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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • Jiffrig
    Jiffrig Member Posts: 158

    it is a good thing, Dara, that we all are finishing up chemo. I will have last one Wednesday. I doubt I will be communicating after as I just want to move on and away from any reminder of what I have been through. The help and support I have received has made this nightmare much easier. Good luck to everyone in future treatments and life after...we have put up a good fight against a formidable foe and have become stronger because of it

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    WIshing those of you moving on the best. Know that some of us will still be here if you ever find the need to pop back on!

    My journey is more on the beginning stages. 2 more rounds of chemo then surgery and fingers crossed just the hormone therapy. But I still have a chance to be back at chemo and or radiation. So I'm here for a while lol.

    Agree Dara - hate our time change.

  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    1week 2 days PFC and fighting a 2day migraine again. Seem to have gotten them about a week past treatments each time. Other than that, feeling on the upswing again. Looking forward to feeling better each day. Starting tamoxifen next week and hoping all goes well. Glad so many others are finishing up this portion of treatment and best of luck to those moving on to surgery or radiation! Enjoy the weekend!

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Best of luck, Jiffrig.

    Sorry about the migraines, Kechla. I've only had a few in my lifetime and they were hellacious.


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Dara..I hate daylight savings too ...I don't know anyone excited about it.

    Jiffrig....good luck as you move on

    Kelly...I will continue to check in y'all are an important part of my recovery and I stil have surgery & rads.

    Kechla...sorry about those migraines never good for sure but happy as you feel on the upswing

    I think this cold is never going now I have an earache and more crap coming up as I cough. I am sp afraid it will effect my surgery Thursday. No fever just miserable and worried. Doctor said to find tops with zippers for after surgery ...where are tops with zippers and who feels like shopping?

    Have a great Sunday ladies

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Boo to the cold cooties, Caligirl55!


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    I meant to tell you all about my experience at the grocery store earlier in the week. It reminded me Dara of your post about seeing the person beyond the scarf, wig, pink ribbons. I'm finding that first week after chemo I'm pretty teary (but I can cry easily before all of this lol). I was pretty knocked out last weekend from chemo, so my first outing finally was to the grocery store mid week. By the time I got into the line, I was pretty fatigued, and sort of mumbled I'm tired. The cashier said she was tired too. For some reason I responded that I was going through chemo, and she stopped and looked at me and said the usual sorry to hear, asked how much I've had, what it was for (all very nice), and then she said she'd pray for me. Which was great, we get folks saying that, BUT....she then said "what is your name?" Ok- I think this is exactly what Dara was talking about....all of a sudden I was a person, and I started crying! Then I'm like great I'm crying in the grocery store! She then said "I'm giving you a hug", and with a line forming she came around and hugged me. Lesson learned- see the person, not the disease.

    Happy Sunday folks!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Cali, I don't own a top with a zipper, and don't think I've ever seen one! I just had button up shirts that worked great. You'll put your surgery arm in first as they don't want you reaching behind for a little while. They sent me home with a front eyelet surgery bra and gave me an extra one as well. It was super soft and I could jet sleep in that. I went online and order a couple more (I think they were Jockey) but I found it wasn't long and I didn't need them. I really had complete mobility right after surgery, but just watched the restrictions they told me about. And then be prepared that they don't want you to have BP, injections, or blood draws from the arm where the nodes are removed. Some drs are more particular than others about that, but I just don't take the chance. As other on Lumpectomy Lounge mentioned small ice packs (I just used small bags of peas in a baggie) work the very best. The breast was never painful, but the area with node removal was a bit bothersome for a couple of days.

    Kelly, that is such a wonderful story of the grocery store. Isn't it amazing what just personalizing something like your name can do? I'll be thinking of you--- this week right? I hope you've now maxed out with SEs!

    Jiffrig, best of luck on Wednesday and then later on. I know some just want to move on and put bc as far from their memory as possible.

    Kechla, hope the headaches are better and you do ok on the Taxol. I think I will be starting on my AI tomorrow. Rads start on Tuesday.

