


  • shepkitty
    shepkitty Member Posts: 878

    Woo-hoo, real food! Grrrrrrr for having to wait for the computer to say "okay". Shouldn't the humans word be enough? I think I would pass on the tuna sandwich too. Hope you can phone a friend or a delivery joint! 💟

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    sheep. Would love to call for a delivery joint but here in Arkansas marihuana is still illegal. Lol. Heck even alcohol sales is prohibited in our county.

  • shepkitty
    shepkitty Member Posts: 878

    Naughty Patty! THAT kind of "joint" would just make you hungrier. I meant a food delivery joint lol!

    If the food situation gets desperate....




  • shepkitty
    shepkitty Member Posts: 878

    Here's a bit of cheeky humour for you :)

    Image result for hospital funny

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    sheep. Oh my I think you are the naughty one. Too funny thanks.

  • shepkitty
    shepkitty Member Posts: 878

    Remember to be fully prepared for when you make your break-out!

    Image result for hospital funny

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122

    Hope you got something yummy for dinner. It's definitely a lifeline call to get some food!

  • cling
    cling Member Posts: 263

    Patty: we know you are hungry for food, but take easy, not to eat too fast or too much! Slowly to increase the intake. Hope you got your lunch somehow!!

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    sheep. Too funny. Where do all these crazy people live ? Glad not here

    Yes they brought me a lunch tray. May I just say eeww ; greens, cornbread, black eyed pease and BBQ chicken. All gross except the chicken and no way I am putting bbq anything on my belly. Weird item to have in a bed and white sheets. Yuck double yuck. I am not a picky eater and only a handful of things I won't eat. Guess they decided to serve them all at once. Lol. They have chicken salad sand boxes with chips and Oreos but are currently out. Too funny. Just my luck. Oh well I guess if that's all I have to complain about, then I have it made. Supper will e along soon. Positive there will be something appetizing. Ok I know. Too much info just rambling bored.

    Thanks for the support even when I am being petty.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    So Shep, are you SHEEP? Hah! Does Peppermint think you are a sheep? I like that! She is sick, so we can't make fun of her.... or can we???

    My guess is yes... She said she LOVES warm broth & strawberry jello! Eeeeeks! I mean I could take that for about 1/2 a day. Then I would call Pizza Hut, or somewhere to bring in real food! Just try it! I won't tell. I remember when I was in for my hip.... I had to stay a few nights in the Hospital, with that rod & all... I told them I AIN'T SICK! BRING ME FOOD! So they brought me a menu, and I ordered enough for my Daughter & I....Hah! We had a blast....! And I called the kitchen, and asked for a chocolate coke! So they brought me a little chocolate in a cup, and ice, and a coke. I had to save 1/2 my dinner for the next day's breakfast!

    You need to hoard food.... If you can GET some, save it, because they are pretty stingy with their meals! Have you Husband and kids bring food. Fill up a shopping bag... Just make a list.... Then ask for a micro-wave.... and a convection oven. Go for it girl!

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    PPep! I bet Chev is on her way to bust you out and whisk you away on her bike! just remember to put shoes and undies on. Sending you so much love. Hope you break out soon and have no further issues <3

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    Jwoo. Lol. Thanks. I can see chevy doing that

    Chevy. Ok making fun of me. I only havey phone at hospital for internet and I forgot my glasses so I can barely see. Hoping I am. hitting the right keys. I remember when you broke your hip. You were missed terribly by mAny. Esp me. I bet you kept them in line

    Dh and kids brought a bunch of junk food including Halloween candy. Yum yum. Now I even have plenty left to bribe nurses and techs for whatever I need. Sweet. Had a reg supper and it was delicious. No vomiting and pain controlled. Really really hoping to go home tomorrow. My anniversary and bday coming up next week or so and indeed to regain some energy for celebrating. Really who knows how many more of those any of us will get so I am living it up. Any you single ladies out there : let me suggest don't get married two days before your bday. I deserve two huge celebrations not one.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856

    I always felt sorry for poor kids who have Christmas birthdays. If I lived closer, I was sneak you in some food! What would you want me to bring you?

