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Starting chemo August 2014

ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239

Thought I would start a thread for August. Initially I joined the July 2014 Thread but my Chemo was moved out due to slow ALND recovery. I suggest until we get good and started that you drop by and review that thread. The ladies are wonderful and very active and supportive. They are a month ahead of us and sharing a lot of good information. I encourage all to visit other threads (as suited) on BCO as there is a wealth of stories, experiences but most of all awesome support and encouragement from the strong women (and men) throughout BCO. I have also added a helpful links section which we can add to as we move forward. If anyone has suggestions that you believe will be beneficial to the group let me know and I will add links to this intro post.

I suggest that you add this thread to "My Favorite Topics".

I know our sharing of experiences and support of each other will inspirational and so very helpful. Even at times if we have to vent and let it out, we are here for each other:

Possible Helpful links:

Ok I will start:

LadyB: Chemo starts August 6th. Treatment plan AC every 3 weeks (4x) for 3 months followed by Weekly Taxol for 3 months (12x) and finally radidation (36 treatments). I say that puts me around February and know that most of us will become great friends through this journey!

Our list for August Chemo Group

Elizabeth100: 8/4

Jaycee-49: 8/5

LadyB1234: 8/6

SLB11: 8/6

Terri1975: 8/6

Wizard50: 8/7

randomchance: 8/7

StarLover: 8/7

DonnaNJ: 8/8

Bippy625: 8/8

Catie57: 8/8


Strongenough13: 8/12

SandyLovesLucy: 8/12

Kbmur: 8/12

Ocean breeze1818: 8/13

Jetgal23: 8/13


Windgirl: 8/13

purrrrana99: 8/14

Jess1965: 8/14

Hope50: 8/14

khillman9: 8/14

Mammaray: 8/14

Tabbygirl52: 8/15

tootsetoe: 8/16

eileenpg: 8/18

Jello: 8/18

Pamelalashawn: 8/18

Pangtidor: 8/19

llizz: 8/19

Gatomal: 8/21

Mullerin: 8/20

JustAmy: 8/21

Thinkpink4ever: 8/21

didi123: 8/21

Nomatterwhat: 8/21

Kellogg2006: 8/22

Purplegurll: 8/22

Kellya: 8/25

JeniferE : 8/25

CJT511: 8/26

Beatmon: 8/27

barremom64: 8/28

SueBe: 8/28

CassieCat: 8/28



  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296
    edited July 2014

    I'm here getting ready to start August 8th in MO.  Its all been so fast and filled with tests that I'm not sure what the first drug is. I just know I do one for 4 treatments every other week and then switch to taxol for 4 more treatments: 16 weeks total. I am probably having a bilateral masectomy after chemo with reconstruction.

    I'm a bit overwhelmed and apprehensive about this all...was always healthy then one day a routine mammogram changed all that. What's really creepy is that my surgeon felt the tumors and said he would have never felt them in an exam...and the largest one is 3 cm...the other being 1. That is in my right breast but they are fairly certain I have 2 more tumors in my left...another biopsy to go...this time mri guided...anyway they are starting chemo while they figure that all out. A bit much to process but i guess i have to...

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296
    edited July 2014

    I'm here getting ready to start August 8th in MO. 

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700
    edited July 2014

    just amy, i dont get it. are you sure its dcis? not idc? wouldnt that make you stage 0? especially since its er+pr+? maybe because of her2, i guess. i am so sorry you have been diagnosed, but good for you for finding bco, and these women will become your best friends, and you will find you are stronger than you know. make sure and add this to your favorites, so you can all encourage each other. and read up on all the info, with the search function, great info there. its after 1:00 for me here, im gonna stop writing now, but wanted to welcome you, and give you the first of many hugs you will get! ((hug)).

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700
    edited July 2014

    you will probably get adriamycin and herceptin.

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296
    edited July 2014

    i am not up on all the names of everything yet so I could be wrong...I am pretty sure its all right...I know that its stage 2. He said that's because of the size of the largest tumor. Thanks for the warm welcome!

