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CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2015

    imageimageThis is their 2 childrenimage

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited November 2015

    Ducky- gave me goosebumps. It's so special to see couples who have been together a long time still look at each other that way. 💞

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited November 2015

    Ducky, great pictures. Looks like you were the life of the party! I did not picture the gold slippers being strappy, very fancy. No wonder the neighbors stared when you wore them outside.

    Jackie, the bread looks good. I didn't know no knead bread could turn out so well.

    Octo, did you use that elbow to stir stuff at Thanksgiving? Maybe all the driving? I've been in crazy town the last two days with some very mild intermittent low back pain. Six months ago I'm not sure if I would have even noticed it.

    Rainny, your Thanksgiving sounded like fun. I wish we had more young people in my family, we need to liven our group up.

    I had long hair like Slow before my surgery, and cut it very short to make it more managable (also in anticipation of shaving it all off anyway). I was trying to explain to some people that although it is just hair, it's symbolic of our illness. I felt differently about cutting all my hair off because I had to, rather than choosing to just for a new style.

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited November 2015



    Yes Cubbie- quite different getting to "choose" a new do... About as sensitive as people suggesting one is lucky to get a free boob job. People can be such assholes. I only need to think of the stupid things they say and I get pisse off all over again.

    Jack and killer Toots wanted to say hi. Looking all innocent and stretching...,


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited November 2015

    Toots has an amazing tail !

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited November 2015

    Aww, cute animals, Katy! And family, Ducky!

    All I have are photos of rolls. I'd planned to do something with saffron/cardamon, but what with the water main break and general stress level that afternoon, I went with plain old butter rolls with a blend of bread flour and whole wheat. They turned out reasonably well though not as gorgeous as I'd hoped. But brushing the tops three times with butter probably helped (before last rise, before baking, just after baking).

    About the broccoli: We all feel it is necessary to have something green on the table, and yet nobody feels it's the most special part of the meal. So it always ends up being boiled something with butter on top. Boring but somehow essential. Weird tradition? Perhaps. But.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2015

    ducky, what a gorgeous family you have! And those gold sandals rock--I have a pair that look almost like them and it’s a real challenge to wear 2-1/2” heels after years of going “orthopedic.”

    Jackie, that bread looks luscious.

    I’m a bit in CT today myself. For the past 3 weeks or so, I’ve had this painless and invisible bump under the skin on my upper back about 3-4” below the shoulder, on the left side. (I used to have full-fledged “back-ne” when I was younger). Last night as I was getting into bed I felt something sore--so I felt for the lump and it hurt. And it’s clearly visible--not red yet, but visible. I’m really bummed out, because if I get it lanced, drained or otherwise invasively removed it won’t heal in time for the cruise, which is less than 2 weeks from now. But what’ll happen if I leave it alone? I know it’s probably a cyst but for some reason it appears to be turning to cellulitis--even though nothing broke the skin. I’m hoping all it’ll take is an oral antibiotic (topical won’t work because the skin is intact). I can take the tetracyclines and cephalosporins--hoping I won’t be prescribed clindamycin, which is what I have to take before any dental work (even routine cleaning) because of my knee replacements. With every dose of that I’m rolling the dice on getting a c. difficile intestinal infection, and I’m not sure my probiotic is completely protective.

    Thanks for letting me rant about what is essentially a “headless” zit!

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited November 2015

    Awww Sandy... Bummer! Hoping it resolves. Like now. Why does there always have to be some shit?

    Rainny- love the table. I agree must have green but it's always underappreciated in the face of all that other stuff. Nothing exists that butter can't improve tho imho. Haha.

    Iris- Yes her pride is her tail. She is quite elegant looking. But cold killer blood runs through her veins.

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited November 2015

    Aw, look at Jack's navy blue coat! What's that little orange, blue and yellow character in the stones just off the deck?

    Sandy, what crappy timing. Do you think the doctor would look at it and tell you if it is safe to treat it after you return from the cruise? You wouldn't want it turning to cellulitis on the cruise, either, though.

    Rainny, your rolls look good to me. We had take and bake rolls from the grocery store. Nobody was up for making homemade rolls this year.

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited November 2015

    Cubbie- Jack is a skinny boy and shivers. I have to give him something. Though I know my mom is rolling in her grave. She wasn't into dressing your dog haha.

    That other little rusty fellow is Dukie. He keeps me from tripping over the most stupidly placed above ground drain ever. After my performance falling flat on my face in the kitchen this morning, you can see why it's necessary.

