Ibrance (Palbociclib)



  • jensgotthis
    jensgotthis Member Posts: 673
    edited October 2017

    Subversion of NK Cell and TNF-alpha Immune Surveillance Drives Tumor Recurrence


    Sharing this article as we've had some talk about NK Cells. I don't understand all of this yet, but I'm slogging my way through it.

  • consultguy
    consultguy Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2017

    My wife has been on Ibrance combined with Letrozole for about 20 months. Initially she was on 125MG dose and experienced a rash of some kind. We reduced the dose to 100MG and that solved the problem. Tendinitis in her wrists became an issue but was tolerable enough -- but we think that was from the Letrozole. She is also on Xoleda to put her into menopause. Overall, her side effects were minimal and tolerable. On one occasion early on in the treatment we did have to stop and start up again due to white cell counts (was at 125MG dose) -- overall well tolerated at the 100MG dose. On both meds had great results and tumor markers went way down after meds loaded.

  • airlinegal
    airlinegal Member Posts: 252
    edited October 2017
    If I do any gardening or mild activity....my right hip hurts. It's like the siatica nerve is being bothered. I take an aleeve gel and it helps. So not sure which med is causing the problem, but see Onc tomorrow and will ask.
  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287
    edited October 2017


    Did you mean Xeloda, or zoladex?

  • jensgotthis
    jensgotthis Member Posts: 673
    edited October 2017

    Consultguy, or maybe Xgeva (instead of Xeloda)? We're interested as some friends here have recently posed whether Ibrance and Xeloda could be taken together, which is outside of standard care.

    Glad she has found a combo that is working for her either way.

  • zarovka
    zarovka Member Posts: 2,959
    edited October 2017

    The theory is that Xeloda is broader spectrum and will kill anything palbo kills plus the new stuff and therefore you would not accept the additional toxicity of doing both treatments because they are not complimentary they are duplicative. The person who raised this question presented a strong argument that she is a counter example to this standard view. But, in general, that is the thinking and good to understand when you talk with your doctor about combining thse drugs or any drugs. You want to combine drugs when they really attack completely different targets.


  • zarovka
    zarovka Member Posts: 2,959
    edited October 2017

    Jen - If you are interested in the immune system How the Immune System Works (The How it Works Series) has helped me enormously in understanding this discussion. NKC's and other parts of the immune system can be coopted by cancer cells to down-regulate the immune response and protect cancer. They can also be up-regulated to attack the cancer. They have many different roles and states.


  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited October 2017

    Only on my first Ibrance day 18. I have pain in my right hip since first Faslodex in July. Also no mets on that side. However I took a.fall on that side years ago so I'm blaming it on Faslodex. All arthritic joints have flared like they did when I was on Aromasin. Experiencing some nausea off and on this week but not enough to take anything.

    Very tired today. I took a nap again. It just hits me at around 3 pm and I have to just close my eyes. I sleep well at night even with a nap. Some days I can walk for an hour but lately not so much. I try to space activity. Take care all.

  • Frenchhorn654
    Frenchhorn654 Member Posts: 46
    edited October 2017


    Thanks for your input....your treatment sounds a lot like mine. I haven't been taking naps, because I"m working, but I've been falling asleep at 7 or 8 at night!

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2017

    Good morning...

    Maire...I take my Ibrance with my dinner -- around 6:30 -- I seem to doze off every evening about 9:30, but only for 15-20 minutes. Crazy! It's like you say...the eyes just close!! I sleep pretty well at night, too. Hope the nausea goes away soon. I had bouts of nausea with my first round. I'm now on my 3rd week of Round 4 -- haven't had any nausea since that first round. Hang in there.


  • JoynerL
    JoynerL Member Posts: 1,392
    edited October 2017

    This new article appears to address exactly what Z was talking about: "Cancer Relapse Related to Body's Own Immune System". Interesting stuff, and encouraging, too. We just need to hang in there!!


  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited October 2017

    I will start back on TX this Friday. I was off for two weeks because of cellulitis. This week I felt great, infection gone, rash gone and no Ibrance/femara. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Ha Taking a break and feeling so good has let me experience what life would be like if I could stay off. I think it will be hard to take that pill on Friday, but I will.

    My grandchildren had their birthday party on Sunday. They are both born in October, so they each get a party but have a family party together. My six year old grandson is so hilarious. He's very into clothes. He told me he wanted a dress shirt and tie! I tried not to laugh and I did get one for him. Now, let's see how long he keeps that tie on. Ha. My granddaughter is eleven (acts like she's 13) and very creative. She designed and decorated her own cake this year. It was beautiful. She'll be in another play in December and Blake will compete in his first gymnastics meet in December.

