Dogs, dogs, dogs!
mommy ~He has to get up more to go potty. In the night. It's hard. I can't lift him upif he should fall. I hate feeling helpless. How are you managing??
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I hear you. It was the same for me before Jackson passed. There were points where it hurt my back to lift him and I was scared that if I lifted him the wrong way I would hurt him more.
As for me, I’m doing okay. Not totally back to normal yet, but getting there. Grace and Princess have taken to either sleeping on the arms of my chair or in my lap in the last few days.
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For you. Well make it somehow.....
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MOmmyof2, we have 2 purebreds and 1 mixed breed. We have found the mixed breed has fewer health problems and has a wonderful temperament.....unlike the purebreds who can be a little more neurotic....however, they are all SPOILED.....owners fault, not breed. 😜
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agree at the neurotic full breed comment. Oh boy do I! My neurotic hound dog
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Jackson was a purebred, he was never neurotic!
Micmel,Is that Tag? He’s cute!
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I've never had a mixed breed. Never thought mine were neurotic or unhealthy. 4 poodles, Belgian Tervuen, Australian Shepherd, Maltese.
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that is Deeohgee! Tag is here;
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Aww, Tag’s handsome. Deeohgee is cute too!
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Here Deeohgee is as a puppy! Melting myHeart!
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Oh my goodness Micmel! how gorgeous!!!!
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What a cutie pup
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Our baby Lyzzy is such a little character. She is 10, our best friend and family, and she has just been (almost certainly) diagnosed with TCC, an incurable canine bladder cancer. We are just waiting for the result of a final test in a week to confirm. She started 2 weeks ago on medication for this and seems much better symptom wise and will likely begin chemo (fairly mild and dogs generally don't have much in the way of side effects from the drug they are proposing). She is very smart and we have to be creative giving medication If we are lucky she may have a year or so but maybe only months so we are heartbroken. Bostons can often live 13-15 years. We took her swimming and on a train ride this week. She loves swimming and playing frizbee. We are praying that she gets as much time as possible. I am way more upset and worried about her than I ever was about my diagnosis. Sounds weird but Id rather it was me than her because she doesn't understand. Here is a pic of her napping from a couple of years ago
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Totally understand. A friend just sent her almost 16 yo Am Eskimo to the Bridge an hour ago. They don’t understand and can’t tell us.
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Tag seems to be going in and out of strokes. He is walking weird circles shakily. And isn’t making eye contact. His eating is slowly slowing down. Today I had to help him get free from a grass tuft. Little mound. He has no strength. I don’t think it’s going to be long now
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Oh no Mic! Sounds similar to what Jackson went through. Praying for Tag!
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I guess this is what I’m headed towards !
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Praying too for our dear fur babies
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Micmel, he looks like he’s saying, “Don’t even try messing w me”. 😂🐶
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These two, Maggie the chiweenie and Penny the terrier, have been my constant babysitters and cuddlers on this journey.
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Oh TexKat I am feeling the love shining through in that pic! Really glad you have such a wonderful support system.
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Just got caught up...
Mommyof2 and NewMomfromNY my heart goes out to you at your loss. Our sweetest Kit Kat crosses the rainbow bridge over a year ago now and I still miss her every day and think of her all the time. I don’t know if you ever stop missing them, but I do know that I went from crying every time I saw Kit Kat’s photo to being able to look at her and remembering fondly. She’s still in in my profile pic because she’s still in my paw family.
Here’s a pic of the sweetest little one:
Micmel - LOVE the puppy pics of Deeohgee! How is Tag doing? Our Tucker is 16 or 17 years and gave me a scare when it looked like he was slowing down but he’s picked up again and is doing great! We give him Gabapentin and glucosamine which helps his joints and do a scheduled dinner which he looks forward to every day with a mix of kibble, soft food (science diet) and some all natural meat and rice or potatoes.
He is a mixed breed too, part border collie - so Mommyof2 if you’re looking, what Yogatyme said re mixed breeds having good long lives certainly seems to be true for our Tucker! Here he is (having licked up the last bit of soft food on the spoon lol)
Last but not least, cannot have a post without the adorable Domino, who is a very healthy 12 going on 13 next month!
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I’m a little cold.....
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Hubby has me looking at puppies for adoption. Haven’t done more than that yet. Have a feeling that we may be getting a new dog probably by the end of the year.
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A gf had her almost 16yo dog PTS 2 weeks ago. She couldn’t stand the quiet, even though the old girl mostly slept. Would come to dog park to get her doggie fix.
Yesterday we hit the shelters. And scored! New baby is 1yo, small, Rat Terrier. How cute is this?