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    mashed potatoes. My favorite food when sick. That would be perfect Ruth. Are you done with the remodel yet ?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856

    Hahahahahaha (hysterical laughter ensues ). But will be soon after tearing out all the upper cabinets & crown molding and rehanging everything.......grrrr.....we are at the re-clean everything, re-stock the cupboards, touch up paint and stuff like that stage....finally! MAYBE by the end of this week, it will be done/done.

    I love mashed potatoes with melted cheese, extra butter & pepper when I am sick.....actually I love them when I am well too. Happy

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    Ruth. You got my mouth watering thinking of those potatoes. Maybe add some cooked broccoli. Yum yum. Haven't been on fb in awhile. Have you posted progress of remodel lately ?

    Crazy thing. Yesterday when dr put me back in a regular diet he also changed orders to take me off pain pump and back to my oral pain meds I take at home. I agree with this because I want to know before I go home that this is still controlling my pain and also make sure i can keep them down. Normal day before hospital discharge routine. Well day nurse says I already am being charged the diladid med in pain pump so might as well wait and use it before disconnecting. There is like 1/4 vial left. I agree saving money sounds good to me. Well I wasn't in much pain so she just told night nurse to do the same and they agree. So I finally use it all at 1 am. Guess what the dr put in irders to stop pump but not to start oral pain meds. Only Tylenol available. I demand they call the dr or dr on call or even my mo. Nurse is very hesitant to call because apparently they are going to be in trouble for not stopping the pain pump. Trying to help me. I didn't ask them to and didn't even know they were doing something they shouldn't. Well finally they get the nerve to call and by the time all is said and done ( dr called back and said was his error and had to enter it in computer ) it takes almost two hours I am nearly in tears. I am hoping they don't get in trouble by trying to save me money

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh for GOD'S SAKES! Do I have to come out there and smack around a few heads??? Those people don't know what the left hand is doing!!! Don't cry little sister...They will get it straightened out within the next 6 months, MAYbe!!! Those dinks!

    I'll bring you out some mashed potatoes... I cleaned out my back cupboard, (funny you should ask) and I had 3 boxes of new mashed potatoes! Yes, I know.............. I like the real ones better, but I'll fix the "play" potatoes with butter, 1/2 & 1/2, sour-cream, salt & pepper and you won't know the difference!

    Ruth??? You are doing all THAT??? Man, that work takes forever! I am just finishing painting the base/bottom of our house, on one side... Most of the house is done... It's the putting everything away from the yard, that is hard...

    Hey J-wow! You doing okay? Behave you guys!

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    Chevy. Good morning. Yes you may have to come straighten them out. You have 3 boxes of potatoes for just the two of y'all. Lol. Sounds like my mother in law, and so many others in that errr ummm age generations. Stockpiles food that if she didn't shop again except for items that would spoil they would have enough to live on Til they die. Mil says it's because they knew what it was like to worry about being hungry and had decided to never worry about hunger again. So glad to read your post so often again dear big sista.

    Talked to dh and ds's and ds1 is sick with fever and belly ache. What???? Dr not gonna want me to go home to that even if I have been in antibiotic according to thd nurse. Well what he don't know hopefully won't hurt me.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    WTH?????????? So now everyone else is sick? No! Don't go home... go hide when or if they come visit you... Tell them not to come... just talk to them on the phone.

    Yes... I remember having to wait in line for bread... during WW2... I was just little... and we had little tokens to exchange for bread. Groceries were very expensive, and we didn't have any money to spare. Same with my Grandma... neighbors would give her old clothes to make into clothes for my Dad & his sister when they were little. We used to get "green-stamps" when we shopped...

    We found uses for everything... And I don't MEAN to buy extra, but sometimes I put it somewhere, then forget we have it..Hah! So I have to buy more. ... so I think...Winking But I am getting better... I had even saved spices, herbs from my MOM, when we had to clean out their house!

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    Chevy. Wow. Interesting times you've seen. That's why I love hearing your stories. So interesting

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662

    I hope they get the pain mess to you soon! You didn't do anything wrong. They need to suck it up! Mmmm mashed potatoes! I agree! Best food when I don't feel well!

