Have you seen this thread?
Since the mods have asked that we keep the topic out of the steam room, the new thread should take care of it!
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LW422, I never had a drain but did have a seroma drained in office. I'm sorry you are so dang sore! My seroma is still there. Latest visit nurse said it probably will be "for years". WHAT! That area still tender and numb ha ha if you can have both at the same time. Almost 2 years in I don't think it's going to get any better. Every time I mention it, it gets brushed off . That and SE of letrozole. The attitude seems to be suck it up, see you in 6 months. Damn annoying
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Elderberry, I've never posted on this thread, but felt the same reading the back and forth. Usually, I click on here and have a laugh or silently commisserate in my little self made peanut gallery. For a second there it felt like an "I'm sorry, but..." thread, which is totally against the rules (think the IMPORTANT and rule 3 part), and I was thinking oh no the safe space is gone! But I think mods have taken care of it, so safe space is back!
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I mostly read here but do wonder how many have read the topic box. It seems the rules and topic have changed since the beginning. There are even rules you can't know about unless you read back several pages or a "greeter" informs you that you have already broken it and redirects you. Most posts are not "Steam" or gut-wreching anger. This is my rant which I believe is acceptable per the topic box when the thread was created. Report me if you must. Block me if you feel the need.
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My DH had his transplant in 2005 and still has holes from his drains in his abdomen from his transplant!! At least his got pulled before he left the hospital and did not have to deal with them and empty them at home like we did.
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My latest drain wasn't cancer related - it was after my gallbladder was removed. My mastectomy surgeon was super quick. "Deep breath in. Breathe out. Deep breath in. Breathe out," and zip! Quick and easy.
I assumed my gallbladder surgeon would be the same. After warning me that tissue can sometimes get sucked into the drain holes and this can cause discomfort, I told him it would be fine. Let's get it done! Then he sssslllloowwwlllyyy pulled it out. It felt like a big snake wriggling in my torso. It didn't hurt, but it felt so weird. And it didn't stop. I kept thinking, "Ok, that's got to be it. Nope he's still pulling. Now we should be done. Nope, still pulling. Now? No. Bloody christ, just get it out!" Finally he pulled it free. I couldn't believe how small the drainage strip was. That little thing took so long to remove? He must have been going millimeter by millimeter to take that long.
Fortunately, all is healed now, and my laparoscopy scars form a rather pleasing chain swooping down my ribcage from my mastectomy drain scar. When I get my tattoo, I may incorporate them too.
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exbrnxgirl: Thanks. I will check it out. Now I can just be pissed off in general!
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Mirandra you got lucky with yours. When I had my gallbladder out I let it go way too long first and ended up in the hospital on IV"s for 5 days first. Could not have the whole "easy one" at that point and had to cut me open though. No drains though. Staples like I had when I had C sections with my kids. Then bandaged up afterwards. Lots of pain meds though.
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Elderberry, I can answer your question, but if you don't mind, I'd rather do it on the other thread. I hope to see you there.
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KIDI, don't take this the wrong way but I am so relieved to hear you describe your two-year-old seroma. I developed one the week after my surgery, then had it drained so my SAVI catheter could be placed. After the SAVI was removed, it refilled again and my BS again drained it. Despite wearing snug sports bras and using “swell spots" it refilled a third time. I admitted defeat and refused to have it drained again. Everyone assured me that it would eventually resorb on its own but it's taking its sweet time doing so. Four and one-half years after my surgery, it is only marginally smaller. Luckily, I'm well-past the age of going topless!
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Bcincolorado, it was close for me. I was initially diagnosed with a bad stomach bug. When we went back two days later, the second doctor correctly identified the issue. I had two enormous stones - both about the size of a quarter. A normal gallbladder lining is about 3 mm thick. Mine was inflamed to over 11 mm. What would normally be a one hour operation was 2 1/2 hrs for me. Fortunately, it hadn't ruptured yet, and the doc was able to remove it all through the small incision at the navel.
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JKL2017 I am NOT taking your post the wrong way at all! Seromas suck but I guess there are worse things ,,,like drains. I really feel I should get my head out of my ass and stop feeling sorry for my self. I too am passed the age of topless!
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Miranda get better soon. I remember the pain from the gallbladder attack and how felt. With cancer was not "hurting" until after surgery at least and then the recovery. I know there are a lot of good docs up in that area.
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The COVID rant thread is now hidden.
GoldensRBest has an important post for MBC patients hospitalized with COVID.
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Thank you, SerenityStat. If someone can’t see what I wrote over there, I’ve written the mods to please not take it down. Let’s hope they don’t.
