Gardening, anyone?



  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618


    After watching this bird's nest fern slowly unfurl, it is now exploding into SPRING!!! So exciting!!! So beautiful!!!

    So grateful to be here to see another spring...


  • monarch777
    monarch777 Member Posts: 338

    reminds meof the saying-hope springs eternal-especially with the unfurling of a beautiful splash of green.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993

    Beautiful fern.

    Another orchid blooming. I went almost nine months without any orchids blooming after Hurricane Irma in September of 2017. During the past few weeks my orchids are starting to bloom again. My orchids thrive on benign neglect. I'm constantly flattering them but always forgetting to fertilize.


  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618

    Beautiful Orchid!!! Hard to believe such beauty is real...


  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993

    gumdoctor- I remember a few years ago I had given my friend an artificial Orchid for her 85th birthday. The only reason I had given her an artificial plant is because she prefers silk flowers over living flowers.She asked for care instructions for her new orchid.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993

    gumdoctor- I always marvel at nature. My elderly neighbor collects silk orchids. She has never been successful with growing orchids, so she buys silk orchids. Her silk orchids collection provides her with endless hours of pleasure. I have never cared for silk flowers and plants. If I lived up north and was unable to grow flowers during the winter time I might change my mind.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953

    The only orchid that blossomed again was the yellow and brown one that smells like chocolate.

    Impressive fern. Good that it's out of reach of cats.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,851

    I have had several birds' nest ferns, but never had any luck with them. Yours is so splendid. I never even got to know that the ends of the fronds branch like that!

    I still haven't had much success with broccoli sprouts. So this time I bought plastic lids for sprouting with a wide-mouth quart canning jar, and two such jars (I only make jam in half-pints, so far). So the lids arrived today by USPS. The jars are arriving this afternoon, by UPS, apparently in a package with a pair of three-pound weights for exercise. I am asking myself WTF, and already preparing myself for a temper-tantrum. To add to it, the lids and jars were ordered at the same time, while the dumbells were ordered a few hours later.

    Will return and report. This ought to be good, whichever way it goes.

  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618

    MC Baker,

    I think the fern is some kind of hybrid between bird's nest and staghorn ferns. I have had them before and never had one with fronds like the one in the last picture!

    All the previous ones looked like this little one to the right. It is tiny on purpose for this tiny bathroom corner.

    They are both doing very well and I cannot take any credit for their success. I just stand back in awe and love them and feel so fortunate that I am the one who gets to enjoy them and their simple beauty.

    The kitties can reach the big one but they leave it alone thankfully. They chew on different ones. I have taken to birdcages and tall plant stands so they have nowhere to perch for their unrequited chewing desires...

    Gardening is SO challenging...the things I think are easily and a slamdunk to grow surprise me sometimes and iust die. Then the things I think can never work...somehow miraculously make it. More survivors in my life for role models...


  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618

    Here are examples of my kitty protection modifications...



    If the plant stand leaves them no room to land, they leave things be. They were chewing up the Christmas cactus before the birdcage. Even though they can actually chew the pieces extending outside the birdcage, they leave it alone.

    Who knows what goes on in their sweet little kitty heads?

    Now, this is a fun game for me to figure out how to keep them from chewing things up, especially when toxic to them, AND keep things beautiful and interesting in my living space.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,851

    I have heard of using birdcages as cat protection for plants (and cats that will eat any plant). Never thought of crowding a small plant table with so many plants that cats can't get access.

    I am having so little luck with my indoor plants, just not much sun. I have an airplane plant which is doing good, LOL. I recently bought an aloe, which will be put outside for the summer. My tomatoes, sweet peppers, and brussels sprouts are so leggy, I have a lamp on them, even though they are in the window, during waking hours.

    The weights and jars arrived. The jars were bound together with bubble wrap, in a box by themselves, and the dumbells were free to roll. All was well. The UPS man had a good laugh at my concern. I have my first batch of sprouts started with this setup.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953

    Sometimes I think the poison to cat lists are playing it safe. My heart kitty chewed up a mother in laws tongue although it's supposed to be toxic. The plant eater I have now ate a limb off a Christmas cactus but threw it up because it was so big. I wouldn't have known he ate it if I hadn't found it in his vomit. Several of my kitties have eaten African Violets. Evidently they're OK because none of them have gotten sick.

  • monarch777
    monarch777 Member Posts: 338

    imageDaddy bluebird was busy all day.imagecardinal and mamma bluebird in a late afternoon bath time.