  • Catie57
    Catie57 Member Posts: 259
    edited July 2014

    Hi, I am also starting chemo early August for Breast cancer. I will be going once every three weeks for 6 treatments of TC. I have already started looking at wigs and plan to keep working, but spoke to my boss and willing to work with whatever comes our way. I know I am not alone when I say, I dread the thought of starting chemo. I am also working on being optimistic going forward. Hope the very best for everyone else going through chemo at this time.

  • Catie57
    Catie57 Member Posts: 259
    edited July 2014


    I also had an MRI biopsy. Luckily you are face down and go in feet first. Dr was very comforting and told me what to expect. Results came back fairly quickly. Good luck

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited July 2014

    Ladyb, justamy and Catie, sorry you are all going through chemo in August. Wishing you the best of luck with your treatments.

    Hugs to you all

    from the Mods

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296
    edited July 2014

    Catie: I get panic attacks and almost had one in the MRI last time...praying it is easier this time. Definitely going to take anxiety meds first!

  • Gatomal
    Gatomal Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2014

    Hi All,

    I should have my first treatment August 13 with AC, maybe six rounds every three weeks, then maybe surgery and T after delivery. I am pregnant with twins, and we are waiting 2.5 weeks to start. I meet with my med onc this wed. Working on renting a penguin cold cap, but my doc said 50/50 chance it will work. We'll see how it goes. If it starts to look bleak, I may shave it and get a fuscia bob wig. So worried about the brows and lashes though. Ugh.

  • jess1965
    jess1965 Member Posts: 38
    edited July 2014

    Hi Everyone,

    Just joining this group. Just had uni MX w TE on July 15 and begin chemo on 8/14. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions. So glad to have found this group. Wishing everyone healing thoughts during this very difficult time. Take good care!

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2014

    Hello JustAmy, Catie57, Gatomal and Jess1965.  I wish we all didn't have to go through this but if we must it's good to have these awesome ladies to hang out with and share experiences. 

    I am starting my first round next Wednesday of  AC every 3 weeks for 3 months (4 in total), followed by weekly taxol for 3 months (12) then 33 rads.  Anyone else prescribed this cocktail?

    My Family and I took a short vacation to have fun ad relax a bit before I start chemo.  We went to Disneyland and we had a ball.  The grand kids loved it.  It was wonderful and I was spoiled rotten and loved every minute if it.  Especially I didn't think much about the numerous spots, upcoming chemo and everything else I have faced and my face in this journey.  Just got away from it all it.  I  have a host of appts this week  to prepare for chemo.  With this said my onc has opted to not put a port in. Are any of you getting a port or infusions by IV. I  thought a port was standard but finding out it is not.  

    Gatomal,  I was thinking about a cold cap but the cost changed my mind.  I also have twins  (adults now) and my daughter who is a twin had twins.  I am more worried about the lashes and brows. Since I can always throw on a wig, hat or scarf for the head :-).

    Catie57 at this time I also plan to keep working.  My manager is aware my situation, very supportive and they are being very flexible.  I also have a job that will allow me to work from home if needed.

    Justamy sorry you were dx but glad you found bro.  As Catie57 stated we have been brought together under circumstances that we wish we did not have to face.   However the group of women who have joined and yet to join our August 2o14 thread will become your very close friends.  We will share our experiences, ask questions and even at times discuss  things we may not readily share with others.  I have joined  other threads and the welcome and bonding and support that has occur during this last 1.5 months is encouraging , uplifting and a wealth if knowledge and resources 

    Hoping the very best for each of us with minimal SE.

