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CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2018

    I've had spots "appear" on drycleaned clothes (a little note pinned to the hanger) which appeared unstained when I brought them in. I have since learned on numerous websites that unless you immediately and thoroughly pre-treat to remove all traces of food-based stains containing sugar and/or protein as soon as spills occur, the heat and chemicals of the drycleaning process can react with seemingly invisible traces and bring them to the fore...where they are now permanent. If you didn't notice any stains before bringing the garment in, you're not necessarily home free, unfortunately.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited April 2018

    Octo ..glad you managed to retrieve your jacket ....but yeah ...I wouldn't be going back there ...EVER again !!

    Sandy ...that's interesting about food spots the dry cleaning ...I hadn't realised ...but I really don't have many items that I need to take to be dry cleaned these days ...I guess more things are wash and wear than "in the old days " ...

    Iris...hope the octupational therapist works out well for you !

    It's a public holiday here for ANZAC Day rember those lost in war ..I wish I had got out of bed to attend the dawn service's so emotional...but I didn't go ..

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited April 2018

    Octo, I wonder if someone borrowed your jacket while it was in the shop. Maybe the manager's wife wore it somewhere!

    Still no call from the practice manager at the pulmonologist's office. I doubt they'll actually call me back. I have an appointment with my GP next week, I'm just going to keep that and cough until then.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited April 2018

    Cubbie ..HaHa ....great detective work !!!! Yes !! I reckon you've hit the nail on the head !!!!

  • TaRenee
    TaRenee Member Posts: 406
    edited April 2018

    My left arm (the side I had cancer on and lymph nodes removed) is numb around my elbow. Not swollen. I don’t think it’s lymphodema. But it drives me crazy! Anyone else have this kind of issue? What do I do or will it ever feel “normal” again

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2018

    Nerve injuries from surgery or even slight trauma can cause numbness. When I was hospitalized for an endometrial infection following delivering my son via C-section, I was given a Gentamycin shot in my right thigh. That spot is still numb. That injection was over 33 years ago. You might have bumped your elbow without noticing it, and irritated your ulnar nerve.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2018
    HI ladies.....just dropping by crazytown to say hello....what a day was my 83rd birthday but it was all celebrated on Saturday night with my entire family at my. house......I was told....don’t you dare do a 6 kids/spouses put the “kabosh” on me doing 1 thing.....and I finally realized....things can be done without me controlling it all.....LOL....what a wonderful time and it was just family.......all 45 of us, and 2 grandsons were not here...they live in Chicago, and about crazytown my 8 great-grandchildren were here, and my house layout being an “open floor” plan.....makes it crazy.............the only thing we lacked was the “cars” and it would have been the Indiana 500.....Lord they ran round, and round, and round, till I was dizzy....but fun was had by all......

    So that was Saturday evening, and yesterday was actual birthday....quiet, sat all day, and enjoyed the calm.....LOL..

    Got a new primary care Dr. since mine retired without notice......I decided Geriatric with hesitation, but thought what the hell...try it.....they did an evaluation by a social worker......well this chick had the personality of a cheese doodle, and annoyed the shit out of me........loved the Dr.....young, 34 year old woman....very this is what I wanted to say........she did blood work, very thorough....and guess my shock.....everything was great, but “SHE CALLED ME YESTERDAY TO DISCUSS THE RESULT”...........Hey, who does that today.....stayed on the phone for about 10 minutes..........Hell sometimes you don’t get that much time in their office far really like her........and she has already okayed a Podiatrist for my aching feet, and suggested a visit to their “Dizzy and Balance Center”...because my “gait” sucks...could never pass a DUI test if asked to walk the straight line heel to toe....LOL

    Well I am sure I have bored the hell out of all of you, but just wanted to pass that by you here I am at 83...still “above ground and taking nourishment”.....and having the best BCO friends of anyone....hugs ladies......
  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2018
    Oh by the way...scare 48 year old daughter (the one in the above picture..youngest child).....had a mammogram last week, and told me on Monday that she got a call to come back for more pictures.....they just said for aysemmatry which of course I went right to the Internet.....

    Anyway.she went and I told her (cause she would not let me go with her) to keep me in the loop every minute.....well first came the new pictures....she questioned them knowing she has dense breat tissue and gets an MRI after each mammogram to be sure its ok........anyway..the person doing her mammogram said “an MRI might not pick this up since what we see is “deep in the chest wall”......ok, at this point I am beside myself........then she says “Mom going for an ultrasound now’ I’m in tears at she says “Mom ultrasound is done, and they said I have to wait for the Dr. to talk to me”..........ok hysteria on my end, but she didn’t know this.........I remember those words so clearly when they were said to me.......and I thought......Dear God, not my daughter, please, not her...........she came back with a text and a picture which said “”God is good Mom.......its cysts and I have to come back every 6 months..........hysterical again.....prasing God and saying.....NOW ITS A HAPPY BIRTHDAY........PHEW.....yes God is good........
  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited April 2018

    Ducky, so glad you got that good news on your DD for your birthday!!! and oh yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! you are still the oldest and wisest Crazy Town member of the mile-high club, right? :-)

    Sending lots of birthday wishes your way!!


