
  • ddfair
    ddfair Member Posts: 65

    Sorry to disagree with you Elizabeth. I much prefer being called ma'am. Miss sounds like an unmarried teenager to me. I've lived my whole life around the military so that's the proper address for women. I'm from the deep south. Any further south and you're in TJ Mexico.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    I’m chuckling over the ma’am discussion. When I was younger, I’d use the phrase for a woman older than myself. Then in my forties, I got my first ma’am and I thought, I’m not that old,how dare they. After hearing it a few times I got use to it and thought nothing of it because I was raised to say it. My dad was from the north and my mom was from the mid-Atlantic region. I’m in my late sixties and still say it to any woman I encounter if I don’t know her name as a matter of respect.

  • chronicpain
    chronicpain Member Posts: 217

    Nothing wrong with ma’am, it is respectful. Better than being first-named by baby-faced clerks, receptionists and nursing assistants with a fraction of my education and experience

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264

    catlady, I just changed oncologists in the same practice. I know it is not always possible to do that because I have tried with some other kinds of doctors and told it was not possible. I suggest you go over the head of whoever told you that you could not change. I would not rattle too many cages because you could be thrown out of the practice all together. I definitely feared that happening. I really wanted to stay in this practice. It was not only allowed but relatively easy in my practice. If you wouldn't mind changing to another practice, then rattle away. But if you want to stay in this practice, do a few discrete inquiries about how you can change. I started with my oncology nurse. The nurses understand what jerks the doctors can be. I see my new MO tomorrow for the first time. I have felt so much better since the change but now I am a little nervous. What if I don't like the new one? Then it is on me.

  • dancingelizabeth
    dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305

    "Ma'am" - is a way for a perfect stranger - to let us know - how old they think we are.

    I thought this was supposed to be the Steam Room for Anger...not a debate on how someone's supposed to feel...

  • indahood
    indahood Member Posts: 122

    Thanks for all the useful info MEOW. I didn't get a notification that someone had responded so now I am reading it. Looks like you are a researcher like me. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on although I have to admit, that last link was clearly over my head. Cheers and again thanks for being there.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    The flu this year is horrid. I hope none of you get it. It sucks the what little Life you even thought you had away for an undetermined time frame. I am going on one week and one day of feeling like absolute crap. Sleep is my only savior. Even that can be uncomfortable, when all you do is sleep and your body parts hurt because....all you do is sleep... so then your mind starts to torture you and says things like “hmmmm that is a new pain, or hey you’re dizzy, what does that mean?, or the lower bottom Of my spine feels like something kicked it. Didn’t feel that way before the flu?” Mind tricks and scan anxiety. So freaking unfair::::: you feel like you should be able to breathe because you’re told you’re in remission and no measurable disease, so you figure you should feel happy and somewhat secure. No blood work no onc meeting for three months, but then you sit and think and wonder where your blood work stands and you’re wondering what is going on anyway! (that logic would say it’s from being in bed a lot and the muscle aches and pains that medicines bring on and also the flu itself.) we strive to get away from the doctors, but when we are away too long, like I find myself two weeks out for the next blood work and XGeva shot... after three months. Three months seems so long, until the damn flip of the calendar happens way to quickly. Then the panic swells up inside all over again.... so lame... so wrong... so destructive to life. And living! How is someone supposed to mentally survive? So sick of it! It’s like whack a freaking mole! Enough!!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    With my bald head I had a casino attendant call me sir. I’ll take mam over that lo

  • xxyzed
    xxyzed Member Posts: 39

    I got called Sir with my bald head too. The poor overworked guy was horrified when he realised what he had done. I thought it was pretty funny.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264

    I've been thinking about the words "compliant" and "non-compliant" lately. I found the above article on the topic, especially as it refers to patients. I saw my new MO today and wondered how many times she had seen the word non-compliant used in reference to me. Probably plenty. I have never been accused of being compliant. When you look up synonyms, you see words like docile and submissive. Definitions say things like doing what you are told to do. Implying too easily. says " obeying, obliging, or yielding, especially in a submissive way." Nope, that's not me.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Jaycee, I find it offensive that any doctor should get to judge your reaction with any defining adjective! Unless of course we get to go around writing reviews about our doctors calling them competent or incompetent, based on airy-fairy, vague ideas of what we consider competent or drooling lunacy. Fair's fair.

    I once read a report that a psychiatrist wrote about me. Holy crackers! He said "patient exhibits an excessive use of humour". God, some people make a living off an excessive use of humour! But this guy was a dull drip in his beige clothes in his beige office.

    I think if doctors want compliant patients they should become vets and treat sheep. Who, by the way, are a lot less compliant than you think.