  • Gatomal
    Gatomal Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2014

    Hi ladyb1234,

    Twins are great. I had a difficult preg last go, with gestational diabetes, and pre-eclampsia, and was hoping for a better time this go around. Not in the cards! Just praying to keep them in until 32 or 34 weeks. I am going to ask my doc tomorrow for a latisse prescription. I have read that even when your brows and lashes fall out, that it may help them grow back faster. I don't want to draw in Marlene Dietrich brows for long. I've also been checking out the Racquel Welsh collection on vogue , the synthetic ones I've heard are easier to deal with and look great and the cost is much better. Trying to get my appointments out of the way before chemo starts. I'm going to get my teeth cleaned today for instance, and trying to book my heart and lung work- up ASAP. I never thought I'd say this, but I am looking forward to getting the first infusion over and done with. It so scary to not know what to expect, how you'll feel, etc. Good luck next week. Bring some photos of your vacation with you to look at!

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296
    edited July 2014

    Gatomal: I really like the Racquel Welsh wigs too. I'm not planning on getting a wig but if I did I would get one from her line.

  • wizard50
    wizard50 Member Posts: 89
    edited July 2014

    Hi ladies - I'll be starting chemo on August 7th.  I'll be getting 6 rounds of TCH (1 round every 3 weeks) and then will continue Herceptin for a year.  I've been following the July chemo thread since I was initially scheduled to start on 7/24 however; due to an abnormal CT scan a colonoscopy was recommended.  Colonoscopy was done yesterday and all is good.  The July chemo thread has tons of good information about side effects and what to expect.  I recommend checking it out, it has certainly helped me with my fear of chemo. 

  • Gatomal
    Gatomal Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2014

    Just got back from my MO appt. I will be starting AC chemo week 16 of my pregnancy, August 20. We will be doing four rounds, every three weeks, which should bring me up to 28 weeks. The he wants to start Taxol weekly, not stopping for delivery, which I hope doesn't come before 34 weeks. Then surgery,probably  rads, then prob Tamoxifen. We'll have to see how it goes and my response to all. He thinks for AC chemo the cold caps don't work. I am still going to try, and will shave my head if that looks better than what's going on. So scared for me and the babies. The only way out is through. That's my affirmation for this nightmare. Curious to see how this all goes. Good luck everyone.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2014

    Wizard I have added you to the list.  Gatomal I have updated your date.

    Gatomal, glad to hear the update regarding your chemo plan and your pregnancy.  Have you been able to find anyone on BCO that has gone through chemo while pregnant.  I believe there are a few that I saw on a threads but I don't remember which threads. I agree with you the only way out of this is through and we will be here to support, encourage and inspire each other.  We are here even if we need to vent, whine or just cry in our typing.  I was also told that cold caps would not work with AC so I have opted for wigs or I just took the cheap way out..not sure which one. LoL.  

    JustAmy:I hoping that your MRI wasn't too bad of an exprience.  I see you deleted a few post. I did that quite often when I  first joine BCO some by accident a few changing my mind on what I post. Now I just go for it.  Thinking about you and your pathology report 

    Jess1965:  Glad you found this group.  

    Wizard50:  I thought your screen name looked fimilar. I am also a part of the July 2014 group but decided to start this thread for August.  You are abosolutly right the July 2014 group is an awesome group, supportive, funny, inspiring and lots of encouragement and info.  I modified the intro thread to reference that group until we get well into our treatment plans.  

    Look forward to the growing online friendship that will form from this group.


  • oceanbreeze1818
    oceanbreeze1818 Member Posts: 43
    edited July 2014

    Hi Ladies! 

    I have been hanging out on the July 2014 board, but since now I know when my first treatment will start I wanted to join this board as well! 

    I agree with Ladyb123 sharing of experiences and support of each other will be inspirational and helpful even when we have to vent, cry, etc.  Even at times if we have to vent and let it out, we are here for each other: 

    So about me - my first round of chemo is scheduled for August 13th.  I will be doing 6 session every three weeks of carboplatin, herceptin and taxotere/taxol (thought I was to go on taxetore but my notes so taxol so it is a question I have from my MO).  After the chemo I will complete surgery and than continue 12 more rounds of herceptin every 3 weeks due to be Triple Postive (ER+, PR+, HER2+).  Pending on which way I go with surgery will determine if I also need rads. 

