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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • MFalabella
    MFalabella Member Posts: 105

    Hi everyone, I was also told to polish my nails in black or another dark color to at least hide the nail probs

    Good luck to everyone this week lots of love


  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    SensitiveHeart - I noticed your diagnosis is similar to mine. What played the biggest factor in your deciding to do chemo? Did you get an oncotype? I am still on the fence... I have an appt. on Monday to get a 2nd opinion as my MO indicated the choice was mine. My stage and grade are low, but I've already had a recurrence, I could not get a biopsy this time on my nodes (only ultrasound), my margins were very small, oncotype of 22, and I am PR- which I have read may lessen the effectiveness of tamoxifen. I am currently on 23 of 36 rads, so I have a little bit of time yet to decide.

  • Scarysadday
    Scarysadday Member Posts: 27

    Ops, I didn't realize there is a group started for this! I will be starting chemo the week of August 8, PICC line to be put in next Friday. I am extremely nervous. I still haven't confirm which treatment I am going for yet...either FEC+D or AC+taxol....looks like both have their pros and cons...any advise would be great. Thanks ladies...

  • Hopefloatsinyyc
    Hopefloatsinyyc Member Posts: 97

    welcome scarysadday. Hopefully we can all offer support to one another while going through these next steps. Your signature does not share your pathology or treatments to date- these are important since its often helpful to find those with similar signatures to compare treatment plans specific to your diagnosis... Make sure you change that setting so we can all rally to help as much as possible!

  • Scarysadday
    Scarysadday Member Posts: 27

    Thank you. I am still fairly new to this board...well to breast cancer all together....I have all my dx entered, didn't know about the signature setting...done now!

  • Hopefloatsinyyc
    Hopefloatsinyyc Member Posts: 97

    welcome! It's definitely not a place any of us want to be, but I'm thankful for these boards!!!

    I'm a mommy from Canada too!

    Wenchlori... How was port placement? I'm scared for mine but am really happy I'm getting it- I wouldn't be able to handle all the pokes!

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Hopefloats, thank you again! You are a blessing for all of us here!

    My port placement went well, without a hitch even. While I was laying in my bed waiting to get the show on the road 5 or 6 doctors, techs, nurses and surgeons walk in the room. As they entered they all pumped hand sanitizer in their palms. As the were rubbing their hands together, I sat up higher in my bed to get away from them. As I did, I told them they looked like a flock of volturs that couldn't wait to get their hands on me! We all laughed so loud all the people in the hall wanted to know why they weren't invited to the party! As they say, the rest is history!! My hubby missed a great camera opportunity and he's still chuckling about it and will be telling all family and friends the story for awhile!

  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310

    Kechla- my oncotype came back at a 30- high intermediate.  I had a hard time in deciding what to do.  I emailed a couple of gals here on the boards with similar stats and got some input from a friend of my sisters who is a chemo nurse.  My ER and PR scores were different between biopsy and oncotype.  After biopsy I was ER + 8% and PR -.  The oncotype declared I was ER- and only PR+ by a small margin.  My feelings are that the tamoxifen may not work as well, since my scores are so low.  And only being 1 point from the high margin on oncotype, where it shows absolute benefit to chemo.  Also there is the Taylor studies that have not been released yet, where the new "high" score could be 25, even though studies have not been completed yet.  I just got home from my chemo class and am nervous.  I'm still not sure if I made the total right decision, or it could be fear and being scared that is creeping in.  I just know, if I didn't do it, and I did have a reoccurrence, that would be hard to take in.  Most people have said though not fun, TC chemo is doable.  And my gut is saying this is what I need to do.