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The covid rant thread is no longer hidden. We're asking people to stay respectful of one another, as always, and to please cite sources mentioned in posts, where applicable. It is helpful for members, and Mods, to see where the information and data is coming from.
Thank you, and we look forward to this topic getting back on track for other rants.
The Mods
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Hate the mail service lately. Still waiting on lab orders for MO office so I can get them done before appointment in a few weeks. They were resending again last week. Still not here. It is about 10 miles from my house. How long does it take to get here?
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Thank the numbskull in DC, Mr DeJoy, who is implementing delivery cuts across the country.
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bcincolorado........I share your frustration with the postal service. I get "informed delivery" so I can see what should be arriving in the mail daily. 3 days ago my mortgage statement was supposed to be delivered. It wasn't. It hasn't arrive yet. I am terrified that it went to someone else and that the info in the statement can/will be used for some type of fraud. I used to have some sympathy for them but they have screwed up so much that I don't anymore. Just pure frustration mixed with a bit of anger.
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Could be sppkiesmom. I mailed a birthday card in town to my niece and it took 2 2eeks to get there! Just hope I get my lab order in time for my MO appointment! I had realized when I went to go to my labs I did not have the order yet. They have a lab at MO office but prefer the one close to my house since I can sit in a recliner and not faint when they poke me. Still a weenie about needles after all the cancer and surgeries. My other docs can see them that way too and know how they came out if go somewhere else and MO office does not share with them since they use their own system and do not share with primary or my neuro docs. Hope they vote to replace him. I think the postal board has to vote him off at this point and no one else can get rid of him.
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bcincolorado, I have an email contact at my doc's office, and they send my scripts through my email. Is that an option for you?
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I could entertain you for hours with my recent tales of the USPS but I'll just give you two examples.
- A good friend sent me something that was returned to her. The envelope said “No such address “. I have lived here for 14 years! Since my address does not exist, do I still have to make my mortgage payment ?
- My neighbor knocked on my door. She handed me a large Manila envelope correctly addressed to me but delivered in error to her house. The envelope contained a letter from from the USPS informing me that they were returning some mail that had been found with stolen mail. What did they return? A postcard advertising for a meal delivery service . It offered a discount for new customers, which expired two months prior 🤣
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exbrnxgrl, well, that's just nuts! It's also pathetic and hilarious.
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We've all been frustrated with USPS. Why can't they deliver residential mail MWF for some & TTS for the rest? Then those carriers could work in Sorting selling packaging Etc. And seriously, stop delivering to the front yard of every household. Put Community boxes at the end of each Street
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According to my mail carrier, most of the monetary problems would go away if they just quit delivering on Saturday. Really - nothing is that critical, However this is from the viewpoint of someone who doesn't think we need Amazon delivered overnight - let alone in 4 hours.... Older generation for sure!!!
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We don't have Saturday delivery in Canada. Only M-F. No big deal. Mostly flyers anyway.
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postal delivery on a weekend, what luxury!!
& I still keep hearing that in the US (or parts of the US?) you can put mail or parcels (?) in your own postbox and the letter carrier will pick it up? What sorcery! We have to haul our butts to the post office.
The post office & I had a long argument about my totally legal official government cannabis store delivery a few months ago which they refused to give to my husband even though it's specifically allowed if I signed the forms. I was so irritated I wrote angry complaints to the official provincial cannabis store and the post office & got a nice response from customer service manager types from both after that lol
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Moth, rumor is true. Letters I want to mail, I place in my mailbox and mailman picks up.
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We do not even trust putting mail in the mailbox and expect to be picked up. We drive to the post office and mail it. It is not far at least from our house at least.
My MO office has a portal and and they informed me they would mail them. I figure f they do not show up by Wednesday I'll let them know and ask them to email them or send through the portal so I can print them.
Of course they are also raising the rates on stamps too by the way.
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Here's my mail story - it's actually a good one. Hope that's ok on the "anger" thread. haha
I was out in the desert and was getting low on a certain coffee I wanted. Ordered it on Amazon and the USPS delivered it on SUNDAY. I saw the mail truck out front, so I went out to talk to the driver. It was a woman, and I apologized. I told her that I was sorry she had to work on a Sunday and that my order was only coffee and that it could have waited a day or two. Her response was something like, "Hey, I'm thankful to have the work." I thought that was nice of her.
My experience at home is not so good. We get the neighbors mail pretty often. We used to have an awesome carrier and everyone knew when she was off, because the mail delivery was messed up. The neighborhood threw her a party when she retired. There's been nobody like her since. Oh well, at least we have a house and a mailbox.