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Ibrance (Palbociclib)



  • lakewoman
    lakewoman Member Posts: 221
    edited January 2022

    Anyone take antidepressants!

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,528
    edited January 2022

    Hi Lakewoman! I haven't seen you post in awhile. I hope all is well with you. I don't take antidepressants but many on here do. Hopefully they'll chime in soon.

    RKO I'm in your pocket for your upcoming appt to discuss the "ominous" results.

    Missing Rabbits thoughtful posts. I hope her family is alright. What an astounding loss.

    Take care all


  • cowgal
    cowgal Member Posts: 625
    edited January 2022

    So glad to see you post Lakewoman. I had not seen you on here for a long time!

    I don't personally take antidepressants but I found this thread for you that might be helpful in the stage 4 forum:

  • lakewoman
    lakewoman Member Posts: 221
    edited January 2022

    Thanks so much for your reply!This just started week so going to give it more time more before trying medsTY

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 600
    edited January 2022

    Hello dear friends, scan results for me show no new anything going on, I still have numerous little tiny lung nodules but they haven't changed in size or shape, so my MO wants to stay the course on Ibrance. This is the first CT scan I've had with no change/nothing new seen, so I'm filled with relief this morning. Thank you for the support and pocket duty! I really appreciate it.

    BAP, hoping you hear soon about your results.

    RK, thinking of you, also have REO Speedwagon in my head now. Hoping your doc has a good plan that will take care of anything showing in your liver. Finding it early is good, although of course we would rather not find anything please. Glad you were okay with all that crazy weather near you!

    Spookiesmom, in your pocket for PET scan and cataract surgery. Also glad you're okay with that wild weather recently, sheesh.

    SondraF and Jsniffs, I understand about needing a bit of a break from this site, it's so hard to lose someone here, I am still reeling from the loss of our Rabbit/Samantha. I completely agree with Katyblu about living like we have Rabbit's light in our souls. I am ordering a new rabbit statue for my yard, and it will be for her. I recall how she wondered if she would only be remembered for her toot stories...and what we all recall is her kindness and generosity.

    Aprilgirl, hoping you are still having a wonderful time in Hawaii, if you are still there!

    Love to everyone: Candy, Snow-drop, Jack5ie, Elderberry, Tanya, KBL, Sunshine, Nkb, Cowgal, Iwrite, Ciaci, Lakewoman, PatGMc, Divine, GoKale... forgive me if I've temporarily forgotten anyone else! You are all very important to me.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,904
    edited January 2022

    SF-cakes, that’s wonderful. I’m so happy for you. Thank you for the shoutout

  • GoKale4320
    GoKale4320 Member Posts: 580
    edited January 2022

    SF Cakes - so happy for you on your great report!

  • katyblu
    katyblu Member Posts: 223
    edited January 2022

    SF-Cakes, awesome results! So happy for you! And I think Rabbit will love her new statue

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited January 2022

    SF-Cakes- Woohoo on your stable scans. I think a rabbit for your yard sounds nice--- remembering Rabbit/Samantha.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 404
    edited January 2022

    hi all, sorry for blasting this everywhere, but I really think we immunocompromised people need to know: the US govt covid home test site is live.

    I am reading and following along with you here. Take care ❤

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2022

    Wooohooooo for stable!!

  • cowgal
    cowgal Member Posts: 625
    edited January 2022

    SF-Cakes - Woohoo for stable and getting to stay on your current treatment!

  • snow-drop
    snow-drop Member Posts: 544
    edited January 2022

    SFCake, cheers to awesome news 🥂 as sweet Rabbit would said stable mable. Well said we all remember our lovely Rabbit for her unlimited kindness ❤️ Please take a photo of your rabbit statuand share with us. (((Hugs)))

  • d37
    d37 Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2022

    SF-Cakes, I’m so happy for you! What great news!

    BAP, I’ve been thinking about you and praying for good scan results. You have been through so much.

