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  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458

    wow, how awful. They never imagine their lives are at risk. Not him they say... so sad.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Talked to friend on the phone tonight.

    She is having a mastectomy. Some of what she said the doctor said was wildly inappropriate advice ( in my opinion) or she utterly misunderstood what was being explained to her. Both are possible. But either way she seems happy and settled with this decision. She was not displaying angst or indecision, aside from the normal shock and fear that we all feel. I couldn't sleep last night for worry that she was being strong armed into a decision she didn't want to make. But I feel that is no longer the case, that she did have her say and ask her questions. Now what happens, happens. Fingers crossed for a good outcome. Thank you all for letting me vent!

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458

    Glad to hear you're both at peace.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,602

    thisiknow, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. My condolences out to you and her family. Very tragic and suspicious sounding. Welfare checks are critical.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    thisiknow, my deepest condolences for the tragic loss of your friend.

    runor, I'm glad you and your friend are at peace.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    ThisIknow, how horrible. Thank goodness for your 6th sense, but how horrible that you were right.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    I've been walking around with the number $4,389.00 in my head since the weekend after seeing this number on an EOB. I got a Prolia shot in December which I asked before hand that MOs office got the pre approval and I was told yes since the drug was there at my last appt. I had been denied coverage of this drug earlier last year. I didn't worry about then cause I didn't want this drug. I sent a message to billing to inquire about the claim while walking around with this unbelievable number in my head!

    It doesn't appear to me that I will have to pay this out of pocket. I'm putting trust into the team that it goes through, but we'll see. Hate sweating it in the meantime.

    The other night I told my husband about my test results. He asked why I keep looking at my phone. I told him the MRI sees that fluid/injury/seroma thing and it's a whooping .1cm larger than 6 mos. ago and they recommend a biopsy. Unreal! Whatever I'll do it. Bitch is gonna hurt afterwards. I asked for my BIRADS score after having an ultrasound and mammo a few days after the MRI and they are normal a 2. These reports are not in my portal yet. Sent another message for whoever forgot to push the button to please push it so I can read them.

    Anyway, I was going to wait to tell him (closer to the appt.) so he wouldn't worry, but he's not worried, as I'm not (that much!) and he said just do what they want and get it over with. He hates getting the Neulasta shot after chemo 'cause the side effects knock him down for days. He's a trooper and I'm inspired to be one too!!!

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    Hello all,

    Does anyone know why sas-schatzi isn't posting anymore?

    She was last seen and last posted Apr 6, 2019.

    Is sassy OK?


  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929

    Mominator, one of her last posts in March was about not being able to stand being here when losing so many good friends, plus being angry the Mods deleted Mamma Ray’s account at her husband’s request

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    Melissa, thanks, that makes sense.

    Yes, now I remember the deleted account thing. I didn't realize that she left totally.

    She was an amazing lady and helpful resource to many here.


  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    The fact that it is Friday is keeping my anger at bay. I've been doing well staying in the moment and not thinking too far ahead. All those thoughts are buried deep, deep, as deep as I can get them. Hubby will be starting round 4 next week. CT scans are scheduled for the 30th. We can all relate to the scanxiety. He's tired, maybe starting to get a little depressed but is pressing on. He's so strong. So, best to stay right here in this moment where we both are alive and feel safe.

    I almost went out to hunt down a radiologist who gave me a birads 4 on an MRI to get him to change it back to a 3 after subsequent mammo and us scored a 2. An added level of anxiety I don't really need right now. I'm looking at it as taking one for the family team. I trust with the wealth of knowledge that is here and everything I have learned, I may have just diagnosed myself with fat necrosis. I am focusing that this is a reasonable explanation for what is happening within my left breast. Going Tues for a biopsy, slightly anxious until I get there and just get this over with. Thankfully, I've had every type biopsy done before and I have met both Doctors/radiologists there that perform them with no issues, so that's a good thing.

    Enjoy the weekend, I can't wait to relax and stop thinking, do something more constructive and distracting.

  • jelson
    jelson Member Posts: 622

    ctmbsikia- I hope your husband is allowed to take claritin to minimize his pain from neulasta. Having read about it on BCO, I recommended it to my sister in law when she was getting chemo and she has been forever grateful to me. She hadn't been told about it by her oncologist. I just checked and Moffitt Cancer Center includes it in it's discussion of chemo side-effects

    wishing you both well

  • dysonsphere
    dysonsphere Member Posts: 135

    I've been on a roller coaster since 11/20 when I had an abnormal mammogram. Since then, I've gotten bad test results after the other. Right now I'm waiting to find out what my CT scan and Bone scan will tell. I pray they are good, not like my biopsies. I have stage IIa IDC(for now) and haven't even started treatment. But I'm f***** tired! I'm tired of going to the cancer center 3 or 4 times a week. I'm tired of feeling physically exhausted when I haven't started any treatment yet. Is it the cancer? Is it the shock of everything? Everyone says we are here for you, just call if you need something. Yet, when I'm having a really low moment and I make the effort to call, nobody answers. The moment passes and I don't need anything. I just feel so alone and like I might die and my 5 year old will have no one.