    Hope this helps some.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Sensi, you are in our hearts and prayers, we all wish the best for you. We are here for you! I haven't gotten all the results back from my tests so there could be surprises waiting for me that will make me think if we are doing the right thing? Sounds like the chemo class makes everyone second guess themselves. A part of me wishes I could skip it but that's not an option of course ((((Sensi)))))

    I'd like to get a small tote bag set up for chemo treatments. Any suggestions what to put in it? I'm thinking book, hard candy, gum, hand sanitizer, tissues, chap stick and some pickle juice. Yeap, pickle juice. A friend at church says it works wonders for that horrible taste you get with the treatments. It won't hurt to try, and just think how enjoyable it'll be to eat the pickles. I love, love, love pickles!

  • Hopefloatsinyyc
    Hopefloatsinyyc Member Posts: 97

    Wenchlori... I made my little chemo bag today! I found a list on the "stickies section" in the chemo category forum... It's going into a makeup bag and I will always throw it in whatever purse I have- but didn't know about picked juice! I will have to add that!

    I also went totally out of my comfort zone today and met with a doctor to discuss cannibus oil to help with nausea, pain, anxiety and sleeplessness during treatment. I would never gave considered it before, but I've been doing a lot of reading and decided I wanted to have it as an option. It's legal here for medical purposes... And in oil form you mix it in food or even a Juice... Or plain in the mouth (it's mixed with coconut oil and it's like an eye dropper. The type I am looking at is called CBD... So none of the trippy effects, and doesn't produce estrogen...but great for the SE of chemo. I am a bit nervous, but there have been so many stories of it helping with treatment and management of SE during chemo- I figured it would be good to have if needed. I felt a bit odd waiting for my appointment... Lol but there were ladies there who were much more out of place than me, so I guess it wasn't THAT crazy!

  • djm71
    djm71 Member Posts: 16

    Good luck with your port wenchlori!

    So far no one has mentioned anything to me about a chemo class. Is that a standard thing? I'm wondering why my MO hasn't mentioned it. It would be nice to really know what to expect. I hope they offer something like that where I live.I don't have a solid start date yet. Still waiting to get one more scan and my port. But he wants to start before August 11, because that's my 6 week mark from surgery.

  • Hopefloatsinyyc
    Hopefloatsinyyc Member Posts: 97

    djm71, you will likely get your chemo class date once your start date is finalized. I think it's pretty standard.... My centre does them weekly. I am not starting until August 19th which my MO was fine with... In fact they wanted me completely healed from BMX so they wouldn't consider starting before 6 weeks. I think there is some research to show that within 60 days post surgery is optimal (though I have only seen that research here- not via my MO)... But making sure tests, port placement etc are all completed is more of a priority. Don't panic if you go an extra week if necessary to have everything done!

  • djm71
    djm71 Member Posts: 16

    Sorry wenchlori, I didn't realize you got your part already. I'm glad it went well and that was such a funny story! A great way to start your procedure I'm sure. :)

  • djm71
    djm71 Member Posts: 16

    Thanks hopefloats! That is very helpful.

    Sensitivehrt, my MO told me that an oncotype over 25 was considered in the high range. So I wonder if maybe he is already agreeing with the study you are talking about. Just thought that might make you feel a little bit better about your choice.

  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Thank you sensitvehrt. My gut tells me I should do it, but my head keeps trying to talk me out of it... I feel I have been one step behind this cancer of mine every step of the way.

    Im hoping my appt. on Monday will help me decide.

    I think you have made a good decision. Take care

  • Scarysadday
    Scarysadday Member Posts: 27

    Hi all, and thanks Hopefloat. Where abouts in Canada? I am from Toronto.

    I was reading your earlier post, and I am surprised to learn that your MO met with you for 4 hours! Mine is no more than 20 mins and even then she will start to get impatient with me/my questions. Also, I didn't know there is a choice of what 'receipe' of treatment for me to elect. I was offered FEC+D, initially, but from my research, I learn that D is very toxic. So then I was offer AC+T. It appears you are only doing the AC part, with the research that you have done, will it impact the effectiveness of the treatment? I'm still debating which treatment to go for, would appreciate your insight from your research. MO said there is a small chance where blood infusion may be needed if there is complications with AC, but never with FEC. For Taxol, there is a chance of permanent neuropathy....and for both d and t, there is a chance of perm hair lost. I was initially leaning towards AC t, from others experience AC is horrible, but taxol, not so bad - but now i am rethinking. GivEn I will need to make like 16 trips + the day prior a visit for blood work! MO cannot accomandat same day blood and chemo!

