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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Last day! Last day! Last day!


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Yea! Kechla :-) Congrats! I bet you'll be happy to be done with both the chemo AND the cold caps! Good for you. You already did radiation, right? So except for Tamoxifen, are you done done? Must be such a nice feeling!

    I'm still a little surprised at how many rads I have to have, but the important thing is to get whatever I need.

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    YEAH KECHIA !!!!!!

  • Jiffrig
    Jiffrig Member Posts: 158

    One more taxol to go and then finished with chemo. For some reason taxol has been worse than A/C for more, the muscle pain in my legs makes it impossible to walk and severe dehydration. Need 2 IV fluid infusions. But I am doing DD so that may be the reason. Went to RO appointment to find they were going to radiate my chest wall and I freaked out. Having a bmx just to avoid radiation to breast and chest. Researched and spoke with several docs, my PS for one, and found they are really over radiating people like crazy. I have a small .7 cm lump, one lymph node, not aggressive and im 67. Had a second opinion and they are just doing 15 weeks on lymph node and nothing to chest wall. Yeah! They say only 10% of patients ever question what is being to them. Be proactive, ladies. SE's are no joke! My original reason for uestoioning the chest wall is that ps said after radiating chest wall it is too mutilated to acceptyour tissue for transplants. I am doing skin sparing surgery with my own tummy fat. So they need to be able to coonect blood vessels to healthy chest tissue.

  • AnnieTater
    AnnieTater Member Posts: 57

    Yay, Kechla!

    Thanks for the link, abjclan :) The girl in this picture is my buddy - although this picture isn't from 2013 because her son is barely a year old right now. Dr. Elyce Cardonick is really amazing, actually. There have been a couple of times when my OB and my oncologist didn't agree on treatment, and I would contact her office in NJ. Twice she has called me directly and answered all of my questions and concerns with complete confidence. I am in two of her studies. One is a long-term study on baby girl and in the other one I send her first poops to NJ to test them for traces of chemo. I think it is pretty unlikely to find any - Baby Girl already seems to have way more hair than me! Hahaha.

  • Marlenelin
    Marlenelin Member Posts: 49

    I too had a harder time with taxol than I did with AC. Onco had to stop me after two treatments of Taxol. Just received a call from nurse at radiology oncos office. I start radiation next wed. They did a ct scan for marking last Friday. Now they tell me they need to do two more ct scans. One next Wed, and then another the following week. I am freaking out wondering what is wrong. I asked the nurse if something is wrong and she said it was not up to her to say but she would ask the RO to touch base with me but he is very busy so she doesn't know when that will be. I'm so finished with breast cancer. Feeling like with 14 malignant lymph nodes that broke through the walls, why bother. Hope everyone is having a better day,

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    ajbclan... I have surgery in November and then my radiation in December which scares me after some of what others have posted. I will be having 5 days a week for 6 weeks.

    Kechla...yay for last chemo ... I am so happy for you.

    Annie... That's neat you already have a connection from that website .. I have been getting the emails from them too. I am sure you appreciate another educated opinion with all you have.

    Dara ... Thank you for the tip ... I did bring a nice scarf to switch out ... I wish I could feel comfortable in this darn wig I brought.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Cali, have a great time at the wedding! I'll still be doing rads in Dec so we can keep each other company! Just like with chemo and everything, everyone reacts differently with rads so just take it one day at a time and just stock up on aquaphor or calendula cream. I also had a couple of summer rads sisters message me a couple of ideas that I"ll be happy to share if you have any problems.

    How's everyone else feeling who had tx this week? I'm off today to my grandsons' school Halloween parade. Should be fun!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Kechla- congrats on finishing!!

    Jiffrig- you're near the finish line too....hang in there. I'll be doing surgery looks like maybe a month after you (I don't have a date yet).

    Marlene- I agree about being done with this and it feels like I still have so much more to go through. Keep reaching out to the RO, squeaky wheel and maybe you'll get an answer you need. Hope you're doing better today.