  • momwriter
    momwriter Member Posts: 276
    edited November 2015

    Just wanting to wish everyone in CT a belated Happy Thanksgiving. Grateful to all of you here. Jack, I could practically smell that bread and it looked so warm and inviting I wanted to hug it to me! Ducky- you're lucky to have such abundance of family happiness. And to everyone, here's hoping' the CT aches and pains are just our crazies getting their yucks out- xoxo

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited November 2015

    Jack is a pretty short haired dog, I can see he might find it too cold out this time of year. I noticed Dukie was right by the drain, and wondered if there was a connection. That's a good solution for marking that spot for you and your visitors. Kind of a strange place to put a drain, right in the middle of the path out the door.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited November 2015

    Cubbie: re. hair being a symbol of cancer treatment--I didn't tell many people, but twice I got the "hair loss" reaction. One person asked, at the beginning of the treatment sequence, straight out "Are you going to lose your hair?" and another looked at my hair, startled, when I told her I'd finished active treatment for breast cancer.

  • Journeygirl
    Journeygirl Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2015

    I'm so happy to have found this blog as I was beginning to think I was the only one losing my mind and completely stressed out. There are times when I think I have things under control, and yet others when I'm sure I'm on deaths door. Having cancer has been quite the journey and rarely boring. I occasionally have pain in my right hip, which I'm sure is bone cancer, and lately a stabbing pain in my left arm which is probably a blood clot. Yes, count me as a citizen of crazy town, but hopefully we're all only visiting:)

    In truth, I'm very grateful to have a place to vent and find support. If there is any one good thing to come out of all of this is the support we get and give to each other. All good thoughts, love and hugs to us survivors!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2015

    The zit seems to have gotten smaller, thank goodness. Will wash my back with Hibiclens rather than my usual shower gel, just to make sure.

    Journeygirl, I hear you about catastrophizing every little ache and pain! Over the past couple of months, my trochanteric bursitis seems to have returned (although much milder than it was last spring). My first thought was “oh, no--maybe my original theory of bone mets was right all along!” But then I remember having torn my gluteus minimus & medius shoveling snow last Feb., and that a little over a month after a cortisone shot it disappeared (though not in time to get me through Spain without using a cane and needing wheelchairs in airports). And this time, it seems to have coincided with having broken the nylon string of a necklace--and having had to squat repeatedly to pick up all the beads without bending over and wrenching my back. Very much the same motions I had to make to dig and throw the heavy snow last Feb. Fortunately, I know there’s no thing as mets to the skin, or that zit would be freaking me out much worse than it already is.

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited November 2015

    ChiS- Yay! Shrinking mojo working.

    Journeygal- welcome! Crazytown is such a good place, some of us have moved in permanently! We have a mayor, and a city hall with a planning department, along with other necessaries, like a pneumatic tube that food and drugs and ice cream can be shoved into and delivered to your door!

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited November 2015

    Hello again all....

    First of all, thank you so much for acknowledging my feelings about the hair. I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who thinks of it as my shield from this screwed up disease and whatever else life throws me...and the pics were very helpful. If I thought there was any way it would help me skip right to the way yours looks now Katy, or SDB's even at 18 weeks post chemo, I'd become as much a cold blooded killer as Toots...too bad we can't direct all that murderous intent at cancer instead of at birds!

    but no, life doesn't work that way, so I can see I will just need to be patient and wait with grace...hah! You all know that patience and grace are two virtues I never learned to adopt, right?

    But I think you are right about the driving and my elbow: the moment I read that I realized that I was aware that I was holding my arms in a new position in the new car, and of course I drove all the way there and all the way back, which is unusual for me....

    Katy, how scary the fall in your kitchen must have been! Please take care. And you too, ChiSandy: I hope you can figure out how to zap the zit without interfering with the cruise... I know how much you are looking forward to the getaway.

    Anyway, while it is still quite cold here, it is sunny and gorgeous, and one can see the Sierra Nevada in the distance with snow on them. Real snow and lots of it! It has been several years since that was the the case around I decided that I was long overdue for a walk. Hubby and I took off intending to just go to a local park and back, and then realized that an anticipated new bike path has been completed: it runs along a creek on one side and farmland on the other, with views of those mountains to the east, and you can follow the path and others it connects with all the way from the front of my little subdivision to the campus where I work: without once going on a street with car traffic! It was lovely and peaceful this afternoon. We ended up walking about 2.5 miles just to check out the path and the fall colors along the creek. The exercise was just what I needed to chase the blues, and once it warms up and is light a bit later, I am going to ditch the car and try bicycling to work.

    Patience! It will grow! Going to try and make that my mantra and not obsess quite so much....