    Also no choice on steroids. I asked MO, do I have to take them all, answer was yes. Is there any alternatives, and the answer was no...

    I gotta confirm which treatment early next week, would appreciate any feedback.....thanks so much!

    Also r u going to get ice packs for AC? My hospital said there is no need for AC, but will provide for T or D....

    FYI -I am getting my PICC put in next Friday! Super frighten with what's coming! :

  • Hopefloatsinyyc
    Hopefloatsinyyc Member Posts: 97

    scary... I am in Calgary. Yeah, the initial appointment apparently is always 4 hours at our cancer centre... Some of that time is with the nurse and doing some baseline tests but he certainly didn't make me feel rushed in my time with him when he came into the room. He didn't let me choose a regime adhoc- and I think it helped my case that I understood my pathology and had a good understanding of each drug and its side effects. (I read a LOT here). I was realistic and still wanted to go at this with everything. I assumed I would be adding a taxane at the end and simply wanted it to be taxol or abraxane, but MO felt that was overkill based on my specific case, and was happy with 4 cycles.

    As for the steroids, they are prescribed only for SE in the AC protocol... And he respected that I didn't like how hard they were on ones system- and found an alternative... I was actually prepared for a harder fight on that one- but he fully respected my thoughts on it. Let's hope I can manage!! I have actually seen quite a few get through AC relatively ok.... I'm working full time through treatment (just as I did post BMX) and plan on taking infusion days off and then taking weekends to get through those first few hard days.... Just hoping I'm one of those that manages SE ok!

  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310

    djm71 - Thanks, that does make me feel a bit better.  I think it's just my nerves.

    Kechla - good luck at your appointment tomorrow.  You any closer to making a decision?

    Good luck to anyone starting chemo this week.

  • adawn24
    adawn24 Member Posts: 5

    Hi all,

    First post and am so glad to have found this group for on-line support. Was diagnosed with Stage IIB ILC in left breast in June 2016. Had double mastectomy with TE's on July 12. Sentinel node biopsy showed 3/4 positive. Having PET scan today. Port placement consult with BS on Wednesday. If all goes according to schedule, I'll start 4 rounds of AC every 3 weeks on 8/11.

  • Kenzielulu
    Kenzielulu Member Posts: 9

    Hi to everyone,

    This is my first post as well. Love this site. Supposed to begin this week. AC for 2 months X 4, then Taxol 2 months X 4. Rad and surgery sometime after that. Having PET tomorrow, and meeting with Radiologist for the first time. Majored in criminal justice, so all this medical terminology is a tad overwhelming. To say the least. I've never been in a chat room in my life either, until now. Port placed a week ago. Diagnosed with ILC, Stage IIB, left breast July 2016. Saw adawn24 post and decided to post as well. thank you adawn24! My head is still spinning and I am just waiting to see if it will fly off my neck. :) Even with all the info available, it's overwhelming. I'm doing my best to take a day at a time. Every ache or pain I feel, half the time I am convinced the cancer is all over my body. I have to repeatedly tell myself to stay calm, and wait to worry. uh, huh. But I am trying. The port installation was a breeze, and came out of it with just a few aches in shoulder blade up into neck. That has gotten much better with each passing day.

