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CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited September 2016

    Blinkie: (waves hello) QMC would be me--an abbreviation of my screen name. And welcome!

    Busy thinking of welcome baskets for our new members. Meanwhile pull up a rocking chair on the porch of the CrazyTown Inn and join us; we may not have been through exactly the same treatments or reactions...but we know where you're coming from, and we've all had those OMG, what's that?!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,873
    edited September 2016

    Yep, like recently I felt something poking me in my cleavage area one night last week. I started to freak out and so I when I went to change into my pjs I discovered that the poking sensation was a kernel of popcorn that had gotten into my bra and lodged under my cleavage! I had totally blanked out that hubby had made popcorn that night


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited September 2016

    mommy, too funny about popcorn but good too

    We'll did a nerve study test thing today, dang thing took 3 Hours

    I have come to the conclusion that all this testing is meant to diagnose the ms, just wish we would get to the confirmation stage so someone could give me meds

    It is wierd though as ms usually presents in someone younger than my 67 so got two other guys set for opinions next week

    Tonight pick out on Chinese and early to bed,

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Popcorn? Too funny!

    Well, saw my opththo today for my 3-wk post-op followup. Good news is that my distance vision in the R eye is now 20/20, and that once my L cataract is done, my eyes will want to “work together” again (I tend to favor the “new” eye) and the L one will not drift as much as it does now (and to some extent, has all my adult life). Not-so-hot (can’t call it “bad”) news is that there’s no point in doing a full refraction because it’s only a month till my L cataract surgery and then that eye needs to heal. We know that I need only reading correction in my R eye (and OTC readers work just fine for that); but my L eye’s vision can’t be improved (the cataract is too ripe) so its current prescription is as good as it’s gonna get till the cataract comes out. Even if it could, I’d be throwing my money away on new glasses. Next time I see him as a patient will be at the surgi-center Nov. 2 (actually, will see him next Wed. when I drive Bob there for his own L cataract surgery).

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,873
    edited September 2016

    What can I say, when I eat popcorn I tend to drop a few kernels here and there Nerdy

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited September 2016

    Popcorn cancer. Hey, I'd believe that. No, seriously! 'Cause that's where our minds go. And then hopefully, we can laugh sheepishly and think "I have so got to tell the CrazyTown residents this." (My husband's still spluttering in entirely sympathetic laughter. He gets screaming blue greebles in the dark hours of the night as well, though about different issues.)

  • hootowl
    hootowl Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2016

    Thanks to everyone for your welcomes and replies. I went to see my RO today and all is well from her perspective, but she suggested I take a detour from Crazy Town. So, I did. I drove to my DS and DIL house about 140 miles from me for the birth of my first grandchild.....on my birthday! They named her Mackenzie. So, I have postponed my eye appointment to next Wednesday. The RO said your eye has had this problem for 5 weeks, don't miss the birth for a few that's what I did. Will keep you posted.

    Eggroll......don't worry about scaring me I'm an expert self scarer (is that a word), being an RN.

    Prayers to all!

  • Smurfette26
    Smurfette26 Member Posts: 269
    edited September 2016

    Huge congrats on the birth of your first grandchild Hootowl. They are such a joy.

    And Happy Birthday wishes to you. Sharing a B'Day is a special bond.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited September 2016

    Hooray for grandchildren! Congratulations grandma ❤️

    M0mmy, popcorn cancer 😂

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,873
    edited September 2016

    QMC, that was exactly what I was thinking when that happened. My poor hubby kept watching me the whole time I was searching for the poking sensation and thought I was inventing some new dance. I showed him the popcorn kernel that night afterwards and told him I where I had found it and he just laughed

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited September 2016

    Popcorn cleavage is the itchiest! I have dropped many things in my cleavage. Since reconstruction/reduction, it doesn't happen as much.

