CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.
Octogirl/ChiSandy: ow. ow. ow. ow.
Just saying. As someone who tends to step on inopportune objects--no hot coals here, but plenty of rose thorns big enough to hook Jaws/Bruce, and the occasional shard of glass, my feet send your (Octogirl's) feet sympathy. And as someone with weird dentition, my teeth similarly to ChiSandy
Don't these things always happen at the beginning of a long weekend and/or when there's no one about to help change the bandages? But then that's what CrazyTown is for.
Me, still having nightmares but at least I've progressed to mashups of all my classic anxiety nightmares: a family reunion (including some family members I'm unaware of, but whom I'm expected to immediately recognize) in a hotel suite with an ever-changing layout, in a city which I should know but don't....and so therefore get badly lost.
At least this one ended amusingly: a store which combined Asian snacks and used Baum books. So I woke up, having gotten directions, books, and treats to bring back.
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I have to say that a store that combines Asian snacks and used Baum books is pretty much my idea of retail heaven....add some tea and it sounds like the perfect antidote to anxiety.....Can we put such an establishment in the outskirts of CrazyTown?
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Hugs all around. Too tired to really post but very thankful that I am not alone in CT
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have to say, i am the queen of getting sick just as a holiday weekend starts, hope all survive the days till docs return
Tired here as well, is it too early for a nap?
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....Hugs and naps all 'round
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Octogirl: glad to know my anxiety dream could be of use to someone! Certainly it can be included in CrazyTown; even within the context of a mild nightmare, the store was very much a refuge--busy, crowded, but welcoming, well-lit.
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I agree with Tomboy! Naps all around!
I told DH I was going shopping for a deck box to put all my pool toys/tools in. He said "I'll make you one!" I gave him the measurements, while out shopping for other things he calls and would like to know if it can be bigger? I said sure why not. It went from 46"x24"x36" to 8'x36"x36"!! Now I get to go to my fav fabric store to get items to make a bench seat to fit the top! What a man, love him to pieces! LOL
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lori , good guy you got there!
Well messin, in the kitchen as promised to visit some pals and need to take something
Hmm, not sure what yet
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Hey, everyone. It looks like things have been busy around here, what with thingies being removed, medical people needing punched (again), folks walking through hot coals (why anyone would do that, I don't know, and I thought that went out of style, anyway), and testing and more testing. I hope for healing and no more accidents, and no more thingies to be removed and tested.
Well, my sister finally got her results. She had to have a bone marrow biopsy. It turns out she has something called ITP. Ideopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Trust her to get something hard to pronounce, much less spell. The doc told her she could go on steroids every day (she said no, uh uh). She could go on steroids four days a month (the one she chose). Or, she could have her spleen removed (no way, not cutting anything else out of her after that gall bladder surgery). He also tested her for ANA, and she tested positive for those antibodies. I think it means she has a higher risk of developing some auto immune disease. We are all just glad she doesn't have something worse. I was scared for her.
Sandy, I know about teeth deciding to just break off. One of mine did it while I was just sitting there minding my own business; I heard a little 'tick'sound in my mouth, and it had broken off right at the gum line. Not a bad tooth or anything, not even any fillings in it. I hope yours can be fixed pretty easily. Does your dentist have any emergency number? I also hope all that other stuff you have going on is going to be okay, too.
Octo, ouch, girl.
Lori, what a lucky girl you are! A man who will build stuff for you.
Well, y'all have a nice evening. I am going to look at recipes for biscotti to see if it is too difficult for me to try to make.
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Well, I just found my phone, and there was a message telling me that another friend from church has been diagnosed with the stupid stupid evil that is cancer. Hers is liver cancer. I don't want to go look it up on Dr. google, so someone tell me that it can be treated. I want this stupid disease to die.
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I am so sorry, Lisa. That just stinks.