    Hugs to all

  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    sensitivehrt, I met with another MO today. I was already leaning towards chemo (although I tried not to make that too obvious during my appt. I wanted an unbiased opinion.) After having talked to a few women on here, my first MO, and the MO today, I am going to go forward with chemo. She was more in favor of chemo than my first MO (who was on the fence). The biggest things that swayed her is that I have already had cancer twice, my oncotype score (of 22), and that I am 45. I tend to agree. While I do not have any genetic markers, something in my body has not been able to fight this off (twice now). I will do TC 4 rounds 3 weeks apart. I have not decided on cold caps yet, but I think I will at least try the icing of my hands and feet to try to prevent any neuropathy. Getting an IV in me is always pretty difficult, so if I do cold caps, I'd just need to go in a little earlier for them to start the IV before I get too cold and my veins disappear. The nurse that I met with today after the doctor had chemo for stage 1, onco 19 last year. She was an excellent source of information and felt good to talk to someone with a situation very similar to mine. Her hair had grown in and was about 3-4 inches long (and very cute!) She said she had minimal symptoms with the treatment and that the only long term symptom she has is that a few of her fingertips are now a little tingly.

    Everyone that I have spoken to that has gone forward with the treatment has said that they did not regret it. I want to feel like I am a step ahead of this thing instead of always one step behind. I will likely start early September as they said they like to put 3 weeks in between radiation and chemo.

    One thing I have to say is that I am so grateful. Every doctor I have had to date has been so empathetic, supportive, and concerned, so I'm grateful for them. I am grateful to have found this cancer early. I am grateful to have choices. I am grateful that the choices I have will help me to prevent another recurrence or metastasis and that are with more manageable side effects. I am grateful for a forum such as this where we can exchange information and feelings. And I am incredibly grateful for my husband, kids, family, and friends for providing such wonderful support. Yes, I have this stupid cancer to deal with, but in the best possible situation to have to.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Well, I just finished up with my MO. My PET scan came back all clear! My blood work is good and I start chemo on 8/5 as long as my Ecto on Wednesday is normal. Yay me! No time for the chemo class before starting chemo but I was told it could still take place? My first treatment is at 8:30am Friday morning and to expect to be there for 5+ hours. What fun! I had a tour of the facility, rooms are cozy with all the comforts of home, computer, tv, wifi yada yada yada. Was told to bring snacks, books, blanket etc my chemo bag is packed and waiting. From what I understand I'll be having the AC and Paclitaxel both at the same time. Everyone agrees that going forward very aggressively with both barrels blazing is the best way to go! So here we go!! I got all my meds filled to fight the side effects already so full steam ahead!

    You are all in my thoughts and prayers and I think with a Team like ours we can help each other get through all of the terrifying treatments we all face.

    Please keep a list of all the side effects and what helped you the best to get thru them and share with each other. As usual, what worked for one may not work for another but you never know. The only thing I'm missing is my pickle juice but I'll pick that up tomorrow.

    Good luck to all

  • djm71
    djm71 Member Posts: 16

    adawn24, hello and welcome! So glad you joined us! I hope you are recovering quickly from surgery!

    Kenzielulu, hello and welcome to you as well! I know exactly what you mean about thinking every ache and pain is the cancer spreading everywhere. It's hard not to think that way.

    Kechla, I'm so glad you were able to make a decision and feel confident in it! Sounds like you are working with wonderful people!

    WenchLori, Yay for a clean PET scan! That is wonderful news. Good luck on your first treatment! 5+ hours? Wow. I'm glad to know that though to better prepare for my first chemo.

    I'm scheduled to get my port Thursday. I'm having my MUGA scan today. Meet back with MO Monday to get my chemo date and get started! I need to work on getting my chemo bag ready. Knowing me I'll pack everything but the kitchen sink and then won't use half of it! lol

    Hope everyone is feeling as well as you can this week! I'm so happy to have this group! It's good to not be alone. My support system isn't all that great. So I'm really thankful for all of you!!!

  • Hopefloatsinyyc
    Hopefloatsinyyc Member Posts: 97

    WenchLori..... Yeah to a clear PET!

    Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend... I attended a "look good feel better" event today- left with lots of goodies! I would recommend going if there are some sessions in your areas! The facilitators were a bit heavy on the makeup (I tend to wear very little), but it was good to get a few tips and the hundreds in free skincare and makeup is fun!

    Still waiting for my port placement date... But I guess I should be thankful for no doctor appointments for a couple days!

  • Strong1
    Strong1 Member Posts: 1

    Hey well I started july 25, next infusion August

  • MFalabella
    MFalabella Member Posts: 105

    Strongone, WELCOME! your still in our boat. How did your first infusion go? I hope you are well and I send gentle hugs. and welcome also to BCO! You will find lots of loving attentive people here with lots of knowledge! Sorry you had to join our club, but with the support of the rest of us we will get thru this cancer sh&t show!


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hi all. My name is Dara and I was very surprised yesterday when I found out I'll be started chemo on Monday. I'm trying to do the first one without a port and hope my veins are good enough. Copied Tiffany's list to put together and went online at 3 AM last night to order a couple of scarves and hats. I've been on another thread for a couple of months, and know how supportive everyone is. Thanks for starting this and I'll hope we all have a smooth time with this next stage. Dara

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Good morning everyone!

    Welcome Strong1 and DaraB!

    Thank you everyone for your congrats on my clear PET scan. My MO said he felt the tension leave the room as soon as he told me my results. All I know is that I melted back into my chair! I wasn't surprised to hear he wanted me to start chemo 4 months ago at time of my DX. I told him the story of my being lied to by my BS of not needing chemo or rads. I'm just sorry I wasn't smarter than my BS and insisted on an MO referral. "Stupid is as stupid does"! MO said BS has no business telling a BCP what they do or don't need! That's up to the MO and RO to decide not her! I'm sure BS got a call from my MO and RO!!

    Hopefloats, I'm scheduled to attend a look good feel better event on 8/18. I'm so looking forward to it!

    I'm trying to set up my alarms for my Antinausa meds but who has that kind of focus right now? I have to take one 4X a day and another 3X a day and have them set to fall between each other! They stress to take them on schedule if you need them or not. I got that part down! LOL

    Hubby and I are spending the day getting everything I need for my "chemo bag" put together. He's trying to keep the mood light but I can tell he's as nervous as I am by his voice and his touch. We assure each other "We can do this"! Love him to pieces!

    I'm praying everyone has a wonderful day! Until next time! Tata

  • nye1980
    nye1980 Member Posts: 15

    Hi, WenchLori. I think we are on the same chemotherapy regimen and I've found it hard to find someone also doing TAC. (I'm doing Taxotere and not Taxol, though.) I had my first infusion on July 20 with no issues. Slept most of the next two days, got my GCSF shot on Day 2, and then began regaining strength. Food tasted different immediately for me and I found water to be foul so, through my own fault, ended up back in hospital Day 4 due to dehydration. Once I started drinking (I can only drink coconut water, Sprite, and Raspberry Ice Crystal Light), I felt so much better. Hit my nadir on Day 6 and counts came back up after that. I'm now two weeks out and feel totally normal. Hair started coming out yesterday and I shaved it off this afternoon. Mouth was tender also pretty quickly and I had some tummy issues as I was figuring food and water out. My oncologist told me this was one of the toughest regimens and I was terrified, but having done the first, I feel so much better prepared for the next.

    Also, I chewed/sucked on ice the entire five hours and drank a ridiculous amount of water.

  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    hi again. I will finally be starting chemo fri aug 6th. I guess the same day as wench lori? Iwill have 6 rounds tc and 1 year herceptin. Had my port installed yesterday. Not as bad as i thought. I asked the nurse if ther was something i should bring and she said no not really? My niece is so sweet she sent me her chemo bag having just been treated for hodgkins lymphoma at 25. Im glad i found all of you and good luck to everyone.