    Annie- you're a constant smile! Thanks for putting things into perspective and keeping us in the loop with the baby!! I love the research you'll be involved in- will be so interesting, and how your family will be helping others in the future...amazing.

    I'm settling into my crappy weekend where I just wait for the days to end LOL. 3 more crappy weekends to go. Then the surgery and we shall see what the direction is after that. I still have the slight chance of more chemo and slight chance of radiation.

  • jandjmom
    jandjmom Member Posts: 40

    Hello Ladies,

    Just got back from a "Look Good, Feel Better" class, and was a blast! A great pick-me-up where I got to chat with a group of women, live and in person, who know exactly what I am going through. And I got to play with make-up (which I don't wear), got a generous goodie bag filled with high end stuff (Este Lauder, Dior, and Elizabeth Arden!), and free wig! I already own three, but this might be my favorite. Go to this class, if you can!


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Dara ... I for sure would love to hear about those ideas you had shared with you. I appreciate the surgery advise you gave. Sounds like you breezed through surgery. I am excited for the wedding tomorrow and have enjoyed the festivities so far with the family. So blessed to have made it.

    jandjmom look great in that wig 😍

    Y'all have a great Saturday

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    JandJ- great picture! I think you said round 4 monday- thinking of you. This round for me is definitely rougher....stinks- can't believe I have to do this 2 more times. Looked up that link- thank you- there's one close by next week but not sure how I'll feel.

    Cali have a great weekend!!

    Hugs to everyone....

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    It has now been confirmed....... I have a heart of Gold. Early last week, I received a call out of the blue from the Hospital attached to my Cancer Center. I was told an appointment had been made for me to have an Electrocardiogram. Since I am having Herceptin added to my infusion this week it was normal... They want a good base line of heart function before treatment starts since this drug can harm the heart and has to be followed up pretty closely. Any Hoo.. during the course of the procedure, my heart turned completely gold on the screen... LOL !!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    well what the heck Elizabeth!? That's wild! wish there was a pic of that!

    Hope the quiet means all is well for most. Yesterday was the hardest SE day for me to date. Today was a more "normal crappy" day which I will take.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Elizabeth...what a neat story ...yes you needed a picture of that 💛

    ajbclan....sorry about yesterday but I do hope today was a better day.

    I had a great weekend enjoying time with lots of family and the wedding was beautiful. My daughter and granddaughter in the wedding made it more special. Only problem is so many people and it seemed like so many colds...hope I stearclear of that since it seems I just got healthy. Have to stay that way since surgery is next week.

    Hope everyone else is well 😘

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Cali, how did you do with the wig at the wedding? I'm still only up to about 2 hours with it and then I get a headache, feel hot and nauseous. So great though that the weekend was so special for you!

    Jand J, I agree, great picture! I"m always amazed that wigs with a part and no bangs look so good and realistic. I looked in my re and there isn't a beauty session until the end of November or into December. I"ll see how I"m doing by then.

    Kelly, hope your crappy days are subsiding now. Just keep checking them off. I was so excited today not to have to go for an infusion. You only have two more right? You can do this.

    Elizabeth, glad your heart is gold, but we all could have told you that anyway!

    Annie, I love the picture of your friend. She's just adorable. Hope things are going smoothly for her. You guys are inspiration for all of us.

    Well, I'm officially 3 weeks PFC so am encouraging my hair to get with the program and start growing. I can already feel the stubble getting a tiny bit longer, and my scalp seems more sensitive, more like when it was getting ready to fall out! I still have about 1/2 my eyebrows and eyelashes, but I've heard we can lose those up to 2 months PFC!