    I am still trying to come to terms with losing my hair.  I DO NOT look good in short hair!  I have had my hair long for a few years now and just recently got a few inches cut off.  I think I may get a few more and than just have a big old freak out session/mourining session and shave my head!  I did find a wig I really liked and the place I worked with online were wonderful.  My stylist will be cutting bangs into my wig.  It was a little pricey for me but I am not ready for the bald head look.  I hope to eventually embrace the bald look but that is going to be a touch and go situation for me. 

    I completed genetics testing yesterday and now will wait a month for the results.  I have had an EKG done and I am going through Chemo Class next Friday to go over side effects, etc. I am making it a point in my life to live as normal as possible for my family and my sanity.  I plan to keep exercising and doing what I want (within limitations) to maintain what I feel is my normal life.  I am hoping for minimal side effects, but definitely will keep all of you posted on what I go through if you would like.  Heck I even told all the doctors that they needed to work around my schedule as I have a surprise trip to Disney planned for my daughters in September and they have supported me and worked with me.

    I plan to continue to work through all this but I am lucky enough to work for a company that has an acute treatement plan which if approved will allow me to reduce my work house weekly and take the time I need to recover and get infusions without it effecting my personal time, etc. 

    Postive Vibes being sent to all you ladies!  I look forward to bonding and getting to know all you ladies and to support each and everyone one of you through this journey! 

    Hugs to all!


  • wizard50
    wizard50 Member Posts: 89
    edited July 2014

    Ladyb - Thanks for adding me to the list and I recognized your name too.  Also thanks for starting the August thread.  I see you start chemo the day before me and will also be doing radiation as well.  I'm getting a bit anxious but I also know that this is necessary to kick cancers butt!  

    Oceanbreeze - I recognized your name too from the July thread. I'm also doing TCH starting on 8/7.  I spent decades with short hair and for the last 8 years or so I've had long hair.  I haven't decided on a wig yet but have purchased a few beanies.  My daughter is more concerned about me losing my hair than I am.  My original plan was to shave my head as soon as my hair started falling out but since she's very emotional over my hair loss, I agreed to have a head-shaving party sometime around week 2 post chemo.  As of right now I'm off work until mid-Sept but I may invest in a wig when I go back.  

    I'm finally beginning to feel really good and more like myself since my surgery last month.  I'm going to try and live it up this weekend before starting chemo.  I'm so thrilled that I don't have to see a doctor or have any more tests until next Thursday!  This has been a crazy ride and the ladies I've met here have made it so much easier.  I look forward to getting to know more of you in the coming month.   

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2014

    Quick question. How many are doing chemo via IV vs. port.  The center I go to prefers IV, where I thought having a port was the standard.  The onc indicated they would only do a port if veins were hard to find? 

  • oceanbreeze1818
    oceanbreeze1818 Member Posts: 43
    edited August 2014

    I have a port.  It was recommended by my docs.  Said that after two treatments via a vein the vein would get blown.  Plus I hate having iv's in my hand/arm so port was way to go for me although I still have issues with it..just a mental thing for me. Everyone has advised me that a port is the way to go. 

  • wizard50
    wizard50 Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2014

    Ladyb - I had my port inserted last week.  I have horrible veins and every time I get an IV it takes 3-4 tries and then I bruise easily on top of that.  My MO recommended the port since I'll be getting Herceptin for a year.  

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2014

    Thanks all for the quick replies. I also posted my question in the July 2014 thread.

    I am at a lost why my center is not going for a port in my case.  I think if I push it they will; however wanted to be armed with some information. I hate IVs, bruise easily and one arm is totally off limits for any IVs or BP due to my ALND.  The good arm that NP and lab techs usually migrate to is the off limit arm. 

    Wizard50 -- my MO did indicated if I was receiving more frequent infusions  a port would be given. She also indicated if the viens are hard to find that they "may" move forward with a port.  Just not sure why I am not getting a port when I move to weekly Taxol shots in 3 months.

    Oceanbreeze -- I have also read not only on this forum that after a few treatments via IV that the vien will get blown and then they have to find another spot

    Ugg... this is frustrating why can't they just make this easy for us as we have enough to worry about :-(.   So I  will not have a port first time around but will probably push for one for 2nd infusion.

