Gardening, anyone?



  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    This is my raised strawberry patch


    A wild strawberry patch I came across on my walk today.


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Heard on my morning news that the drought we had been in have gone away. Just a few areas still being called dry and that could even disappear with the rain we are going to get over the weekend

  • froid89
    froid89 Member Posts: 4


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Went out a few minutes ago to see if Hoppy and Bun-Bun were out yet but no luck. Will check again later.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Blooming prickly pear cactus



  • Heidibird
    Heidibird Member Posts: 169

    Love all those daylillies and the peony! What a great display you will have! Shame on Papa Goose for not reporting in. :-) Those strawberry plants (wild and planted) look great. Mmmm

    Jazzy, I admire the beauty of cacti. We had quite a few when we lived in Texas and I was surprised that so much beauty could come from one.

    MOmmy I hope your drought is gone. We were in one here in SW Oklahoma for 5 years. When it ended a couple of years ago it was with great flooding in some areas. I lost a lot of trees, grapes and berry bushes to the drought. :-( When the skies turn gray I do a little happy dance. Then when it actually rains I run outside and give thanks. Our problem is typically rain brings the threat of tornadoes and hail. Ugh


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Me too. Might be finally able to plant my garden and flowers next weekend finally!!!!!

  • angelao
    angelao Member Posts: 42

    I haven't posted anything since February, but have been enjoying all of the great pics of gorgeous plants, ongoing projects, and precious garden creatures!

    Loved your discussion about gnomes - and remembered this cute photo from Plow and Hearth. I wonder if gnomes and garden fairies get along - or if they might wage a territorial garden war? I have neither right now, but I keep thinking about building a little secret garden of my own.

    Gardennerd - we must live near one another! I'm in the old part of Mobile, but wish that I had more space and privacy to garden. I'm going to PM you about a garden tour coming up next week; maybe we can meet in person one day!

    Take care everyone - and please keep those inspirational pictures coming!



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953

    DS said that when DH and I die, he will put our ashes in gnomes in the yard. We said that's a great idea, please do.

  • Heidibird
    Heidibird Member Posts: 169

    Oh my gosh. Angela you are in trouble because I am naming you as the culprit who reminded me that Plow and Hearth has cute gnomes! lol

    Wren, I like that idea. I always told hubby to scatter my ashes in the garden but I like the gnome idea of your DS much better.


  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072

    Lori. . .now I'm going to have to go exotic day lily shopping. I only have yellow ones. Dh will probably have my head since he told me no more planting after last weekend's master gardner's sale.

    Ananda. . .I have a pair on black lion statues on my front pork , many years old from Sam's Club. They too need repainting.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Just had to share this photo from FB today, looks like a pollen high high to me! Happy


  • gardennerd
    gardennerd Member Posts: 170

    Jazzygirl - That is a COOL picture.

    Wren44- Had such a chuckle about your DS idea of where to place your ashes. When hubby and I did our will many years ago our lawyer asked where would we like our ashes. I wasn't joking, I said the compost pile. When we got our final draft to review, the lawyer put in that I would like my ashes to be placed in a "lovely garden spot". I guess she couldn't bring herself to type in compost pile, ha,ha.

    Angela - love the Plow and Hearth photo. I'll find messages and connect.

  • gardennerd
    gardennerd Member Posts: 170

    This is our new raised beds with tomato arbor. Much of it was getting the cart before the horse. I had tomato plants that were several feet tall and THEN sat up the raised bed. So hubby suggested to not remove the plants from their 2 gal. pots as the roots were growing out already and we had tomato blossoms when we moved to the raised bed. So-o-o far, so good. The plants appear to be happy. We have assortment of gourds, squash, eggplant, sweet peppers also. The smaller bed in the back, I transplanted asparagus, which did not fair well from being transplanted, so probably won't get any spears this year.

    Oh and the four legged helper is my loving companion Jazz. She is eight and not until I looked at this picture did I realize how white her face is getting.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Gardenerd- your golden girl is beautiful. I am a big fan of goldens, my sister has one the same age and they are such great dogs. And they are helpful!

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Jazzy, I love, love, love your cactus pictures. Such beauty between the spines! I wonder if the bee got a ride back to the hive? No flying after getting high!

    M0mmy, yay for being able to get out and start your flower and veggie gardens! And the end of your drought!!

    Scottie, I saw all the color that could be mine and went a little "exotic crazy". I'm glad I found some big containers at the auction we went to last night so I'll be able to get some plant dollies and move my day lilies around wherever we may be sitting! I'll post pictures of my finds later this evening.

    Heidi and Angela!! I'm holding both of you responsible if I end up on Plow and Hearth! When my DH asks me what was I thinking?! I'm naming names!! I know he'll ask me the same old question. "If they jumped off of a bridge would you jump too?" And my answer will alwaysbe the same "If the water is deep enough!"

    Have a great Mother's Day to All the Moms here!

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Gardennerd, your Jazz is gorgeous!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953

    One of my favorite artists has had a series of Goldens during her life. There are snapshots of her painting with a paw on the table helping.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Worried that something has happened to one of the bunnies. I have only seen one of them yesterday and today.