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Oh, Lisa, that simply sucks. Too many people I know have been drafted into this lousy club. Went to my friends’ house to BBQ--a fellow guest and longtime pal is 4 yrs. out from non-small-cell lung cancer, still NED after neoadjuvant rads & chemo intended to shrink the tumor to make it operable...which instead caused the tumor to disappear, canceling his lung-reduction surgery. His MO wants him to get hi-res CT scans for “maintenance.”
I e-mailed my dentist last night and he replied this morning. He’s back in the office Tuesday and will see me then after looking at his chart. He agrees with me that the molar is probably the first one on which I ever had root canal....a year before Gordy was born, and before my dentist took over the practice of the older guy who’d been treating me. Amazing it lasted this long. It doesn’t hurt at all. I will probably get it cleaned up and capped--or maybe even just sealed to keep it together rather than extracting it. Meanwhile, he said to just chew on the other side.
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oh dear i broke a tooth years ago while sailing in maine, just hung in till I could get home good luck,
Me my neck is sore and I would love to get to my chiro, course have the dang stitches from mole in middle of back so not gonna be a be to do that, maybe he can just work on my neck?
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The most inconvenient “tooth-breaking” I ever had was back in 2003. Was just sitting around midafternoon eating something soft (I forget what) and felt a sudden searing pain. Went to the mirror and saw my front lower incisor, on which I’d had root canal a few years earlier, had literally split in two straight down the middle, and one half of it was wobbling. Trouble was, I had a gig down in the far south suburbs (bordering IN) that evening with nobody to fill in for me. Called the dentist, who said to cover it with a little softened orthodontic wax (which I used to use when the brackets of my braces irritated me) and try not to eat anything harder than soup--and play as much of the gig as I could; he’d see me first thing the next morning. I played the gig--throwing instrumental solos into as many songs as I could as "set-stretchers” and so I didn’t knock the wax loose (or lisp) while I sang--had a little tomato bisque during the break, and managed to get through it okay. The initial pain I’d felt was irritation of the nerve as the mobile half of the tooth wiggled in my gum. Had it extracted and was given a temporary removable bridge while the lab made a permanent “Maryland” bridge (after the U of M Dental School where it was invented) that fitted into grooves cut into the enamel of the surrounding teeth and cemented into place. Still have it.
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lordie sandy.
that surely must have been nerve wracking
We'll heading out to foot doc thick up the custom orthotics that the guys suggested, sort of wondering if they will fit into dang shoes but decided it was worth a try
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Ouch Sandy! I have very soft teeth, I think I've broken every one I still have and they've gotten a lot worse in the past year. I'm seriously thinking of having them all pulled and getting dentures. Everyone tells me to keep mine as long as I can but there comes a time when enough is enough
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Teeth are expensive to keep nice....;several years ago a waitress swung a tray while I was walking to a table following the Hostess at a political function..............She hit me right in the mouth with the wooden that time I had crowns in the front, but felt the crown/permanent bridge move................long story short she broke my lip, and also my permanent bridge............
Only solution was dental implants............I had it done across the front......hope your all sitting the time they got done with all of cost me $34,000............end of work is expensive...........0 -
wow ducky, i sure hope I don't need that sort of thing
We'll got my new orthotics, instructions are to wear them only an hour first day
They don't feel so bad so fingers crossed
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morning all!
PTS, I certainly hope you don't need $34,000 worth of dental work...ducky that IS crazy...I remember once years ago being in Paris with hubby number one, when he needed an emergency root canal. He was in too much pain to wait till the end of our trip. Went to a local dentist, who fixed him up in an afternoon (communicating largely through gestures and hand drawn pics) while I explored the area near his office (which was close to the Sorbonne, so lots to explore :-)) Anyway, we were on a tight budget and I was terrified as to what the bill would be. Well, it was something like $75, if that (well under a hundred) plus another $15 or $20 or so for the meds he wrote an RX for us to pick up at the pharmacy afterwords!! I couldn't believe it! When we got home his regular dentist looked at his work and said it was very high quality, and it certainly saved the trip! I am assuming that (as is the case for medical care in France, I believe) that dental costs are subsidized by the government...either that or costs in the US are WAYYY out of whack, or both. Granted this was at least 20 years ago, but still.....)
