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Starting Chemo in February 2016?



  • Myraknits
    Myraknits Member Posts: 191

    Frances, the Lomotil finally worked! Much stronger than the Imodium. It's so nice not to have pain and burning. See if you can talk to your MO about an alternative drug. I feel so much better and you should too!

    Sending hugs

  • 06elise
    06elise Member Posts: 62

    Reflect, what a great catch!! So glad you are on top of it!!

    It's also a huge blessing that you're not getting Doxorubicin in your regime. That is the most aggressive part of my own "AC-THP" treatment, with the worse SEs and the potential of heart-related issues. Ugh. Can't wait until Phase II. :-)

  • isnogard
    isnogard Member Posts: 1

    Does anyone know how long it takes to start chemo after you meet with the chemo doctor? I see the chemo doctor on Tuesday so I'm not sure what to expect. Will they tell me more about my prognosis too? Wishing I knew more because nobody has really sat me down and went over the MRI or ultrasounds with me. Maybe I should ask. Waiting and Wondering.

  • brandysands
    brandysands Member Posts: 5

    It took over a month for me to begin treatment. Based on what I've read here, that's probably average. Most of that time was waiting for test results, appointments, more tests. Once a treatment plan was determined, it only took a couple of days.

  • Skittlegirl
    Skittlegirl Member Posts: 138

    My MO wanted to start chemo the following week. It ended up being delayed a week because they wanted to have the additional biopsy results in (had a biopsy on my lymph node) before starting chemo so they could accurately stage me.

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    I'm so glad you, your friends, and your MO have your back! (Do you think the infusion center wanted to "hide" the cold cap treatment? Strange.) Good for you for getting a great team together!

  • dejabienassez
    dejabienassez Member Posts: 6

    Hi all. New member here, but not new to the process. It just took me about 2 hours to complete my history etc. Which explains my odd name: dejabienassez, which means enough already in French. I started AC of the band AC + T on February 10th. It has not been horrible, but today is the first day I felt well. Turns out my white count dropped significantly, so I was required to monitor for fever, wash hands incessantly, stay away from crowds, and wonder why the Neulasta did not work. I did quite well on chemo ( a different chemo protocol) in 2013. Does anyone know if Neulasta does not work on round one can it kick in and work the next times? Gee, I get to do it again on Wednesday - "hopefully."
  • pattyk52
    pattyk52 Member Posts: 4

    I started TC x 4 on February 4th, had very little effects, just buzzed my hair this morning February 21. Second treatment this Thursday. Didn't fill out my profile but ER +, PR+, HR- but high oncotype score. 2mm IDC, supposedly smallest they have treated at U of PA affiliated hospital. I had a bilateral mastectomy due to what they saw on ultrasound and MRI that turned out to be a pappiloma.

  • imani76
    imani76 Member Posts: 44

    Welcome PattyK52

    I get my 1st TC injection in Thursday. I dont know what to expect but I am prepared.

  • Mypinklife
    Mypinklife Member Posts: 18

    Hi Ladies, I hope all is well. I haven't written in a while. Had my first treatment of TCHP on Feb 4th and gearing up for round 2 this coming Thursday. Overall my side effects weren't bad at all. Definitely more fatigued than normal, loss of appetite, and some dry mouth around day 5-7.  Overall I really can't complain, was feeling like myself by about day 7 or 8.

    I did my first treatment without a port b/c my surgeon was on vaca and I was anxious to just get the ball rolling. Just had my port in this past Friday.  Overall it was pretty uneventful but did have some pain and discomfort (especially when sleeping), feeling much better today, not sure how people have their port put in and use it a day or two later though!

    I did use the Penguin Cold Caps and so far am happy with my results.  Started shedding today but seems to be coming from my hairline underneath, which I had expected.  Not going to lie, the shedding does make me a little nervous but staying optimistic. I think if I hadn't used the cold caps I would have had to shave my head by now.

    Isn't it amazing that going through something like this shows peoples true colors?  My friends and some family have continued to amaze me day after day with their kindness and thoughtfulness, seems like they all know exactly what to say to make me smile everyday. 

  • __asher__
    __asher__ Member Posts: 106

    Welcome PattyK and dejabienassez.

    I start either tomorrow or Tuesday.

  • __asher__
    __asher__ Member Posts: 106


    I had my port put in Friday, too and I'm reluctant to use it this week, let alone right after. I was very sore afterwards. Now, I'm just ITCHY!