  • gardennerd
    gardennerd Member Posts: 170

    Mommyof2 - Hopefully Momma bunny placed baby in a better hiding place.

    Thanks all that commented about my Jazz. I HIGHLY recommend a Golden Retriever. She is my first. I adore her. I talk to her all the time with short sentences. Walk to garden, Momma bath, Go for ride, etc, etc. and if I say where or what I want to do she will lead the way to whatever I say. I don't consider them commands more like just communicating. They LOVE people and you can't beat their smile. BUT . . . there is hair.

    Wren44, I do watercolor painting. This is Jazz checking out my progress on a painting. I donated for a Humane Society event for the silent auction. I somewhat wish I kept this one and donated something else.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953

    Really nice painting. I am learning to watercolor. Sometimes I wish my own cat wasn't solid black. He's hard to photograph, much less paint. And the one before him was a tortoise shell - also pretty difficult.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    hi friends.

    Gardener thank you so much for finding it.

    I asked at sheridan gardens and my name is in a list so if they get one they ll call me.:)

    I got a rose which I was looking for and I am so excited. It is call canadian shield 49th edition

    Also thanks for the hanging plant suggestion. I am supper happy with the trees and the hostas are coming along now but I am like looking at them every day inch by inch lol have no patient I wish they could grow faster lol

    Here is the rose plant. Supposed to be very good hardy and disease resistant




  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Gardennerd, I love your painting of Jazz. Just beautiful! I've thought about doing a water color of my Chocolate Lab Abbey-Gail but I just can't seem to bring myself to do it. It's been a few years since I lost Abbey to an aggressive type of bone cancer, from the time of diagnosis to the time I decided it was time to let her go was a very short 6 weeks. One of these days I'll get it done.

    Here are the three big "muck buckets" I got at the auction last night. I got them all scrubbed out and I'll probably pick up some spray paint tomorrow while we're out and about and paint them a pretty color. No idea what color yet though! I'll also have to drill some drain holes in the bottoms before I plant my day lilies in them.

    With the muck in the bottom of the buckets!


    Cleaning them up! They look great! Similar buckets costs $25 or more at the local feed stores but they don't come with all the character these buckets have. I got them for $9 each, a little high but I just had to have them for my project.


    The last of the geese's eggs hatched today, they had 4 eggs but only two hatched. I found the other 2 eggs kicked out of the nest on my walk around our pond.

    Only 2 fatalities for first time nesters isn't to bad but very sad just the same.



  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Enerva, beautiful plants! Such striking color! I can't wait to see your rose bush bloom!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    lol wenchlori me too

    I learn about this new rose at a gardenin class I took and I Google it and drove to a nursery which had it. Only a one got them. It ll be so nice to have a red rose to look forward

    Also found some beautiful pots which I ll drill holes too. Thinking of getting few of my succulents in those. My blueberry plant is still alive , I ll take a picture tmw to post .

    I am now trying to sleep but with no luck it seems my insomnia is back.

    2:11am here

    Night night

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Haven't had the chance to plant anything yet, it's been too cold overnight. Finally temps are going to be agreeable to planting. So I might just get the chance to get out there today and at least get the peas and beans planted after cultivating the garden soil.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Gardenerd- I love everything about Jazz (her name, her painting you did of her, her ability to follow short commands, etc.) I cannot have pets due to a high level of animal allergies that also triggers asthma. I was told never to have indoor pets (although I can have birds). Therefore, I just have to love other people's pets instead?

    This is my sister's golden, Bella, who is about the same age as your girl. Probably taken when she was around 3 years old. We all love her so much, and when she was a puppy, she had a hard time getting in to my sister's pool to swim. So I taught her how to ease in to the pool via the steps. I would walk down them and she would be next to me, watch my every move, and then eventually she followed. As you can imagine, she does that all the time now. She is just the smartest and most comical dog I have ever met! I think she is particularly pretty too!!!


  • gardennerd
    gardennerd Member Posts: 170

    Teka - if this is a tree you wish to keep. Fertilize and water it thoroughly to the roots. (out as far as the limbs go; and deep down). I'd say it has a chance to survive. It basically is like our having toxins in our body. Water, water water helps fight or rather flush its system of the bacteria.

    Enerva - Your rose looks healthy (new growth) Is it a bush or runner?

    WenchLori - I would have never considered muck buckets . . . but have to admit I like the rope handles, it does have character. The goose eggs are larger than I thought they would be. Have you plans for the eggs?

    Jazzygirl, Well I have to admit to you I sometimes call my Jazz . . . Jazzygirl. Your sisters, Bella, is gorgeous.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Teka, I hate when our trees get sick! We're going to lose our beautiful Blue Spruce trees due to a fungus brought in by a load of trees from another state 5 years ago.

    Oops gotago! I'll be back soon!

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418

    Teka, Try spraying the slime mold with full strength distilled vinegar.  Vinegar will kill most mold and it won't hurt the tree.