  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited April 2018

    Ducky glad to hear you had such a wonderful birthday !!!!....and that everything is O.K with your daughter !!!


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited April 2018

    ducky!! Happy birthday! Beautiful pics of your family. I love the story of your BD party! You are a really blessed woman with that lively bunch! Hello crazies! Sorry for being MIA. I think about you every day but my heart is heavy and my time occupied between work and home. Plus I use baking as my therapy so I keep myself in the kitchen late into the night, lol. Love you all...especially the quiet ones who I suspect are reading but not posting. Everytime I log in here my heart takes a lurch seeing Beppy's opening post. Sad


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited April 2018

    Ducky, well happy birthday, sounds like you had a huge party! Glad also that your daughters mamo turned out as it did, we surendo not want anything to start up there.

    Well had my last pt visit. She really has been great and a bigger help for my balance and strength than any other pt that i have worked with. So on Friday i will start with the occupational therapist, she will focus on my upper body strenth. Honestly, sloan kettering is amazing, i love them to death, this is all covered under ss so great

    Will miss my pt person and hope i click with the occupational therapist like i did with the pt gal

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited April 2018

    TaRenee...sorry you have the numbness in your elbow would be very annoying...have you been to doctor with it ?

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited April 2018

    Congrats, Ducky!


    I'm glad to hear your daughter is OK, too. That was scary!

    TaRenee, how long has your elbow been numb? Sure sounds like something has irritated the ulnar nerve, as Sandy said.

    I called the pulmonologist's office again today, and like I figured, I wasn't even on the list to be called back. They are so booked up they are only taking people for the cancellation list, and even that has a ton of people on it, of course. They have no idea when I might ever be able to get in. They referred me back to my GP, like I figured they would. My GP is so busy he's working his days off trying to catch up. Apparently we need more doctors around here.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2018

    Happy birthday, Ducky, and glad all is well with your daughter! Cubbie, it's so frustrating when at our doctors' offices, the staff forgets to follow through. The dearth of specialists, and the difficulty of getting in to see one (and we're not even talking about a single-payer-system nation) is probably a factor in people using ERs for non-emergencies--it's often the only way to jump the line for a specialist when jumping the line is necessary. One reason I will never live anywhere but a large city or its closely adjacent suburbs.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited April 2018

    Gee, Cubbie, where do you live? I know i am lucky as i live near a ton of docs and in central jersey i have the option of Manhattan or even Phillie if i wanted. I do try to keep,docs close but i go to a nuerologist in Manhattan, do not need too many visits to her.

    Crazy day as I tried a dif cream on my hands and feet for the peeling, can you say Failed! It actually was bag balm which doc had recomended. Lord but this morning my hands are so itchie i yanked out the cortisone 10 cream. Feet are peeling on heels . Need to get a solution as my blood workups have been showing improvement so need to deal with it. Lordie!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2018

    Thank you so much for the birhday wishes....and yes the party was crazy....but with that many people why wouldn’t it be...and coming full circle from little ones years ago, then to no little ones running around because the ones that were little grew into adults, and then those grandkid adults now have little ones....who yes again are running around.......LOL.....The circle of younges grandchild is now 17 (above picture), and the youngest Great-grand child is 9 months......and there are 8 of them...and a new one coming in Novemeber......we are a crowd......

    I think I aged double on my birthday waiting for my daughters young, and it scared me to death....I’m an old lady who has lived her life.....she hasn’t....but thank God the news was better then it was looking like.....

    Again, thanks for all your toughts.....and yes I still am the OLDEST, SMARTEST, SEXIEST, FUNNIEST, PRETTIEST, MILE HIGH CLUB MEMBER....but most of all “THE OLDEST”....the rest is just “FLUFF”......LOL.......


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2018

    Iris, Benadryl cream can help with the itching. In fact, for me it works better than cortisone.

  • TaRenee
    TaRenee Member Posts: 406
    edited April 2018

    Ducky, I love reading stories of your family. 45 of you, wow! Happy belated Birthday! And YAY for good results from the doc for your daughter.

    My elbow has been numb for months. I had PT and we were doing stretches for cording and when the cording went away is when i noticed it. PT suggested wearing sleeve and see if it helps. Only while sleeve is on. I dont notice it then. If I don’t have on my sleeve i notice the numb feeling. Measurements for lymphedema are minimal swelling so not really an issue. It's just annoying. And I know I won’t wear the sleeve every day. It’s too hot!

