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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    to ajbclan& jandjmom. Hi does anyone know why we have to wait 3 weeks between treatments. All the other treatments seem to be 1 or 2 weeks inbetween. It seems we've been at this forever. I cant wait to finish! This #5 seems to have taken more out of me or maybe just want to finish. I thought i read somewhere that we have recieved a lifetime dose of these drugs and they wouldn't give us these again.

  • Trenatina
    Trenatina Member Posts: 5

    Hello ladies i am new to this just reaching out and yes DaraB i not looking foward to another day of feelin crappy this will be round 4 but my last round seem worst then the last 2 i had was tired all the time seem like short of breath vomiting nausea and appetite was totally gone trying to push fluids but thank God i go the monday after thanksgiving but im just gonna cook for my kids and try to enjoy them....hope everyone have a blessed thanksgiving

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Karey- I'm pretty sure it's to give our bodies time to bounce back- I know some can't get their white or red cells back up fast enough and have delays, more complications, etc. When did you have #5?

    Trenatina- hang in there....this stinks.

  • Trenatina
    Trenatina Member Posts: 5

    Hello ajbclan yes gave me ondansetron for nausea and pain meds also he suggested Claritin D 12hrs ...

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    hang in there Kelly!, itis almost over.

    Trentatina, your MO should be able to give you something to help with the vomiting and nausea. TheAC was the hardest for me too. It did seem to get easier when I started the T. Are you going to be taking the Herceptin for a year too.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hi all, popping in to check on you guys and see how these last couple of treatments are going? I'm so sorry that they just seem to get harder as you go along. Just know that a few weeks out from the last one, things do return to a much better state. My fatigue from the chemo has lessened tremendously, and the fatigue from rads hasn't hit in yet.

    Yesterday I actually worked out on my patio and painted a little tea cart, bought some plants to repot, and had a really nice day.

    My only reaction to tx so far has been some nausea, but more queasy stomach and gagging. Problem is ro says its not from RO, MO says it's not from Arimidex. Everyone on the rads board says yes, it's from the rads but ROs don't like to admit that!

    Hope you all start feeling a little better. Rest, rest, rest. This too will pass! Love you guys. Dara

  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    abjclan I had #5 2 weeks ago I feel better today and #6 os friday. I had the big D alittle worse this time also a stubborn yeast infection th last 3 times They give me tons of medicines but the chemo won't let me heal right. They want to see a urologist after chemo so we will see. I will report back after #6 and let you all know. So sorry for everyone facing so many SEs .Dara so glad your doing so well and giving us hope "this to will pass"

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Hi ladies! Met with my MO yesterday and the results from my pathology report were rare with TNBC he said. I guess usually lymph noids and lumpectomy don't come back so clear. He hugged me and said I don't have to return to himfor 3 months. Kind of felt like a lost child ... Of course now I will be very close to my next appointment is December my BS said no rads till the 11th for sure.

    Dara your experience is going so well I hope mine will too. I am ready with my aloe Vera and Jeans cream. I have lots of fuzz on my head with those wayward stray ones standing tall. DH & I keep looking as he shines the little flash light in my head..haha!

    Trenatina..Welcome ...sorry your here. We are all here for you. I took Claritin 24 hour for days after treatments ... I think it helped with the aches which were worse the first time.

    Kelly..thanks for D vitamin info. You rest and I hope your SE are minimal. We can hope!

    jandjmom... Can't wait for this to be over for you.

    Elizabeth...your getting there almost done!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Cali- such wonderful news- something for the rest of us to look forward too! Round 5, worse. Just trying to get through the weekend. Not looking forward to 6. Happy Holidays to you all...

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kelly...praying this will pass soon so you can feel good before next treatment.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly, I guess they're right that it's all cumulative. So sorry though that 5 continue the trend! How are you doing today? I hope you feel a little better by Thursday. Do you plan to go somewhere for Thanksgiving or just have a quiet day at home?