    The kids are back in the swing of things. My 5 yr old dd is having a hard time. She is exhausted when she gets home! Seriously, if she sits still she will fall asleep! Bless her. My ds got his midterms and has all A's except for 1 B. It's only 2 points from an a so hopefully he can pull that up. I am lucky with him. He does everything himself. He stays organized and stays on top of all of his work. Always has. Kind of holding my breath waiting for the other shoe to drop because I have seen what high school does to kids! Maybe he will stay focused!?!

    I have been very busy adjusting to my new life with two horses at home! Lots of time and hard work! I am loving it though. We are also renovating our master bath and laundry room. Well we didn't have a laundry room. They are only on day 4! It's fun shopping for fixtures and stuff. Let's see if I can find some pics for you.



    And here are my 2 horses. Dakota and Penny Lane. My husband and I built the stalls!



    I hope you get to break out of jail soon! Steal a mask and some gloves

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh Kjones! I LOVE the horses! Their "homes" look very comfortable! VERY nice stalls! Our Daughter in Florida named her little Sheltie Penny Lane also! Small world!

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145


  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Took my Mum to see a dolls house museum in Wicklow called Tara's Palace. (Tara's Palace is also the name of the centrepiece dolls mansion in the museum).

    here is the library from one of the rooms


    these books are smaller than a postage stamp


    I am going to have DD's birthday party there next month so decided to do the tour myself in advance and take Mum, because she loves dolls houses. (I know I will get much more out of today's tour than when I am minding a gang of children on the day of the party).

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856

    That doll house is the most cool thing ever!

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    feline. I agree with Ruth. So adorable. Such fine detail in such small items. Wow. Impressive I bet your dd will love it. Nice that you got to take your mom.

    Kjones. Wow you are busy. How xciting to go pick out new stuff. Exactly what you want. Cool. Does dd get a nap at school ? She was already used to daycare hours right ? Hopefully she will get used to it soon. Does she like to go to bed early or fight it ? Impressive grades for your ds. Yes highsvhool can be a heavy load. Oh I love those stalls and horses. Which is which. What a pretty white face. Does everyone in your house ride ? I guess you live in country. Do you have a lot of room for riding ? Several people in our neighborhood have horses. I don't know mcg about them other then the huge horseflies seem to have multiplied since they have put them in their pasture closest to us. Just my imagination or do they actually attract them ? A couple years ago their mama horse had a pony. We watched for hours trying to get ds's to see the birth but she had it early in am. Pony was a couple hours old I am told time we seen her. Still super shakey on her legs. Just adorable. Not sure if they didn't know how to train or pony was just plain wild but she ran head first into a gate and had to be put down after unsuccessful treTment from vet. Was so sad. Have you ridden your whole life ?

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    I don't remember but my mom said we had a horse when I was little. Was very spoiled. When we went away on vacation for two weeks she wouldn't eat and got sick and died. Caretaker didn't mention she wasn't eating. Mom was furious. Not sure why they never got another

  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437

    OMG, first they starve you then ofer TUNA FISH? blech......Glad they finally brought you a decent meal. A delivery joint? hahahaha hilarious! I agree about getting married too close to a birthday, althoug on a good note, we got married one day before DH's birthday and he never forgets our anniversary! I always feel like he gets a little short changed on the attention factor.

    Chevy, you are a crack up! Love the cartoons.....I am almost 60 and still remember green stamps. I loved looking through the catalogs dreaming about what my Mom might let us get.

    Feel better Patty!

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    So I'm taking it that I must be the oldest one here? I mean, no-one else even knows what I'm talking about Artist! Hah! Yes, the green stamps... And did you have an ice-box? We did.... AND I would get to empty out the bottom water pan! I remember walking down on the corner with my little Brother at night, and we would lay on the grass, and look through the store window, and watch their TV !!!

    We couldn't afford one yet! We would all sit down at dinner and listen to Inner-sanctum... and the Red Skelton show! THEN we got our own TV.!!!

    I remember watching Sid Caesar & Imogene Coca... And we were amazed that shows would come on from ANOTHER State!

    But we were happy! We made dinners that had left-overs that lasted a month, I think... And our "treat" when Mom & Dad went out, was our own bottle of Pop, and a tootsie-roll pop, and a comic book. Didn't take much to make us happy....