  • B-A-P
    B-A-P Member Posts: 409
    edited January 2022

    So I got my results today...and I'm NED... like seriously flabbergasted. None of us understand it. My MO called the radiologist 3 times to make extra sure nothing was lighting up. The radiologist said nothing was lighting up anywhere but my liver has some disease changes ( hence my ascites). It's crazy because my labs don't show cirrhosis but the imaging shows scarring so its not true cirrhosis. But since there is ascites still on the go my liver is not normal. But there's no cancer. She was like " In august we knew it was cancer because the biopsy confirmed it , and the Pet was lighting up, now the colours are different and they aren't seeing metastatic disease"

    Like what? Ibrance usually takes a while to work and i've only just finished my third cycle. I'm still on a 3/2 schedule . She wants me to try and get my covid booster next week and restart ibrance next friday instead of this friday . My anc was borderline at 1.2 and she would have started me this week but I asked for the delay again. Hoping I'm making the right choice but I usually end up with peritonitis when the anc is too low and right now Covid is going crazy where I am so I don't want the hospital if I don't need to. But anyways, I'll take these results and happy dance for the next 3 months until it's scan time again.

  • chico
    chico Member Posts: 197
    edited January 2022

    BAP that is absolutely wonderful news. Dance and enjoy the next 3 months.

  • chico
    chico Member Posts: 197
    edited January 2022
    BAP that is absolutely wonderful news. Dance and enjoy the next 3 months.
  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067
    edited January 2022

    SF-cakes: Thanks for remembering me. I am glad you appear to be stable.

    B-A-P: happy dancing for you.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,026
    edited January 2022

    B-A-P-That's amazing! Happy to hear your news.

    SF Cakes-Glad that you also had good scan results.

  • anntop
    anntop Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2022

    Why oh why did I take such a long break from this thread -- I'm absolutely gutted at Rabbit/Samantha's loss. She was so full of fear when she first started to post almost 3 years ago and hoped she would live to see her 40th birthday. Then she came to terms and became our biggest supporter, joining PatG. And celebrated her 40th! She gave us so much, including her love to each of us. Rabbit, I hope you know how much you were loved in return. I do see her in that lovely sunset photo. She has to be an angel now, doesn't she?

    Please, let's all keep our community going, as part of Rabbit's legacy.

    B-A-P, I'm thrilled at your NED news.

    God bless each of you.


  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 404
    edited January 2022

    happy dance B-A-P & SFCakes!!!

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 600
    edited January 2022

    B-A-P, great news! So happy for you, and I love that your MO called three times to be sure.

    AnnTop, I believe Rabbit is definitely an angel now. ❤

  • snow-drop
    snow-drop Member Posts: 544
    edited January 2022

    BAP great news 🥳 triple checked!

    Ann, true Rabbit was a great supporter to us. I hope you are doing well.

    Jackie how are you

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited January 2022

    Ann, have you ever looked at her blog? It's really beautiful and her husband, Nathan, posted on it after she died.

    I think you can find it at (or look in her signature line for it)..

    I agree that her death was a real gut punch.


    JACK5IE Member Posts: 654
    edited January 2022

    SF-Cakes and BAP…so happy for you both!

    SF-Cakes…love to you as well and everyone else!

    Snow-drop…I’m doing ok. I made a thread for Abraxane so I’ve been posting a little there. Chemo tomorrow again. Thanks for asking.

    I miss Rabbit very much, but I think she gave me a sign yesterday. There was a rabbit hovering in my front yard like she was protecting her nest. She stayed on my front lawn all day in the same position with only a little movement here and there. I felt bad because she was out in the cold in the open. But I bet that was Rabbit saying she’s still with us.


  • bailey5
    bailey5 Member Posts: 27
    edited January 2022

    hi all:

    Haven’t posted for a while. I’m hyper emotional maybe related to post holiday/winter blues. Also, over the holidays my 22 yo dtr informed me that after dealing with my cancer for 12+ years-she thinks I should have made her go to therapy as a child. I chose not to for multitude of mistrust on both sides (mine & her dad’s). Docs/therapists advised through multiple surgeries/tests/treatments and then 5 years remission before stage 4 diagnosis (she was 18 by then) to provide as normal a schedule as we could for the children. She’s almost graduating college (hopefully this May) which honestly back in 2010 (initial DX & surgeries) & then again in 2017 (stage 4 DX-I/F Tx started) I NEVER ever imagined I’d still be here to see this happen. My son is 20 & I have hope to see him through his milestones as well (though he’s on the 6-year plan in college vs. her 5-year plan).

