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CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited June 2018

    Iris, are they saying that since it is blind you'd get one or the other but you wouldn't know which one?

    Sounds like talking it over with your MO is a good idea. I don't think either drug is new, so don't understand what the upside would be for you of participating in a study just to show one might be more effective than the other? We all respond differently: wouldn't it be better to stick with what you are on now and start Taxol later if it stops working?

    But again, what do I know, not an MD....I do think you should talk it over with your MO.

    Sandy, ow, ow, ow!! Eat lots of really good pie, or something comparable, and feel better soon!

    Hugs to all;


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2018

    Going to the Sox game tonight, taking the CTA so I don't have to wrestle with rush hr. traffic or pay through the nose to park several blocks away (the train station is closer to the stadium). It's the Christ Hosp. annual skybox party, so you bet I will have my share of wine!

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited June 2018

    Sandy ..sounds like fun :-)

    Iris ..yes .I think Octo may have good advice there's hard to know what to do ..

    So... yesterday my friend and I were out walking , and we came upon this elderly man who was carrying about 5 bags of groceries in each hand ..we could see he was having trouble so being the " good sumaritans " that we are we offered to help him carrying them home ...Did we get praise and thanks for our offer ???? NO !!... He YELLED at us "DON'T BOTHER ..GO AWAY , AND LEAVE ME ALONE !!! " With that he literally started running away from us ..I was worried he would trip over and break his hip 😯 ...oh well ..we've learnt our lesson to mind our own business in future :-)

    Hugs to all

  • ThreeC
    ThreeC Member Posts: 70
    edited June 2018

    Lucy, I've spent a few moments lately pondering what is going so wrong in our world lately. There was a time, when we all got along. We didn't always agree, but we showed each other respect. We seem to lead lives that are close to devoid of common decency, conversation and communication. You and your friend were simply being kind. I wonder if that old man had been accosted before, or is simply scared of others. I just want to say Thank You for trying to help someone obviously in need of help. When I come to this community, I listen to kind wonderful people. Don't give up. The next person may just accept your smile or offer of help and the world will be a better place for it. Thanks for being you

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2018

    No good deed goes unpunished?

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited June 2018

    octo, as i understand this test, i Would on the current med of mine plus the taxol. At least that is my understanding.

    In my mind that would mean i would have the taxol side affects as well as the joy of my current drug, i am not ready fore that but will talk to my onco

    Nice time at gym this morn, time to chill

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited June 2018

    Ahh quiet here everyone on holidays ???

    Iris ..have you decided what to do ?

    Molly ...thinking of you , and Wyatt ..and hoping all is well ..

    Finally , finally , our build for our new home is about to start !!! It's taken SO long ..First part was our own fault ...we had our architect design our plans ...then changed our mind about what we wanted ..( woman's prerogative 😊 ) ..and started again ..!!! Then because we are owner building getting council approval for everything has been a nightmare ..😯..we've had to have so many people for different areas come in and do reports management , septic ( it's on acerage ) soil tests etc ...then wait and wait and wait for each to be approved ..but we have had the land for the house cleared ..and area prepared for the foundation's to start !!!!

    Octo ..hard to believe it's been a year since this photo was taken !!


    Hugs to all x

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited June 2018

    lucy, i doubt that i will do the test, it is hard enough dealing with side effects of one med let alone 2 meds

    Still considerng going to my uncles birthday on sunday, off the med this week so may go,got a pal who will drive with me

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited June 2018

    Hi, everyone. Just checking in and catching up. I got my biopsy results back on the possible basal cell cancer, and it was benign. I was a little surprised, since it really did look like one.

    Now I have to go see the oral surgeon next week. I've had a slight bump on the roof of my mouth that sometimes gets bigger if I happen to accidentally poke myself with a chip or something like that. It goes back down, but never completely goes away, so my dentist says I need to go have it checked out.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited June 2018

    cubbie.....good luck with your biopsies, glad the skin biopsy came out well

  • pennsygal
    pennsygal Member Posts: 264
    edited June 2018

    Hi Everyone -

    Just stopping by - I've been looking at retirement communities for my parents, so I haven't been around much. Very interesting and informative - good info for my own back pocket as well.

