Ibrance (Palbociclib)



  • airlinegal
    airlinegal Member Posts: 252
    edited November 2018

    Not great with copy and paste, but this article came from a company Halleujah Diet
    Hopefully you can unto the first website posted for the article
  • skyfly
    skyfly Member Posts: 66
    edited November 2018
    Thanks for the feedback everyone it’s always great to hear about other’s experiences :)
  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,338
    edited November 2018

    Jens, yes, mouth sores are a common se. I am right where you are right now with the mouth. Have sores near a tooth and I am trying to decide whether it is dental or not. I am procrastinating because I am unsure whether my 2 antibiotics are creating havoc with my mouth or I need to see a dentist. I want to wait until I feel better and stop coughing with this pneumonia. Problem is I am scheduled for a Zometa infusion next week. Do I put it off? Arghh!

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited November 2018

    Hi Intolight - sorry to hear you are having to deal with the pneumonia :( not fun! Hope you feel better asap!!

    I have no idea about if you should hold off the zometa or not? Would be something I would think you MO could help best choose for you? I know it stinks to be on so many medications all at the same time.

    I had the WORST mouth sore of my life a few months ago (after several smaller mouth sores) and FINALLY my MO prescribed me Magic Mouthwash. It seriously made me cry in gratitude to whoever discovered that concoction - it helped immediately. And knock on wood, I haven't had a mouth sore since! Hopefully you can find some relief and perhaps it would make sense to ask your MO for the Magic Mouthwash!

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264
    edited November 2018

    I know I've been missing for a while but the two cataract surgeries in Oct. are still messing up my vision, especially on the computer. But, I just had to answer Chemokaze. Did you MO say why he put you on V in the first place? I would ask. It is well known for GI SE's. At first, it came with a bottle of Imodium. I know I will not be taking it, ever. Ibrance doesn't have that for me or many others. Ask if you can switch. Some MD's have "arrangements" with big pharma. I refuse to be anyone's guinea pig. Or source of free lunch.

  • Penny-78
    Penny-78 Member Posts: 271
    edited November 2018

    Cathy oh Cathy i has such a good feeling this would come out ok but didn’t want to guve you false hope. I am SOOO happy.

    Skyfly my experience was *feeling* better almost immediately. And then a stretch of scans where flares caused confusion but after a lot of study they realized my bone lesions were healing. And tremendous healing after six moths or so. I never had a primary so there was never that to go by. How is your mom feeling?

    Pat G love and prayers. As always.

  • Penny-78
    Penny-78 Member Posts: 271
    edited November 2018

    Lauren was it you that posted that adorable picture of those boys last week? That soooo warmed my heart.

  • LaurenH
    LaurenH Member Posts: 382
    edited November 2018

    Hi all,

    Cathy - i just couldn’t be happier for you! Yay yay yay! Big hugs for your news!

    Pat - all the prayers are flowing for you!! Keep us posted.

    Skyfly - sounds like Ibrance is indeed doing its thing for your mom! That’s great news - I’m sure the scans will tell the full story but what she is feeling sounds very promising.

    Jensgotthis- I get the roof of mouth sores... sometimes they are more like blisters, which often means I need an anti-fungal med. (IntoLight- the first time that happened it was due to taking antibiotics so you might want to ask if that’s possible in your case). Sometimes they are just sores and I swish with peroxide/water.

    Hope you pneumonia is clearing IntoLight!

    Penny - yes, that was my son’s travel baseball team. Organized by the moms of course but the boys were super excited to wear their wrist bands.

  • LaurenH
    LaurenH Member Posts: 382
    edited November 2018

    So I just realized that I completely forgot to restart Ibrance on Thursday night! I know it’s not a big deal to start 2 days later but I can’t believe I did that.. I had a really long and busy week at work, didn’t sleep as much as I should (made up for that today) and I guess I just forgot!

