CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.
I am seeing my breast surgeon next 2 cyst at my cleavage hurt, and I don't know if they are growing, I also found a lump and some thickening on the side of one of my Foob... I am also not sure if my left implant turned did not turn, because these "girls" have a very different look.
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Lots going on here in CT! Cwp, great news. Put some ice on the biopsy area. Robin, so sorry about the heart trouble. Di, in your pocket for your appointment next week. Hopefully it's fat not anything sinister. My Wyatt's sick. Probably got DH's cold which on him is devastating. On top of that my day nurse is on jury duty and I had to reschedule my appointment with my PS and MO. Thankfully MO has am opening tomorrow.
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Hugs and prayers for Ryan, Molly--when our kids hurt, we ache double. In your pocket for your upcoming appointments. And hope your day nurse gets dismissed from jury duty very soon, Dunno about L.A. County, but here in Cook County the rule is "one day/one trial:" if you don't get picked for a jury your first day, you are released till next year--and sometimes they'll have all the jurors they need by 2 pm so you get to go home early, with a check that just about covers your parking in the Loop (or if you served at a suburban courthouse, lunch and gas (the latter, hopefully not from the former). Otherwise, if you do get picked for a jury, you are done once the trial is over, and you are unlikely to get called again for another 3-5 years
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Haven't heard from Beppy yet, but I'm pretty sure she has her gift by now. I decided it is probably ok to share the surprise I made her now. We all ARE in her pocket :
I am collecting names - they are all on little colored clothes pins, so I can make more and send her them to add to the wall hanging.
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gma, what an adorable piece for beppy, i am sure she will have tears from the gift
Not sure what doing today, likely continuing to clean out the file boxes of paper work, I was holding tax returns from 15 years, a mess to go through all but I am making progress
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You can add me Gma
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Gma-please add me as well. I am sorry I have been turned so far inward. Working on it.
Molly your son is in my prayers.
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Oh Gma!! I just want to cry it's so wonderful! Sandy, unfortunately she was selected for a trial. Hopefully she will be back on Monday but not sure yet. It's thrown everything into a tizzy because my other caregiver had auditions scheduled yesterday and today so no back up plan. Evening nurse is coming at 1:30 this morning. Thankfully my work is very understanding about my situation with Wyatt. I just want him to feel better.
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Ok I had a brain fart - thought I wrote down the names that still need me to make tags and send to Beppy.
I have Icm123, PoppyK and RobinLK - Anyone else I missed?
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hi Gma - please add me too ! What a beautiful project --it is so very thoughtful and heart-touching. I have been so busy back at work full time I'm not on here much these days, but best wishes to you all crazies and will try to catch up.
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Phoebe - don't try to catch up - just enjoy the coming here and reading a couple of pages back. I never can catch up - I say I will and don't. Just accept where you are. Glad to see you pop in!
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Do you have me on there?
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queenmomcat, GmaFoley, octogirl, Molly50, RobinLK, and lcm123 --- THANK YOU for all the support. I needed to vent my worries, and am grateful to be able to let it out here in Crazy Town. After five hours in the hospital at variuos clinics today, I had to crash as soon as I got home. My dog was NOT delighted to be quick-peed then ignored, but she finally curled up in the bed next to me
All is well at this one-year point. The cardiologist approved me to continue Herceptin. I did get switched to a different, much more empathic senior oncologist, who is taking my struggles with chemo brain and other SEs seriously. All the bloodwork and imaging is benign. And I got my 12/14 Herceptin injection. And the breast cancer support nurse called me into her office for a comforting chat. So today turned out better than I dared to hope.
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Yes Molly - here is a closer picture before the final - your name is top second from the Left. This was first round but added even more before I sent it to Beppy.
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GmaFoley how lovely!!!!
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So busy today catching up on stuff around the house that I have been meaning to do
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GmaFoley, absolutely beautiful, just like Beppy is! Sending her healing thoughts and much love
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Gma, that is just so pretty. I hope Beppy is feeling well today.
Tessu, I am so glad for you that things went well. Having them take things that are troubling you more seriously is so important. I hope it was a good chat with the nurse, too. I hope when you came home and crashed, you woke up refreshed.
