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List of what to do/get/pack to prep for Radiation Therapy



  • Marjorie8888
    Marjorie8888 Posts: 1
    edited March 2016


    Onc rad and nurse pushed miaderm for radiation side effects. No one has mentioned miaderm. Meds also said no cream two hours before treatment. I have had 9 of 20 treatments. I do not know how to navigate this site to find where they might be talking about this.

    Started cream numerous times a day one week before rads started.

    This forum said the boost is given to you while you are on your back, I have been prone with right breast hanging done for all treatments.

    Any help would be appreciated.



  • cp418
    cp418 Posts: 359
    edited March 2016

    I applied pure Aloe gel as soon as I was done with a radiation treatment - in the dressing room. I would reapply prior to my appt when I would shower to remove all topical. This helped me get through many days of treatment and I am fair skinned. I made sure the Aloe was pure 98% without alcohol. Near the end when I was starting to burn the nurse gave me some kind of pads which could be chilled in the freezer. I think they were medicated but I cannot recall details.

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Posts: 3,063
    edited March 2016

    Marjorie, if you want to find posts about Miaderm, choose "menu" (top right corner)then "search" (third from the bottom) then type the word in the "keyword" box and click on the red "search" button at the bottom.

  • MonaBegonia
    MonaBegonia Posts: 3
    edited April 2016

    I've heard from a Nurse, (I am also a Nurse) that radiation made her very tired and she took the last 4 weeks off from work. I have lots of sick time so I think I will stay home if I am super tired. But I always feel guilty when I call in sick so that will be hard for me

  • cimgraph
    cimgraph Posts: 7
    edited May 2016

    hi every one. I started my first of 16 radiation treatments today.

    I was told to get Aquaphor and bring it with me to apply directly after treatments and use several times a day and only use Crystal deodorant. Wear soft clothes that are non abrasive. I appreciate the tips to wear t shirts over the cream when applied. I had not thought of that.

    Night all, I'm pooped after my day. And I get to do it again tomorrow!

  • UnwillingParticipant
    edited July 2016

    Why the t-shirt cut up the back?  Will my breast be exposed during therapy?

  • Mariangel43
    Mariangel43 Posts: 45
    edited July 2016

    I have read the list. For me is like walking in a dreamlike world. Too much to learn and apply. I don't know if I can keep it. It is so surreal.

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Posts: 833
    edited July 2016

    It is surreal. I'm on 11/33. I use aquaphor and aloe gel (pure). the t-shirts help because the gels and creams are greasy.

    I hope this thread continues.

  • pab
    pab Posts: 8
    edited July 2016

    Aquaphor was great! But yes all the creams are very greasy and stain your clothes. I found some old tank tops that were very soft and stretched out that were perfect. I was wearing camis with either the padded or just the shelf bras but I couldn't take the elastic on the radiated skin toward the end, it just was way too irritating. But please use lots of cream after treatment. I would not use any before they will just wipe it off, it's greasy so it will intensify the 'burn'. I was very tired but just took naps and fortunately work from home.

    One more thing, yes you're pretty much exposed. I had to remind them to cover up my side that was not being treated. They really don't realize that we are laying there with our girls just hanging out - or whatever is there, small lopsided half filled tissue expanders!! I would always say I was cold so that they made sure I was covered-- then if usually have a hot flash!! Go figure

    Good luck all!!

  • Mena4911
    Mena4911 Posts: 17
    edited September 2016

    I had treatment #12 of 28 yesterday. I get boosts every other day. I call them my blue boob boosts because the hard plastic mold thing they put on me is blue. i it kind of interesting to me really. The teck showed me the blue boob and explained there is a wire in the scar area of it to concentrate the beam there. she said it was made by a computer from my ct mapping. I can only use the Toms deodorant and find my self embarrassed and apologizing to the staff every day because i am afraid that i smell bad. They say i dont but i still worry. Kinda silly i guess since i am laying there with my full tissue expander foobs for all the world to see and that doesn't embarrass me. Amazing what we get used to. Haha.

