


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856

    'cause nothing gets done without us Winking

    DS is on vacation in the Orlando area. Yikes! He is holded up at his friend's house, so hopefully will be okay.

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    ruth. True that

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    SO true Patty. Biscuits in US English = Scone here! Cookie in US English = Biscuit here!! Yes I am bilingual!!

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    Lol. Learn something new every day. Thanks

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay, so now Peppermint! What's this I hear about you and Mickey Gilley? I thought Cammi was the only tramp around here! You and Mr. G???? Hah! You KNEW I would have to tease you about that! Those guys... ! They have to have lots of "girls" handy.... for whatever!

    Okay.... I won't tease you anymore.... Oh wait.... I might have to relay this information to the Camster! Stay tuned....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh wait! YOU WERE IN HIS TRAILER???? Aw geez.... I've been TRYing to keep you straight.... Okay.... tell us about his "trailer".... Hmmmmm........ I think that guy is about MY age.... right? And when was this going on?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I remember my Dad singing this to my Mom.....Sad

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    Chevy. ( blushing ). I said NOT in the trailer. You are younger then I thought if your dad sung this to your mom. I miss Cammi. Haven't seen her in like forever. You two were the ultimate comedian couple.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Well, before Mickey, there was Dean Martin & Jim Reeves that sang that same song! Mom and Dad always harmonized together.... that was one of my favorite memories of them..... They also sang You Are My Sunshine..... We sang this to Mom when she was in the Hospital.... not knowing if she could hear us..... Our Daughter's love this special song too!

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    Chevy. Love our parents story. How romantic. I bet your mom could here you.. I am sure it was a comfort for her

    I sang you are my sunshine to my boys every morning when they were little. Also after getting them dressed I would stand them up and turn them around and say :. I declare thee Zachary\or Dylan. Handsome on the inside and out.

    Ohh I miss them being small. Ds1 is s hormonal teenager. Her

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856

    I would sing Paul Simon's "Love You Like a Rock" at night; and when it was time to go to school, I would sing "Hit the Road, Jack" (DS is named John) while he rolled his eyes Loopy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    How FUN reading those memories! And don't cha come back no mo, no mo!

    I miss my girls being small again.... AND my Grand-sons! We were such a big part of their lives right from the time they were born until the youngest was in middle school.... and they moved to Orlando! I STILL cried! "My boys".... We are still close though, but I wish I could have them little again.... They are 27 & 30... and they are MAGNIFICENT.... Ha!

    I only worked Part Time, so I got to have them on my day's off, and we would go EVERYwhere! Even if just making a lunch, and going down on the ditch bank next door to us, and sitting on a blanket, and eating & talking .... Oooooooh.... I could close my eyes and see us there again.....

    When they could stay all night, that was the BEST! They would cry, when Mom came to get them to take them home! She would drive around the block, and stop by for more "kisses".... Oh well.... time goes on......Winking

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856

    I could never understand people who couldn't wait for their kids to go to school, to graduate etc. I loved all the stages & always thought,"This is going too fast". Heart

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    ruth. Cool songs. Your right it is going way too fast.

    I try to hold on to every moment. Drives dss crazy. There was this book named I,ll Love You Forever. We read it almost every night. The short of it is the mom keeps sneaking into sons room at night and sing a short song about Loving him forever. Time passes and he married and moved out mom is sick and dying. He comes over and rocks her singing this song. After she passes he has kids and repeats tradition. I had no idea would be here now. Dss say often when I am too sick too get up they will rock me and sing this song. Weeping .... Talk about emotional.

    Chevy. I bet your a great mom and g'ma. Love your Ds would drive the block and return for kisses.

    So many parents aren't taking the time to make these memories. It is so sad. Of course now, most parents have to have both parents work. Leaving them exhausted. Still the time of them being small is so short and there is no do over.

    Me and dh has done an excellent job of soaking in these moments. We keep remembering this commercial ( no idea what it was actually for ) where it shows a small child and then an adult. Says right now they are running to you wanting your attention but it won't be long until you are chasing them and competing for their attention. So true

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    That's funny, Patty. I have " I'll Love You Forever" too! I would read that book to both of my girls before bedtime when they were little. Up until last year my DD2 ,who is 13 now, asked every so often if I could read her a book before bedtime. Your boys sound very sweet and loving. I don't know how parents work full time and still have the energy for their kids. I know some have no choice. I had to cut back to part time when DD1 was 2. Could not work full time and be there for the girls.

    Ms. Chevy, the boys were/are blessed Nerdy

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    Loverly. Glad to see someone else who loved this book

    Song was : I love you forever , I'll like you for always. As long as I am living my baby you'll be. Love it !!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122

    That book can bring me to tears in a heartbeat. So does You Are My Sunshine. Kids ask for that and the GO to Sleep Little Baby from Oh Brither Where Art Thou.