  • eggroll
    eggroll Member Posts: 117
    edited September 2016

    Advice anyone? My neighbor built her bulkhead stairs almost entirely on our beach. Instead of fessing up and apologizing, she tries to tell me that my property starts at the bottom of her stairs! And oh by the way I need to move my kayaks because she wants to plant view-blocking trees there (on her newly acquired 20 feet of beachfront!?) So I measured out her 100 feet of bulkhead and marked it very clearly with chalk...8 of the 10 stairs are MINE now and no I'm not paying for them. When I stood up to her she said I was yelling at her. And upsetting her! What about ME? I just had someone try to swipe 20 feet of beachfront?! And I have to get along with this person because I live next to her. At this point I told her I'm not going to talk one-on-one with her. It will be her husband and me and my husband and her altogether. Conversation is becoming impossible because she doesn't listen to anything but what she wants to hear, and if you press her on the truth, she has a meltdown, and she is constantly finagling to get information to use against you ("I could call the county, call the health department, threaten threaten threaten"), and telling me what to do and not do. I'm just so done. And angry!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,873
    edited September 2016

    If you have a zoning board in your area, I would call them about this

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited September 2016

    I agree with Mommy - They have people that will come out and survey and put stakes in the ground showing you where your line actually is.

    My new neighbor had that done and our county does it at no cost.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    (Disclaimer: I am not licensed to practice in your jurisdiction, this is not binding legal advice, and no attorney-client relationship is created by any of the following statements):

    eggroll, find the last survey of your property that was done and check carefully to see where the boundaries are. Take lots and lots of photos, and date-stamp them if you can. If your neighbor is encroaching on your property (with the stairs) and your view rights (with the trees—though not all states recognize view rights), go to your zoning board with a copy of the survey, and a photo with the property lines either chalked out or superimposed on a pic of the survey. You really should get a lawyer. As to the stairs, you have the right to a court order either making her remove them or pay a reasonable sum for you to grant her an access “easement." (Check your deed as well—if it includes such an easement across that part of your property, you're out of luck). Do not remove or damage the steps yourself in any way until you have official (perhaps even a court order) legal authorization to do so. If your kayaks are on her property, she does have the right to demand you move them—for no reason at all—unless you have an easement on that part of her property. (And if the trees block your view of the land or water only on her side of the line, she does have a right to plant them, subject to local ordinances & zoning regulations).

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2016
    EggRoll.............All you need is a surveyor to come out and survey your property......he will do it and place stakes/flags where your property starts and ends.....not a problem, rather may have to pay for it, but it's worth it to save your sanity.....and prove yourself right.I had a neighbor put a pool in her back yard at my shore home......fine, but she built a deck around the pool and attached her deck to my fence.......I called the township...they came out and checked her property....what was worse.....she had not gotten a permit to build her pool.......she was made removed the part of the deck attached to my fence, and move the pool 3 feet in from the property's was that don't need a lawyer.....that will cost you more money........good luck.
  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Ducky, she may well need a lawyer even if a survey proves she’s in the right. Her neighbor, unlike yours, sounds like someone who will not back down until forced to by a legal authority. She has demonstrated such behavior before, according to previous posts by eggroll. Navigating the maze of zoning regulations and fighting such a legal battle with a neighbor like that may well be beyond the ability of a layperson. A threatening letter, on official letterhead, from a lawyer may well intimidate the neighbor. (If it goes to litigation and eggroll wins, the neighbor would have to pay her legal fees).

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2016


    We have owned a vacant waterfront lot, for 39 very best friend (since I was 15) lived on this lake, and we both planned on living on the same lake, her and I would have had to have good times rowing to each others house for coffee....well cancer got in the way as she fought brain cancer and she died in her home, I was with her until a few hours before her death.