    I am using oil of olay bath soap. The most moisturizing one i can find. i use Radiaplex after treatment and several times a day. I apply coconut oil to my entire chest and underarm areas each evening. Then on the weekends i am greasing up with aquaphor. it seems like my skin on the radiation side kinda heats up for awhile after i put the coconut oil on so i put the fan on it. I dont have any but slight redness under my foob and in my underarm area that is staying so far. the teck told me to stop wearing the sports bras because of the redness. i feel like i have to have something so i am trying the cammys with shelf bra. i bought a size larger and seems to be ok except loose in armpit area and kinda rubs. i might try to take one in and see how that works.

    i have noticed some nausea at times and i am tired in the afternoon. I if lay down for just a minute I may fall asleep for two hours! dont know if i am just spoiled to afternoon naps now or its the radiation. But wake several times each night with dicomfort in my foobs and hands and various joints. Only 16 more to go! Yipee we got this!

  • gday
    gday Posts: 1
    edited September 2016

    Hello, I finished 23 radiation treatments on lumpectomy site in Jan. 2015.

    I would like to share that my skin was becoming quite red and irritated.

    I used all of the suggested oils and lotions without any success until I

    tried Tamanu oil that a radiologist suggested. Wow!! What a wonderful

    product. Immediate healing and comfort. Hope this will help someone!!!

  • Summerbum
    Summerbum Posts: 5
    edited September 2016

    My lumpectomy is healing well, and I consult the RO next week. Trying to plan ahead and gather supplies in these last few days before I return to work.

    I need advice for work during radiation.

    I'm a high school teacher. My job requires me to be mentally "on" and moving around the room 8 hours a day. I hope to work full time, but take one or more days a week off if needed (I am fortunate to have plenty of sick days.) Does this sound realistic to the veterans?

    I've prepared a shopping list of Aquaphor, 98% aloe vera gel, Lubriderm, corn starch, cotton tanks, and mild soap...but now I need fashion advice.

    At my school, zipper hoodies and yoga pants aren't going to cut it. My typical work wear would be a nice dress, usually with a jacket or cardigan. I am a B cup, but would be very uncomfortable braless in front of my students--not sure if a "wife beater" will be enough support under a dress? Will getting things over my head be an issue (it's no longer a problem from the lymph node biopsy).

    I've never worn yoga pants in public except to my actual yoga class..."comfortable" to me is more of a mental state, and I enjoy dressing up...I hate feeling schlumpy...I know it's probably the last thing I should be worried about, but to me, it matters.

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Posts: 408
    edited September 2016

    I'm doing ok after my lumpectomy, and waiting to see my RO and find out more.. looking to be prepared for what is coming... Thanks for all the suggestions.. they are a real help when you don't know where you are or what you're doing...

  • buzzybee
    buzzybee Posts: 1
    edited September 2016

    Biafine is probably on many women's lists, but without insurance it is expensive in America. It's from France and doesn't require a prescription. During October, the code SAVE5BXCUST saves five dollars on two large tubes for anyone interested ( I live in France and get asked about it when talking about my own cancer experience. 10cm benign tumor found between my lungs removed via thoracotomy, then a cancerous 2 cm seminoma found a year later under my sternum removed via sternectomy.

    3 months of chemo after. It's been 1.5 years. I did three 3-week cycles with 3 drugs going 5 days per week, 9 hours per day, then the following 2 Mondays. This was all in France, covered by the fantastic socialized health insurance here. Skipped my last couple treatments since my fingertips were going numb and I was developing a cough.

    So far I'm cancer-free still and just have a lot of lingering rib alignment discomfort from being put back together. I found that my vision seemed to age ten years (didn't need glasses and now squint at fine print). Keep the faith because millions of people are cancer survivors, why not you, right?
  • Mariangel43
    Mariangel43 Posts: 45
    edited October 2016

    Moderators, is there any difference between Tom's of Maine and Crystal essence? I can only get the latter. I need to know exactly why I can't keep using my baby powder antiperspirant. Specifically,why we cannot use aluminum chlorhydrate during rad tx? We are not supposed to use it either during mammograms and sonographic mammograms. But imaging centers do not inform clients about it.