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    zills. Never heard of those two will have to check them out

    Wish I could remember the other book that was our favorite. It's put away now to keep for ds's. Book was about everyone celebrates babies and children's first time at everything ex. Rolling over, holding bottle , walking etc. But instead focus on their lasts. Is this the last time they are going want me to kiiss and bandage their boo boos, or last time they take a nap etc. Celebrate their actions today because it might be their last. ( not last as in death. Just as in growing up ). Anybody. Know this book title?

  • Lynnwood1960
    Lynnwood1960 Member Posts: 1,107

    Patty, I also read I love you forever to my 3 sons when they were little and would repeat the words to them when I tucked them in each night. They are 33, 26, and 24 now and last year for Christmas they found the book as a recordable book and recorded it for me with them reading it. It remains one of my most treasured gifts

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Aw you guys.... I looked this up.... I've never heard of the song or book... But I listened, and I cried.... This is so beautiful...

  • Lynnwood1960
    Lynnwood1960 Member Posts: 1,107

    Chevy, I cried buckets when I heard their voices reading to me what I had read to them for all those years!

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    Chevy. Oh my. Loved you found thus. I am saving it to my favorites.

    Glad too see so many other people loved this book also. The ending really hits home with me. Unnecessary wjst am awesome present. My bday is Monday. I going to request two of these. I wanna record each one for my ds's when they have children. I seriously doubt I'll live to be a g'ma but think this will be a cool gift to leave them. Having a super hard time sitting down and writing letters to ds's but this I can def do.

    Hugs to all

  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437

    I still have that book! I kept a small collection for each of my kids in the attic. I don't understand parents who can't wait for their children to be gone either ruth....It went way too fast. My new project right now is making online photo books for each of my kids. Going through all the photos is bringing up a lot of happy memories and then I get sad too. but it is fun putting each one together and typing comments anyway, Chevy you can't be that old, I'll only be 60 in May and remember watching Red Skelton and Imogene Coco! Glad to hear you are home Patty and getting some sunshine too. Today we are going to a college football game with sunshine too. Can't wait to soak it in!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    You guys, I had never heard of this book, or song! But y'all liked it, so I looked it up, and just fell in love with it. Needless to say our Daughter's are much older, and so are our Grand-sons.... but every time we talk, like once or twice a day for our youngest Daughter, we always end with "I love you!" .... I told the girls when they were growing up, that tell Dad you love him too, when you go to bed, because his Parents didn't do that... So every night, they would go upstairs, and yell down the furnace vent, "Good-night Mom, I love you, then Good-night Dad, I love you!" And we would holler up the vent to tell them the same....

    I used to read them the Dr. Seuss books... like Hop on Pop.... Green Eggs & Ham.... and my Mom sent me a series of those books to read to them when they were little. What fun memories!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEPPERMINT! Yes, I wrote a few things down for our Daughter's and keep it in our important papers book! I wrote a letter to Grandma, after she passed away... It just seemed to help me deal with it all... I remember being with her more than my folks... So it's okay to write it all down!

    Even when I found the baggie of little "weeds & seeds" in my DD #2's hippie-bag.... along with the glass bong thing, and the rolling papers.... I wrote her a nice little letter, explaining how much I loved her, and was worried she was going down the wrong path...and blah-blah! She came home, read the letter, and I took the seeds, and emptied them in the toilet, and said "watch this.".... She watched in amazement at all that weed going down the toilet! Took 5 flushes to get it down! She said the bong was her friends, so I let her give it back... I didn't squash it....

    I know they both did smoke weed while in college, etc. but I don't think they would now...... NOW the Grand-sons probably do....Haha! If they were HERE, I know they would be.... But I would never let it happen around me.... I'm just kind of old-fashioned like that....

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    Love the video, Ms. Chevy! Thank you! Stirred up a lot of emotions watching it and then read what you all wrote. Wait until ShepK sees it.

  • Longtermsurvivor
    Longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 738

    I love I'll Love You Forever!

    Shel Silversteen's The Giving Tree is a classic of bittersweet child-parent love through life's stages too:

    Bring a hankie!

    Patti, so glad you got sprung from the hospital, Stephanie

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    stephanie. I love the giving tree .

    Thank God we live in a free speech country. Some awesome authors have blessed us throughout the years.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Awwwww LongTerm..... I felt so bad for the tree.... beautiful story.... well told! Thank you!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122

    sorry I sing You Are My Sunshine and Go To Sleep Little Bab to my kids. Chemo brain!

    Good luck Patty. I think that's an awesome idea. I bought recordable books for my kids when the adoption was final. I had a hard time recording them without breaking down.

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    zills. Not sure I knew you adopted your children. Us to. I used to wonder why we weren't able to have children naturally. The Drs said we were both able. Keep trying. Now that cancer has killed every member of my family ( no heart attacks or old age ) I am super thankful they don't have our defective genes. There sure are a lot of us who have adopted.