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CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited October 2015

    PTS.. Have BOTH the ice-cream AND the wine :-) Both have wonderful medicinal qualities :-)

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited October 2015

    oh, Iris. Ice cream AND wine! You only have to decide on the order. Hope you have a reasonable night with the muscle relaxer and the heating pad.

  • littleblueflowers
    littleblueflowers Member Posts: 391
    edited October 2015

    Finished rads last Tuesday, thanks so much for asking! Now enjoying all the fun that comes with that process. Thanks for not kicking me out of the big girls club, ya all. I learn so much for this thread (mostly about lovley food) love to all!

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited October 2015

    littleblueflowers.. Yay.. So happy you have the radiation done and dusted :-)

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited October 2015

    yay LBF, and yes, ice cream and wine go well together, I say. Though I confess I am eating much more ice cream than I am drinking wine these days...


  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2015

    Ice cream and wine sound fine to me, Iris. Maybe not in the same glass, though.

    Shorfi, your MO's study about weight gain and BC treatment sounds fascinating. Would love to hear more at some point.

    Tomboy, you may say that you're not good in the kitchen, but your description of what you make sounds pretty fine to me. Just saying. Sorry you're dealing with pain.

    Sula, so sorry for the nausea. Hope it goes away soon.

    And so now we have moved into freezer porn. Hmm.

    Stone Soup: this is going to sound maybe too abstract, but are all of our stories making a kind of stone soup? We're starting with if not famine, then, well, personal tragedy. None of us want to be here. But the way we come to know one another, by telling bits and pieces of our lives, transforms something that is dark and dreadful into a positive--at least to some extent. We do have an interesting narrative going here, eh?

    Love the idea of a meeting, but either it needs to be in the midwest (Hi, Queen!) or we need to split into a west and east coast contingent. With Lucy here, probably on the west coast side.

    Beppy, I don't know if I have ever expressed it, but I'm unspeakably grateful for this thread and your reminders of what everyone's up to. Because Crazy.

    Down to two tylenols today, and just five more doses of the antibiotic. Supposed to see the MO on Friday. And onward!

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited October 2015

    Rainny- your idea is not abstract. I have thought myself the same thing. But what a beautiful way you put it.

    It is a wonderful analogy? Not the tight word. Hmmm. Well I think you tied together very tidily the physical and emotional factors of our stone soup, and reading how you wrote it, it is easy to see why we all gain so much nourishment from it.

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2015

    Katy, you put your finger on it. Not every thread is like this, but some--and this one--are nourishment of sorts for the soul. Through a relentless focus on not the spiritual but the material--all the details of food and family and the minutiae of day-to-day life.

    Enough of that. Goodnight moon, goodnight computer, goodnight chocolate....oh, never mind!

  • gaia0132
    gaia0132 Member Posts: 308
    edited October 2015

    Beauty EVERYWHERE especially HERE in CT

    yes rain your synthesis is true

    and this is ( ok I can only say for me) the most nourishing sight

    and I do think it is, for me, anyway, nourishing on all levels- including, and especially so, Spiritual.

    Simply meaning I sense we are all tapped in to the stuff behind the curtain

    love to each of everyone of you.

  • rosesrx
    rosesrx Member Posts: 264
    edited October 2015

    A full 4 days of work. Been reading and a few comments. Following 11 different boards and it is good to see so many of you on different ones.

    Another funeral today, a sudden loss of a friend, who I had given a ride to the 'other' funeral last Wednesday because she was too dizzy to drive. She was 2 years younger than my mom who passed the end of July. Delayed grief and mourning for what never was.

    The shower retire is almost done and the dust has settled. Spent the day sweeping mopping and vacuuming. Stamina is coming back and able to carry on for 4-5 hrs. Not able to nap which brings me to week 3 of AI. The first week taking it at bedtime which resulted in the bed being tore up from the floor up. I believe the med hypes me up, while stiffness may start the day my mind is racing.

    To those waiting on test and scans peace to you. Upcoming procedures and treatments strength and healing. Speedy and sturdy mending to you post on.

    I started a diabetes prevention program which has me logging food and doing intentional exercise, can't count steps or housework as loving movement. I have to channel my mental energy into physical.. any suggestions? I am looking forward to hearing about the eastern medicine. Funny how digestion fits into it all.