After a weekend pretty much spent on the couch, I am back at work. I am doing a LOT better today: the burn is healing nicely, no sign of infection, and I can actually walk fairly well. Only one set of shoes, my ocean going sandals, fit over the bandage, but that is ok, I'd rather look dorky than have to walk around with just the bandage, as the support from the shoes makes walking a lot easier....
Hoping all have a good start to the week!
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My MRI is three days from now and I'm really having a hard time! I don't have any reason to believe there will be anything wrong, but I'm so nervous! I don't know how I will handle waiting for results.
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Octo, glad your foot is healing well. Readytorock, in your pocket for the MRI. Ducky, I sure hope you stuck the event venue (or the caterer, if they had employed the waitstaff) with the bill for your dental implants! (Or demanded to be reimbursed by the candidate after the election).
Good news about the tooth. Turns out what I broke was a piece of the porcelain crown, installed in 1992. (I have friends younger than that). The dentist just polished the jagged edge and said it should hold just fine--I can even still floss around it. I saved the piece of porcelain. If I put it under my pillow, will the Tooth Fairy leave me fake money--preferably dark chocolate Hanukkah “gelt?” (Just like when I was wearing a fake fur coat on 5th Ave. a few years ago and I was confronted by a PETA demonstrator, I asked her if, since my fur wasn’t real, she would throw stage blood instead).
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Octo...the work required 3 implants......refix 2 root canals that some asshole didn't do right a few years a bone graft...........then do 4/5 new crowns......3 to use for the implants............2 more to replace what was over the origional root canals because the crowns that were originall done over the root canals (they wouldn't;t fit anymore) 1 more crown for the newest root canal.......this whole ting took a year..............because of waiting for the bone to grow around the titanium implants..........
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yikes, have never had much tooth issues and last time I changed dentist retired, had problems finding new one as so few fillings in my mouth
Oh well, tried out the new orthotics and feeling positive, gonna wear in my gym shoes tomorrow and see how it goes
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(GAAAHH!!! The storm knocked out my router--and ate my post. Trying again).
Octo, wear those orthotics gradually a little longer each day to avoid arch pain. Ducky, what a dental nightmare!
Good news/bad news on the skin biopsy front. First, the good news: the face lesion is completely benign--as the derm suspected, a seborrheic hyperplasia, so what remains of it can stay put. And the back mole is not melanoma--at least the path report said it “didn’t sufficiently display the characteristics.” But the bad news is that it’s still “highly atypical” and the margins weren’t clear. She considers the path report “not black & white” (fortunately, neither was the mole) so she’s categorizing it as definitely pre-malignant. So on Thurs. she’ll re-excise, digging a little deeper & wider. She reassured me it won’t be Mohs surgery or the traditional “wide excision” performed for melanoma--she said it would be a “short office procedure” (Mohs would take the better part of a day) in her regular office, not Surgical Dermatology. (Had it been “mildly atypical” or had she gotten clean margins, that would have been that). I may have to have a suture, but I suspect she probably won’t close it until the next path report comes back clear. At least I’ll be justified in using those large Band-Aids I bought for my breast seroma incision--which are big enough for me to change out myself. Currently, I can’t reach far enough to apply regular (1”) Band-Aids so that the wound is fully covered by the pad--so I’ve been at the mercy of Bob, my housekeeper, or whichever female friend I’m visiting or vice versa. It skeeves Gordy out--not that he’s squeamish, but it’s his Mom’s naked back. (I’d remind him that 31 years ago, he spent at least 6 weeks looking at my naked front whenever he got hungry...but I’m not gonna go there)!
Monthly mani-pedi tomorrow.....and true to form, it’s gonna storm. For the past 6 months, on pedicure day the weather’s been inappropriate for wearing thong sandals (to keep my polish from smudging). And the sewers on that block back up if you even sweat into them. Ewww....