    Hope you all have a fun Halloween. We don't get many trick or treaters in our neighborhood so I'll be going to my son's house to see them get ready to go out. One is going as a skeleton and the other is a rubics cube!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Dara... It was 101 at 4pm at the out door venue so I wore a nice scarf that matched my dress. So thankful I didn't wear my wig in that heat, I was comfortable all night at the reception and had fun dancing and enjoying all the festivities. I felt I had super natural powers that made me feel good the whole time, enjoyed lots of family time late each night, up early to hang out with everyone ...just a lot of fun. Today I am tired a

  • AnnieTater
    AnnieTater Member Posts: 57

    Cali - I am so glad you didn't try to wear a wig in that setting. You would have been miserable! It sounds like such a lovely wedding :)

    JandJmom - Love the new wig! I am going to try to go to one on my maternity leave. I already take so much sick leave for appointments. But I'll be doing Taxol all December, so that seems like a good time. I didn't know that the make-up was so high-end!

    Elizabeth - You aren't surprising any of us with your heart of gold! What a great story!

    Ajbclan - Isn't it sad that we celebrate "normal crappy"? I'm so sorry you have a rough day.

    Last night was fun with my four-year-old. They are just so cute at that age! He was a Pokemon and really enjoyed trick or treating this year.

    I hope you all have a pretty nice day. We have some lovely midwest weather here!


  • jandjmom
    jandjmom Member Posts: 40

    Wow, ajbclan, round 4 has knocked me on my butt, too! Monday, infusion day was fine, but needed a nap when I got home. Took the kids yesterday to a trampoline park and was hoping to make it to an evening event, but nope. Big D and exhaustion crashed those plans. I was in bed by 6:30 pm. . Usually I am good on steroid days (-1, 1, and 2) but I have been yawning constantly. Water still good, but have lost 4 pounds since Monday and appetite is gone.

    The nurse who saw me on me on Monday asked how I was doing. I said the nausea was pretty intense last time for the first week. The pills kept me from throwing up, but had a sour stomach for the entire week. She put me on the Sancuso 7-day patch. Still taking the pills and don't feel like throwing up. Fingers crossed it keeps me comfortable.

    Another thing developed the last week of round 3. Double vision. I have a history of it, but usually only 1-2 incidents a year. Last week I had 3! The MO and I had talked about getting a brain MRI at the beginning of my treatment, but it got tabled. Now he is going to order one. I pray this isn't cancer related. I am hoping it is me doing too much too soon since I felt better sooner this cycle and took the kids everywhere. The first day the double vision struck, I was at the third store on a shopping spree and watched a 4K TV which seem to have triggered. it. I just had a eye doctor appointment in May where they checked my nerves and everything was good except for my mild cataract which hadn't grown or interfered with my vision before. Trying not to be nervous.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    JandJ, so sorry about all the SEs! I know we're on different drugs, but the 4th infusion was the worst for me also. It took about 3 weeks PFC for me to feel better, and I find I still get exhausted very quickly. Now I worry a little because I'll start daily rads next Tuesday and I know fatigue is the most common SE. I guess we just have to plough through and hope for the best!

    Cali, you so made the right decision with the wig and the high temp! I really have a hard time when it's warm and I wear the wig. I makes me physically nauseous.

    Kelly, we haven't heard from you since Sunday, so hope you're doing OK. Thinking good thoughts for you!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi all! I'm here lol. Thanks for checking in Dara! I was just reading you may not feel "normal" for a good year plus after chemo- so I guess we need to give ourselves a break! I've been meaning to look on other chemo boards ahead of us. Just glanced at, what a difference a couple of months makes for us- i remember worrying about the hair, SE's, etc.

    Cali- so glad the weekend went well, please keep us posted on your surgery when you can. Annie- I was able to hang out for a bit with the trick or treaters this year, and my 13 yr old had 4 friends over (makeup, pizza and out the door!)- was fun to see and hear how much fun they were having, esp after returning to the house....makes you really appreciate the time with the kids and hearing all of the laughter.

