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Starting Chemo in February 2016?



  • seejuliago - wondering how you made out with the port on the 10th? If your stil starting tomorrow good luck! Hug

  • Happy to say that I am just over a week out from my first session and almost a week out from my port insertion and I am feeling good!

    I was able to take off the bandaid for the port yesterday and enjoy and nice, long warm shower. Was heaven to me. It is still bruised and a tad sore but miles away from where it was last week. The little part at my neck bothers me more than the actual bump under my skin. Hopefully it settles down.

    SE for me, mainly all to do with my stomach. I have to be very careful not to eat too much or I get heartburn/reflux feeling. Taking senticot has been my lifesaver as well. I know now that it will be part of my chemo week meds for sure. Dry mouth, one little sore that went away, minimal SE for me. I know there will be a cumulative effect as treatment goes on, but am happy I can say one down without consequence!

    The first 3 days I did not sleep well. I seemed to have a lot of energy. Perhaps due to the steroid I was taking daily for nausea along with the other anti nausea pills. Day 5 and 6 I made up for that sleep and crashed.

    I will be having 3 sessions of FEC followed by 3 sessions of Taxotere and Hercepton. Then radiation, the exact amount I do not know yet, 20-26 sessions approx. followed by Hercepton for the full year. Excuse me if I have any of this incorrect is all so new to me!

    My hair was long but now have a pixie cut until I get the GI Jane! Wig is ready for when I want to wear it and have a few hats as well.

    Next treatment is on the 29th. Have been laying low due to infection risk in crowds but do intend to get out to a friends this weekend while it is a good time!

    My thoughts are with you all. What started out as a good news early detection from mammogram lump has evolved into treatments that I never ever imagined would happen!

    Thinking of you all xo

  • Thanks for checking in, hanley50! Port placement was relatively easy. I did have some discomfort in the area the next couple days and felt like it was kind of hard to stretch my neck.

    This morning was my first chemo- a round of AC. Everything went great! I was very relieved to have the port. I also got a Neulasta patch placed as well as an injection called Zoladex to help out my ovaries to sleep and preserve my fertility. Lots of needle sticks but the actual infusion was seamless. Now that I'm home I'm going to load up on my Zofran, and some Senna to ward off the side effects!

    Hope everyone else is doing great!!

  • Tomorrow is my second treatment. I had about 3-4 rough days with my first time. Then gradually felt better and better, until here I am now, feeling great and ready to walk the plank again tomorrow... Lol After this first 8 week round I move to once a week... Does that mean I will just feel yucky the whole time? This is all a huge learning curve! Crazy to get things done before tomorrow....

    Best wishes to all,


  • Mama3M
    Mama3M Posts: 19

    my thoughts with you all...thank you for being very much supportive.

    I had my first FEC-T on went ok..the antiemetics worked well without nausea ...I just had some pain in feet, some flushing and slept a lot two days.

    I'm wondering if anyone had second cycle of the same treatment to know what to expect.

    Thank you for sharing experience and for the support.

  • kiks1
    kiks1 Posts: 118

    Hey everyone, I just found this website and it provides great information on managing the side effects of chemotherapy.

  • first FEC on Friday, is day 4 today and still feel horrible, I am starting to worry

  • Chambo,

    I know in my case the echo was required prior because of the impact of herceptin on the heart. I will have to get one every 3 months so they can keep an eye on things. It may have something to do with the different chemo Meds we are taking. All of us Her2+ are required to have our hearts monitored but I haven't had a CT scan either.



  • I'm on day 4 past my first TC chemo. Upset stomach, a little reflux, achy after the Neulasta shot.....all over. I haven't had any mouth issues as of yet....just some throat "dings"....not really Can't drink soda....tastes weird....same with milk. I've had nothing but water so far and in going to try iced tea. Even with Colace and Miralax....needed a bit of suppository help to get things moving. Worked WONDERS!😁. I'm doing PCC's so tomorrow would be day 5 and I'm going to wash my hair with my special products and cold cold water. I have pretty coarse and dry hair so I can go awhile without washing it...but even I'm pushing it because it's greasy now! heart is doing the old "flip-flop" I call it...but since my echo....I KNOW I don't have heart issues but if this keeps up....I'm going to have to call. HATE that feeling😞


  • started my first round of AC today. Scary and emotional but all went well. About 2 hours after treatment a horrible headache set in, bad heartburn, body aches, and mild nauseau. Plus I have a low temp, not sure what that is about but will keep an eye on it. I don't handle side effects well and have been very concerned about how I will handle this. I was told the first one was uneventful, given I feel bad I hope it's not a sign that I have a rough road ahead of me

  • Finished my first treatment today. I feel pretty good, a little tired. The Benadryl caused me to sleep through most of the Taxol, then awake for the Herceptin.

