Sunshine99, after he bonks you on the head you will be fine!
Afterwards you can send him to my house.
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Oh I had someone give me a book by someone who was to be "inspiring" and she definitely did not read it or pay attention enough. The lady dies in the end from breast cancer. Real encouraging when you are first diagnosed and trying to figure things out yourself and worried enough. Shoved in a closet once I figured it out.
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One of the phlebotomists, while attempting to draw blood for my labs, proceeded to tell me about her family member who was dying from breast cancer but had a really positive attitude! That's when I appreciate wearing a mask, so I can mouth "please fuck off" underneath it.
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Another good reason for masking 😉!
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Regarding the blaming yourself, I do believe my lifestyle was/is a contributing factor to my health (as to what percentage it's probably not that high?). I don't know. Over this past year my wine consumption was way up. There were weeks I was having a few every night. Mostly so I could sleep and not remember my dreams. I'm sure grief and being alone, you know the whole life adjustment, had something to do with it. Eventually, I cut back to a few nights per week and started noticing on the nights I don't drink, I can't sleep, and I wake recalling wtf was I dreaming about? Then, I find out my liver is enlarged (which isn't a disease in itself, but a symptom of something causing it), and thereby treating that will hopefully not lead to further damage or disease. I am on day 5 of no drinking at all, and sure enough, I can't sleep. I have trouble falling asleep, and once I do, I am up every 2-3 hours so a couple of times per night. When I feel I can finally have a good dose off, it's then time to get up.
I've been reading some on all this stuff.. Taking the AI has been talked about here. I am on year 3 and it is metabolized in the liver. I am also on a statin. Year 4 or 5 of that. Plus, the wine. Which one is it, or is it a combination of all three? Or something else? Going for a liver function blood test soon (never had this before), and I'm also considering buying some melatonin, but not taking it until after I do the test. Also read it may be beneficial to the liver, and it may help the sleeping issue. Anyone take melatonin?
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I have taken melatonin for more than 10 years, so pre-mbc. My advice would be to start with the lowest dose and see how it goes. Most brands sell tablets, gummies, or sub-lingual dissolving tabs on 3 or 5 mg doses. Some brands make 10 mg doses. Play around with the dose until you get the effect you want. Most people build up a tolerance for melatonin so there will probably be a point where you have to increase your dose. I am holding steady at 20 mg a night and it works very well for me. My older dd tried it a number of years ago and it gave her strange dreams. I have heard others mention this. She tried it again not too long ago and had no problems. Take care
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Apparently my years of taking NSAIDs plus smoking gave me kidney cancer. My dad also had kidney cancer, non-smoker, only took a few prescription meds. But I guess it's easier for doctors if they have a way to blame people because they don't want to say "We don't know."
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SF-Cakes - You could have responded to the clueless phlebotomist, "Your point??" and it would have also been a pun!
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That Martha Stewart article -
Did I possibly get cancer because of the air pollution caused by leaded gasoline, and that I lived on a busy street in an urban area my whole childhood, with cars and buses going by 24 hours a day? Lead in the water pipes? Dust from lead paint? Other toxins in the air and water, since it wasn't regulated in the 1950's and 60's? Parents who smoked ALL THE TIME?
No it was probably because I don't dust my house often enough, and I don't eat enough vegetables.
Environmental exposures contribute to cancer - but these aren't the same as "Lifestyle choices". The article pissed me off, I don't like the attitude of superiority implicit in an article like that.
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ctmbiska I take melatonin every night for a long time. I had sleep issues for other health issues and I use the Nature Made ones and they are gummy flavored so you just chew them like a gummy bear. I take them and in about an hour after I take them I am able to sleep all night. It was recommended actually by my neurologist who know about my breast cancer history as well. Safe to take as well. Without it I am up and walking the halls at night.
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Is anyone else having trouble accessing some sections on this forum? Since yesterday I have been getting “internal error” for the stage iv threads and active topic section.
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I got that too. Thought it was my phone. Had to beat around the bush to get on this am.
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Saw a message on there they were working on it last night. Have a feeling a server crashed or something.
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Thanks bcincolorado.
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Asshole at work: Do you drink alcohol?
Me: Yeah, occasionally. I like a glass of wine every now and then. Why?
Asshole at work: See? It's your own fault you have cancer.