    They are great incentive to take my pills. I wrote my own informative post for MBC awareness day on my FB. I got lots of appropriate comments from all my friends and family. I was really sort of anxious about posting it. We all have experienced such inappropriate comments. But now I feel really good about it. Happy to have educated a small group of people. I encouraged them to share with others. Maybe just one small group at a time, and eventually a large group will "get it".

  • visco
    visco Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2017

    Hi there, i have complaining of right hip aches, and its being dismissed as arthritis.

    I had a CT scan done and there is a 'lesion' on my right hip.

    Just curious if your oncologist had any information for you about the hip.

  • visco
    visco Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2017

    Hi, I have right hip issues too, I think its linked to the ibrance, but no one confirming that.

    I had a CT done and they show a 'lesion' on my right hip. Oncologist and GP not concerned.


  • Lillymillie
    Lillymillie Member Posts: 115
    edited October 2017

    I'm catching up on this thread. They found something suspicious on my liver during my 6 month scans. After another closer liver mri I have found last night that it's not cancer. It's a scar of some sort. It's new and wasn't there 3 months ago so not sure what it is but the good news is I'm stable and back on the ibrance train again from Thursday! They are going to follow this new finding but happy I can continue on ibrance/faslodex.

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited October 2017

    Has anyone asked Pfizer about flu shots? My MO seemed to encourage it but then someone else on a thread wasn't sure. I start cycle 3 on Friday and see MO tomorrow and have an appt. for flu shot Friday but will be happy for any advice.

  • airlinegal
    airlinegal Member Posts: 252
    edited October 2017
    Saw my Onc today and she wants me to get a flu shot. I have never had one. She feels under the circumstances...compromised immune system it would be safer. If anyone thinks differently or has spoken to Pfiser please post. As far as the hip will not know until pet scan in November.
  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited October 2017

    No problem with the flu shots according to my oncologist. I got one last week on the day of my lowest counts. I felt a little crummy for two days but I also had the XGeva shot the same day which makes me feel crummy anyway. So I felt slightly more crummy and I look forward to not dying from the flu after all the trouble I've gone to to stay alive!! Stage IV Flu would make for such an anticlimactic obituary, right?

  • jensgotthis
    jensgotthis Member Posts: 673
    edited October 2017

    I had a flu shot last year while new to Ibrance and it was fine. I plan to get one this year. I'm also going to ask about Hep A and when I was vaccinated.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,338
    edited October 2017

    Airlinegal, I got a flu shot last year (year 1 for Ibrancefemarazometa) at the request of my MO. I just got one last week before leaving for my trip. My MO recommends it and her nurse gave it to me so check. I didn't want to get on 4 airplanes without it! I did fine...just felt a little crummy the next day.

    I am enjoying time in New York with my son. I am in my last week of the cycle and not feeling well today but soldiering on. I have never been a good sleeper so Ibrancefemarazometa doesn't help any. But I do find once I get to sleep I can usually manage 6 hours. Visited Sleepy Hollow today and seeing Wicked on Satyrday. Doing the Halloween theme I guess!

    Praying for us all.


  • Jaylea
    Jaylea Member Posts: 440
    edited October 2017

    Got a good laugh from Pat G's post! And agree with other posters, MO says get the shot at the end of the off week.

    Lilliemillie, so glad you got good news. I was waiting to hear as I'm in the same boat, so your results give me hope.

    Regarding the hip pain thread, I was experiencing hip pain before my diagnosis, thought it was sciatica. CT showed I have a met in the area, but MO said tumor was too small to cause discomfort. In my case, the pain disappeared once I started treatment.

  • Lillymillie
    Lillymillie Member Posts: 115
    edited October 2017

    that's good to hear everyone is fine on the flu shots. Need to get one and my husband want a one too. Haha Pat...finished off by a flu after all this effort would not impress me at all!!

    Yes Jaylea I was thinking about you now they will be watching you for 2 months. I was pretty sure it was going to come back as liver mets as it was not on previous scan. I had done lots of research for liver met treatment and a lot of people are doing very well so feel better informed. It does go to show how every little oddity on a scan can scare us and sometimes it turns out to be nothing of consequence.

    'RE hip pain I get all sorts of pain in my hips that come and go. Also pain in sites where there are no mets. Had bad hip pain but scan say stable so I blame the faslodex/ibrance. Hard to know at times whats going on.

  • Frenchhorn654
    Frenchhorn654 Member Posts: 46
    edited October 2017

    This thread makes me smile.. thanks Pat! I work at a school and should probably get the flu shot, but have never had one before either because it just seems like there are so many strains of the flu and how do you know you'll be exposed to specific strain... perhaps I'm misinformed about flu shots.