Finally, just as I was about to finalize our Italy trip plans, the State Dept. came out with a warning today about Americans traveling to Europe. Oy.
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sandy, i am the one with spiffy new orthotics yeap, doc gave me instructions to start slow with wearing them. She said one hour first day and then 2 then 3. So did that, i can feel them supporting my arch but now just in my simple Clark sandals as wore the orthotics this morning
Nice day, need a veggie run plus wine so off for now
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Bob said it’s reasonable to wait till I get a final path report on that dysplastic nevus (and if melanoma, what stage and what if any treatment comes next) before booking our flights to Italy. But not that State Dept. warning--he says if that keeps us Stateside, the terrorists win. He’s right. Nobody cancelled their Bar Assn. trip to London/Lausanne/Paris the day after the Brussels bombings....though nobody went to temple that Fri. night or Easter services at Westminster Abbey or St. Paul’s.
Rain held off long enough for my mani-pedi. I always get ingrown toenails (congenital nail-bed curvature, for which podiatric surgery didn’t work) and dread that part of the pedi--my tech digs really deep. But today, the outer corner of my R big toe was the most painful by far, more so than any part of my bc treatment (except those hornet-sting areola injections for the SNB tracer). I had to use meditation breathing and gripping the seat cushion till my knuckles turned white(r) to get through it! But dang, my tootsies are lookin’ good!
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I did go after the Country Club where it happened.........the result was the caterer (who does all the affairs) employed the wait staff........they actually didn't believe me that it happened there, but right after it happened a member (executive) of the club came to me and said are you "OK"............told him no, through my very swollen, bloody, black and blue upper lip after the fact he did remember it happening..............
I settled with them for $15,000, but should have held bad........I did not realize at the time so much work was involved.....I thought they could just replace the broken bridge, but they were not able to, and I got several opinions........but that was better then nothing, right.........a lot of work, a lot of time so "shit does happen".........0 -
I just cannot imagine, ducky. Wow!
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So I have my prophy scheduled for 7/22. My BS said it will cut my risks down by quite a bit but I really need to see a genetic counselor to get the full picture of risk after the surgery. My recurrence risk is pretty low due to my oncotype and being on an AI. I am trying get myself into the mindset that I will have the umx, reconstruction and leave BC as far in my rearview mirror as I can. Since you are all in CT and obviously I am here with you, do you see that as doable? Do you see yourself putting the craziness behind you? My whole life feels like I live on the edge of a precipice anyway so it is not surprising that on the outside I seem to take this in stride but on the inside I get panic stricken.
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ReadytoRock- hoping you are surviving the wait. We are all in your pocket.
Molly- a tough question. I think it is doable. Very doable. Of course we are all different, and have different dispositions, other health and family situations, different support networks. However, I find that trying to subdue all thought about it, putting a pillow over thoughts of BC and smothering it, is hard to maintain and it takes a lot of energy. Instead, I am learning (or trying to) from survivors who have been dealing with it longer than I have. I try not to give it as much attention.
Instead of trying NOT to think about it, impossible for me, I try to focus on other things, anything, to bring other positive things in. I'm not always successful. After all, I'm still here in Crazytown too.
Above all, I am trying to practice patience with myself. If i am scared, I try to treat that part if myself gently, like I would a small child. I don't berate myself for what I think, what I am or am not doing to fight the perfect fight against it. I am human. I am scared. That is a part of me. But it is not all of me.
It's like meditation. It's a practice. They call it practice because you never perfect this skill. But I try every day to congratulate myself for something I've done on my own behalf, and try to pass on the criticism. There's plenty to criticize, but I try to just ignore it. Little by little I have found I'm stressing less about the mysterious zings and zaps. Why my liver enzymes are abnormal. Why this ever had to happen at all. I try to treat myself like I would treat a good friend. We've all heard that. It's harder to do it. Promise yourself every day you will do your best to care for yourself. Every day. Forever