  • Italychick
    Italychick Member Posts: 527
    edited October 2015

    rosesrx interesting approach. I have added "play" into my exercise. The grandkids come over and we play, run around, sing laugh, kick a ball, etc. I have the best time and am completely pleasantly exhausted after they leave. So I don't know if that would count, but play adds in the mental because I have to be in the moment with them. I feel the same way I when I play tennis without keeping score, just going out there and lobbing the ball back and forth.

    I used to have digestion issues. I did about an eight week cleanse, so to speak, where I cut out all carbohydrates except things like green beans, broccoli, etc. it was brutal. But it reset my taste buds so I can enjoy meals with no processed carbs, I couldn't do it forever because it lowered my thyroid and I was freezing. But it did reset my carb cravings. And I now have the gut of a goat, I can eat anything with no digestive issues. I need to do it again because during chemo I ate whatever tasted good and carbs were high on the list.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700
    edited October 2015

    I love our stone soup for the soul! I always loved that story, when I was a kid, it made every thing seem so simple, and yet important. We rock!

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited October 2015

    We could have two meet ups, one east, one west, and use big screens to talk with each other and show the items we are giving each other...hubby did that once on a national team he was on and said it actually worked. Half the team in New England, the other half in California....but I'd love to see us all be in one all do nourish me.



  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited October 2015

    Hi, Just checking in. I spent the last few days doing normal mom/wife/person stuff, so I haven't been on the board. Kids everywhere, some of them not mine, but very welcome at our house. Band competitions, football games, family celebrations, visiting friends. I almost felt normal for short periods of time.

    No colonoscopy scheduled yet... I have to call them and haven't been motivated to do so.

    Slow, let me know if you come to Corona or Riverside and I will meet you for lunch, ice cream... we're Italian, so there has to be food. Hope the family things get worked out.

    I think a Cali and East Coast meeting would be fun. Maybe after the first of the year?

    ((Hugs)) It's almost 1:30am here and I should be trying to get some sleep. My middle son has to be at school at 6am tomorrow.

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited October 2015

    Rose- so very sorry to hear of your multiple losses. Hope you can find some peace in the coming days.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2015

    love the idea of Play as exercise! years ago when my nephew Torrey was about 7 or so, he lived in Mass and I would go up on holidays and such to visit (hey, their house looked out over the ocean with a view to Provencetown, not bad.) any way on one visit, he was very excited that Aunti I was coming to visit and of course, was driving his mom nuts with "when will Aunti I get here." my sister was trying to keep him occupied and asked him what he would do when I did arrive. He thought a bit and said...."play" so my sister asked him play what? By the time I arrived he had a long list of things he wanted to play. We started on one thing and just kept jumping around with different play things.

    Yeap play was sure fun, wish of course that he had not grown up although still shows up when I get to Mass to visit so think that is a complement to me, hey he must be 23 or so now so play is dif!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2015 oriental doctor who does acupuncture told me from day ice.....just heat......thought that very odd cause everyone, the heat.........she said "never ice" go figure.............

    Would be interesting to find out who really has an opinion on which is the right thing to do.................

    She told me this about my knee, and my back..............I say your damned if you do.......damned if you don' for me.....I prefer heat...........

    Now I was also told........"wet heat", so that means either a heating pad that is called a "moist heating pad", or a damp cloth under a dry heating pad.......................but what feels better then a nice warm jacuzzi............."unless you have LE..".............I have a jacuzzi...........and LE............haha.......lost out my jacuzzi sits unused.......................Oh well...............

    But the "no ice" I think is what acupuncturist believe in...............

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2015

    ducky, thanks for that opinion, it agrees with what my acupuncture person is saying and agrees with my experience. I am staying away from the Jacuzzi at my gym for now, just got over a really nasty UTI and the nurse at my doctors office noted that they are a nasty breeding ground for germs, I knew that but ignored.

    So gonna call for the acu visit for later today, I am going into this in a positive mind set as I think it will be better that way, let you know how it goes

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2015

    Great...........good to hear.....I really have to get back, instead of walking around like a cripple with a bad back saying.......I I really have to get back to "JIA" which is her name...............I think I started that conversation with myself about 3 months ago...................

