Dogs, dogs, dogs!
precious puppy! It kills me when they get older. Hey kinda like us huh?
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Yep. Jackson has really started to let us know when he needs to go outside. He starts yipping until he goes out. He never did that when he was younger, but it saves on the accidents in the house.
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Pastel portrait of Leah. It is my hobby to do pastel pet portraits & gives me great joy.
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Blue...Simply beautiful
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loving that!!! Gorgeous! Love the name Leah also!
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I lost my dear dog Colby yesterday, he was 13 and got me through chemo, surgery and radiation. He went quickly his organs started shutting down, I’m so sad.
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I’m so very sorry, Newfromny. So difficult to say goodbye to a good friend and companion. Sending love and hugs.💔💔
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So sorry, NewfromNy! I've been through that too, and nothing hurts more. You have my sympathy.
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new~💔💔 I am so sorry. I truly understand, they become our children. We should start a BCO board for our cancer support dogs or any dog or animal,we love and honor them with their dates, names etc to always keep them here with us !!!!
I just love them so much. I'm dearly sorry. ♥️😞
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Newfromny so sorry for your loss it is so hard.
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New, sorry to hear about the loss of your precious furbaby.
Jackson is still doing ok. We had to start feeding him on a paper plate as I think his eyesight is going bad. He wouldn’t eat out of his bowl, so hence the paper plate. He suprised me this morning though when I woke up. Couldn’t find him on his dog bed on hubby’s side of the bedroom. Went out to hallway and there was my boy laying on the carpet runner. He’s napping right now on his dog bed near me in our living room with his Lamb Chop toy.
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lamb chop was always a favorite for my doggies as well! Hugs to new. And Jackson ! Hello Rah!
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My dear dog, thank you everyone for your kind words
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Am sooooo sorry! Cute little baby! 💔🥺
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Thank you, I think dogs truly smell cancer, Colby was caring but really not asking me to care for him during chemo , after surgery he treated me like I was back to normal. Before pathology came in,my daughter said he knows the cancer is gone. She was right, I had pCR
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Newmommy, that’s the way my dog has been. From the moment I started treatment he was right by my side on the couch. I noticed the other week he was in the other room sleeping instead of being with me. My cancer is gone, has been since the April 29 mastectomy. It seemed to me he no longer needed to watch over me so much.
So sorry about your pup. It’s so hard to lose them.
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Newfromny your Colby was beautiful! And I agree I think our animals sense when we are ill. My doggos didn't react as strongly, but my little black cat Lucy stuck to me like glue for the six months leading up to my diagnosis and surgery. She hung around for another month until I lost her with cancer brought on by vaccination. Broke my heart. She wanted to see me through it I think, just like your Colby.
Pommom1809 glad you had a guardian during your journey as well.
Micmel - Haloo right back!
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I figured y'all could use some laughs.
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Jackson is being very vocal lately when he needs to go outside. He won’t stop yipping at us until we take him out. Never did that before.
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mommy~ I’m noticing the same thing. Tag whines more and has less time in between having to go out side in the morning. Today he sprinted outside BEFORE breakfast it was so bad. His bladder is weakening !
I am with you !
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Jackson has started laying on his dog bed near me. He stays there a lot in the morning as I am bustling around doing stuff.
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Tag is doing the same exact thing. And he can’t take heat anymore. He used to love lay in the sun. Not anymore. Too much. For him
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On top of this, the last two mornings, my hubby and I have found Jackson laying down on the stairs to our first floor.
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💔 I know what you mean. Tag falls down the steps a lot lately. It scares me. He also provides us with some ribbon art on our floors when he cant hold it and tries so hard to get to the door in time. But just can't hold it ! 🥺
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Jackson's appetite changes from day to day lately. One day he won't eat hardly more than a few bites and other days he eats almost everything that he gets for his portion.
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My baby boy Dozer. He is by my side at all times. I love him so much. This is not the latest picture of him, but it's my favorite and the funniest. He thinks he's human.
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I’m starting to realize it’s not just me that can’t let go of tag. My DH does not want to hear it. I’m hoping these joint pills help a little bit. Hope Jackson is well!