    I also have been accused of being non-compliant. To which I respond, yeah, what's your point ? But usually I announce it at the outset. 'I am here to hear your opinion and guidance, but don't for one minute think you're the boss of me, are we clear on that? You work for me, not the other way around'. I applaud you for standing up to the medical system. Non-compliant? Print it on a t-shirt and wear it to all appointments!

  • pingpong1953
    pingpong1953 Member Posts: 277

    How do you get through all the trials in life without a sense of humour?

  • Lula73
    Lula73 Member Posts: 705

    technically in medical terms the phrase non-compliant should be used when a patient chooses (usually on their own) to not take their meds, go to/do their PT, etc because they didn’t want to do the prescribed treatment. In instances where a patient stops their med, doesn’t do their PT, etc because of unbearable side effects (from the patient perspective not the doc’s), life events, they’re too weak, etc. it should be written in the chart that patient discontinued because of this reason. The term non-compliant should never appear in this instance. There’s another term that drives a lot of people crazy too: denies as in patient denies pain, patient denies feeling depressed, etc. this is important because if the doc asks about say joint pain and you are having some mild pain as a side effect of the AI you’re taking you need to say yes. If you downplay it and say not really or maybe now and again but nothing i can’t handle, it will appear in the chart as patient denies joint pain.

  • WorriedMe77
    WorriedMe77 Member Posts: 93

    I fucking hate cancer. I hate all the fucking unknowns I hate hate hate everything about this. I hate fucking worried all the time I hate fucking cry all the time .... I don’t even know whpnto be angry at its been almost 60 days since my breast surgery and because these damn scans keep showing stuff my chemos delayed lucky me just found out that I’m having a lung biopsy next week and chemo is once again delayed 😳😳😳😳😳🤬🤬🤬🤬 ummmm hello can’t startimg chemo more than 60 days after surgery affect my overall outcome????? I live in Louisiana a state with the highest fucking mortality rate in the country when it comes to cancer and I feel like omg wtf is going on???? I’m fucking devastated that we can’t have a baby he loves me but I also know how bad he wants children and cancers robbed me of being able to give hIm a child...

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Non-compliant should never be used. It suggests that our job is to comply. Says who? Instead I would prefer non-conforming, taking an alternative route, declined suggested treatment and instead will smoke dope and eat frozen pizza while its' still frozen. But non-compliance has a judgement attached to it and the entitled idea that doctors are little gods and we need to follow their little rules chiseled on little stone tablets. Screw that. We are all just hanging our lives and hopes on the best work that science has done so far. It is by no means a guarantee and we are by no means obligated to play along and declining the offered treatment does not make us non-compliant! It just makes us a challenge for doctors who are not used to being challenged! Non-compliant, pffft.

  • Sara536
    Sara536 Member Posts: 5,937

    I was googling around and found myself eavesdropping on a conversation between young doctors about the use of the words “noncompliant" and “denies" in medical records. Many of them seem to be uncomfortable using them but it seems to be a “standard language" they are learning and discussing amonst themselves what these words mean. Apparently, “denies" is a way of covering your butt in case someone decides to sue you in the future. It shows that the doctor actually asked if the patient had particular symptoms and the patient said, “No" which is different than the doctor writing that the patient did not have those symptoms. These doctors also thought that using the word, “denies" sounds like they are accusing their patients of lying. I think they need new words.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Janet - not me either. I am non-standard, fly by the seat of my pants and probably high maintenance due to extreme sensitivities, shoot from the hip outspoken. I wonder what words have been used in code and in plain doc-speak to describe me or warn the next doctor about me. Oh well, too late to change even if I wanted to.

    Janet - I wonder if you had a decent first appointment with your new MO. It was quite the deliberation for you to make the move and I am so glad you got this far.

    Runor - the t-shirt idea is a a winner. Or a carry-all bag reading non-compliant patient.

    When I read my own chart and doctor's notes about me and see all the mistakes made in gathering my info and history and allergies it is a steam room post. But I won't go there now or again right now since I have already done that post at least once.

    My steam room right now is this flu going around. I am sitting here, one foot almost into hospice the other firmly in palliative. I have a center lobe and bronchi completely collapsed on the right lung AGAIN. Last time it was top lobe down for 9 mo or more. There are three honking liver lesions and they are causing me distress either because there is die off or growth, don't know but I do care. There is a regrowth of the lymph masses in supraclavical that tried to suffocate me last fall to spring, blacking out when I coughed 10x a day easy, in wheelchair and finally had radiation to back them down and I THOUGHT THEY WERE GONE FOR GOOD! There is now a cancer lymph node in the right neck abutted the carotid artery and between that and the vocal chord nerve that runs alongside which is scaring me to death. I could have such growth there that I end up with a stroke. So all that could lead to stroke, suffocating in my sleep, choking, pneumonia. coughing and blacking out and hitting my head and dying from that - OH MY. And now I get to wonder if the flu will get me instead because it doesn't go well with a healthy person let alone stage 4 MBC with all these compromising issues to boot.

