was really nice to talk with her and get the understanding and support. After the appointment, BF and I stopped at a favorite place for lunch, fried clams (please don't tell my docs I ate that!). Weather was beautiful and we sat outside, watching kayakers go by.  I felt like normal me - a great day.  I slept well last night but feel exhausted now. Tongue and hands feel a little "fuzzy", not quite numb. I'm working from home today so I can nap if needed.  I'm also trying to get a good walk in everyday, too.  That has helped my body and state of mind so far.

    Hugs to all of you.  Have a good day!

  • Kellya
    Kellya Member Posts: 159
    edited August 2014

    hi everyone!  Back from Florida and waiting to hear what time I get my port tomorrow.  Anyone else do their own shot the day after chemo?  I am having it delivered here and that way it saves me 1 1/2 driving time each time.  I have a friend who will do the first one and then I should be able to do it after that, hopefully.

    Ladyb, my chemo start date is actually the 25th, not 24th, but don't worry if you are tired.  Sounds like the port placement went well.  Is it like a stiff neck feeling?  How are you the day after?  Friends wanted to know if we want to have dinner but I said I'd have to play it by ear.

    Gatomol, extra hugs to you.  My daughter had twins, made it almost to week 34, although she didn't have your struggle.  

    Muller in, I am going to finalize my wig today.  I have it picked out, about same cut and color as I have now.  Also getting a halo which will be a band with short flip style hair I can wear under my hats and scarf.  I only have one scarf I think.  I picked a bunch out for a hat party some friends are throwing.  Should be fun.

    Hope, are you feeling any better today?

    All others, hope the SE are better today!  Take care.

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296
    edited August 2014

    Sitting in the chair getting pre meds. Had patient education. It was not bad except the doctor didn't mark the cure or control box and the nurse didn't know...I know it doesn't matter really but I want them to know we are curing this thing not just controlling it! My doc already told me this but I want it on paper....silly me I guess...

  • pangtidor
    pangtidor Member Posts: 121
    edited August 2014


    Be strong girl ... Drink as much water as you can during chemo. It helped me tremendously on my chemo. I'm so thankful for all the advices from other members on that. On my 1st 5 hours chemo I drank 6 bottles of water plus 2-3 cups . Premeds are the anti emetics to help your nausea/vomiting for the first to second day post chemo. Hydrate hydrate hydrate.

    Our thoughts are with you and anybody who start today !!!! 

    Hugs to you all August ladies