    I started the week giving a talk at my office for a thing we do there called the morning roast. They wanted me to do it during BC awareness month so I ended up giving folks a high level education on MBC. I work for a huge global company and my building has about 1000 people. I would say a few hundred showed up for my ‘talk.’ It felt ballsy to tell all of those people that I have this disease but I wanted to use it as an opportunity to educate. I think it went pretty well and if nothing else, I got a lot of positive feedback.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,338
    edited November 2018

    Lauren, kudos for being brave and giving your speech. You just elevated us all. I am sure it was outstanding.
    And yes, my mouth sore is more like a big blister, and the pain has gone so I think you are right that it is the result of my antibiotics.

    Still coughing and have even less energy than usual, but I am on the mend. Thanks for caring.


  • Utopria
    Utopria Member Posts: 182
    edited November 2018

    take care Intothelight, get some rest...

    LaurenH wow! That takes a lot of guts to do that, kudos! I always imagine doing something like that in the office but unfortunately I’m still not there yet...someday I will...Inspired!

    BTW I’m in Information technology too...

  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited November 2018

    Lauren, someone (or many) in that crowd will be in a crisis one day and will remember your powerful story. We're all so proud of you!

    Jaycee, I'll keep praying for the day to come soon when you wake up with perfect vision. I know what you're experiencing has to be frustrating.

    Intolight, this is my moment to shout, "Yogurt!"

    Friends, when they tell you to drink a lot of water after a PET/CT, do it. With all my nausea and throwing up the day of the scan I was obviously at a major fluid deficit on top of taking Zofran and drinking just made me more queasy. All that to say, I ended up constipated with major stomach cramps. Miralax to the rescue! I haven't had that tasty concoction since Big Chemo in 2012. Now all is well. (Show me another group of friends who wants to hear about my bowels on a Saturday night!)

    Love from PatGMc

  • LaurenH
    LaurenH Member Posts: 382
    edited November 2018

    Pat - we love hearing about your bowels! I can’t believe how tough those scans are on your tummy. Glad that it has cleared.

    IntoLight - shouldn’t be long until you are back to your normal level of tired..... praying your body cooperates and gets rid of this thing completely very soon.

    Thanks for your thoughts on my ‘talk’ at the office. I have always been fairly open about my disease but just among the folks I work closely with so this felt like a much bigger deal.

    Utropia - Nerdy IT girls ROCK! Nerdy

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited November 2018

    LaurenH - wow! That’s a big deal!!! You are very brave to be so open with your health!

    I am in private practice and see lots of different patients, some are oncology patients and others have an array of chronic illnesses/physical issues. I am always on the fence about how much I should share about myself - like maybe one day I’ll write a blog post about my journey and experience in the realms of oncology, and share it publicly. I just am not there “yet” comfort-wise!!

    On one hand, I truly believe sharing our stories helps so many others and on another hand, I don’t want patients worrying about or focusing on me. It’s about them, not me. Very diff scenario than yours but of course gets me thinking!

    Pat - even though I’ve only been through 3 scan days now in my journey - my bowels are predictable! I can guarantee that about one hour exactly after I drink the barium drink for the CT scan, my bowels implode! I stay close to the bathrooms in the hospital lo

  • skyfly
    skyfly Member Posts: 66
    edited November 2018

    She is pretty good so far. Her MO said her blood counts are solid. The most frequent side effect is heartburn, followed by nausea. May I ask how it is that you had no primary? Was it ILC? How do you feel on this combo as you come up on two years? Which, btw, is awesome!!!


    I think it’s awesome what you’re doing! I never knew anyone personally who was dealing with BC. Sometimes I wonder if hearing someone’s story would have made me more proactive about getting my mom annual mammograms rather than assuming she would tell me about lumps she felt. Who knows the positive ways your openness might affect people there.
  • Utopria
    Utopria Member Posts: 182
    edited November 2018

    regarding CT scans... I also feel like puking each time... I told my MO about this... he said you don't need to drink the stuff, just tell them you are puky, take the IV contrast, that's all... And that's what I've been doing ever since....oh yeah and lots of water before and after...

  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited November 2018

    About the PET/CT:

    I should clarify that I didn't get nauseous from the scan. I don't want anyone to let that scare them. I have recurring nausea from Ibrance even on the weeks off. (It's not constant and throwing up cures it for most of the day.) I threw up before they injected me with the FDG. (I don't drink contrast.) I had only water from midnight until the noon test so I threw up all that water. I was sick again in the afternoon so I threw up all the water I drank to wash out the FDG. I had also had Zofran and Phenergen which make me constipated all by themselves. Hence, nothing was moving. Nothing. The good news is that everything is now working perfectly and I don't take pooping for granted today. It's a win from top to bottom (no pun intended)!