    I had such a nice Sunday today. DH and I went down to see my Carlsbad grandkids and our daughter. The kids were so adorable and loving. Even our 8 yr old grandson just kept hugging us. We went to a park and had a great picnic lunch and then stopped for frozen yogurt. Great day all around. Our little guy with all the school issues has another IEP tomorrow. I think they are going to relocate him back to Carlsbad. He won't be in a signing (ASL) school, but should be assigned a signing aide. At this point, I just think it's in his best interest to have a fresh start with a teacher who doesn't hate him! Grrrrr!

    I plan to stay on this thread, just to check in on those still in treatment or who want to check in. I do frequent Lumpectomy Lounge and people are there on a daily basis for years. It's nice to know that those who helped me though one of the worst times of my life are still connected. I'd also like to help others in the same way I was helped. I honestly don't think I could have made it through chemo without all of you! I laugh at myself because I find myself constantly looking in my magnifying mirror to see if my hair is growing (like 5 times a day lol) I think it may be starting to grow a little, but has these crazy crinkly hairs randomly sticking straight up. So attractive!

    Hope all have a good week.

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Cali -- Get over that cold quick.

    Kechia -- I hope the headaches disappear soon.

    Jiffrig --- Good Luck for your future endeavours. Hugs.

    I still have two Taxol sessions to go.... The last one will be on Nov. 30. That will finish the Chemo portion for me. I still have Radiation and Targeted Therapy to go as well as the Hormone Therapy. ... I'm so glad so many of us are finished with this link in our voyage.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    There are lightweight hoodies that have a full zipper front, but a short or loose-sleeved button front shirt would seem to do the trick, too.


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Thank you Lyn & Dara for the shirt ideas. I have found some lightweight 3/4 length sleeve sweatshirt type tops I forgot I even had and button front will work fine too. I practiced stepping into my sports bra someone in our group recommended.

    Elizabeth .. Your getting it done ...yay!

    Kelly ... Sweet story ... There are still so many good people out there.

    Called my surgeon coughing & snorting but no fever means surgery proceeds..yay!

    Hugs 😘 Vicki

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Vicki (aka Cali)- so glad you're moving forward! Excited for you!

    Kechla- hope you're feeling better....your bio is long, you're due for some reprieve and "normalcy" now....

    Elizabeth- you're close!!

    Dara- I feel like you're our glue...Momma Bear for this group! Always pumping us up!

    Marlene- let us know how you're doing when you can....and anyone else that may pop on.

    My next chemo is in a week....I'm feeling way better this week. Trying to get back and exercising....I'm so weak I'm finding - had a hard time handing the husband the tubs of Halloween Decor up into the attic. Yikes! I still have the watery eyes...some twitching. Some "indigestion" not sure how to describe it.


  • smilethrupain
    smilethrupain Member Posts: 133

    Kelly what a nice story. I think one of the reasons that I don't walk around without a wig or openly discuss my disease is because most people tend to see and remember the disease instead of the person. I don't want to be identified as the woman with cancer ...

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Vicki, I'd mentioned stepping into a bra because I have a badly encapsulated shoulder & used that method long before my lumpectomies. I will say it's easier before you put your undies on and if you're not still damp from the shower. ;-)


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly, you're so very sweet! I saw my oncologist this morning and he said to expect the fatigue to last at least 6 months. Sometimes when I stand my legs still feel like spaghetti. All my blood work is responding after chemo. RBC is still a little low, but not to bad and is coming up. He gave me my prescription for AI (Aremidex) and I most likely will start tomorrow. Hoping for minimal SEs. Radiation will start tomorrow. I've started back walking also to get some exercise. I figure I need to build back up my stamina. I even was able to get a flu shot today. Just don't overdo, Kelly. Remember that chemo is cumulative so you need to pace yourself.

    Cali, hope your cold is doing a little better.

    Smile I can really understand your sentiment and understand.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Dara...I forgot to mention my DH and I both check my head daily for new hairs. I have that stray one standing straight up on my head too.... Very attractive! Praying for minimal SE today too! Anxious to hear how it goes for you.

    Lyn...thank you again I love any advise sorry this is the norm for you.

    Kelly.... I am so week still and with this cold I feel stiff all over. I have zero energy. I feel my old age for sure from chemo. I really need to get out and walk more or ride my bike but I am too tired. Wondering how I will return to work in January?