    Kd, how are you doing? You've had such a difficult time with all of this. Are they going to let you continue with your last tis?

    Elizabeth, how you are feeling?

    My weekend was a bit of a wash. I had to go in for rads yesterday morning so that then we can all have 4 days off for T-day. My DH and I were going to go out for breakfast afterward, but when I got home, he had some sort of bug and wound up in bed all day. It's been raining here all night so I hate the thought of going out so early this morning for rads. I have to leave the house around 7:20, but at least then I have the whole day left. I'm still doing great with the rads. skin is just fine and I only get a little tired towards evening or if I'm pretty active . See my RO again today but all really is great (knock on wood!)

    Cali, hope you're still recovering and building strength.

    You all take care!

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Kelly -- How many more sessions do you have to go? I'm with you on this hun.

    Dara -- I'm doing great so far. On Wednesday I will have my second Herceptin. Hopefully the SE's won't be too bad.

    My Hubby caught a cold and was coughing his head off all last week. I'm just hoping I don't catch it.

    Cali -- I'm so glad you got the good news.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Thanks Ladies! So appreciate you checking in..... I have one more, but I hesitate saying that, as I haven't had surgery yet. So I'm realistic in knowing there's still a chance after surgery I can be back in this. So it stinks- I don't feel like I have an end yet, until after surgery. It's hard, but it's so interesting how this hits, and has built up. In a way- even though I feel bad, it's so interesting in a weird way, I'm amazed I'm still feeling crappy lol. I made it to the couch, and that's progress! Usually by the Monday afterwards, I'm tired, but back on the side effects have extended both ways.

    Dara- can't win sometimes! You're finally back on track, and then hubby. Eesh! Elizabeth, yes- stay healthy my friend! My daughter had a sore throat, so I was staying away from her more too.

    No plans for Thanksgiving- but we're not big Thanksgiving folks...we usually camp in the desert, which is always so relaxing...everything in throw away pans, around people I want to be around lol. So we missed it this year. I'm also realizing I have to miss another concert. I had tickets for the Brian Setzer Orchestra out at Penchenga in Dec. Realized I'll be bouncing back even slower on the last round, so better just plan to get rid of them. It's such a fun Christmas show....I pulled the trigger and bought the tickets, which wasn't like me I can do it again I guess next year.

    I look forward to a year from now and we all are celebrating a year out from this crap! I bounced on an "old" chemo board, and the ladies were talking about 6 years out....we can be those ladies!

    I do still think of WenchLori, Marlene...some of the others that posted regularly.....I really hope that no news is great news for them and they're moving on!

  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    I am now about 3 1/2 weeks PFC. Energy is slowly starting to come back, but still feel very fatigued and out of breath with simple tasks. Hoping that will turn around soon. Also, still having a hard time concentrating and remembering things. I've gained over 30 lbs on this journey and would love to see some of that start to come off. Hoping now that no more steroids that some would just disappear, but that has not happened yet.

    I started Tamoxifen 11 days ago. So far so good, but a lot of night sweats waking me up at night. I'm normally a very sound sleeper, so this may also be contributing to my mental fogginess. I am slightly more irritable than normal, so trying to keep that in check.

    I had an appointment with my RO today. Actually, my RO is no longer with the practice, so I had a new RO today. She was less than stellar. I'm so glad to have had my old RO through my treatment. Today, I let her know that I have some swelling in my breast and side and she said, yep, that looks like it might be lymphedema. Eat a low salt diet and keep active. That was it. I also mentioned my arm/shoulder ached and she was very quick to say, yep, that's the chemo, neuropathy. Strange, because it didn't start until the swelling started. (Anyone else have neuropathy starting like this?) She was very short on words and seemed in a rush to get out of the room. She also said I didn't need to come back anymore, which also surprised me, bc the other RO had told me I would be seen for years. But... that may be because my diagnosis changed. I wasn't originally going to need chemo. I was literally in the room with her for about 4 minutes. I don't know what I was expecting, but after all I've been through, I would think at least a little bit of information maybe on what I should expect going forward or what I should expect with this swelling I'm having. Nope.