    I'm on day 7 of my first cycle of Ibrance... 100 mg and then onc says he will adjust up or down as indicated by my bloodwork and body's response....who hooo...

    Does anyone else feel torn between doing lots and doing nothing.... having lots of people around me... to having nobody around...... trying to find my balance.


  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2017

    Good morning...

    JoynerL...Thanks for the article. While I admit, these articles are sometimes like Greek to me, I'm getting better the more I read.

    Grannax...Glad you are feeling better! Love your grandkids stories! I have nine grandkids and one is funnier than the other and all so different.

    Lilliemillie...Good news about your liver mets.

    Airlinegal...Enjoy "Wicked"! One of the cast members is a very good friend. My two granddaughters have been dancing since they were three. The young man in "Wicked" has been my one granddaughter's duet partner from day one as they were growing up...they are both 25 years of age now. He has performed in "The Book of Mormon" for the past few years and just recently joined the cast of "Wicked". He went off to NY after he finished dance here, while my granddaughters opened their own studio. Exciting for all!

    I haven't had a flu shot in the past couple of years. I will check with my oncologist when I see him in a couple of weeks.

    Well, something else to worry about -- I hadn't heard anything about my lab results about my anemia. I had them done on Oct. 6. I called yesterday and left a message and asked someone to call. Well, this morning my oncologist called while on his way to the office. He didn't seem real concerned, but I have to have a bone marrow biopsy when I see him on Nov.2....joy, joy! He claims it's no big deal...we shall see. I've been on the anemic side since I was first introduced to chemo with my first diagnosis of breast cancer in 2010. Any input from you gals would be appreciated.

  • nkb
    nkb Member Posts: 1,561
    edited October 2017

    I loved “wicked” saw it years ago and still love the songs. Listen carefully to the lyrics ( dancing through life- etc)

    The flu shot ingredients are based on what happened in Australia this year since they are 6 months ahead of us. It isn’t always right, but, often quite predictive. Apparently they had a nasty flu year in Austrailia. LEAPFROG might know. Since i just turned 65 I was offered the double strength one since as you get older you mount a lower immune response - and I have more reasons to mount a lower immune response (haha) but I declined- was afraid of side effects. DH went for it and was fine- but, flu shots never bother him.

    The bone marrow biopsy is a fast way to “cut to the chase” on diagnosing anemia or other blood disorder. It is outpatient, takes maybe 20 minutes and is done under local. You shouldn’t feel pain, but you feel a lot of pressure. It is usually done with you lying on your stomach and they get it from your hip/pelvis area. They had a difficult time getting mine due to all the Zometa I’ve had hardening my bones. My marrow was full of Breast cancer. But, luckily not other bad stuff. I was sore for a few weeks afterward.

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2017

    NKB...Thanks for the info on the biopsy. It's nice knowing what to expect. I had a bone biopsy prior to my diagnosis of MBC, but it had to be done at the hospital and performed by a radiologist. I had the bone biopsy taken from my spine. I don't remember being too sore afterwards...maybe, for a couple of days. I guess this one isn't as invasive. Just praying they don't find anything horrible.


  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited October 2017

    Vanessa I am pretty new also and am on my week break after two cycles. I feel pretty good and other than the nerve damage to my right arm and hand that has me taking lots of pain meds I am tolerating Ibrance and Faslodex well. All new to so many of us

  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited October 2017

    Intolight, I can't wait to hear more highlights from your New York trip!

    Lilliemillie, I'm glad you get to stay on this train with us! Congrats on that liver scar. My liver "tumor" turned out to be fat....having a scar is far more dignified!

    nonahope, ask if you can have conscious sedation for the bone marrow biopsy. They may say no but it's worth a shot.

    Grannax, it's fun hearing about your creative grandchildren. I'd also love to read your post for MBC Day. Can you cut and paste it here?

    Have a happy day everyone! To all of you who read and don't post, I'm sending you a hug!

  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited October 2017

    As I was sitting here thinking about people who have had "things" show up on scans that seemed to be gone on later scans I remembered the story of an old friend with MBC. After several years of taking Herceptin, her 14 liver tumors barely showed up on a new scan and looked like grains of sand. Her doctor said they must not have been breast cancer after all. We just shook our heads that (A) the doctor didn't actually believe in the treatment (or the initial positive biopsies) and (B) he didn't believe some things are healed through prayer and other life changes people make. Juie had returned to running marathons. Who knows how much that changed her ability to heal?

    Those were the early years of Herceptin. Doctors now fully expect this kind of response. I believe that as the years go by, they will expect amazing responses from Ibrance.

    That's all my musing for the day!

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited October 2017

    Pat. I don't even know how to post a pic on here! Much less copy and paste. Ugh wish I did.