    Back to the lake property....

    we put off building our home.....but we did have the lot surveyed shortly after we bought it. $1200.....then a few years later, the lot on one side was being cleared.....we had it surveyed again $1200, so the builder & /or home owner knew where our property was located we put in a bright orange plastic fence and large stakes with neon pink ribbon (next to the survey stakes) Then all the survey stakes were buried....up to 15' of soil that was on their property was now on our property, pushed all their slash (stumps, branches, junk) onto our waterfront.....we hire a attorney....when advised we had another survey $1500....indcating elevation changes.....then he left the firm....and someone else took on or case......we were getting some pretty steep bills from him, but he never returned our I contacted of the partners/owners of the firm..he was fired ..and she took us on. More than $15000 for the lawyers...there was a hearing she advise us to settle in stead of pursing in court. We got $20000, but also slapped by the fix some of the damage done to our about LOSE>>>LOSE situation.....also lot could not perk because soil was disturbed "RECENTLY"...........nasty neighbors moved...... BOTH of neighbors have our phone number...and we have had trees cut when they felt course burying tree roots kill the beautiful firs.

    the last few months hubby has been again looking for the survey stakes (I bought him a metal detector) new neighbors and other neighbors have both disturbed the soil ......he found some of the stakes under 2' feet of soil.....plastic shed and a ton of kyaks on one side , plus stake in their lawn on our property........other neighbors pushed soil up onto our land, have too big wood piles where we think some stakes are bury.....

    I can no longer deal with it....I cannot contact the County....becaue they slap us with fines and consequenses


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,873
    edited October 2016

    Stinks that you have to deal with this situation.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2016

    wow on all those legal issues

    Sort of glad I am in a little old town home,

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2016
    Guess I was lucky.......The code enforcement office came within 5 minutes of my phone call.....and I only called to ask a question......on the phone he said "what is the address of the person with the pool.......I said I'm 307.......she is 305..........he came back to the phone and said "they never applied for a permit........I will handle this".................he pulled up 5 minutes later in front of their house......he left.................and the woman came banging on my door and said "YOU TURNED US IN FOR PUTTING IN A POOL".........I said "no, I called to find out if it was ok for you to attach your deck to my fence"............because you have grandchildren (as do I), and the State of NJ......made me put a 6 foot fence around my my 6 foot fence is no longer 6 feet it is 3 feet because you have a deck attached to it.........and your grandkids can now climb the fence and get into my pool which is 3 ft. to 9 feet deep..........and 20 by 42...............while yours is 3 feet in a small circle with a massive deck that overlooks my fence..............her answer "well now I have to take my deck and fence down and its your fault" answer "well maybe you should have gotten a permit and the code officer would have told you before you put the pool and fence in.....that you couldn't do it".................shut the door, and that was the end of her...................pool and deck were gone within 3 anohter part of her the township can handle it.............they just don't want to bother.............mine did their job.
  • eggroll
    eggroll Member Posts: 117
    edited October 2016

    Oh my gosh everyone, thank you so much! The good and the bad and the ugly! It is shocking what can happen.

    ChiSandy, my kayaks are on my property, she was just trying to say it was hers... along with another 20 more feet she was trying to claim. I have a service called Prepaid Legal and they will do a letter or a phone call on my behalf, so I think we will be sending a letter of permission to use the stairs for now, making it clear we aren't giving up our property rights and indemnifying us if she claims to hurt herself on them and sue us. I can't believe you remember my past posts about this woman. I have really been through the ringer with her, it's true!

    duckyb1 I love your pool story. Of course she tries to blame you... that does seem to be the standard operating procedure of people who try to get over and take advantage. Never take responsibility for their behavior, blame blame blame! That reminds me, I just learned that some marine biologist is suing the county because they are saying their new bulkhead sticks out too far . . . so they are having to jump around and deal with that. So a little bit of schadenfreude for me on that!

    di2012, oh I am so sorry for all you have been through, and crummy destructive neighbors costing you fines?! That's outrageous. I have heard it can be very difficult to control property lines especially if you have a lot of property, people think they can get away with anything out there when you're not looking.

    For now I have marked the boundary very clearly on the bulkhead with chalk. I went down today and sat on my lovely new steps. I think later today I will move my kayaks right on the property line as an additional reminder for her. I should mention we are on the COUNTY LINE. Also, we have very high bank waterfront and for past 10 years have been able to get there by using a neighbors stairs with their permission.

    YES, a survey will have to be done... THANK YOU EVERYONE for chiming in and sharing your horror and glory stories. I loved them!

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2016


    Our property is not extremely large....37,639 sq feet, at the end of a cul-de-sac, it is a wooded lot that slopes down to our waterfront.