    Thanks for your quick replies!

  • wizard50
    wizard50 Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2014

    Ladyb - I'm hoping your first round goes ok without a port but if your veins are anything like mine I would push for the port.  I can't imagine them trying to start an IV for each and every chemo.  I still have faint bruising from my 6/24 surgery!  How many rounds of chemo will you have?

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296
    edited August 2014

    im a bit frustrated today.... I'm supposed to have my port placed on Tuesday and start chemo Friday. Well tonight I am lying in the hospital getting steroids and antibiotics because I have a terrible rash as s part of sweets syndrome. Now everything will have to be postponed. I want it started so it could get over....grrrr.

  • Gatomal
    Gatomal Member Posts: 418
    edited August 2014

    My doc said no port for me yet. I think they don't want to sedate me this early in the pregnancy. Did my echo last week in prep for AC. Every new test I get I worry about finding some other huge problem. It like "stop looking for things, I feel fine". I'm going in for a baseline ultrasound for the babies just so we can be sure of the "before chemo" state. It's a little early for a big scan, but I think its a good idea. I had a real scare last week, as I had preeclampsia with my other pregnancy, and I took a 24-hour urine test to measure my protein baseline. It was higher than the standard, and I spent all day and night worrying that this complication so early, along with the cancer, would lead to the doctors recommending termination. It was a devastating thought. Even though I am trying to detach a bit from the babies, I realized that they are really going to keep me going through this process. It's so hard to feel like you are poisoning your babies while you are poisoning the cancer. I know they say babies are fine, but come on! The worry over the next few months is going to be hard to cope with. I did get to see my little girls, who have been with grandma this week, and they really lift my spirits. It's good to see that I am going through this for them. To be with them. I just want to get the stupid chemo class over with, and finish my first treatment already. Can't believe I'm looking at six months of chemo. Then surgery, rads. This better work!

  • randomchance
    randomchance Member Posts: 30
    edited August 2014

    Hi, everyone. I am starting chemo next Thursday. I have been in freefall since my diagnosis last week.

    I had my port placed 2 days ago, and one MRI done at the same time.Wednesday I have 2 CT scans and a second MRI. I am most scared of the MRI.

    The port hurt more than I expected but I think that is partially due to the fact that I am left handed and its on my left side, and the fact that I fell asleep on it before the anesthetic wore off.

    I am 47 a d I have 2 son's, one is 20 and in his 3rd year of college, the other is 15 with extreme high functioning aspbergers, so he is emotionally closer to 12.

  • cbr2004
    cbr2004 Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2014

    Hi, everyone,

    I thought I'd visit here and say hello. I was part of the "Starting Chemo in August 2004" thread and this is now it is my 10-year anniversary. I was 56 years old at that time, Stage II, Grade 3, HER2+, ER+, had lumpectomy followed by right mastectomy, did ECT, a year of Herceptin, and 5 years of Arimidex. All of that seems like the distant past to me now. My wig is in a closet somewhere.

    Today I was thinking about how I am different from the person I was 10 years ago. Of course there have been changes. My kids have all left home and established themselves, I'm about to retire, I've traveled a lot, and we almost have the house renos finished. Oh, also I have one less boob than before 2004. I didn't do reconstruction because I was not really bothered by my flat side, and I didn't want to spend another year of my life organized around cancer treatment. I have definitely moved on.

    I just want to reassure you that the bad period you are in now, will pass, and you will also move on to live your lives for better or for worse, just like everyone else. Maybe you'll post something here in August 2024!

    This forum was the first one I ever joined, and I still have occasional Facebook contact with 3 other women who were in the August 2004 group.

    Best wishes to all of you.


  • Gatomal
    Gatomal Member Posts: 418
    edited August 2014

    thanks Clare. That is an awesome story. It'll be nice to get to a place of " oh yeah. I had cancer"

  • randomchance
    randomchance Member Posts: 30
    edited August 2014

    Thanks, that's what we all need to hear.