    Anyhoo, I’m writing as the conversation out-of-the blue with my daughter hurt sooo much & im writhing in guilt by not doing right by her all those years. We grew apart during her teens & had fortunate relocation situation that allowed us to live in a beach house in Calif (from Boston) for 9 mos together before she went back to college & then it happened again @ beginning of pandemic March-June of 2022–both my dtr & her boyfriend came up from SanDiego (4.5 hours south of where I live) to visit for a week & stayed through Mother’s Day! Then she asked me to rent out a room in her 3 bedroom when a roomate became ill; of course I said YES; it didn’t oan out as she & her BF found the cutest house to rent together (which is sooo gd for them & I still see her about every 3-4 weeks & had 4 full-weeks of vacation with her this past year)! But who goes tgat at age 21–asks their mom to live with them. Despite it not working out; I’ve been on a cloud ever since thinking I was sooo close with her. Then wham! She hit me with this huge guilt trip:

    Does she not understand anymore what I am currently going through & what she went thru @ age 11-22 was due to a disease and all the mental health issues that go along with that. Not to mention my own childhood was tulmultuous (to put it mildly) as well as her Dads childhood beginning at age 13 was extremely dysfunctional (if that’s even a thing—I’ve told her that I believe ALL families are dysfunctional in some way—not to be fooled!

    I explained as best I could; and apologized for my mistakes (& I’m sure I made many as I was pretty wrapped up in fighting stage 1; trying 10+ (Failed) antidepressants & 2 years of “talk-therapy—which ended abruptly due to change of insurance becoming disabled (I was once a VNA & then Schoolnurse) & all the psych that goes along with that. I did celebrate a 5 year cancerversary in 2015 & for almost 2 years to the day after tgat I found out I was stage 4 (which wasn’t supposed to happen-statistically & oncotyoe scores, etc; but it did—like everyone here—I wish we weren’t here discussing this—but we are).

    I’m not sure what will happen with us-she calls less frequently & I think that is healthy for her not to be too close (for when I’m not here I want her to be able to stand-alone) or enmeshed/co-dependent are terms that I’ve revisited when trying to figure this recent turn of events out.

    I told her to be careful, when starting therapy; that: 1. Some therapists drag it out for the money; 2. Know when enough is enough; 3. Be careful of meds you don’t need—sometimes side-effects outweigh the good & only she can figure out that effect; 4. Simply put after trying both meds (I believe I have med-resistant depression”) & psychotherapy during the brunt of all of this cancer (stage 1) my mom’s mothers words to her speak to me the loudest; which were: “you make your own contentment”! Pretty sure that’s the “strong-faced Irishwoman in her”; but it does ring true.

    On my worst days, I first imagine someone else who does not have what I have; then I imagine those who are dealt with much worse situation; then I drag my buttocks outside & take time to smell the roses, be ine with nature, birdwatch or listen to the ocean while walking or reading a book, trying to catch the sunset everyday (it’s so pretty no matter where you live; but in my pets in Al opinion the Pacific Coast sunsets have my heart; I then look for the moon and stars every night; thinking tgat my children are also looking wherever they may be whatever they are doing).