    I, too, am so blessed by family and friends and their love and support. :)

  • pattyk52
    pattyk52 Member Posts: 4

    My first treatment wasn't bad at all. Getting ready for the second, will let you know. Hair was falling out in the shower bad on day 16. I was ready for it. I am more comfortable with a wig than a scarf. Guess everyone is different

  • pattyk52
    pattyk52 Member Posts: 4


  • chambo
    chambo Member Posts: 88

    Welcome to all the new February Friends!

    Let's see, this is "Day 5" after my first TC infusion - thought it was going to be totally uneventful - except that little flu bug I thought I was over decided to return and become a full blown sinus infection. Neulasta apparently wasn't enough to snuff it out on it's own. So I am on antibiotics which are having their own SE that is a normal one for me whenever I take I am adding acidopholous to med mix. Always something! My energy is coming back now that the antibiotics are kicking in - not sure what things would've been like without the flu rebound (I worked the first two steroid days and crashed the first day without them). Only thing I really notice is that I don't really have an appetite - no real nausea...just not hungry, and not finishing what I dish up.

    Ports - I have named mine "Lester" (the chest molester). Lester is my friend. No pain if you get the "freeze spray" before they stick the big infusion thing in. Didn't feel a thing. I like Lester way better than a million arm pokes for blood draws, infusions, etc.

    I have two granddaughters - 5 and 6 1/2 - we are trying to figure out the best thing to explain about the upcoming hair situation (I'm not doing wigs). What have you all said to youngsters around you? How did they take it?

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    Hi dejabienassez, so sorry you are going around again. I don't know the answer to your question about Neulasta. I will start AC on Thursday and am hoping--planning--to continue to work. Fingers crossed, pixie cut done, electric razor ready.

  • Skittlegirl
    Skittlegirl Member Posts: 138

    Chambo - I told my kids that the medicine that is helping make me better makes my hair fall out.

  • Nolagirl1126
    Nolagirl1126 Member Posts: 178

    Hi all! I am starting Taxol X 12 this week. I am using Penguin Cold Caps. I am overwhelmed right now with everything that I have to remember to do/ take/ drink/ apply etc. for the next 3 months or so. I am confident that it will all fall into place and I have been very optimistic, but just getting anxious since it is finally here.

    So glad I found this board

  • Suzted7
    Suzted7 Member Posts: 38

    I am now on day 9 after first chemo of TCx4. I have to say....besides some know what I mean....I actually felt like myself today. I would say 8 days seems to be the amount of days of feeling all-around crappy. I hope anyway. I've read where women have said it gets worse with each chemo. I hope not. Also I forgot to mention about my port!! OMG.....THE PAIN when she stuck me with that STICK....thicker than a needle THING. OMG. She said it was because the skin was still bruised right there. I WAS really bruised too...looked like someone beat the crap out of my arm. Anyway...hell...when she pulled it out....OMG...again!! Now...I really have a high pain tolerance normally...enough to make me reconsider getting jabbed with little needles because I have GREAT veins......but THAT?? I actually kicked my husband on the leg...NO JOKE! LOL. Please tell me it only hurt because my skin was bruised???😁😁

  • bccancer44
    bccancer44 Member Posts: 2

    Hello Ladies, I'm going to join you in Starting chemo in Feb. This will be my second time. Almost a year to the date. It will be my one year diagnosis anniversary on Feb 26 2015. I'm going to have Carboplatin and Docetaxel this time. I wish you all the best of luck. But most of all get, find, have a positive attitude!! it will make this go 10x easy. and chemo is not easy. STAY POSITIVE NO MATTER WHAT we will all kick it and say Fuck Cancer!

  • eheinrich
    eheinrich Member Posts: 6

    Hi ladies,

    I was diagnosed in Jan 2015 and wanted to let you know there is a light on the other side of this crappy tunnel. It gets better. These boards & my sisters from the March 2015 chemo thread were/are a huge line of support.

    Take care,


  • chambo
    chambo Member Posts: 88

    Suzted7 - did they not numb it with anything?? Holy crapola...make them use the topical lidocaine or freeze spray first - you won't feel anything is like holding an ice cube against the area first...totally numb...just a little pressure.

    Day 7 discovery - I have a sore on my tongue today - not a real big deal in the scheme of things - I just thought I was through with these when I got my braces off 30 odd years ago...sheesh. lol.

  • HausFrauMi
    HausFrauMi Member Posts: 113

    soooo had the first AC Friday, Neulasta button administered around 5:30 pm on Saturday and had no issues with it at all!! So far haven't gotten "sick" but I am feeling just a general blah today. Sorta achy but not bad. Just uninterested foggy.

    New doggy Felix has been a welcome distraction so far and generally a good doggie. Gonna make myself take him for a walk later. And take a shower for me.....