  • eggroll
    eggroll Member Posts: 117
    edited October 2016

    ChiSandy . . . A motion detector with the sound of barking dogs maybe? Some people!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2016 biggest fear at the time was her grandkids could go on their "new deck"...which was 3 feet off the ground, and see the huge pool on the other side of the fence, and decide to climb over the fence (3 feet is not high for a "tween", and go into my pool........are we saying "Liability if they drowned"....even though there are 4 signs on my fence that say "Private Property, Keep Out".......which is what my insurance company said would cover me............but you know how they can get around things today.......

    In addition......if I had to replace my fence.......her damn deck was attached to it.......what the hell were they thinking..........but not getting a permit to do the work, and getting caught by Code Enforcement when the guy came is what did her in............of course the township was pissed someone tried to get over on them with no permit......had they had one......who knows if they would have been as thorough in my case.......but like I said the pool and the deck were history..........I sold the property this year, so now this all seems foreign and not my problem anymore ..........LOL......good luck to you.......stick to your guns.......spending as little as possible......

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Ducky, that sign would not have protected you from a suit brought by a clever PI lawyer. An easily-accessed pool is considered an “attractive nuisance,” and kids that young probably can’t read. Of course, were you to be sued successfully, your insurer could countersue your neighbor (using “subrogation,” or suing in your name, to be reimbursed for whatever damages it paid out) for being the proximate cause of that nuisance for building the deck that high and that close to your pool—your neighbor should have known it turned a safely off-limits pool into an attractive nuisance. And if it were the neighbor’s kids who were the victims, if PA is a “comparative negligence” state the damages would be reduced by the amount of the neighbor’s own negligence. (In some comparative-negligence states, if the victim or the person responsible for him/her was >50% negligent, they cannot collect any damages; and in the very few—if any—remaining “pure-contributory-negligence” states, any negligence on the part of the victim/responsible person is an absolute defense, and cause for dismissal of the suit. That, BTW, used to be the law in all 50 states until a bit more than 30 yrs. ago).

  • lcm123
    lcm123 Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2016

    Wow, you guys, all these property issues. Eggroll, I remember reading about your problems with this lady. Luckily, we haven't had any issues, yet, although the woods next to us are for sale. Who knows what will be put there when someone buys it. We are trying to get some of it, even though they are selling the whole 300 acres as one parcel. We only want about an acre or so, but I am not sure they will break it up for us to do so. We did have some nasty lady on the block over from us allow her kids to run wild, and throw rocks at the houses and cars and dogs. She told them a witch lived in my house because I asked her kids to not come back around after that. And, I love kids, so it was bad. She actually marched down the street to my house one day to try and get something started. They had no sense of boundaries. The neighborhood was happy when they moved. I just want to move to the next county, in the mountains where it is serene and beautiful.

    I just talked to Kathy, my sister, who is having heart surgery in the morning. She is scared, but since our sister who is a Nurse Anesthetist and used to be a clinician, is there with her, has been able to explain a lot to her, and has set her mind more at ease, and she is a bit less afraid. People have told her that her surgeon is a good one. There are just so many things they have to fix. I am really scared for her. I wish I could be there, but have my Pet Scan in the morning, and MO appt. in the afternoon. I am trying not to let my nerves get the best of me. I don't like wishing my days away, but I will be glad for Monday night to be here.

    Have a nice Sunday afternoon, everyone.

  • Blinkie
    Blinkie Member Posts: 123
    edited October 2016

    Hello Crazy Ones -

    I'm feeling more and more anxious about the amount of information I need to keep track of and understand. I'm okay with the decisions I've made, but I can see that I didn't fully understand some of my choices. In the future I might take more time before deciding to say yes or no to a treatment or procedure.

    I find gathering information challenging. Well, not gathering it - there is plenty available. I feel I should be an informed person, but when I read up on, for example, potential side effects, I don't find clarity. I feel defeated and stuck with the choices between this bad thing or that bad thing. (I realize that in the case of side effects, I could be lucky and not experience them.) I'm not sure that I really would make better or different decisions by being 'informed.'