    JandJ-'s funny I guess I have expectations of myself and how the rounds "should" go, that I too was surprised with the nausea. Usually I only take a couple of pills, and it doesn't feel like it works. This time I was more willing to take them...and it makes me nervous for rounds 5 and 6. I'm trying to keep notes and suggestions written down so I need to read them and follow them next time. I'm definitely still fatigued. Anything feels better than last Friday/Saturday. It all hit a day earlier too. I thought I'd make it out to the desert for Thanksgiving, but not so sure that will happen (round 5 will be the week before). I feel like our bodies "issues" are brought to the forefront with the chemo- I'm hoping that's what's happening with the vision for you!! Its so hard not to be scared by everything...hang in there.

    I'm suppose to do an ALS/Lou Gehrig walk this Saturday. I just noticed the walk doesn't start until 930am, phew- don't care about registering 930 works. I have a high school friend that is down to communicating through her eyes and a computer. Cancer is horrible, but ALS is a horrible death sentence.

    Thanks for your continued support....hugs to everyone!!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Well, I guess it's both comforting and sad that so many of us have the exact same SEs and they all change with each infusion. Sure am keeping my fingers crossed for those having #5 and 6! It's now 3 1/2 weeks and I'm still experiencing the fatigue, but the nausea or icky stomach and finally subsided. DH and I went to dinner with some ex neighbors last night. I just couldn't wear my wig so put on a scarf (they haven't seen me since surgery and tx.) During dinner, the guy, who thinks he's always funny looked at me and said, "gee, I feel like I should look for a deck of cards and have you tell my fortune!" Thought for just a second and told him to give me his palm and said, "Gee I see a long life line and 3 more kids in your future, all screaming and in need of a diaper change!" (He's about 70!) I know some people don't know what to say... but some people are just stupid! I know he didn't mean any harm, but it's better to be silent than stupid!!!

    Kelly, so glad you had a nice Halloween. The kids do grow up so very fast, just in a blink of an eye! Enjoy every second!

  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310

    Hi ladies,

    I've still been reading and sending good thoughts to all, just not posting much.  Round 4 was probably hardest for me.  I have my follow up tomorrow with MO, and am suppose to be released to work for November 14th.  I think I'm ready.  I did my lab work yesterday for ALL my doctors, figured one less poke would be nice.  It appears the chemo has affected my thyroid levels.  I had my thyroid out last year, and have been on levothyroxine for a few years.  My TSH came back at 42.68.......normal is 0.35-3.30.  Doc said it's either related to chemo or if I had missed any dosages. I've take it 9 out of 10 times, not enough for it to be that far out of range, so my guess it, it was the chemo.  Just wanted to post in case anyone else is on medication for their thyroid, might want to be something to check.  Of course all the side effects are similar to ones we get from chemo.

    Have a great day.


  • Marlenelin
    Marlenelin Member Posts: 49

    Kelly, have my first radiation at 8 pm tonight and I'm terrified and already exhausted. Two hours plus of driving to Penn to have it. 33 sessions. Some are as late as 8 pm. yesterday i met with the surgeon, and today I spent yet another two hours on a ct scan machine checking my markers to prep for the proton. Told my husband I just can't live with this fear anymore. Don't know when I will ever be able to enjoy life again. Take care. Marlene

  • Kz1966
    Kz1966 Member Posts: 40

    Haven't checked in for awhile but have been reading all the posts.

    I finished my dose dense A/C treatments and had my 3rd taxol treatment yesterday. So far I can say that the weekly taxol has been so much easier than A/C. My 3rd A/C was the toughest fatigue wise. I wasn't able to work during A/C as my white blood cell count was too low. Had a blood transfusion a few weeks ago due to red blood count too low. Both red and white are still on the low side but okay to go back to work. I went back to work last week.

    I have taxol weekly and carboplatin and taxol every 4th treatment. As far as side effects. Dry mouth, eyes seem to be dry (using drops), tired but not fatigue, Taste buds seem to be back to normal. Reading on the taxol board, some have side effects that seem to hit later on. So who knows down the road so I'll enjoy feeling decent for now.