    Just waiting for my sennakot/lax and coffee to kick in. I just love playing this new drug combo get my system back on track game. Ugh and then it will get back to normal and I'll be set for AC #2 and start all over again. Afraid to take too much lax med and it kick in at a bad time!!! Hubby worked from home today so he can pick up kids for me at school if I am not feeling up to it later.

    Need to get up and take my vitamins Prevacid and eat something but don't know what I want.....

    So far no metallic taste!! Phew

  • MLP3
    MLP3 Member Posts: 470

    Hi there! I think I may have introduced myself a while back. I had my first infusion of AC on 2/16 and I had horrible SE's. I'm finally just getting out of the fog today on day 7. Still a bit dizzy and "off", but better.

    I had to call my mo due to painful upper GI issues and severe nausea this past week. Thank goodness for Prilosec and Tums! It felt like the worst flu ever with excruciating headaches. The nurse thinks that the anti-nausea meds, plus steroids hit me hard. I ended up weaning myself off of them and I'm better for it. Plus, I'm not a medicine taker, I'm hypersensitive to meds and my diet is super clean. The AC and Decadron were a shock to my system for sure!

    I had a wig fitting last week and I get to pick it up tomorrow. It's real hair and amazingly natural looking. They added high and low lights to match my color... Can't wait to see it! I've decided to get a buzz cut this Thursday. My hair is long and I think I'll have trouble emotionally with long strands falling out and getting all thin and straggly. Buzz it, have fun with that for a few days then rock the wig when I need to.

    I've read some of the past few pages of posts and you seem like a great bunch of strong, funny and supportive girls;)

  • chambo
    chambo Member Posts: 88

    HausFrau - we are on about the same timeline - I started my first round last Tuesday with Nuelasta on Wednesday. Be careful on the Sennokot game...I started that too - and then regretted it as it all kicked in and the "natural" chemo loosening effect also kicked in at the same time. Now I a tender nether region, let's just say. I think it is all the meds for nausea/steroids that cause the constipation, and once they wear off...let's just say all that water you're drinking will be doing its thing for you. Day 3/4 were my worst and I've started having more energy steadily from there, but the little side effects are showing up (mouth sores and such).

  • 33triple
    33triple Member Posts: 48

    Ooooof! So the big D arrived with a vengeance yesterday (day 12). The crazy thing is I have been monitoring it for about 5 days... It really hasn't been that bad and I've been taking immodium as needed but something set it off. I called the answering service for my MO yesterday and the doctor on call said to keep taking immodium and to ignore instructions on the box as I could safely take one every 2 hours. Woke up this morning and it's still here! Just left a message for the MO and hoping to get the wonder drug Myraknits mentioned.

    Hope you ladies are doing well!

  • MLP3
    MLP3 Member Posts: 470

    HausFrau- I'm in the same boat with the laxatives... Do I take one at night and wake up running to the loo? Do I take it in the am to only have it kick in while I'm at Whole Foods! I did resort to Ex Lax chocolate squares and coffee. Worked like a charm;)

    I haven't had the metallic taste yet on AC... When does that kick in? I have gotten my appetite back but if I think of the lunch that I ate during treatment... Ugh... I can't even think of it! And my favorite lentil soup makes my stomach turn.

    BTW, I'm scheduled for 4 treatments of AC, every 3 weeks. No neulasta injections or Taxol to follow.

  • HausFrauMi
    HausFrauMi Member Posts: 113

    mouth sores....are you just rinsing with the salt baking soda water after eating??

    I also have biotene mouthwash.

    I go easy on the laxatives usually 1/2 what they suggest. I've been dealing with these issues since before and after my gastric bypass 12 yrs ago. My IBS pains were so intense from the D type that natural childbirth was a breeze but now I tend to get the constipation type except for hormonal times back to some D. Iron supplements normally stop people up not me- I get the opposite. :(

  • __asher__
    __asher__ Member Posts: 106

    Thinking of you all with stomach icks and mouth sores. A nurse friend of mind recommended a UV light for the toothbrush. I also have the Biotin ready. I'm really susceptible to mouth sores so I'm not looking forward to that bit.

    Suzted, our chemo department does lidocaine/xylocaine to the area before poking it, too. Hopefully you can request them do that.

    PET scan & results today, possibly chemo. If not today, tomorrow.

    Healthy wishes to you

  • Eliz1973
    Eliz1973 Member Posts: 34

    second treatment was Wednesday.... Bones are sore and head is sore.... It's like my hair follicles are hurting... Argh... Any suggestions?