    I better get good scan news tomorrow because I've got art to make! My main piece for the December gallery show was done and I put a few close-ups on Facebook. Guess what? Someone in Myrtle Beach bought it so I'm about to be too busy for cancer and all its attendant aggravations! And this piece will live at the beach where one of the USA's biggest ferris wheels stands outside. How fun is that?!

    This is "Fair Food on the First Ferris Wheel...Buncha' Dummies" 24" x 24" Mixed Media on Canvas


    Love from PatGMc

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited November 2018

    very cool and funky art PatG!!

    What is this contrast dye injection that you all speak of that can be used in place of the gross drink?

  • Utopria
    Utopria Member Posts: 182
    edited November 2018

    Skyfly - your mum is a very lucky lady to have a son like you! 🙏🙏

    PatGm - what a wonderful piece! I love it!

  • LaurenH
    LaurenH Member Posts: 382
    edited November 2018

    I love your art, Pat! The titles are as creative as the art!

  • twinklecat
    twinklecat Member Posts: 31
    edited November 2018


    So I got a nosebleed Tuesday last week --- first ever. I've always had dry crusty nostrils, and it's not unusual for me to have some blood when I blow my nose.... but Tuesday was a gusher, and I'd never had that before. It stopped after about 20 minutes, and I was really careful for the next few days with blowing my nose and stuff. Then Saturday.... WHOOSH! It was so bad it was coming out my mouth and even out the corner of my eye when I leaned forward. I had my husband take me to the hospital. It took a couple hours to get it totally under control, and I was sent home with a nostril full of gauze. (I have to return today for removal.) They rand my bloods while I was there, and platelets were normal. I know that Ibrance can cause nosebleeds -- but I assumed it was secondary to low platelets... anyone else have massive nosebleeds on Ibrance when your platelets were normal?

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited November 2018

    PatG....I LOVE this painting!! So creative!! You are one talented lady. Fingers crossed for great news tomorrow.

    Lauren...I, too, am very open about my disease with friends and family. I'm not one to get up in front of people to talk, though. Good for you!!

    TwinkleCat...I had one nosebleed while on Ibrance. It was very minor. Your's would have scared me to death.


  • annie70
    annie70 Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2018
    TwinkleCat, I haven’t had a mega nosebleed while on Ibrance but did have one about a year ago while on Taxol. I too ended up in the ER and got the dreaded Rhino Rocket inserted. My platelets were fine but when they checked my INR (prothrombin time) it was high so they gave me a shot of vitamin K. I’ve added a multivitamin to my daily meds and haven’t had any more nosebleeds. Did they check your INR?
  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited November 2018

    hi! Does anyone take iron supplements for anemia from Ibrance and if so, is it working? Thank you

  • twinklecat
    twinklecat Member Posts: 31
    edited November 2018

    Thanks, BeEnough. They did check my INR -- didn't tell me the value, just that all my bloodwork looked normal.

    I have an appointment with ENT tomorrow to have the packing removed. (Apparently, the ENT department prefers the packing to stay in for at least 3 days! This is torture!)

    They tried to give me the rhino rocket, but my nasal passages are too narrow! They were only able to get it like halfway in -- and they used the small one! It was just awful.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,530
    edited November 2018

    Good afternoon ladies

    Love the art Pat MG.

    Just in case anyone’s up for a cheap getaway Frontier is having a sale today only. Promo code is save99. We got a round trip fare from Tampa to Vegas $34. Each way. Orbitz we got a suite at the Hilton 40 per night. Book today and travel by March 2019 on Frontier.


  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited November 2018

    No nosebleed for me just another sinus infection. Ugh

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287
    edited November 2018

    My wife is taking Beverley International desiccated liver tablets to boost her iron levels. Its from organic beef and doesn't have the same problems with constitpation that iron supplements often have.