    And then my nightly battle with insomnia, Scan-xiety, pain, etc begins. Now add yo this battle I worry about how both of my children blame me for not doing right by then while I was I’ll—they do recognize that they have 2 parents; and, my daughter straight out said I know that Dad didn’t do his part & uour only 50% to blame (well, I beg to differ: I think at my worst he’d be 109% to blame; I wasn’t capable of e Re ally being a parent); but I f do I feel now I wish I HAD listened to my INSTINCTS & got her help. She thrives in school, drama, soccer, even began Girls ice hockey at age 15-16 out of the blue (which she just restarted with an all-men’s “no-check”/thank goodness—league ?& I hope to see her play one day).
    I know in my heart of hearts tgat they’ll both be ok & take solace in knowing that they are starting therapy now (but I still mistrust most of the psychological profession-from personal & professional experiences) & only hope & pray they do not VALIDATE her thoughts if what I as her kom “coulda-shoulda-woulda” done 12 years ago) & BLAME me as the basis of a lot of psych theories is “blame the mother”! Maybe in todays day/age it is thought if differently & not as clear-cut; esp. in my case I took care of my elderly mom who lived with us for first 15 years of my daughters life (d sad he had dementia—so didn’t play role in raising either of my children—but she did take away a piece of me tgat should have been gor tgem—which as I explained to my daughter in our recent discussion was just a piece of the puzzle or our we were dealt!

    Anyone have thoughts, similar experiences, advice/tricks/routines & mainly just a way I could grii or w our rekk ok atiinship—knowing I may not be here at the end of her therapy; or for all those milestones I’d like to be (grandbabies-my biggest wish—but both children appear to be far from that course @ present-so not too hopeful there)?

    Also, I’m dii out wnnti ZERO friends—the relocation 3 years ago followed by pandemic hasn’t helped. I have superficial aquaintenses in several “newcomer”/meetup groups, Bookclub’s (2) & I even went way out of my comfort zone (as introvert that I am) & became Co-Chairperson of our social committee & I realize I must let friendships develop naturally and msture and grow trust/love etc.

    I think a lot of you have eluded/spoken of the difficulties keeping friends after cancer! The latest one I had vested almost weekly time with and suddenly out of the blue—she said I’d be better off with persons who are “like me” & it’s like the elephant in the room. She found out inadvertently as I do not writhe in pity/fetal position; I try to “fii out ever” as best I can that I even have stage 4 & perhaps that’s bad/but I feel for self-preservation I cannot be honest with people outside my immediate family on what this is like on day-to-day basis. I basically, did not reply to this woman who so yjought was becoming a good friend & felt that “no words” spoke louder to her than acknowledging what an ***hole she truly was! Oh god I cried for about a month & I’ve seen her 2xs since then (our husbands work together & we live about 1 mile away in same community). I cringe when I must have small-talk with her & may even have her to our house for a “business dinner”; but I am very Proud of how strong (emotionally & physically I actually am). I just don’t know why I’ve lost 5 close friends due to cancer diagnosis. I don’t like to even tell people as a rule; but then I feel it’s not the premise of good friendship to keep something like that; I’m

    Just not sure whether to “trust” that secret with anyone else in the future. Sometimes I say; I’ve got my best friend(s) who are my husband, my son, my dtr & my 6 UO Pug—aptly named Meatball. I’ve got 6-8 f groups that bring me out of my shell enough. I’m starting yoga/silver sneakers this week and bikeride and golf and walk alternatively each day & I read & appreciate nature as much as possible. I travel to East coast (as arduous as tgat is) & to see my kids and sometimes for quick reprove with my husband of 33 years (hid-I’m do happy with him that I still get butterflies when we go out on date night or most recently we travelled 3 hours to antique car show car show in Riverside Ca & I asked “c as n we please go to Disneyland—we headed right outta riverside and spent 5-10 pm in Disneyland—what a dream he is. We’ve dated each other since he was 21 && I 22 yo! Not saying all 100% perfect; but our marriage is definitely one of the great ones. Empty nest and all. So I hope at least we’ve set a good example there with our children. He was muster mom every weekend for almost 10 years until I took huge salary cut to become a schoolnurse (since we didn’t wanna do daycare h th big).

    Ok I just went in tangiest—back to my last question relayed to asking for shared experiences friendship-wise (post-initial cancer did agnosis thru current stage 4). Maybe I’m better off not “telling” & keeping friends at superficial level. Maybe my husband as best-friend and closeness with my children is enough? Your thoughts/advice/tips & tricks?