  • Dysonsphere I think it's a combination of the shock and trying to carry on with everyday life. You also have a young child to look after. I will keep you in my thoughts.

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930

    OK. I would like to whine. I've been at this MBC thing almost 7 years. Last September my left hip broke. And my right leg had excruciating pain. (cancer ate them) So they did hip surgeries one day apart.

    One month in the hospital altogether. Rehab 2.5 months more. I'm the world's most compliant person -- doing almost all my homework exercises. Almost ready to ditch the cane.

    Meantime no cancer treatment so the cancer grows wild and I now have both liver and lung mets. Sigh.

    So it's time to go to the dentist and the PCP because I missed them last fall. Well, you have a nasty looking lesion behind you ear and on your scalp (true). Need to see the dermatologist. Oh, and one of your front teeth has a problem, is probably going to fracture this year and you need to consider an implant.

    Dermatologist says, yep, looks like squamous and you need a Mohs. Haven't seen the oral surgeon yet.

    Really?!? Do I deserve this?

    Not to mention how annoyed I am that my underarm hair is longer than the hair on my head. That's just a cheat.

    The only good news is the new treatment seems to be pretty easy. Of course that doesn't mean it's working. Won't know for a while yet.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962

    Dyonsphere, do try to schedule some FUN things to get through this. I found it to be a great distraction at the time, and it created good memories to look back on later. I went to a great concert the night after my biopsy, and our family did lots of local outings, day trips, and short getaways throughout the appointments, tests, surgeries, and treatments.

    I wouldn't ordinarily try to divert someone from their stress in the Steam Room, but you are so new to it all that I'd hate for you to be so miserable this early in the process.

  • Yogatyme
    Yogatyme Member Posts: 1,793

    pajim, whew!! You are certainly getting hit from seemingly every direction. I hope you get a break soon!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Pajim, so sorry to read about your recent setback...I hope things turn around for you with this new treatment...

    All the chemos I've been on so far have failed me as well, so I can understand your frustrations....

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,866

    am I the only one this has happened to or has anyone else gone through this?

    I am very unhappy with no call from my MO or the APRN about my recent scan results. I had the scan two weeks ago on a Wednesday in the morning and I was told that the doctor would have my results that afternoon. So I figured I'd get a call either that afternoon or the next day at the least. By that weekend, there was no call!!! I kept going on the hospital portal to see if the results were posted. Finally saw them 3 frigging days after the tests had been done! I lived with the anxiety for 3 days before I finally saw the reports! Thank God everything was unchanged from the previous scan! I still have not gotten a call!

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458

    I think a lot of places don't call if it's an all clear. When my doc orders tests there is a follow up appt set too.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264

    My doctor never calls. I wait until see them again 2-4 weeks later. They do not post scans on the portal. I could call but I don't. I could go get a copy but I don't. I just wait. I'm used to it after 4 years. Do I really WANT to know? Not really.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Agree. Nobody calls me on anything unless something shows up Recently had a hand X-ray. Figured it was joint pain from letrozole, would get referred out for injection. Nope. PCP calls, it’s arthritis and an old fracture. Otherwise he wouldn’t have called. Most recent PET/ct, waited till f/u appt. No call. Nothing lit up.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,866

    My MO usually calls even if the scans show nothing.

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458

    If you want to be sure, call. I don't wait for anyone to call me if I want to know something.

  • hapa
    hapa Member Posts: 613

    The radiology people at my cancer center always tell me my MO will call. My MO never calls. Like Jaycee, I don't really want to know.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    I usually wait for any tests to appear in the portal. If they're not there then I will ask for a copy at the follow up appt. I do get phone calls too. I just failed an MRI, had a biopsy yesterday and was pleasantly surprised that the Dr. that performed the procedure called before lunch with the benign results!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,602

    My MO does not call unless she knows I am worried about the results. She does call my home in these cases. That usually happens with brain MRI. Since I have been NED from the neck down for 4 years, they do not call after CT scans as they know I don't worry about those ones. If I called for results, they would book me in for an appointment if there was something to report.

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930

    I always schedule the scans the day or two days before I see my MO. The times I don't, I get e-mail [from him] if everything is OK and a phone call if it's not.

    But the scheduling is key.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    MommyOf2– my MO doesn’t call with results. This is a huge pet peeve of mine. The techs at the test site tell me the results will be read that day and passed to my MO the following day. After about 2 weeks, the results are posted to my portal. Then during my next MO visit, they are presented to me as if waiting a month is acceptable. It is not. I have complained each time.

    Had an MRI of my back in December and my PCP called that same afternoon with results. Wish all my doctors did that

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Waiting is a killer. Mommyof, I would complain. Docs are in the service business, they forget this. They are not deities nor are they celbrities nor are they above having to deliver good business conduct. Many forget this and get all high and mighty in their white coat without thinking of the impact thier actions, or non-actions have on people. Unacceptable!

    CTMB, thank goodness for benign results!