    I do have to be careful especially with the massage they do after because I have had 2 broken vertebrae, but they are so good, and listen to whatever you tell them........

    They do the needles, then the electrodes for 20 minutes, then the hot towels, then the hot stone massage, and then the regular massage, cupping if you say its ok.....(that can hurt a little)..........and finally she finished with more "hot towels) about "heaven"...............I do have to get back.............and all this for 1 hour.....and charges me $45.00 a about a bargain

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2015

    Ducky, that does sound lovely. Well I just returned from my second visit to acupuncturist, think it was better than yesterday. I then went to my gym and did the pool a bit and now home on the old heating pad. Seems much nicer so feeling really positive. I have spoken to my doc about got the pain meds she gave me, I was confused about what time of day so better feeling now. geez oh this is complicated! next acupuncture will be Fri

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited October 2015

    Good Afternoon Beautiful Crazies!!

    Tomboy, We are in your pocket today. Hope pain management can do something great for you!!! I would LOVE to go to Australia. DH getting that much time off, probably isn't going to happen. He wants to retire in five, maybe we can go at that time!!

    Gaia, Keeping fingers, toes and anything I can crossed in hopes that your tumor marker numbers are good!! Please let us know when you can.

    PTS, good for you for trying the acupuncture!! I hope you're able to get some good relief. Ice cream vs. wine......hmmmmmm.....I'm with Lucy....have BOTH!! Ice cream with a wine chaser!! haha

    Katy, Loved the group heating pad pic!!! Your furbabies are so adorable!! I most definitely have PINK cancer .

    Queen, How you feeling today?? Did you sleep with your cookbooks last night? Make anything yummy??

    Ducky, Sorry to hear about the lack of activity at the shore house. I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad. I know you don't really want to sell but at the same time you do. I guess whatever is meant to happen, will.

    littleblue, Congratulations!!!! We must celebrate anything we can here in Crazy Town!! I'm doing one of my special happy dances for you!! I hope the SE's haven't been too bad for you.


    M0mmy, How is the hug lady??? I miss my morning M0mmy hug!!! hahaha I do hope you're out there doing something FUN though!!!

    Sula, Hope you're feeling better today. Keeping you in my thoughts!!!

    Rain, I'm glad we have this thread too!! I'm so thankful for it every day. No thanks necessary though because without all of YOU, and TOMBOY's encouragement, there really wouldn't be a Crazy Town thread. You ALL make the Crazy Town thread what it is with all you share. The pictures, the stories, the fears, the laughter and the tears. Our own safe place to express ourselves, free from judgment of others. A soft place to land. All the extraordinary women, all very different, but all united. That's what makes this place special. Oh yeah.....and the FOOD!! Certainly can't forget the food!! hahaha YES!!!....we are like stone soup. I love that!!

    Rose, So sorry to hear about your loss. Gentle hugs to you!!! I'm glad the stamina is coming back. Interesting about how the AI hypes you up.

    Italy, I've long thought play has a huge effect on us. I noticed once my little nephews moved away, I lost so much of my mobility. They also inspired me to keep moving. The older boy asked if he could live with me! hahaha So true about living in the moment with them. The cleanse sounds interesting. Is there a certain diet you followed or did you just eat all vegetables for eight weeks? I think I need to do something like that.

    Octo, Big screen is a great idea. When we had our meet-up in Oceanside, one of our BCO sisters wasn't able to attend - she is on hospice. I used Hangout's on my phone so she was able to talk to each individual person. Some of the ladies she met for the first time. The ladies were so awesome making her feel welcome and loved. One of them took the phone outside so she could see the beach. It was a great way for her to be there without physically being there. Technology just amazes me.

    Poppy, Normal wife stuff sounds good!! To me there is nothing better in life than having a house full of kids. I really miss the band competitions. My DH and I really enjoyed traveling around So Cal to all of the competitions and concerts. I am still waiting for them to call me on the echo. Good news in my eyes that they didn't call right away. My pericardial thickening must not be too much of a concern for them.