  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited November 2015

    Octo- that walk sounds like heaven. All that way with no cars. I hope it is healing and helps you get a very good sleep tonight. Hugs. 💞

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2015 the little blue cute.........Thanks ladies I know I am boring you to death, but just wanted you to see the pictures......Love my gold shoes, but they have taken their place back in the box, safe and sound and will probably never be worn again.....LOL...although I have another Grandson getting marrie next Sept......should God be good to me, I will wear them then..........My family are all dancers, and you can't keep them grandkids are the same way......and they don't mind embarrassing them selves getting on the floor.............LOL.............all I heard was "Ow, I burned my ass on the marble floor......then I heard.......For God sake I lost my shoe...........'then I heard........OMG, I think I strained my groin muscle........last wedding I got on the floor.......not this time........haha........

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2015

    ducky, what I did to avoid “skating” in my gold strappy sandals was to stick these little anti-skid pads on to the soles, beneath the ball of the foot. I do that for any shoes I get that don’t have non-skid soles.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2015
    Chi.........I thought about that........but they would have stuck to the dance doing the Nae, Nae, Electric Slide, Twist, Tootsie Roll, or Mummer's Strut without some kind of "smooth" between your shoes and the dance floor..................roughed them up just enough..............LOL

    Guess what though......some chick, a hell of a sight younger then me did go on her ass, but I think she should have left her drink on the table...........that might have helped..............haha
  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited November 2015

    Passing thru town... Hair and golden slippers topic of day. I have to say, Ducky, keep those pictures coming. PLEASE. I love them.

    Hair, an interesting topic. My daughter came over at about day 14 and shaved it off. I was shocked at my reaction when I first saw it gone. So sad, so sad. At about the same time I had a friend who had a head-shaving party at a salon. I just can't imagine having my friends dance around and cheer as I was being scalped. It would seem to be a denial of such personal loss. Just my humble opinion.

    Ortho appt tomorrow which will no doubt include a weigh-in. Yikes.

    Now I'm going back to hibernate. Just wake me up when Sula sends out sample via the tube.

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited November 2015

    Journeygirl, you are in good company here. I go back and forth between "let's kick this thing to the curb" and freaking out on a daily basis. At least here we are not alone in our worries.

    Hi, Momwriter!

    Ducky, now I have this image of you in my head doing the Electric Slide. Your family sure is a fun bunch!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited November 2015

    hmmm, I just typed my post and WOOF, it evaporated on me.

    well let me see if my memory works, for all who are thinking about last winter snow, I got me some snow chains for my shoes! no kidding, ordered them and think they may actually help me stay on my feet this winter. In my development, the plows to the main roads but you still need to dig out your own car so figure this will help for this old wobbly lady.

    now I can not remember any of the other thoughts for this morning. oh well, weather is sunny and I may join the holiday shoppers and visit a favorite store today.

  • eggroll
    eggroll Member Posts: 117
    edited December 2015

    I got my magnets printed, I got my magnets printed!

    Now what am I going to do with them?

    I put them on ebay and apparently I am the only person who can't live without them... I made 200.

    Today is my best day so far for pain since my lymph node surgery Oct. 22. I feel good! Swelling is pretty much the same as it has been all the way through though. I guess that's my new normal. Physical therapist says I don't have lymphedema, but I don't have any crease lines on my inner arm below the elbow and my elbow is pretty puffy, I have had some pain in my collarbone area, and when I wear a more supportive bra my back and side hurt and are kind of gushy. It seems if I over do it, I swell up more. I have a sleeve ordered, and being mostly good about the other stuff she told me not to do. Have my bracelet on. I am learning that there is no "little bit" of breast cancer as the bills pass through on their way to the insurance company. Thank God I have insurance

    Radiation simulation on Thursday...


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2015

    Watched a Nae Nae tutorial video. Now I remember why I learned to play guitar--so I could go to the dance without dancing. (Although nobody uses live rock bands any more, alas--it’s all DJs). I don’t do “slide” well--every time I went to PT, when they brought out the sliding board and told me to take off my gym shoes, that was that. Only reason I can cross-country ski is that two poles are stabler than one cane.