    Have a nice day ladies

  • jandjmom
    jandjmom Member Posts: 40

    My Brain MRI came back clean. The test was Monday and I got the results via hospital portal this morning. Thank goodness my double vision issues are not cancer, nor brain related.

    This fourth cycle is the worst. The nausea has been very intense from days 2-5, moderate 6-8, and yesterday and today, still mild. I can't eat or drink except jello, pasta, and Ensure shakes. I feel like a prune I am so dried up. I got fluids and more nausea meds on Friday. The exhaustion is intense, too. I pretty much the week in bed. Haven't needed daily naps in a couple of days, but tire easy. I cannot believe I have to do this TWO more freaking times and that it will most likely be WORSE. UGH. I was in tears Monday in frustration.

    I know that there are military veterans suffering worse than me, but I am whining, damn it. I have a 'chemo buddy' who is 4 year survivor of lung cancer after 2 years of remission she is now stage 4. She does chemo every three weeks until... the rest of her life. I cannot image. My spirit revolts.

    Thanks for listening. I'll straighten my spine and suck it up. But, I highly doubt I will ever do this again if I have recurrence.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    JandJ, after my 4th, it took about 3 1/2 weeks before I could even go out of the house. Nausea remained mild, and my stomach is still a bit queasy. I started radiation yesterday and will have 35 sessions. I should finish up Dec. 28. I figure I should just be getting the chemo fatigue under control when the rads fatigue sets in.

    How's the cold Vicki? Hope you're doing better.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407 glad your brain MRI came back good. What a relief for you. I am sorry this one was so rough for you. I can't imagine for your friend and I have a high school friend who has chemo once a month because of leukemia and I think how it must be a never ending struggle for them but what's the alternative? You just share with us when you need too!

    Tomorrow is surgery for me so I hope I get everything done. My surgeon's office just called and they haven't received the lab work yet... I'm like ...What?? Got to make some calls

  • Jiffrig
    Jiffrig Member Posts: 158

    Well, ladies, rang the bell just to get through the week of who knows what SEs. My leg pain is really my worst complaint. Think I will start with acupuncture. On to surgery and 28, fun, fun! How was your first radiation, Dara

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Jiffrig, first, Congratulations!!!! I have now had two rads. Piece of cake. They did the sim, first treatment, and tattoos yesterday. Today I was in and out in about 15 minutes! I'll be having 35 txs. My dr didn't give me the option of DD rads. I'm hoping that maybe the lower dose will have fewer SEs. The center, tech, and even women in the waiting room are great. I'll see the RO once a week, and I'll see my MO in a month. I started Arimidex yesterday also. Keeping fingers crossed for minimal SEs there also.

    Vicki, sure hope today went smoothly and you have little pain. Just remember the ice!

    Lyn, I did the same with stepping into bras once I moved away from the front close bras. I've had shoulder surgery so tend to pamper the shoulder a bit.

    Elizabeth, how are your blood counts doing? (Knock on wood...) You haven't been in the hospital for a while. Sure do hope it stays that way!

    Hope your energy is a bit better Kelly. I'm still finding I take a short nap a couple of times a week.

    Anyone else popping in, hope you're doing well and hanging on with this crazy ride!

  • Jiffrig
    Jiffrig Member Posts: 158

    Great news, Dara, about the rads. My MO did say the longer time is easier, especially as we age! 😳😳 thanks for that...I'm 67. The estrogen meds scare me the most! Fortunately, I get those after finishing rads. I can only handle so...yikes! My MO said "DO NOT look on any chat rooms about these meds...they are not that bad"! Of course I would not do that, Doc! LOL! 😉

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Jiffrig, I know it's only been a few days, but so far no SEs from the meds. I have a tremendous amount of arthritis so worried about the joint pain. I've had 3 hip replacements and a knee replacement. My MO said the same about every step of the way. I never have been good at following directions! LOL

    Vicki, thinking of you and hoping you're recovering nicely. Kelly, hope you're resting and gathering strength for next week. Just keep remembering you're checking one more off! Off to rads this morning, and then I"m shopping for a new car! Keep you posted.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi! I got behind again, and I'm not totally up to date but wanted to pop on and say "I'm here!"

    Vicki- looking forward to hearing good news after your surgery....hope all went smoothly.