    We are planning to go back to our parents houses for Thanksgiving. We'll be doing the cooking though as my Mother in Law is having a hard time with her heart this year and has very little stamina right now. Then, we'll head over to my brothers for a bit to see my side of the family. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone as I have not seen a lot of my family since before I was diagnosed this spring.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and weekend!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    I'm finally starting to come out of this sorry Kechla for the crappy Dr visit......

    - wishing everyone a great week....Karey- keep me posted on your #6.

  • jandjmom
    jandjmom Member Posts: 40

    I should have known this cycle was going to send me for a loop after I read abjclan's post about cycle 5 of TC. I had my 5th infusion yesterday. After telling the nurse about my 10 days of nonstop nausea last cycle despite the new patch, she gave me yet another Med. The infusion went off without a hitch. Even saw a friend from the look good feel better class there for her first infusion so we chatted, and I showed her the ropes.

    Well, last night I developed hives on my chest, neck and face. Called the doctor's answering service. He returned my call within 15 minutes. Other than the hives I had no other symptoms such as tightness or swelling anywhere like my chest or throat, so no ER yet. He had me take a Benadryl tab and more steroid. After 2 hours the hives started to recede so I went to bed, and this morning I was just fine.

    Took the kids to a movie this afternoon and fought hard to stay awake since the nausea meds overwhelm the steriods and made me drowsy. Then I took a 3 hour nap. After an hour my mouth filled with saliva and I rushed to throw up for the first time on treatment.

    God, I pray this isn't a sign of things to come.

    Kechla - congrats on post chemo. Sorry to hear you are still tired . I have lost 30 pounds due to loss of appetite and nausea. The nurse wants me to stop losing weight, but I am glad for this side effect as despite the loss so far, I am still obese. I would very upset with the dismissive way your new RO is handling your concerns.

    Thanksgiving will be by myself at home while the family goes to lunch at my in laws. The way I felt last cycle and how this one is turning out so far, I suspect I'll be in bed close to a toilet for the holiday. Yay.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kechla....there is no excuse for your new doctor to behave that way ... Seriously it's not like your there for a common cold.

    Kelly...yay for feeling a bit better

    Dara...I have had a good recovery ..just more discomfort the past couple days which seems strange.

    jandjmom...will be praying things don't get worse for you.

    Elizabeth...hope you don't catch DH cold & that tomorrow goes well

  • Trenatina
    Trenatina Member Posts: 5

    Hello everyone I've been busy over the weeken family came to visit felt so good to be able to cook and enjoy them.. I looking foward to thanksgiving.. Next monday will be # 4 i know i will feel like crap again but i know i have to be strong... So glad i found this site its a big help....everyone have a great holiday.....

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I'm so thankful that we either made the chemo journey or are almost finished with it. Have a great relaxing (and hopefully SE-free) day.

  • Oasis2016
    Oasis2016 Member Posts: 26

    anyone experience little blisters on the side of the finger tips? I have finished AC and nown just had my second weekly taxol.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Oasis- I think if you go way back on this thread, a few ladies talked about things similar. I'm on diff drugs so I haven't experienced it. That doesn't sound fun- so sorry!