    I have wig but don't wear it. It felt hot and itchy and kept feeling like I had to check to make sure it looked okay. I don't mind the scarves.

    Eyelashes and eyebrows are still there. Keeping waiting for those to go.

    I know we've had lots of ups and downs but hang in their ladies, we've got this! I just go one day at time.

    Hugs to all.


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Marlene, so sorry the schedule is such a challenge! I imagine that as people finish up, better times will open also. I was able to use a satellite clinic for my rads as my center is also 1 1/2 hr drive as well. The new place is 20 min and that's so much more doable. I hope some earlier appts open soon.

    Kathy, I"m now 3 1/2 weeks PFC and still have about half of my lashes and brows. A couple of people said it could still happen around two months, but I'm staying hopeful. I now have 5 wigs, and can only wear them for about 2 hrs. max and then I get a headache and need to rip them off.

    Those still doing chemo, hang in. Just keep your eye on the finish line. We all just need to put one foot in front of the other. Remember that it's all cumulative, so just pace yourself, and don't question if you are more fatigued after each session. It took me about 3 1/2 weeks to feel really pretty good after my last infusion.

    JandJ, hope the double vision has stopped. That would be so debilitating.

    Annie, hope you and our little girl are doing well. Thinking of you.

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Cali -- I'm glad you had a great time at the wedding ... I sure hope you did steer away from all the sick ones.

    J&J -- That is a great wig. So glad you had some fun. I hope the SE's are clearing up.. Hopefully it will be easier with the next session.

    Ajbclan -- There are many diseases that are as bad or worse than cancer. I am so sorry for your friend.

    Sensitive -- I hope your meetings with your doctors go well.

    Annie -- I can't wait to see pictures of our little girl.

    Kz -- I hope your last Taxol is not so bad.

    I am doing dose dense A/C-T, the AC is now done and have started the Taxol. I had the second Taxol yesterday and they added the Herceptin with this dose. So I have 2 doses of Taxol left... and a year's worth of Herceptin. I need to call my RO and get an appointment for what we do next and when. I can't wait for it to get over with. Hopefully chemo will be over for Christmas and Radiation started after the holidays...

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Annie...glad you had a fun time with your little Pokeman. have had some terrible side effects. The double vision is scary please keep us posted.

    Dara ... I am anxious for the radiation because I return to work in January I am so fatigued since my 4th chemo. Your friend has stupid down for sure. My step-dad is right up there. The first morning of our wedding weekend we all met down in the hotel for breakfast and I was kind of nervous to see some of the family I haven seen since chemo and all anyways. So my Step-dad from the opposite side of our long table says .. Aren't you hot with that turban on? I think I just looked at him I really had no response but of course everyone else looked at me then him stupid. Can't fix stupid!

    Kelly...we sure have to count our sorry for your friend. Hope you can do the walk or some of it.

    Sensitive....I have had thyroid surgery and am on meds for life. My MO didn't mention any problems when I saw him Monday. I will ask next time.

    I have paid the price for my fun weekend with this terrible cold, my DH thinks it's my flu shot I got Monday. I have never had a reaction before. Tomorrow is pre-op appointment so hope I feel better.

    So thankful for all of you ladies ... Vicki

  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310

    Cali-my thyroid doc is different from my MO.  I was due to see my thyroid doc, so I had those labs drawn, and they were out of range. Not sure if it would have an effect on you as well. It's hard to know what side effects are related to what. Some of the side effects of hypo thyroid are similar to the ones of chemo. It's frustrating.

    Elizabeth-thanks-made it trough my appointments. Got my work release signed. Back to the work on the 14th.  Good luck on your next treatment ;)

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    I think it's a good sign that this thread is beginning to slow down. Several have finished up chemo, back to work, back to life, on to next step. Hope all are doing ok and SEs are minimal.

    Daylight saving ends tonight, and I must admit, I hate that it will be dark so early now. I've finally perked up and loving the weather lately. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Dara