    The idea of T-shirts cut in half and the ribbon is very good, I am preparing my soft bras. I am wearing front-closure bras and they do irritate my skin a lot and I haven't started radiation yet. According to my PS I have to wear my bra 24/7 until my final reconstruction phase. I use some moisturizing cream around the wound and under the other breast but the elastic frictions my skin. As told by various ladies, many prescribed creams are too greasy and they do stain clothing. Which creams do not stain and are not greasy?

    I continue to lose weight and Arimidex, besides joint pain and swelling, is causing me sleep deprivation. I am sleeping 2 - 3 hours per day and I feel so tired and fatigued the next day that sometimes I believe I will not end the day. My skin is very sensitive and I still have the friction burn on my knee. It was totally black, now is very dark brown. That worries me because rad burns would also last a lot of months.

    My new RO willl see me tomorrow. Lets see what happens.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,472
    edited October 2016

    Antiperspirants with aluminum chlorhydrate are not only irritating but they also clog the pores and can block or even diffuse the radiation beams that have been so painstakingly calculated and aimed for each patient, thus sabotaging their effectiveness. The aluminum chlorhydrate particles—especially in stick, gel or roll-on—also can screw up mammograms and even sometimes look like calcifications. if you are like most patients, you will find your armpit stops perspiring after several treatments. If not, cornstarch will absorb the perspiration and whatever odor it may have. Tom’s of Maine is a deodorant, not an antiperspirant; but those “crystals" that you wet and then apply have aluminum chlorhydrate and are antiperspirants.

    I used Aquaphor immediately after each treatment. Greasy, yes, but colorless and tends to stay put. Coconut oil was ultra-greasy. What worked for me each night was dye/scent/alcohol-free 100% aloe gel (Fruit of the Earth brand, but if you have an aloe plant, that'll work too), followed with unscented Boiron calendula cream. Neither of those stained or were greasy.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,953
    edited October 2016

    Hi Mariangel43 !

    Here is some what we have in our main site about antiperspirants and radiation:

    Antiperspirants Don't Increase Risk of Skin Reactions During Radiation Therapy

    Common Fears With No Evidence: Antiperspirants and Bras

    Hope this helps!

    The Mods

  • Lexicoe
    Lexicoe Posts: 20
    edited March 2017

    My breastcenter recommended Epionce Medical Barrier cream instead of Miaderm, although they carry both. I've only seen a couple mentions on the board of Epionce--does anyone else have any experience with it?

  • 80thSummer
    80thSummer Posts: 1
    edited April 2017

    I hope my first post will be helpful. Shortly after my 80th BD, I received the diagnosis. Lumpectomy 6/22/16 and 33 rounds of RAD ending in September. I continued to walk 3.5 miles a day throughout. (Still do) I believe this prevented the fatigue. My olive skin took the radiation very well. (slight tan) I stayed social and followed doctors instructions to the letter. In December 2016 I began to experience tightness in the shoulder. PT prescribed exercise lying on my back and raising a yard stick over my head until I touched the floor. Hurt at first but worked miracles. I am little stiff in the morning but ok after exercise. At age 80, if I can do it, so can you. God bless you on your journey. Stay as upbeat and social as possible!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,953
    edited April 2017

    Dear 80thSummer,

    Welcome to the community. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story. We hope that you will stay connected here. We would love to hear more from you. The Mods

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Posts: 401
    edited April 2017

    As I wait for my referral to my RO, I'm collecting lots of useful information from this site. Looks like I'll have to pick up some cotton tanks. Just ordered myself a little pillow to alleviate the discomfort from my SNB. There sure is a lot to learn!


  • Mandycat
    Mandycat Posts: 17
    edited August 2017

    I just started radiation on 3/16. So far so good. I'm working too.