  • Yep, needed an echo here too since I'm HER2+ and I have an arythmia. It was explained that it's just a baseline so they can keep track through treatments of where I started. I did discover s new wrinkle today... if you have heart palps regularly, make sure you are getting enough electrolytes! Diarrhea depleted me over the last 2 days so I was flat out until I drank some EmergenC.

  • For all you starting chemo and getting ports in


    My journey starts tomorrow with port consult. They give you 48 hours to think about port placement before doing it. So, we'll do placement on Friday. I'm off to read up on ports!

  • NY30
    NY30 Posts: 4

    Hi Ladies:

    Reporting from day after 2nd infusion of A/C and thankfully still fairly anti-climactic. Thinking maybe I'm doing some of the right things to prevent SEs, so sharing my tips here in case they help:

    • Bioten: mouthwash several times a day.
    • Water: a ton! Try sparkling or adding some cucumbers or lime for taste.
    • Morning: hot water with lemon juice and fresh ginger. cereal with almond milk. coffee.
    • Walking: about an hour on most days.
    • Work: Keeping the brain active and problem solving.
    • Diet: Pretty much cut out dairy, trying to cook more/eat out less, cut down on alcohol (1-2 glasses a week)
    • Moisturizer: Had some seriously dry legs and hands, used thick Eucerin cream after shower before bed with some cotton PJ pants and cotton gloves. Woke up all silky smooth.
    • Hair: started coming out day 14 like clockwork. Buzzed it almost all off yesterday and today, left a little mohawk because why not?
    • Germs: Washing my hands pretty much constantly. Dogs paws wiped at the door, now sleeping on the chair instead of the bed.
    • Thankfully haven't had nausea really or stomach issues, but that may be due to the meds they give me during treatment and the steroids I take on day 2 and 3 to prevent it.

    All of this aside, I think the biggest thing that has made a difference is mindset. I just about had a full on panic attack right before the first session. So much to prepare, how to make my life a hermetically sealed village. And then I just stopped. Sent my family and friends the message, I plan on cruising through this. Business as usual everyone. Thus far, I think that has been the biggest help.

    Last thing, I did not get a port. Protocol at my hospital does not call for it. I have been told several times I have terrible veins and the actual getting a vein (and not infiltrating it!) was my biggest fear. Two down, both got it on the first try in the hand. If you don't have a port, make sure you ask for a heating pack and hydrate hydrate before you go! I sat with the heating pack for about 10-15 minutes and made all the difference.

    Hope this helps! And here's hoping for minimal SEs across the board!


  • Asher the port really helps especially with your Her2+ cause of the year of herceptin following chemo.  (ha! I'm a triple positive like you!!) mine was uncomfortable/awkward for about a week and now I can't even tell its there. Good luck tomorrow!

  • Thanks, 33Triple! Great info NY! Taking notes.

  • chambo
    chambo Posts: 88

    Deaconlady& seejuliago - day one for me too - are you on 3 week cycles? I have to go in for Neulasta shot tomorrow (small town, it's close), and a follow up with my BS at the same time.

    33triple - okay that makes part of the Triple Neg club, Herceptin is no go for me

    Suzted7 - we are on the same regimen and I know what you mean about the sore throat. I've been adding water enhancer flavor drops (Kool aid has a sugar free brand) to my water to give it some zip. I like the cherry. But then again, this is only day one... perhaps I won't like it by day

    __asher__ - I have roly poly veins that shrink up when I don't feel well...and sense they won't feel well when I am near nurses with IV for me, a port rocks. Little freeze spray and wham bam thank you mam. It did mean a little surgery to put it in, and that felt like someone punched me in the shoulder for a few days, but it was way easier to recover from than the sentinal/lump.

    Myraknits - good tip about electrolytes because the way my stomach is making noises tonight, I have a feeling I may be (to put it delicately) depleting things tomorrow :-( On the upside, I did add 6 rows to the blanket I am crocheting for my grandson while I sat in the chemo chair...then the meds got a little spacey-sleepy-making and I started dropping stitches, so I had to stop for a while.

    I am noticing I am cycling hot flashes...I'd been managing well despite,a total hyterectomy 6+ years ago with no hormone replacement and even stopped taking Black cohosh after dx...hadn't had any hot flashes until today. Anyone else experiencing that as well?

    Here's to the next new thing :-)

  • Chambo, I had really bad hot flashes and night sweats the first couple days after infusion but it seems to be subsiding now on Day 8... I went through menopause with no symptoms years ago so this is all new to me.