    And so could we all have to deal with this. Be safe out there ladies and gentlemen. Be careful and safe and protect your inner environment too. Such as, for me, can I watch my DGD when she is home ill. No, not any more, not now. And I hate that. I need to sanitize the plates and cups that come to my restaurant table if I even want to chance going anywhere too. Talking to my DBIL last week, he was standing at the window of our vehicle by me and that is too close for comfort. I didn't think of it then, I was thinking that the weather was too chilly for me to be breathing it and maybe he could sit in the truck. But then I thought I did not want to be in close quarters with windows up especially, germs. And wth was that then, he was right there near my face. Darn. And now I wonder and go omg I hope his grandkids (3 plus their mom living w him for a month) and his kids are not sick.

  • Olesya
    Olesya Member Posts: 109

    i had an emotional break down today. had very little sleep the night before, and my 2y.o. was very very oppositional about everything. her whining just wore me down.

    I have a great support system: my mother-in-law and sister-in-law are very very helpful. however today happened to be the day when i needed their help the most, they couldn't offer it: MIL is sick with this terrible cold, SIL is having a company over, and my dear hubby (who is also sick but on his 6th grave shift) is sleeping. and this toddler is screaming her head off!...

    anyways i managed to ship my little one off for the night to my SIL, and tomorrow she is in daycare. so i have a day to recoup.

    I just hate this feeling of being unable to control my life.l used to depend on myself for many many years, and its very hard for me to ask for help. My relatives are full of good intentions, stayed with me a lot after my first chemo. and i was grateful for their support. but i realized that i need to let them know WHEN i need their presence, because when i feel good i move around the house very fast and accomplish many things, but when there are other people, i get destructed and it slows me down.

    also with this precaution about not getting germs with low blood count, i avoid public places. I love public places! i love grocery shopping, i love going to the early years group with my child,ect. and now i have to rely on other people to do it for me. and i hate it! i hate to have no control over my life! that is probably why i was moving furniture around the house the other day. because i COULD control that!

    Rant over.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363

    I better never see the word non-compliance in any of my records. I hate doctors and their arrogant behavior, they have no clue who you are and make judgements about you.

    They wonder why you don't want to see them. They think you over-react to side effects when you speak up then when you don't say anything they get mad.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    I did not write this one. But I know we can all identify with the sentiment. AIs and BC and all. I especially love the second to last paragraph, one that reads in part, "Put down the hammer."

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    And soooooo on Thursday I get to go to the videotaping of my second deposition in a year in prep for court in August in case I am incapable to testify or dead.


    Prepping for a week like I have nothing better to do, right?

    And soooooooooo today the attorney went through all my medical records with Hubby and I. We got to yank off the scabs of long ago doctor's comments about my state of being and health and digression into what I thought of the last doctor I left behind. I admit, I am quick to move on w doctors, impatient and as noncompliant as the best of them. But for this dep, I have to be mild and careful, never paint a crank picture of the behavior or lack of proper treatment. Oh like the first orthopedic doctor who let me come in w bloody fingers and a lousy ER cast for some breaks in my wrist and fingers and did not even look at me but treated me. But I cannot say what happened, I have to smile and be nice about them. And the others, cannot even go there. The list is long enough and the eventual conclusion was CRPS and no surgery was going to help, only make it worse at that time. Probably still true. But today I got to hear the comments. It pisses me off to no end. Their notes to themselves that end up being shared w other doctors and with the legal system when called for. Ack!

    Thursday it will be over, hopefully for good. Except the medical exam I have to go through on 22nd. Or if I end up in court in August, alive and well. But I want this settled now. The accident disrupted my financial situation just when Hubby retired early so we could go out there and live my life and be together before the trampling red boot of cancer might get the best of me. Feb 2015 I was decent. Then accident, recovery sort of, still not fully, and then the cancer was off and running the end of 15 though the PET CT in Nov 15 and Apr 16 were non conclusive of the seeds just germinating. Unremarkable enough to not need reported to the MO or to me. Oh how I hate the word unremarkable. A lot is hidden behind that word.

    Silver lining, not all doctors are bad. And I have found some great ones along the way.

    I just cannot wrap my head around it.