    FYI: my 20 y.o. Son is a great kid who is comii on assionate abd 🚗 bc; but at po resent he hurts me and makes me cry and not sure how to help him get past his anger towards me—probably part of grieving I do was & part of him having either 20-something developmental stages to go through and pop artsy because of his narcustistic traits…but omg can he be cruel & loving all in sane day? Anyone got one of those. My daughter actually helped me a lot with dess as king with my son in that I tell him I do not have time for negativity and will not be o po art of negative situations with him. I don’t think he gets it; takes it personally etc…but I think that’s my best medicine for him and walking away is merely “self-preservation”! I’ve found the more I do that the k lol was negative-bashing occurs; but sometimes I slip and if baited I pounce/buy into it as my nayture as “fixer” as child comes back to haunt me.

    I am currently ohjj in be tgrapy with cancer-focused social worker who is pushing tgat u see a cancer experienced psychiatrist ui evaluate my meads (which are prn/as neede Ativan, ambien & Benadryl-for sleep, & Norco for i po aim 1-2 tabs/per day); she’s try in ng ti get me to see another therapist; of course I’m reluctant. But I do cry spontaneously too much; typically it’s under control; but smtms I feel so far in the edge I won’t cry it out—like I’ll lose it. But then I’ll get back to even ground/functioning very well with approx 510 meetings/month with my lady-groups (which get cancelled a lot due to iwndemic).

    I feel like above us enough; like I always gave my DH as my” bedtime”; but I do on ack female talking/support/laughter tgat her just doesn’t get. I am

    Trying to remedy tgat; but I’ve been in guard for quite sometime.

    Thanks for allowing this late nite rant. I think it’s only 2/4 ?’s total—if anyone can read between lines and help/comment/advise; I’d love to hear it. If you need to suggest another forum that’s be great too; but I am on cycle 52 if IBRANCE/FEMARA with NED; so if I can help anyone else I’ll try to come back everyday for a while; I have been ghosting this site for about a year now, I think. Thank you to everyone and my prayers and thoughts are with you all every day!!


  • bailey5
    bailey5 Member Posts: 27
    edited January 2022

    hi all again:

    Is anyone in San Luis Obispo, c area (within 1 hour drive) that would like to meet outside for coffee/support or even via zoom say once a week. I am pretty far into Ibrance/Femara 52nd cycle. We wouldn’t need to talk of cancer/we could but not necessary. Fondly & all in my thoughts and prayers daily!😍🐶

  • maaaki
    maaaki Member Posts: 105
    edited January 2022

    Hi I am cross posting information from verzenio thread since I think more of you are taking ibrance.
    Hi, I dont post often but got here so many good advises. And I was always looking for some positive news. So I would like to post one. I had started taking verzenios last december, after small progression on kisqali and faslodex (two new mets in spine) that were irradiated by SBRT in december 2020. Yesterday I had mri scan of liver (had one met in 2017, resected) and liver is clean and spine stable. So interchanging from one CDK4-6 inhibitor (in my case kisqali) to another verzenio can in some cases work. I take verzenio longer than kisqali now. Taking it together with letrozole. I already took AI exemestan as first line from 2017 to 2019 when I had one met in liver and one in spine. So this is also possibility if one drug in same classstops working not always there is cross resistance.

  • B-A-P
    B-A-P Member Posts: 409
    edited January 2022

    Thanks everyone.

    Apparently the pseudocirrhosis is getting worse and the liver is quite nodular . So i'm concerned about that but they don't seem to bed. Which is odd

  • simone60
    simone60 Member Posts: 952
    edited January 2022

    Congrats to those with good scans! I don't post much but it's good to see others doing well.

    Maaaki, thanks for popping in and telling us your good news. I hope to get many more years on ibrance but verzenio is on my list of meds to discuss with my MO if I progess.

    Balley, sounds like you have been through alot. I've lost a friend due to cancer but I have also made some new ones. I feel that people who drop out of my life were really not good friends at all. I still see her sometimes, but treat her as an acquaintance and tell her nothing personal.