    I'm circling crazy town, but not quite there. I had blood work done yesterday. My WBC is a little low - my internist says not to worry - probably just residual from cancer treatment, and chronic. I like him, but in the past, he also missed the symptoms of C Diff for several weeks on end; I take everything he says with a grain of salt. Has anyone had this low WBC thing (years) post treatment?

    Cubbie - glad your biopsy was negative. On to the next one.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2018

    Heading down to Morris, IL tomorrow for the Gebhard Woods Dulcimer Fest. (In Goold, not Gebhard Woods, Park). Bringing lots of painkillers (oral & topical), instant ice packs, sports tape to protect my skin and also hold the packs in place. Hope the weather holds up and I don't play too poorly due to my TFCC tear.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited June 2018

    Dang allergies have been acting up. And everywhere I go to find Alavert which I usually take, no one has it! So I am so desperate for relief that I ended up trying Claritin. So far it’s helping but I really wish I could find my trusty Alavert

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited June 2018

    mommy, i feel for you, alergies are the pitts this year, i use xyrtec otc, works good for me

    Well this morn was my last visit with occu therapist, i got a lot out of our talks and her suggestions and will miss our visits, she suggested if i have questions or if something changes in my health, call or just drop in! I have been wearing a light weight compression glove, helps. So this morning i asked if ok to try a light compression sock, they told me what to buy if i want to try

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2018

    Alavert is a genetic Claritin, aka loratidine. But it is absorbed faster because it dissolves in the mouth.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2018

    My FP's nurse called Thurs. a.m. to tell me the Tyl#3 Rx was phoned in to my CVS. Seems the security rigamarole is not for codeine, but for sched. III narcotics like liquid morphine, injectable Demerol, and the synthetic opioids Fentanyl,hydrocodone (Norco, Vicodin), oxycodone (Percocet, Fiorcicet, Percodan, OxyContin), and hydromorphone (Dilaudid, Opana). Tylenol w. codeine is an opiate, but in doses strong enough for euphoria, it also causes constipation & nausea--so the high isn't worth the hassle whether swallowed or crushed and snorted or injected. It's not popular on the street because it isn't strong enough a painkillier to be effective on post-surgical pain, so not many people even get the chance to inadvertently become addicted to it after having it prescribed after surgery.

    My surgeon's nurse messaged me back: splint 24/7 exc. in the shower; use topical gels; try not to practice at all, and limit playing to only when absolutely necessary for the gigs, take "whatever seems to help" 1 hr. before, and then ice & elevate after each session. No weightbearing, twisting, using the L hand on banisters or getting up from chairs or sofas. He says that playing will not exacerbate injury but it will increase the pain. At our followup he will try another cortisone shot, but this time into the TFCC and not the tendon. At that time we will also discuss necessity of surgery & when to start PT/OT. (But since I have a gig on the 29th, 2 days after the appt., I may have to go back the following Mon. for the shot--if I get it on the 27th I will likely still be in the throes of a cortisone flare).

    So as a rule I will take an Aleve and one Tyl.#3 an hour before each rehearsal & performance and ice & elevate after. (Will take only one Arthritis Tylenol--too much acetaminophen is harmful--and avoid Celebrex, so I don't cause GERD, on those days). Bringing lots of instant ice packs with me for the festival, as there won't be an onsite freezer.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858
    edited June 2018

    Thanks Sandy!

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited June 2018

    Love the pic, Lucy! Gabe and I want to come back.....

    I've been quiet because I was on a bit of vacation: to Catalina Island with a friend, and then a few days with the grandkids in SoCal...had a great time, just got home and catching up...

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited June 2018

    Wow, Sandy, you are really sticking in there with the performances. I injured my wrist earlier in the spring stuffing a memory foam pillow into a pillowcase, although not anywhere near as bad as your wrist is. I can't imagine trying to play guitar during the time my wrist was recovering.

    I switched to Zyrtec for my allergies as well, and it seems to be working better than Allegra did. I still sneeze a lot outdoors, though. At least my post nasal drip seems a bit better with Zyrtec.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited June 2018

    A Crazytown moment for me: starting having really bad itching right near where my node incision was. Started thinking I was developing lymphedema...but why did it come on so suddenly? Then realized a mosquito had found me. Sigh: there can be one mosquito within ten miles, and it will find me...

