
  • Beesie, please don't take down your post.

  • KIDI919--$2000??!!!! Wow. That's insane!

    Mine was testing for a panel of 28 mutations to see if I carried anything that would explain why I got cancer at 33, and to help me decide if I might want a mastectomy or not. I have no quarrel with my insurance company; it's early in the process but they've covered everything in full so far and I paid nothing out of pocket for this testing. I've paid a bit extra for the best plan my employer offers since I started with them and basically never used it, and now it's suddenly justified 10 years of costs just in the last month. But when I see these EOBs I just don't know how many people are able to manage. $1000 for 5 minutes of a doctor's time and what was basically a 23andMe spit test, in terms of the level of procedure required? Bonkers.

  • rah2464
    rah2464 Posts: 1,192

    Beesie, adding my voice to the chorus asking for you to keep the post up and to thank you for all of your tremendous effort. A clear concise set of data cuts thru all the noise (not gonna lie I was going to use another word there).

  • KIDD - have you heard any of the insurance horror stories on NPR? They might be willing to look at your story and talk to the insurance company, labs, other players and ask why is the bill so high? In many cases those involved do not like having their dirty underwear broadcasted and lower the bills.

  • I complained more than once to my elected officials that they need to fix cancer coverage and serious medical care costs. I do not know what the answer is and I know it is very complicated but without insurance most of would just die.

  • BluegirlRed: I just found the EOB for the Oncotype testing done by G Health.( IDT I can say their name). The charge was actually $4,620. At 1st the ins co denied the claim but later paid it in full. I think at the time I was so freaked out and overwhelmed I didn't give a shit what it cost. I just wanted to know the results. I am going to look into NPR's program. Thank you.

    Bcincolorado: You sure are right about that. Our ins is expensive but we would be SOL without it. It's shameful really

  • I was fortunate to live in a state that did sliding income for the State exchange after I could not work and lost my work insurance at that point. It was reasonable and great insurance with a $700 a year deductible and I did not have to fight with them about much of anything. Of course a lot of tests had to be "pre-authorized" first. I thinnk that happens with anything .

  • My washer quit yesterday. I bought a used one from a mom and pop place in town today. Called my son to go fetch it since they have no delivery -and they didn’t even take a debit card, I had to go to the atm at my bank. Ah! The old days! Paying cash for something! Son is very busy this time of year cutting and baling and God knows what else so he did deliver it and called me later so I delivered him dinner to some spray field. He handed me a wrench or pliers or whatever this tool is called and said I could do it. Well, I did. The 2nd load is running and only you guys or most of you will understand I should never have to do such vile things!!!! Jesus. I miss him. Never in a million years would I have dreamed I would be hooking up a washing machine!!!!!

  • ctmbsitka: Be proud that you did!! I'm proud of you! You are stronger than you think.

    Bad news today...lost my job because my boss is basically dying and can no longer keep the office open. So he sold the practice on Friday and my last day is Thursday. IDK if the new guy will offer us hygienists a job at his office or just take on our patients. I feel awful for him and his family. I have worked with him for 23 years and we are all like family. I will miss the patients too. I've seen many of them grow up, marry etc. Fing sucks!

  • KIDI919, I'm so sorry. What a multiple whammy to lose your job and also be worrying about your old boss/friend.

  • I'm so sorry, KBL. It's awful to lose a job you love, especially for such a sad reason. Maybe you can talk to the new dentist to see what they have in mind.

    I had the same experience with Covered California, bcincolorado. The film production company my husband and I both worked for closed with no notice a couple of weeks after my diagnosis. We had less than a week to find new insurance. Thankfully the Blue Cross plan was far less than our private plan and covered far more. It probably saved us $100,000 in copays alone.

    Those of us who live in blue states have a far different experience with Obamacare than people in red states do. Mostly because our governors embraced it and wanted it to work. It honestly saved my life. Who else would step in and cover me in the middle of treatment for cancer?


  • Steam room for anger - ok, does anyone else get angry when doctors (or nurses) imply that they call the shots, and there is no asking you for consent. For instance, lately I've been told:

    "We will do a mastetomy and a reconstruction" - I would never consent to a reconstruction. Why assume you can do a reconstruction?

    "I'm not springing more radiation on you" - great, but I would not consent to more at this point, I'm not driving back and forth every day again anytime soon. Why assume I would do that if it's "sprung" on me?

    "I'm not going to make you stay on these drugs if you can't tolerate them" - oh - so my plan to stop if this happens is irrelevant, it's about what you'd allow?

    "If you don't go well there are other things we can try" - yes, that's assuming I'd want to try other things and give consent.

    I acknowledge that (most of the time) these people mean well, and probably don't even realise what they've said / how it comes across. But this is a steam room for anger, and bloody hell it makes me ANGRY! My body does not cease to belong to me when this happens. I'm so sick of hearing all this crap.

  • ruby red,

    there is so little we control as cancer patients. Fuck ‘em for trying to chip away and make it smaller

  • KIDI919-Sorry to hear about the loss of a 23 yr job. Ouch!

  • KIDD - sorry about job loss. Hope you find another that you liked as much

    Ruby - I have not been told I will do any procedure or drug. Some have been more forceful in their recommendations, but I have always felt in charge. I'm not necessarily asked what I think, but they have always been open to questions/concerns, respectful of my decisions. I have had problems when I feel as if my concerns are dismissed or attributed to something other than the cancer or cancer treatments.