Robin, my naughty English Lab is named Buddy, too. We have a German Shepherd/Lab mix(Bailey) and a Bassett Hound/Dachshund mix(Rocky), too. Each has his own distinct personality and all of them are naughty. Rocky can't be left near a bag of garbage or he will have a shark feeding frenzy. I agree with Di about the wire crate. It seems to be less confining if they can see all around them. We have both kinds, and I like the wire one better. Bailey hated being in his crate and away from us when he was little. He would cry "Out woowoowoo!". That's what it sounded like. I saw something on Amazon about the containers for that eating plan. I may just look into that.
Poor Wyatt, Molly, I hope he feels better soon. My son calls it getting the treatment when he is sick. Tucked into the couch to watch tv, his favorite soup, orange sherbet, etc.
Di, I hope all turns out well with those cysts and the Foob issues. If it ain't one thing, it's another.
Sandy, the last time I had jury duty, I went through the process two or three times and didn't get picked for a jury, but stayed all day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and finally got released Thursday afternoon about two or three. It was boring, but somehow an interesting group formed on one side of the room and we talked a lot. I never figured I would get picked, anyway, since my husband is a cop. They even asked me about that.
I think I am going to have to pretty much give up my caffeine habit. It is making me way too shaky and fidgety. It has gotten worse over the last few weeks. I usually only have two cups of pour over coffee a day, and occasionally some tea or a Coke. I wonder if the coffee you brew has more caffeine than I was getting when I was drinking instant. I may try the decaf brewed coffee, since I really like a hot drink in the morning and afternoon. Maybe there's a good one out there. Today, no caffeine.
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did you add Me? Hope not to late but I know how confusing this stuff an get
So went to gym, saw folks who I had not seen since before all this dang mri stuff on back so it was nice to see folks
Hard to explain to folks as i get teary when trying to explain and really can not do questions about what happening
But feel much better for going
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Proudtospin got you on the first picture - right side sharing a tag with Rainny
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thanks, my computer is small
Can't always see small type, maybe time to upgrade!
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Iris, I am happy you were able to catch up with folks. I try to ask enough questions to avoid the..."about me," part. Some days I am able to share, other not so much. People generally seem to understand and that is comforting
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Iris and Robin - I trigger into crying every time someone says the exact words, "How are you doing?" If they say Hey there! or What's up? i don't cry. Some people are also just glad to see you and not really sure what to say so then I get the quote...
Oh, Iris - got to say - I blew up the original picture to see who I made tags for and I have a 24 inch screen LOL.
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Actually, mini meltdown this morn was with a really nice woman who is recently retired from her career as a child psychologist, so good one to have a meltdown on I guess
Gma..I downsized my computer to a small notepad, i works for me though, big computers make me think I am still Working!
It was nice at gym today to realize I was missed, wanna get back in the drill again
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Gma, that is gorgeous!
Got picked twice for juries on the same day, but as soon as the lawyer asked me what I did for a living and I mentioned “attorney,” I was immediately challenged for cause, and excluded. (Funny thing, in one trial the plaintiff’s lawyer made the challenge and in the other it was the defense atty.). No idea why they don’t exempt lawyers from jury duty--they used to. No atty. in their right mind would want someone on the jury (perhaps even elected foreperson) who might contradict the judge’s jury instructions (believing them to be in error). Got excused last year during rads, but they haven’t called me back.
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Still waiting for jury duty - haven't had a call in 11 years - before I moved. My husband got summoned 2 months in a row LOL. Of course the week of my big surgery.
Isis unfortunately I'm going to be working til I die - my retirement retired without me. I do have 3- 24 in screens and a 27 for work and play. 2 computers.
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gma, you would be really handicapped on my little thingie
Jury duty, had it twice when I lived in nyc, one was drug trial and the other was a murder trial where they locked us up as we had not reached a decision, highly recommend trying really hard tstay off of murder cases on the drug trial the Ada asked to talk to the jury to explain our decsion, he accused me of being one of 2 to swing the full jury, and I was, sorry but I felt the guy was guilty
Nj been called but always sent home
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Was in the middle of mixing up a meatloaf, only to find I had no eggs in the house. Needless to say I had to make a quick run to get some. Ugh, I just hate days like this
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Mommy, depending on where you are in the state, getting anything can be quite a chore. Connecticut girl, born and raised. We moved to AZ almost 7 years ago. I was living in Eastford for 14 years, but have lived in numerous towns/cities along the way. Always hated the cold, it hurt, even when all bundled up. Would much rather face a 115 degree day.
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Gma; beautiful job
I have never been called for jury duty.