    Komen had an open Twitter session yesterday for Metastatic BC. I signed up for Twitter just for that session. When I tweeted the dollar amount of money they brought in last year, against the amount of money that went to research, the session ended pretty quickly. Did you all know they raised $203,190,915 during March 31, 2013 to March 31, 2014??? Over two hundred million dollars from races, donations, etc. That doesn't even included interest and investments. Only $32,911,550 after expenses went to research. That amount doesn't even cover the money brought in by their international affiliates. The numbers are all right there on their website if you look for them. The amount of money they bring in every year is just mind boggling. I never looked at the numbers before. What would be their incentive to change this??? Let's see.......if they gave more to research they may actually find a cure. Then what??? The money making machine would cease to exist.

    Sorry for the rant. I just feel more angry with each PINK October, and with each beautiful soul we lose. Thanks for letting me get that out.


    Hope you all have a peaceful, pain free day!! Love to all....quiet crazies too!!

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited October 2015

    Rant away, SlowDeep! i just bet they shut the Twitter feed down after you showed up. As for me, still limp as a kitten though I'm at least getting up and about (snuck out to the Y--don't tell the hospital attending physician!) but only managed about half what I'd done before Between rads and the galloping cellulitis, plus all the antibiotics to treat it, I'm not surprised.

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2015

    Beppy, why are you sorry for the rant? You have every right to rant--we all do.

    But none more than those who have been diagnosed with metastatic BC.

    I think everyone on this board is all too aware. It's not awareness that's needed; it's a cure, and a more equitable health care system, while we're at it.

  • gaia0132
    gaia0132 Member Posts: 308
    edited October 2015

    An Abomination- Slow I second Rainny- you don't need to 'warn' us on that one, or any rant for that matter! this is CT

    Any woman working for that 'foundation' should be ashamed of themselves.

    Totally and utterly disgusted.

    Again I have always felt this way and weirdly it is not fueled more by my 'status'. It's just that I am simply more and more aware of how incredibly corrupt that organization or, whatever they call themselves, is.

    Katy I hope you are breathing deep-and staying steady!

    More later crazies

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2015

    hey, I thought craxy town was made for us to rant as needed!

    me doc gave me some pain meds and have really not been taking them, tried one this after noon so will see

    concerned about meds that conflict and when I called the nurse, I am still not clear. Dang but would rather just do acupuncture and such, no conflicts of meds there

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2015
    Ladies.............Just a sidenote ......for years my daughter had a group along with my grandaughter who walked every year for as long as I can remember..............cold weather, pouring rain, scorching sun,and sleeping outside in tents no matter what the weather........they had to get at that time $2,200.00 to qualify just to the joke....if you didn't get to that amount......whatever you did get would not go back to the donors, but would be put into the "kitty", 'and you still could not walk.......true story......

    That $2,200, was for each person' walking, not for the "group" you formed in total......she had a huge group every year..............the year I got BC, and found out from the ladies on here just how much of the money went to BC reseach, and help I was livid...........and told my daughter.

    SHE DID NOT WALK FROM THAT YEAR ON, AND SPREAD THE WORD AMONG THE LADIES SHE KNEW.......................Koman should be ashamed of themselves.......they are a disgrace to the word Breast Cancer..................
  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited October 2015

    wow, the walks and rides have become a huge money maker for all the charities. I used to do cycling rides long time ago when you only needed to cough up a minimal amount. My cycling pal and me used to just pay the fee and ride. But when the numbers started to go up to the numbers you are talking about, I stopped riding as did not want to torture all my pals to give me money for something I enjoyed doing.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2015

    imageDisgusting.......still feel like walking and sleeping out in the lousy weather..........I am appauled............

  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837
    edited October 2015

    hey fellow crazies...sorry to be away..but I've had my usual herceptin big D and nausea..feeling somewhat better today..leaving in a bit for Jacques Pepins birthday party in SF..this si going to be a long night as there's cocktails...something else (who knows what) and then a priovate dinner at 9:30..this is for someone who eats their final light meal of vegetables at 5 pm..I have a feeling I'm going to be writhing around a lot after this...hopefully will find something I can eat....and then the drive back up to Sonoma so I don;t expect to get home till after usual bedtime but not after a bunch of festivities.

    So..I'll be catching up with all of you tomorrow...unless I can get some sneaky pictures of the goings on tonight which I will share here.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700
    edited October 2015

    Have fun, Sula! Maybe hubs can let you doze on the ride!