    Dara- feeling good this's crazy to go from in bed to having the ability to take walks, and I'm popping back into work today (went on Tuesday). Work is not taxing, and it's good for me to stay in touch. My eyes water constantly with our dry weather out here, and some tingling and heartburn but I can't complain. I'll do that in a week lol. I'm glad radiation is going smoothly so far for you!!

    Jiffrig- thats so funny your Dr said to stay off the boards...I have already looked at the side effects of those drugs and wondering what she'll end up putting me on!! I was going to say- another reason I wanted to stay in touch with you all as I'm assuming a lot of us will end up on something.

    Smile- thanks for your kind thoughts- let me know if you have any surgery advice!

    JandJ- boy do I feel you! I love your line "my spirit revolts". It was hard to feel bad and "know" in my head it gets better, but it sure doesn't feel like that as you're going through the crap. I was pretty down that weekend, very teary and thinking the same thing- this better not get worse with the next two. It is hard as I start feeling more "normal", it just means it's closer to another treatment. I'm so thankful your MRI came back ok. I'm so NOT liking all of this cancer that comes back. I know not to focus on it, but it seems like it's constantly a reminder. I feel like I should get scanned for everything!

    Ok gotta get ready for getting the kid to school and me to work. Have a great day everyone.....

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly, I started on Arimidex this week. Both my MO and RO said it was fine to do both, so I decided to just jump in and get started. So far no SEs. I'm post menopausal so would go on AI. My MO said that Arimidex has the most SEs but that if I can tolerate it, the other two work better should anything ever come back. (It damn well better not!) Rads has been simple so far. I'm in and out in about 15 minutes. Everyone is so nice and super friendly in the little radiation waiting room. 3 down!!

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Hi everyone. I'm doing good so far.... no blood problems except a low rbc that is getting better slowly. Next session is on Wednesday.. I will be so glad to get this over Last session on the 30th.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Hi y'all ...I am feeling good this evening. My surgery went well putting the wires in was the most uncomfortable part. My surgeon called tonight and said they got all the cancer out and the 2 lymph noids removed were clear. She said this was the best news we could hope for. I haven't had much pain and discomfort at all. So thankful.

    Dara ... I am so glad your rads are going so well because that next phase scares me too.

    Hope you all are having a restful weekend.

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Calli, I'm so happy for you.. You really deserve a R&R period, so take advantage of it.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Vicki, as I said on LL, I am so very happy! The rads really are nothing so far. I'm not doing the Dose Dense that has fewer sessions with stronger doses (Judy is doing that.) I've done some research and both tx plans have the same recurrence rates, but my RO said they prefer the lower doses as most don't have as many SEs that way. The tx itself is only about 15 minutes and that include changing and redressing! My arms aren't uncomfortable, and I have even had shoulder surgery. Like everything, I think the worry and anticipation is the worst part.

    I think my hair is just ever so slightly beginning to grow. I have more stubble on top, and many more weird longer gray hairs sticking out on the sides. So very attractive lol I'm just glad something is happening!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Vicki- YAYYYYYYYY!!!! That's the kind of news that makes me smile! So glad surgery went well and all looks "clean". Love it!!! Congrats and Elizabeth is right- time for some R&R!!

    Elizabeth I'm getting #5 on Wed as well...... have that looming "dread" for next week. Looking forward to counting another one off the list.

    Dara- I took my husbands beard trimmer to my head. I have those willy nilly stray gray hairs all over!! Part of me sees some fuzz as well, but who knows. Then I get the short lived "why is my hair growing?!" worry worry. We both have had Taxotere and I'm just so "happy" to see the commercials about permanent hair loss intermingled with the Neulasta and finally over- political commercials!! Enough already. Just want it to grow back.

    I have a cousin- 9 years out from BC (she was 47 at diagnosis).....had to go in for a shot yesterday (for a side effect from cancer med she's taking). She was actually getting it done where she got her infusions. She said she started tearing up. It was good when the nurse said "what are you here for" and she said "a shot", and the nurse replied "whiskey or tequila". Thank God for the nurses/Dr's that can bring you out of it. I get now, what she described as the dragon in the corner.....stupid cancer........can still affect you even when you're healthy and years post treatment.