    Gotta dig out my Yax-Trax before the next snow or ice storm. Those suckers work. Couple of years ago, I had a gig up in Madison. It was the first 40-degree day after two solid weeks of snow and cold, and our alley was a mess--puddles over icy ruts. Had to be pushed down the alley till I got to the cleared street. En route, I kept hearing warnings about both ice and flooding for every county through which I had to pass. About halfway there, my singing partner called and told me to turn around and go home: there were jackknifed trucks all over the Beltline, and the only reason he was going through with the show was that he and the staff were already there so he might as well entertain them. So next exit I pulled into the outlet mall in Huntley to go to the loo, because I wasn’t sure I’d get another chance before returning home. Wondered why it seemed deserted at not even 6 pm, until I saw the yellow crime-scene tape and yellow “Danger-Falling Ice” signs on the sidewalks. Parked as close as I could and gingerly stepped to an Ann Taylor store where they let me use the bathroom even though there wasn’t anything I could buy there to fit me. On the way back out to the car, I noticed that it had gotten colder. Less than 6 feet from my car door, I planted my foot and it began to slide out from under me. Caught myself in time and tried again: same result. (Mind you, I was wearing gum-soled UGGs and using a cane). I began to scream for help--someone on the other side of the lot heard me and said he’d go get help. Hadn’t expected that “help” to be a police car and EMS van. Two cops held me by my armpits and gently dragged me to my car and got me into the driver’s seat. They wanted to have the paramedics come and take my vitals, but I assured them I wasn’t having a heart attack, just terrified of falling and breaking a leg or worse. They made me follow them out of the parking lot back to the Tollway, so if I skidded off the road help would be right at hand, and then promise to head back to Chicago and not on to Madison. Heading back east, I was doing 40 (in a car with only front-wheel drive, not AWD) and being passed by SUVs and semis going at least 65 and splashing me. It was so slick out there I couldn’t tell if I was seeing salt trucks or Zambonis. Had to spend the night at an O’Hare area hotel (with an ice-free parking lot) because my son told me our alley was too much of a mess to chance trying to get back into the garage. Ordered Yax-Trax the next day. And from then on, I’ve kept a gym bag with granola bars, water, handwarmers, nightgown, toiletries, one night’s & morning’s prescription meds, wall-charger for phone and change of undies & socks and a T-shirt in the car.

    DH looked at Super-Zit last night and pronounced it a garden-variety sebaceous cyst--not infected, just an inflamed blackhead. Because of the angle, I couldn’t see its central big honkin’ blackhead in the mirror. He says to keep on washing it with Hibiclens and applying benzoyl peroxide, and if it pops or comes to a head, use triple antibiotic ointment. If I get it lanced it might not heal in time for the cruise. I feel sooo conflicted: just applied for my Medicare supplement and Part D insurance--and then discover a zit the same day. Guess that just makes me young-at -heart--or am I entering “second adolescence?” If the latter, then at my next dental cleaning they might suggest braces!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700
    edited November 2015

    Egg, I will buy one from you, or two, how much are they? That ebay page says the listing has been removed or something like that. I have already copied your address, but I don't think you should keep your address on the post you made. You never know who might be lurking! You can pm anyone who has an interest. I put magnets on my stacked dry, I can see them as I'm folding. Sometimes I forget what I'm doing and just stand there looking at them! I have some good ones.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited November 2015

    Sandy, yeaper, your story is the reason for me to have bought the dang shoe tracks! but then again I basically try not to go out when it is nasty. My little Prius is a great car but not a good snow car! sounds like I made a good choice

    Also as someone only a couple of years onto Medicare, I find going to the docs for simple things like maybe a zit, is much less expensive than my old health plan! hope you end up with good experience as well

    now I need to find someone to get my nifty new vacuum out of the trunk of my car and into my house. Really hate this getting old shit where I need assistance on to many things, but got some good neighbors

  • eggroll
    eggroll Member Posts: 117
    edited December 2015

    I revised my posting... I guess that was just meant for Twitter? I give up on this electronic world some days!

    If you private message me your address I'll send you a magnet and a Christmas card!

    If you send $1 back I'd be very happy. I put them up on ebay 2/$4.50 but free shipping... that works out to about $2 each. If I eventually get enough to pay for the $35 printing and postage costs I'll be very happy!

    Don't let the money stop you is all I'm saying... thanks for the nice reply you made my day.

    Today my husband seems to be in Crazytown and doesn't know it. He just started freaking out and yelling about the dumbest strangest silliest most trivial irritations, he was grasping at straws to explain his frustration and finally he broke down and started crying that he was so worried about me and "Why do they have to radiate the whole breast if they got everything out with margins!" Poor guy... I wish I could reassign him to a healthy guaranteed long-lifed wife!

    Can you let me know if this link works?

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700
    edited December 2015

    Egg, hi, I did copy and paste and it did work. I noticed the first part of your name on eBay, just wanted to let you know that my sister dated, heck, I mean practically lived with a man with that name. And I spent a bunch of time with her there too. All I can really remember is that he was a baker, and his whole family was incredibly nice and so sweet and fun. I was kind of sad when she broke up with him, he was a good guy. Envelope and payment o the way! maybe if you have a coffee shop or something near you, or your hair dresser, art store somewhere near you, they could have them there for people to buy? I know all those places near me have offered to let me sell there, but i am still in the gearing up stage.

    Chi, I don't know all the names of the dances, i pretty much make my own moves, I LOVE to dance, puts a smile on my face every time! At home, one of my favorite songs to dance to, is Bela Fleck's "sinister minister" I just love that squeaky strange song! It goes all over the place, a rollicky song if I ever heard one.