    What auto insurance company in their right mind would end up in court with their OWN insured patron because they won't pay the uninsured / underinsured benefit that is due them since the other two drivers who were at fault were not insured more than $25K a person and no more than $50K total. Driver 2 was even less insured. And why would said insurance company want to go in there with a 60-yr-old breast cancer patient who is now signed up for palliative care w D____ Hospice? After making them wait nearly 3 yrs already? We would have worked w them but they did not return calls, guide us or step up and so we had no choice but to get help, it seemed we had to go up against our insurance company. Since they never tried to help.

    eeeesh. thank you for listening. I have to stuff it back now and prep nicely, sweet little old lady style. My voice being like this really helps, hardly any intonation and is fragile sounding. If I smile they will never guess I feel like a bitch.

  • Artista964
    Artista964 Member Posts: 376

    wow bluebird, how cruel. After its all over i would go to the news station and ream that insurance co. Your story needs to be shared beyond here. Praying all goes smooth and its over soon.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Yup - I am writing reviews for posting online far and wide once this is over. If I have died first, my DD and DS know how to do it. This ins co has gone into my asshole file long ago.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233


    just one more whine please.

    Prose style

    So ludicrous

    Prepping for a deposition

    I should not have to do

    Days more of my life taken

    Cannot wait to get it done

    so I can have



    my funeral invitations.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    I have been so sad that I lost my singing voice - love love love to sing, blues, R & B, folk.

    Good thing is I have just tried to hold my throat on the side the vocal chords don't close right (nerve damage from cancer lymph nodes) and there is an interesting sound.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    I can agree with the insurance problems. I had a dog run me over. While walking with my DH in our neighborhood.A rather large dog and it ruined major surgery I had in my shoulder 2.5 years before. So since I am not eligible for that same surgery again due to a complication with my lung. All that surgery had been for nothing since the dog ripped every nerve that had been fixed again. I had no feeling in my arm. I had a concussion, three severely bruised ribs, a softball sized blood clot on my side and I bruised my hip pointer bone and deeply bruised my pelvis. I couldn't walk for almost six months. Correctly without pain. The blood clot took almost 10 months to break up and hurt like crazy. I can't write or type or use my right arm very much, because I lose feeling and it's replaced with severe pain. So here I was re-injured after healing for two and half years and I was not going to heal from it. Ever. There was no fixing this at all. It took almost four years to get it through the courts.... we ended up in arbitration with a retired judge. He ultimately ruled in my favor, thank goodness, but... 33.3% later to the lawyer and paying down credit cards I had to run up to live off of and support my family with. There was really nothing left. It's a viscous circle. Infuriating really. I hope you smack them to the curb in your deposition. Been there done that....they treat you like a criminal. It's ridiculous.. don't give up! Strong woman. Big hugs ~M~

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Isn't this absolutely beautiful

    It will calm after all the anger is expressed, incl mine/

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    This is probably not the right forum to write this, but I'm not sure where to go with it.


    Surely I am not the only one who reads a post from someone and thinks, ah, that's a fake post. That's a post written by someone with a mental illness seeking sympathy and reaction, but they sure as hell are NOT a person in the starting stages of breast cancer.

    What does a fake post look like to me? Too polished. Too perfect. Too composed. They blurt out their situation in 2 or 3 neatly worded paragraphs and then end with some open ended question like 'oh my god, what am I going to do' and you can almost see them swooning across their sofa, arm draped dramatically over their forehead. There is just something 'off' about 1st posts that cover all bases, dump out well worded drama with triggering words and perfect emotion, then sweep off waiting for the sympathy and support to pour in.

    Now, it is possible for a first post to be all those things. I have read such posts and felt they were authentic. But I read others and something smells fishy.

    I would love to know how often those posters who dump the drama right from post one ever come back more than a few times or even more than that first time? What are they looking for? Content to sell to magazines who pander to panic? I get a ghoulish, vampire like vibe from some of these posts and I rarely respond to them. I see the people who do and think they are kinder and gentler souls than I am. This place should be for those who are broken, afraid, confused and need comrades to lift them up. I resent the intrusion of those who stop in to get a piece of the suffering, like looky Lous at car accidents, like desperate soul suckers. THey piss me off. But maybe I'm entirely off base (although I don't think so)

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363

    I second that runor. My recent complaint with bco is the ad to donate money. I hate the sad bald headed lady, it reminds me of st judes hospital commercials or the abused animal commercials. I know that type of advertisement works. But I don't want to associated with sadness or baldness nor to I care to see mammogram machines. I might be a bit cranky now that I have lost 10 pounds with 10 more to go.

  • chronicpain
    chronicpain Member Posts: 217

    I had to put my big fluffy tabby kitty down, we had her since we she was a kitten She was 16, and she had stopped eating and ultrasound showed a 3cm cavitating tumor in her abdomen. And now it turns out DH may have prostate cancer. I look at 80-year-olds briskly hiking with their Leki sticks, hoping to live to be 100 and planning their cruises, and am unfairly angry about the unfairness.