    I worry that I am expected to be the overseer of my complicated situation. I'm smart enough, but I have a poor memory and some learning issues that are not obvious to others. One of the limitations I have is that if there are more than about seven things in front of me - like seven things on a to do list or seven things to remember - my brain gets overloaded. I can't recall anything and have trouble prioritizing. That, combined with my already lousy emotional state, tells me that I am not going to be the best person for coordinating things. I'm worried that no one will be seeing the big picture of what is going on with me and my treatment, and that this will cause more problems. A 'right hand won't know what the left hand' is doing type thing.

    I'm wondering if anyone else has this kind of concern. Who coordinates your care? Are you able to be on top of details? Does someone in your family do this for you? Do you manage by keeping a careful written record that you take with you to all appointments? Do you have one doctor or nurse who really gets the overall picture? Maybe I'm not understanding something basic about the way things work?

    Anyway, that's my chair in the CrazyTown waiting room today. Now I will nap I think. Thanks for listening.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    I have an online patient portal for both of my hospitals’ health networks (one for my primary and one for the rest of my docs). All my test results, after-visit summaries and upcoming appointments are in there, as well as my communications with my care team. I also enter all of my appointments (medical, dental, personal care) into my calendar app—which, since I use a Mac, syncs with the calendars on my iPhone & iPad. I also started a binder into which I put hard copies of all my reports, after visit summaries, bills & receipts, and flyers & handouts given me by my care team. I also started a diary, but ended after my last radiation treatment. I used the Levenger Circa/Staples Arc system, with interchangeable covers & dividers and pages that are easily shifted from the master notebook to the section dealing with the aspect of treatment for which I was having at a given visit. I have come to rely more on my patient portals, so I haven’t updated the notebook in a long time. And I haven’t really done anything with my BCBS/Medicare EOBs, since I’m out of pocket on them less than $20 for the entire year (and my monthly Humana Part D summaries aren’t really anything I can do about).

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited October 2016

    blinkie, I think taking a written (or online via a patient portal, depending upon how computer active you are...) record with you to all appointments is a good idea, as is writing down your questions when you have them and bringing them with you to the next apt (or calling, if they are immediate). I always mentally review my questions before each apt. I often go over them with hubby as an additional rehearsal or reminder, if hubby will be coming with me to that particular appointment. (he comes to about half). That said, I will admit that while I consider myself to be both smart and well informed, I only really get concerned about big questions and have a tendency to find docs I trust, question them at first, and then rely on their judgement and treatment suggestions. Otherwise, I get too worried and stressed to be effective....I should note that I work with scientific research every day in my 'day job', which actually is another reason why I want a break from reading research findings in my down time. Yes, I will read the original publications of anything new and breaking that might have an impact on me, but only if it is truly new and significant. My MO is up on the latest research and I trust he keeps up better than I can in my spare time...

    When I first started seeing my MO I had lots of questions and wasn't sure I trusted his answers, as our personal chemistry was only ok. However, he did a few things that really earned my trust, by addressing my particular needs and a concern I had with a member of his staff. He also told me early on 'consider me your GP for the next year or two at least. Any medical issues or concerns you have, please bring to me, and we will deal with them in the context of treating your cancer.' That approach has really worked for me, and I felt relief hearing it.

    On the issue of side effects: I have found that for me it is best not to worry about them unless and until I have to do so. I did know for example, that my odds of increased joint pain and stiffness from AIs was probably a given, especially since I already have moderate osteo-arthritis. However, I just kept walking, every day, figuring that since walking was good for my arthritis it couldn't hurt with the AIs. I also walked through chemo, on my MOs advice, and it helped A LOT with all of the side effects. It was not until after I started exercising during chemo that I found out that my MO's advice to keep active was evidence based (based on scientific research). To me, this illustrated the importance of finding a doc one can trust, and then listening to him or her about which are the most important concerns.

    I know that some of us really need and want to be in control at all times, and for some of us that includes anticipating all possible SEs in advance, but I find I am less crazy if I just move forward and worry later when or if I really need to do so...