    Wishing everyone a great week....I'm starting to come out of the funk. Slow but it's happening.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    JandJmom- how are you doing now????? I'm so sorry it's hitting you so hard. I think its why I end up in bed and try not to move as I don't want to run to the bathroom! So I've survived so far. Just so you know I'm a week out, and finally did a suuuuppperr small walk (took the dog on a slow one, probably not even 1/2 a mile). otherwise on the couch.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Oasis... Kelly is right some in the past posts had blisters. I got them down my throat after #4

    Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving 🌻 Hopefully a SE free day .. I am thankful for all of you

  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310

    Just wanted to pop in and wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for your support during chemo.  Hope you all had a wonderful day full of love and family

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    I had my second Herceptin infusion on Wednesday, so I was down with the flu like symptoms from that.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Thought you all might get a chuckle out of this photo. My 5 grandkids were here for Thanksgiving and found my stash of wigs! Hope you all had a good T-day! Elizabeth, so very sorry for the flu symptoms! Hope you feel a bit better today.


  • jandjmom
    jandjmom Member Posts: 40

    ajblan - thanks for asking about me. I have hanging in there. TMI: explosive Big D (ruined two pairs - wearing depends) and throw up daily from Days 2-4. Could only drink 1/2 an ensure shake yesterday. Today, I drank a whole one this morning over 30 minutes- let's hope it stays down. I am on FOUR nausea meds. I have dropped 6 pounds since treatment day (today is day 5) I have been in bed most of the time. I tried to make mini pies for the family dinner I wasn't attending on Wednesday (day 3) and had to rest and sit several times because I was so weak. So far today, no D or V, but if I do, I'll call the doctor. Today I am very weak, shaky, and disoriented. Takes a lot of energy to stay on task - like typing this post. Very prone to crying spells, too.

    If treatment 6 will be anything like this, I will refuse the chemo and keep the Herceptin and Prejeta. Thanks for reading. My husband hasn't a clue what I am going through and feel rather alone right now.

    On a better note, I had a decent thanksgiving (minus the T & D) watching the parade, a movie, FaceTime with family, and watching the Cowboys go 10-1.

    Hope y'alls Turkey day were blessed.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    JandJ, so very very sorry for the way you've been feeling. Try to keep fluids going. I found Propel or Smart water (no taste just electrolytes) helped with the terrible weakness. Your electrolytes get off kilter, especially with the D. Hope today is better.

  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    jandjmom so sorry you are going through this! i am in #6 right now so nervous last night i couldnt sleep a d had to take a xanax today. I don't know why i feel this way because im almost done. Did you call Dr.? I didn't have that much going on after # 5.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Karey- the roller coaster this brings. I'm of course, over a week out from #5 now and it's like a different person. It plays with your mind, emotions- and JandJ- every time I'm in bed- I so think like you- can't do this again. Then once I feel better I realize I can. I think for all of us- just having this forum to type our feelings out helps....and so grateful theres those of you still willing to listen and check in!! Dara- I'm going to note your propel and smart water. That first week after I have a hard time drinking as well, but know how important it is. JanJ- my chemo nurse also said anything that melts is fluids- so even ice cream if that sounds good to you.

    Sensitive- so glad you pop in and say hi! Hope you're settling back into normal life with work!!! I still remember all of your fun pics!!!

    Dara- speaking of pics....that is the best with all the wigs!!! Love it- so glad you can be with your grandkids now- it's so interesting what rejuvenates us!! And those little pushes of positive make a difference.

    Yesterday I wanted to hit the beach. Honestly I probably could have sat on the couch all day, but knew it would be good to get out. So the family went down for just an hour or so. Just breathing in that salt air and hearing the waves and feeling the sun- wow- I could feel the difference even in my attitude and thought process. It felt healing. I think I need to remember to look for those things when I'm dwelling in those dark moments.....whatever that is for each of us.....we need to push to go there when we can.

    Another thing- I have a Mastiff named Daisy....she is by my side, and is a comfort. But she has connected me to "other Mastiff Moms" on Instagram- and a couple of them are either going through BC, or have. One is 10 years out from BC....diagnosed at 39. She reminded me yesterday that she got through it, with small kids- and life can/will be good again. 10 years ladies....we can do this. (remind me of this in Dec when I feel crappy again lol).

    Those of you that can- enjoy the day....those of you feeling like poop- get through the day....we are supporting you!!