    Tomorrow is our Local county Relay for Life. This is my first year to just go. Im usually there all day helping folks set up and prepping the survivor lap and tents. This year I’m a first year survivor. It will be different. I am still on lifting restrictions from exchange surgery so I can't help set up or take down. So tomorrow night is for me. To remember that yeah, this past year was crappy, but there is still a lot of life to live. Now, if only I can stay up for the festivities

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited April 2018

    I'm in the Midwest. Large towns are separated by an hour's drive through farmland here, so there's generally only one clinic for each specialty in each community, although always with several doctors within the clinic. I may yet have to go to the next major city over and find another pulmonologist.

    I hope you have a good time, TaRenee. Take a power nap before you go!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited April 2018

    hmmmm, benedryl, a thought but i really want to not use whatever is causing the itch! Showered and clean, no creams used yet! No itching! A friend recomended CaVe, i forget spelling. Raining this morn so may wait a bit to go the store.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited April 2018

    Iris ..certainly hope you can find a solution for this itch ..and soon !!!

    TaRenee...enjoy the Relay for Life event !

    Ducky ...gosh 45 of you !!! . HaHa ..There's 24 of "us " now ...( very small in comparison ! ) Sometimes when I'm cleaning up after they've all gone home I say to Hubby did this happen ..there used to be 2 of us ??!!I 🤗💕

    Molly ..good to see you ..but so sorry you have a heavy heart :-( How is Wyatt ?

    Off to play table tennis this morning then meeting a friend at park on the bay for a picnic lunch ..a fun day !

    Hugs to all

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2018

    CeraVé is what I use as my body moisturizer...when I remember to use it.

  • TaRenee
    TaRenee Member Posts: 406
    edited April 2018

    Tonight was very nice. It was also super emotional. I cried a lot. Thankful for my support system that held on to me through it. I’m exhausted emotionally and physically. Time to process the evening and go to bed. But it really was nice. There was a luminary for me from a coworker. I cried when I saw it. It was really strange to see one with In Honor Of with my name. Made it all the more real. I am really glad I went. It was different being there as a participant rather than event leadership and planning

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited April 2018 sister did an Avon walk in Boston and her team carried a sign saying in honor of me and all my survivor friends. Yeah it is emotional seeing that as many on her team where strangers to me. But you were part of that circle!

    Wow, so i was on the phone with Briova yesterday to refill my chemo pill. I asked to speak to someone about the side effects I was having. He was very helpful, he recomended Lubriderm, that is my go to cream. Also I told him I was using Udderly smooth, he said good. He also said it was important to keep hands and feet moisterized. No hot water, no rubber gloves, and B6 was good. So no dish washing folks! So today I am slathering on the udderly smooth stuff and not messing with some of the other creams. No itching but do have big tube of cortesone cream in case. Hands are good today, feet better looking but still pealing.

    But important is that no more tummy pain and my reports show improvement

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited April 2018

    Iris ..Yay for good news 🙂

    3am here ..and we have to be at son's today for lunch ...and then babysitting in the afternoon...He has 3 girls ..5 year old twins , and a 3 year old ...hope I get back to sleep or I'll be exhausted by the end of the day !!!!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited April 2018

    lucy..... you make me think of a silly commercial about a guy who is looking after his grandkids, how hard can it be, he says, needless to say but 5 kids at about 6, totally distroy the guy! Heends up drenched!

    Chillen, guess i am just relieved to have relief from crazy skin issues

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited April 2018

    Iris, do you have dishwasher so you can avoid washing dishes altogether?

    I saw my GP this morning, and we are going to try a different inhaler that doesn't interact with the Lupron and change from Zantac to Prilosec. If the cough hasn't improved in a week though, he says I will need to get a CT scan, not just for cancer, but for other stuff, too. I really don't want to have a CT scan. I sure hope this stuff works.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited April 2018

    Cubbie, yeap, i have dishwasher and i am trying to not use hot water, he advised no long hot showers, so short warm shower this morn. It is sort of hard not to use hot water to scrub certain nasty pans but i am trying. Hey, i can toss pans thatmget nasty if need be.

    Back from visit to my nuerologist in nyc, wow traffic in nyc is nasty but i am very glad i found my limo pal. He drives me in, waits for me and then turns around and we head home. Neurologist says ii am walking much better, and encouraged me to do more in the gym. Glad she did not order any new scans! She used records i brought her plus her own tests. So home for relaxing afternoon

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited April 2018

    Iris ..yes...I'm all for tossing nasty pans too ...Maybe you need to patent the idea of disposable ones !!!!

    Cubbie ..really hoping for you that the change of meds will stop this cough do you don't need to have the CT scan ...

    Hubby's parent are coming for morning tea today I need to hit the grocery shops early and buy some things that "look homemade " 😋

    Hugs to all