For real. She totally said that to me, then went outside the building and chain-smoked cigarettes for fifteen minutes, as she does three times a day, every day. For a moment I thought, I would never ever say something that cruel to anyone. Mostly because I'm not an asshole, but mainly because I don't believe anyone brought this on themselves. I don't deserve this. Neither do you. Neither does that asshole, really.
THEN, I started thinking. If SHE were ever diagnosed with cancer and I found out about it, I defininitely wouldn't be a dick about it and gloat or blame her, and I truly hope she never has to go through what we're going through.
I WOULD, however, have to MENTION that many chemotherapy formulations contain ethanol (alcohol) as a solvent. You know, just to see the look on her face.
Karma's a bitch.
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GR4, seriously??? I mean, who does that??? Well, I guess there will always be that type. Sheesh!
ctm, I'm with you. I "need" my wine to go to sleep, but am thinking that every night is probably not a good thing for me. I've started taking melatonin, too, but am not sure how it's working yet. It would probably be better if I enjoyed the wine a little less frequently. I hate not being able to fall asleep or to stay asleep.
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What dose of melatonin are you taking?
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exbrnxgrl, right now, I'm taking a 10 mg quick dissolve tablet. I started with a 3, but didn't notice a difference with that dose.
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I use 10 mg of melatonin and it works for me. I know my bottle says that is the dose on mine. If it stopped though I would ask my doc before taking more I imagine. I think anything in too much is not good no matter what. I know without it I get up and walk the halls at night and do not sleep.
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Melatonin, like other supplements, is not subject to the same regulations as otc or prescription meds. Doctors are often not as well versed on these things and there may not be a lot of info on how supplements effect conventional cancer to. That being said, it is always a good idea to let your doctor know what you’re taking .
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GR4C1E, Well, you could tell her that wine keeps you from being an asshole, then look at her VERY directly and say, "I HIGHLY recommend it."
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Alice, excellent suggested reply to Gr4cie's asshole of a coworker!!!!
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My husband and I share a bottle of wine each nite. He has a glass - I have the rest. Been doing this for years and won't stop because of my damn MBC. That has stolen enough already! Liver values are fine.
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You have to do what makes you happy and face it not matter what we are all going to die from something one day anyway and why spend our time being miserable?
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Gracie, I have a pretty long fuse, not given to telling people off, have a reputation for being non-threatening etc. But I do not think I could have refrained from telling that blaming co-worker off. Not to call them names but to do some educating both about cancer and kindness. Of course, realistically, in the moment I'd probably be too shocked to respond.
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I’m not much of a drinker but I whole heartedly support your choice. Mbc has taken much from us. That’s why I never feel guilty about anything I eat.
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GR4C1E- What your coworker said was totally inappropriate. I think though, that as a smoker, she probably gets chastised by family and friends all of the time. She may have been lashing out at you for all the grief she gets herself. Lung cancer patients are often made to feel that if they smoked, they got what was coming to them, that they caused it themselves. My dad died of lung cancer when I was 13 and for the longest time, I felt that an actual smoker should have died of lung cancer in my dad's place. I am not making excusing for her immature and cruel remark, just trying to figure out how she might have come to say it.
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Good insight. Sometimes I think people have other stuff in their lives going on and people do not always know either but it does not excuse rudeness in any case.
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SInce my diagnosis, I had trouble sleeping. After surgery, I could only sleep in the recliner, propped up by a bunch of pillows. Every time I moved, I would wake up. This still goes on. Though my surgery was in August, my incisions still hurt, and I get weird twinges that I guess were from radiation.
Anyway - I started taking melatonin, which helps me fall asleep, but I still wake up a lot. I'm not in terrible pain, it's just that every movement wakes me up because I have to adjust myself, or adjust the pillows. My son suggested THC/CBD edibles. He bought me some, they are small chocolate squares. I have taken a half of one three different nights, and all three times got the best sleep I've had in a while. I don't feel "high" at all when I take them, but it does seem easier to relax and fall asleep, and I don't wake up as often. For me, the edible marijuana works better than alcohol or melatonin. I'm still figuring it out though, because, as I said, I only tried it three times.
When I run out, I'll have to figure out how to go to a marijuana dispensary and buy some for myself.
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tinkerbell I do not know where you live but I know where we live here it is legal and if you have "medical card" you pay less for things than people who go in for pleasure purposes. I know it can get expensive too.