  • catlady72
    catlady72 Posts: 13
    edited November 2017

    I will be completing radiation treatment 15 of 30 real side effects but the doctor last week seemed to indicate to expect more S/Es soon. Great. Thought I should revisit this site just in case there were any good tips. I read recently about the emu oil and I think I just ordered some to have on hand. Up to this point, I've only been using Adamia lotion all over the area, usually put it on after I shower. It was recommended the first day by somebody at the radiologists office, even though later I got Aquaphor samples and recommendations for that.

    Sounds like perhaps I should get into the habit of putting something on my skin every day as soon as I get home from the office.

    I will say that I seem a little more tired lately, and today is the first day I'm struggling to stay awake at work even though I got plenty of sleep last night. Not sure if I should blame radiation on that quite yet or not.

  • AliceAgnes
    AliceAgnes Posts: 44
    edited November 2017

    For whatever it's worth, I am in week 5 of 6 weeks of radiation. My onc expects my skin to break open within the next week, and he considers that part of the cure. I will be given a prescription for silvadine when that happens, which is to be put on the broken skin to prevent infection. He wants peeling to happen so that new skin will take its place. Currently my skin is beefy red and a little tender. I was advised to lotion up three times a day from Day 1 of radiation and had no pain until a couple of days ago. Ordinary Vaseline Intensive Care lotion has been the product I've been using.

    So far I have found I've needed to make sure I get extra sleep on weekends. Today, though, I felt pretty wiped out after my 10 am radiation, so went to bed at about noon and slept until 3! It was the first time I needed extra sleep on a weekday--but then again I pushed my luck and stayed up late reading last night.

  • Sara536
    Sara536 Posts: 5,937
    edited November 2017

    I never heard of peeling being "part of the cure". I hope he meant that it is a common side effect and was giving you a heads-up (which is only fair). It doesn't always happen and is apparently hard to predict. If you are so lucky as to get through this without peeling, don't assume that you had less effective radiation. Good luck:)

  • Linwentz
    Linwentz Posts: 23
    edited November 2017

    Catlady, I bring a tube of my lotion (Miaderm) with me and slather it on before getting dressed after each treatment. It has just become part of my routine. I lotion up again before supper and then at bedtime (I use aquaphor this time) So far it has been working, but I have only completed 10 treatments.

    AliceAgnes, that is amazing to make it almost 5 weeks before pain and redness. I hope I can make it that far! Ideally, I would like to avoid SE all together, but the longer they are held at bay, the better!

    Enjoy the weekend,ladies. Soon this will be all behind us

  • AliceAgnes
    AliceAgnes Posts: 44
    edited November 2017

    Linwentz, I slathered on the lotion every time I applied it, too, and I did it three times a day just as you are doing. Best of luck to you!

  • catlady72
    catlady72 Posts: 13
    edited November 2017

    @Linwentz: Thanks for the advice. I usually head right home after my treatments, and I only live 10 minutes away so I have been trying to remember to lotion when I get home. I definitely do it at night as well. I'm definitely having some more redness and tenderness now (17 down, 13 to go) so we'll see how I manage after this week ends!

  • Linwentz
    Linwentz Posts: 23
    edited November 2017

    Catlady72, I figured it was impossible to go the whole way through treatment without any redness & tenderness. I completed #11/34 today. Zero SE... but I am sure that other shoe will drop soon. I am jealous of your10 minute drive to treatment. Hopefully your redness and tenderness won't be too much of a problem. Hugs & best wishes heading your way

  • catlady72
    catlady72 Posts: 13
    edited November 2017

    @Linwentz: I am done with #19 now out of 30 and definitely the tenderness and redness are increasing, so hang in there. Yes I have chosen to have a lot of my treatments closer to home, but I plan to retain my other oncologist who is at Johns Hopkins (about a 25 minute drive for me) for further evaluation of my treatment beyond this. Thanks for your good wishes!


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