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited June 2018

    octo, too funny, definitely a crazy town moment

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited June 2018

    Octo, Not only would the only mosquito in 10 miles find you, but it would bite you in that exactly spot!

    Tomorrow's is my oral surgeon appointment. I'm really worried about what they are going to say.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited June 2018

    octo, i remember having a bee land on my lip......i ended up with a nice fat lip!

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited June 2018

    Iris, I never had a bee land on my lip, but I once drank from a soda can that had a bee in it; same result - huge fat lip!!!

    Cubbie, in your pocket for the oral surgeon apt tomorrow. Keep us posted!

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited June 2018

    Thanks, Octo. I saw the oral surgeon today, and he says it's not anything serious. I have a bump that has come up (and thankfully, gone back down) three times now in the same spot on the roof of my mouth. Each time it's happened after I was eating something like romaine lettuce or tortilla chips and poked the roof of mouth with something hard. My dentist was a little concerned because this thing keeps happening in the same spot. The spot has gone down so far since I last had it over Memorial Day weekend (darn tortilla chips) that I can hardly find it wiith my tongue.

    The oral surgeon says this sometimes happens to people, you jam something in the roof of your mouth by accident and end up with with a bump from the injury. He says it does not look like cancer and as long as it goes back down, it's OK. I am eating tortilla chips very carefully from now on!

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited June 2018

    Cubbie: bonking the roof of your mouth with romaine hard enough to leave a bump? Wow. (But then I'm the one that tripped over a half centimeter power cord in the school computer lab, did a grand jetee across the room and landed in a chair ten feet away, swearing like a stevedore. Pranged one of my toes hard enough to snap my toenal.)

  • TaRenee
    TaRenee Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2018

    yesterday my MO had me come in for blood work to see if he can figure out what is causing my severe leg cramps. Today I got a call to come in for an infusion of iron because my iron levels had come back so low. I was terrified, not knowing what to expect. And because I got called and told to come right in. It wasn’t bad. We blew a vein (I don’t have a port and I have tiny veins) but finally got it going. I go back in a week for another one.

    After all was done I got my paperwork to leave and set up my next appointment, as usual. But this time I read it because it was talking about side effects of the Infusion and what to expect or signals to look for. On the page before the explanation I saw my DX. Stage 2. What? I read it again. Gave it to my friend to see if I was seeing things. Nope. Stage 2. Now, it has been almost a year since my original dx, but I am pretty sure I was told stage 1. Not a big difference maybe but my head went all over everywhere. I called my MO and asked what that was about. He said yes, that’s official, but no, I wasn’t wrong either. They thought it was stage one based on initial results. Final path studies came back and based on that and the increased size of the tumor, bumped up. But I didn’t even know that. Now I have all these questions about treatment and if I did the right thing and new worries going forward. Ughhhh. Welcome to Cray Cray TaRenee!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2018

    TaRenee, they've revised staging criteria recently--factoring in grade and hormone-receptor/HER2 status. Some get downgraded to Stage I, others upgraded (if you can call it that) to Stage II, some stay the same. Treatment probably the same, especially if you scored in the 0-17 OncotypeDX group.

  • TaRenee
    TaRenee Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2018

    I had the Mammoprint and not the Oncotype. I just know my MO said the risk for recurrence was low. It was really unnerving to just see that tho, with nobody explaining it to me. Thanks Sandy for the information. I’m going to read up some

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited June 2018

    TaRenee...I can imagine it was a shock for you !.. it's reassuring for you though that you had Mammoprint done , and the doctor said your chance of recurrence is low .Seems there's always something to worry us (( Hugs ))

    Iris ..How are things going with you ?

    Hubby has developed neuropathy in hands and feet ..The neurologist said it's because he's had impaired glucose ...pre-diabetic ..for at least 10 years ...He's never crossed the level on any tests...of which there's been plenty over the years. . to actually be called a diabetic ..There's always something !

    Hugs to all