  • moth
    moth Posts: 3,293

    rubyred, that type of language pisses me off too! And it really shouldn't be happening in oncology! They need to speaking *with* us, not telling us what to do! Grrr.

    I don't get to too frequently but when I do i like to rephrase things back to them " I see. So your *recommendation* is this surgery?" " just so I understand, you would *recommend* a trial of this medication?" That often takes the wind right out of their sails & reminds them of shared decision making.

    Some drs with whom I have a long history I give more leeway because we have a relationship where I will do what they recommend and we all know we're on the same page about how to proceed anyway...but noobs to my team, nope. Tell me your clincial decision making process and your recommendations and alternatives, and be prepared to discuss.

  • aram
    aram Posts: 320

    Wrenn, I am with you.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Wrenn, not a surprise because OP control over content was evident from the beginning. There are other sites where civil discourse is encouraged and agree to disagree is permitted. Sorry to see this go since I did enjoy reading it even if I did not agree with some posts content nor the rationales provided. My tolerance for suffering fools is depleted and it becomes harder to bite my tongue when I respond to their idiocy. Your anger is not misplaced.

  • Sorry to hear and see that, gals. I bowed out weeks ago. I did try to keep up with reading that topic, but I couldn't keep up, which was a good thing now I guess. Sometimes when you are on forums like this, it's still best to keep a distance not push your view too far, like perhaps learning or hearing from someone you thought was one way, but turns out to be another. Slugging it out on a public forum isn't helpful in that way. There was some good debate though. Shame.

    Had an abdominal US this morning and blood test on liver enzymes. First lab-GGT just came back @ 140. Here we go.......another failed test!!!..ugh! Praying my phone doesn't ring right away--later rather than sooner. Seems that's moderately elevated and not too terrible.

  • kbl
    kbl Posts: 3,063

    It's whatever. I don't care anymore. Dislike me if you will, but I will be focusing on what is important to me, and that is my health and my family. Negativity is not important to me. You all free free to start your own thread and leave me out of it. The comments made thus far are not going away.

  • Wrenn, I’m with you. Looks like the Mods’ decision is written in stone. I am angry and venting that my Stage 4 position on life’s exit ramp has been harder to bear with the isolation and fear of Covid. I don’t think it was wrong to forcefully vent about a diminished quality of life. It does inspire strong language retorts when someone uses language to make us feel expendable. Folks who represent that point of view and do not feel obligated to take action for the public good damage my mental health. We matter, and ironically they also matter and have the ability to make us ALL safer. Thanks for making the forcedshut down public. I hope you see this and it is not removed at the wishes of the Mods or OP. That’s all folks.

  • kbl
    kbl Posts: 3,063



  • Our cases are rising again. Oncologists are being called in to care for COVID patients! 🤬 I have appointments in less than 2 weeks. 😟


  • jhl
    jhl Posts: 176

    Goodness KBL, no one has been disparaging you for starting the conversation. In fact, as demonstrated by its length, it is a long overdue conversation. In fact, by definition a conversation is a mostly informal sharing of news and ideas between people and you are to be praised for starting it. However, you do not need to own it or personally embrace the opinions expressed. Rightly or wrongly, I feel you have personalized this too far for your own health & well being. There is a block function here which might be helpful for you so you can't look at topics that cause you such displeasure.

    I worry about you. Breast cancer is difficult enough and Covid just adds to the uncertainty of life. All we can see of you right now is your yelling & profanity. To my uneducated eyes, those seem like worrisome symptoms of a person who is on edge. If I am misunderstanding, forgive me.

    Be well, KBL,


  • moth
    moth Posts: 3,293

    oh KBL, nobody wishes you unwell. This is a topic you wanted to discuss - we were discussing it. If you've had enough, that's fine. It's ok for everyone to step away - I take weekends off for a reason. & I stay away from some threads because


    Threads take on directions of their own. Many of the threads in the stage 4 forum were started by people who aren't alive any more. BCO owns them, not us. You can unsub from threads, remove from favorites, turn off notifications.

    I hope you can have a nice rest of the day.

  • Moth I love that you have I take weekends off in your signature.

  • moth
    moth Posts: 3,293

    2019whatayear, yeah, I put it in because I was getting pm's and people asking me questions in threads and then I felt bad that I wasn't responding so I hope this way people can see I'm not ignoring, just away from the board for a bit :) Now if I could wean myself off twitter for weekends lol

  • Re: Twitter.

    Same Moth, Same

  • 2019whatayear and Moth, taking your time out advice to support my mental health so I'm starting the weekend early. Will nest and binge on New Tricks until I finish the series. Love British TV! Hubby can watch football or America's Got Talent or Ninja Warrior or saved episodes of Below Deck or…..He won't miss my presence for an evening. Popcorn anyone?

  • sondraf
    sondraf Posts: 1,707

    Serenity - I saw someone on another forum who needed to be seen at the breast diagnostic clinic ASAP and got a letter in the mail that due to the amount of Covid ICU cases in the area, all NHS breast diagnostic clinics were shut down at that hospital for the next TWELVE weeks and her scheduled appointment was thereby cancelled. Her options were to petition her member of Parliament, try and push for referral to another hospital (which she was initially told was not possible),or pay a lot of money to go private. No one should be put in that position, but this is what a health care system with too few staff or beds looks like.

    If flu hits bad this year well... guess I better find yet another new hobby and hunker down some more!