    Another tip... A friend sent over a couple boxes of Queasy Pops and when nothing else feels good on your throat and you've got heartburn... They're a lifesaver. I found them on Amazon too. I was really going to try and avoid sugar but during the worst of SEs, I think I'll make an exception.

  • chambo and others- about two hours after leaving my first infusion (AC) Iwas hit with extreme nausea and a pretty bad headache. Which freaked me out because I thought days 1 and 2 were supposed to be pretty uneventful! I drank 140+ ozs, I kept my stomach full, took my zofran, nothing worked. Finally right before bed I took my Ativan (prescribed if the zofran wasn't cutting it) and it worked wonders. Nausea completely gone and had an awesome rest.

    As of this morning I feel pretty good too- no nausea yet so I will try to eat something filling in case it hits later. I'm going to try to get out in the fresh air and get started on my fluids. Hope everyone else is doing great!

  • Chambo, I'm on weekly Taxol for 12 weeks. I feel pretty good today, hope you are doing well!

  • Just checking in. I have the last of the baseline tests scheduled for the 19th. A pelvic ultrasound and a CT scan. Follow up with onc Wednesday the 24th. May be March before my first treatment, but I guess all in good time. Not sure what happens once all of the baseline tests are done and things are okay. Another trajectory I guess towards the chemo people

  • Mama3M
    Mama3M Posts: 19


    for those who were asking about the port and if it can be on during bone scans....I just read that it is ok and it stays in place till you finish your chemo cycles...also, they can inject the dye through it if the facility has skilled nurse that can access the port..

    Dont worry :)

  • Mama3M
    Mama3M Posts: 19

    HeartHere is a very useful nutrition guide for all diet problems during chemo...provided by ACS.

  • kiks1
    kiks1 Posts: 118

    Thanks Mama3M. This is great

  • chambo
    chambo Posts: 88

    Hi all, so far other than hot flashes and gurgly stomach, I seem to be doing ok. I am taking lots of fluids in but beginnin to notice a but of dry mouth today. I got Biotene mouthwash and Spry gum to help combat that now.

    I am sleepy but I thinkbthat is he anti nausea meds...I seem to be missing the zip from the steroids others have talked about, dang it. I was hoping for a burst before the crash ;) I have noticed the only thing to make me a bit quesy is strong garlic...and of course it has been on every dish I have been around for the last 24 hours...ugh!

    Hubby came down with a sinus infection and has been put on antibiotics, so he is I get the REMOTE!!

    Nuelasta shot today so we will see what that brings.


  • Hello All,

    Im getting my port placed next Wednesday and starting chemo the very next day. My BS offered to leave the port ready so I dont have to get poked the next day. I was apprehensive about starting chemo so soon after the port placement but my BS eased my fears. This has been a roller coaster ride. I had two surgeries in 10 days times (lumpectomy and gallbladder removal ). I am ready to get this journey on the road.

  • Chambo- glad you're still doing well. Hope your energy picks up. Yay for remote dominance! 😂

    Imani, my onco nurse & doc said the same about the port. I get mine Friday & start M or Tuesday. Many hugs to you. I hope for healing from your surgeries

  • 6....well....wait...morning of day 7 and DIARRHEA has reared its ugly head. Really?! Nausea not enough.....headache? Geez....Well...I WAS stopped up there for a it's the opposite. I think I have thrush also so I called my doc and he gave me a prescription. Tried eating anything pretty much....taste is messed up. LOVE spicy but haven't touched it since before my treatment. Still a little nauseous still have a few aches and pains and diarrhoea but that's it. I washed my hair in ICE COLD water with the special shampoo/conditioner today. Wrapped it up in a special towel...special, special, let it air dry. So far so good but I think it's still early.

  • Ooo, Suzted, I'm sorry to hear about your stomach issues. Hope it ends soon!

    I've heard that about foods not tasting the same.

  • Suzted7... Aw man so sorry you aren't feeling well!!! I had the same issues with the big D... I was only having one movement a day so had my way with some prunes and busted the flood gates wide open days 5&6... And now I'm almost almost back to normal. When it hit I just imagined it being a hard core detox and an extra quick way to get more of the chemo toxins out. That thought helped me get through.

    I had a migraine yesterday (day 7), but I get a migraine at least once a month so I'm assuming it's not chemo related. I have been feeling dehydrated and feelin like all this water I'm drinking is for some reason not being ingested. I have a check up tomorrow and may ask for some fluids just to be safe. 

    Suzted7 I still haven't washed my hair. Been dreading the cold water. Do tell what this special towel is you speak of! Also what are you using to pull your hair back during regular showers? I sure do hope these cold caps work! Have you started shedding at all yet? 

    Hang in in there ladies!!!!

    Shooting lazer waves of love and healing energy from my bionic breast to yours,