    Wish I had been able to catch the the wrens in the new gourd bed below. Eating theirselves silly. It was a wild bird extravaganza begunby a robin who almost splashed all the water out of the birdbath.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993

    JoE- spring is officially here.

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532

    Pretty pics, Rachel and Jo. i have a lavender in tree form in a pot. I have brought it inside for the winter and will put it back outside soon. I cant wait for it to bloom like yours. Jo, i have indoor orchids. I love that they are easy to care for and still give beautiful unique blooms.

    Teka, I have never seen a wild turkey. We have foxes, coyotes, opossum, deer, and skunks!

    Spring is slowly coming here. We have iris and daffodils leaves up a few inches but certainly no blooms or color yet. Impatiently waiting...

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993

    teka-I haven't seen a wild turkey since I was a kid. Nice.

    Twohobbies - my orchid stay outside year round. When they start blooming I bring them inside where I can enjoy the flowers. I've never had much success with growing orchids inside.

  • Blundin2005
    Blundin2005 Member Posts: 27

    Teka, we had a flock of wild turkeys in the neighborhood too! They were a treat to see!

    This thread is wonderful! The pics of nature, inside and out, is medicine for the soul! You've all inspired me to contribute. Our Spring is green, wet and popping out all over! Hope you enjoy these.






    I had a cortizone shot yesterday so I'm not in the garden now for a couple of days. This time of year there is much to do.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Happy Spring ladies- things are greening up in my part of the world, and planning to put in some pansies this weekend. Got a few perennials the week before last but hold them in their pots for now and putting them out during the day to get acclimated. We had a blast of snow while I was away on a road trip down south to the Sliver City/Gila area and still have the risk of frost a bit longer.

    There were some lovely wildflowers during a hike I did to the cliff dwellings in the Gila National Monument. Not sure what they are but here they are.



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978


    This is what I am waiting for this year - we don't plant until they show up.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993


  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993

    jazzygirl-Beautiful. Did you grow your flowers from seed or seedlings?

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532

    So excited the Oregonians and New Mexicans are getting their spring on! I went to the garden center Friday just to be among it. We technically should wait until May 15 to plant. They had lots of pansies and some pretty spring planters but I refrained for now. Pansies don’t do well for long here, so I will wait for something longer lasting. They also had tons of potted hydrangea of all colors, and those were super hard to resist,

  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618

    Good Morning my BCO Gardening Friends,

    I posted this in Facebook yesterday...

    One year later...God is still in charge...

    Today, the Pink Survivor Tulips return. After narrowly surviving an animal attack last year, they are unimaginably stronger and more beautiful than one could ever hope for.

    We can learn from these Tulips...even when we experience those things we cannot possibly survive, God is in charge. He decides when we stay and when we go from this world.

    If we are allowed to stay a little longer, to enjoy another spring, to see these Survivor Tulips slowly bloom once more...we can choose how to experience that Heavenly Gift of more time...with worry or fear or angst over when this Heavenly Gift will end...OR...we can breathe in the spring air, feel the long-awaited warmth of the sun on our face, hear the birds serenely singing all around us...

    God the amazing artist, who gives us Pink Survivor Tulips, is in charge. We can emerge stronger and more beautiful than one can ever hope for...if we choose to...


    Photo below is from April 2018 and a longer Facebook post...

    I struggled mightily to plant 60+ tulip bulbs in the fall of 2017 (pre-MBC dx) first flowerbed EVER...

    MBC Dx in Dec 2017...

    Tulips coming up in Apr 2018...

    Red tulip massacre from some animal in Apr 2018...notice the chopped off red tulips in the background of photo below...

    I wrote a LONG essay then, about the pink tulips surviving this attack and what a gift it was...

    Tulips coming up in Apr even greater gift to still be here to see these miraculous Pink Survivor Tulips coming up again, stronger and more beautiful than anyone could ever hope for...


  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,851


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Gumdoctor- lovely Heart

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Jo- those flowers are from Home Depot. I have tried to do seeds and seedlings without much luck. I have made a couple trips to the nurseries and garden centers and collecting perrenials to add to the rock garden and back yard. I have to wait another week or so to put them in (frost risk) but the pansies are going in the pots this weekend.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Hummingbird moth in the gardens today


  • Kiki13
    Kiki13 Member Posts: 245

    It's warming up and we're getting spring rain showers here in PA. My garden is continuing to awaken:



  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,851

    We found some tiny white crocuses in the church's garden after Mass today. The tulip leaves are showing. A nasty snowstorm is predicted midweek.

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929

    Texas Hill Country bluebonnets are so beautiful
