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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Thank you ladies ... I do have trouble relaxing so I need to make myself be still.

    Kelly... Love the story about your that kind of nurse that can make an uncomfortable situation better. This is going to be part of our life's forever. Always in the back of our minds I'm thankful I had y'all to get me through this part of my history.

    Dara...thanks for easing my mind on the radiation. I will have 6 weeks 5 days a week so I must be doing the type you are. I have met with my RO a couple times but I put what he said to the side of my little brain since I've been living one day at a time.

    I got some little fuzzy hairs and some stumbles which is hope for hair for me.

    Everyone enjoy your Saturday

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly and Elizabeth, thinking of you this week. I know it's hard to face yet another week of "yuck" but just keep telling yourself, one more down. You're almost there!

    Hope all had a great weekend. It was pretty warm here. I actually made it to two of my grandsons' soccer game, the last one of the season. Last year we went all the time, but this year, It just didn't work out. Then afterwards, DH and I went out and I got a new car. Such fun but exhausting. I got a 2016 Toyota Highlander with all the bells and whistles. Spent yesterday morning reading all the books and trying to get my phone and garage door programmed. I just love it. My other car was a 10 year old Lexus that I still just loved, but it had 165,000 miles on it and we knew it would start costing a bunch of money.

    What are you all doing for Thanksgiving? My kids are doing all the cooking but then bringing it here for the afternoon. My DH wasn't too happy as he feels it too exhausting for me to have it here, even if I don't do the cooking. My son only lives 5 minutes from me, and I thought all the grandkids would have more fun there with the trampoline and toys, but my son and family are going away for a few days right before T-day and they worry about getting the house ready. My DD and 3 grandkids are in Carlsbad, and I don't want to do the drive that day.... So my house :-)

    Oh, just an update, my DD has decided to move her middle son back to Carlsbad for school. The signing school has done a complete turnaround with attitude once an attorney got involved, but his academic needs are still not being met at all by the teacher. My DD visited the new kindergarten class he will go into and was astounded at the difference. The only problem is that he will have a signing aide, but none of the children nor teacher sign. I still think it's for the best however. He'll start the new school Dec 5 so we'll see-- keep your fingers crossed.

    Off to rads. It's good and bad having such an early morning appt. Love you guys and hope the next tx isn't too hard. <3

  • jandjmom
    jandjmom Member Posts: 40

    Thanksgiving will be a miss this year. My 5th of 6 treatments will be next Monday. And, if the last treatment is any indication of this upcoming one, I'll be in bed on Thursday with thoughts of food banned. My husband and kids will attend my mother-in-law's dinner with other relatives 30 minutes down the road. I'll FaceTime when awake. We decided that this one holiday wasn't worth postponing my treatment. I'll make a dessert and send some activities for the kids.

    Currently, water started tasting good yesterday (Day 13 of cycle 4). How much I enjoy drinking water! I did some housework and tired easily needing a nap. I figure by cycle 6 I'll be a slug. The nausea finally released by day 11. My appetite came back yesterday, but my stomach has shrunk so much from the near liquid diet of the last two weeks that a baked potato stuffed me for dinner and gave me heartburn. I have lost 30 pounds during treatment. Don't worry - I can stand to lose another 40, if not more. I'll try and enjoy this week's reprieve before the misery of next week descends again.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Thanks for the thoughts ladies! Appt tomorrow with the NP (usual follow up in between treatments)- then treatment wed. It should be interesting- I got hit harder and faster with the last one, but looking back (unlike you JandJ!) after that first week, less fatigue overall. Watery eyes, heartburn, some tingling- but ok otherwise. We usually camp in the desert for Thanksgiving, which I love- but my husband hurt his bad knee over the weekend (just stepping off a curb). So between him and me- don't think we'll do anything. We could go to his sister's, but nah lol.

    Dara- so fun on the new car! Looks like you got your $ worth out of the last one- I think we enjoy the simple things in life even more now....and such great news on your grandson!!! I think he might inspire some of the kids and the teacher to learn to sign! I know you've researched some hair remedies???? Let us know what you've learned. Has anyone asked their MO?? I asked a hair dresser and he recommended any massage and shampoo that stimulates and tingles.

    JandJ- hang in just sucks!!!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly, a woman I met highly recommended using Jamaican Castor Oil at night and massaging it into the scalp. Then I shampoo in the morning. A couple of people on the Hair, Hair, Hair thread recommend mint oil which definitely gives the tingling. I started back using Pureology daily shampoo and it has a mint scent that kind of tingles as well. I'm 5 weeks out today, but still not much more than the stubble, with a few crazy gray hairs that stick straight out! My MO and several others told me not to expect much growth for 8 weeks.

    JandJ, a lot of my family loves to camp in the desert for Thanksgiving also. Ours will be fairly low key this year also. Saw the RO today and all i fine. I think I'm having more reaction to the AI (Arimidex) than the rads. I have short bouts of nausea and then not much appetite. No problem with taste buds, just nothing sounds good. Oh well, could be worse. RO says that should subside once my body adjust to the change in hormone level. Absolutely no joint pain though which is what I was most worried about... knock on wood!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    jandjmom .. I can see why you don't want to plan anything. So sorry but glad it's getting closer to done

    Kelly ...hope this week goes smooth for you and understand why you are taking it easy next week too

    Dara ... You sound like me ...I had my Lexus 300 for 12 years and just got a new Honda CRV before my diagnosis. We keep our cars for years. I only got to make it to 2 of my granddaughters soccer games this year. But thankful for those. I am so happy for your DD and your grandson. This seems like a better fit for him. The others will probably be using sign in no time. So glad the rads are going so well for you.

    We will be staying in town for thanksgiving . My parents are back from their Montana home for the winter so they will have us all there thankfully. Our kids & grandkids will join us too. I am feeling great still since my surgery. I think I am amazed after so much misery from chemo I keep expecting the worst. I plan on sticking around to encourage y'all in treatment still. I didn't know about the hair growth tips..I'm always out of the loop

  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310

    Just wanted to pop in to see how everyone is doing.  I finally returned to work today after being off for 4 months.  It was so hard to wake up at 5am, but I'm thankful to be back. Started back working 4 days this week, and then I'll be back to 40 hour weeks.

    Hope treatment is going well for people that have not finished, and for those of us that have, hope life is getting back to "normal", if that is possible. Still read and check in every few days. Thanks for being here ladies.


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Brandi- so glad you popped in and so nice to see you're getting through this and back to some normalcy!

    Dara- keep the tips coming! I bought some shampoo- may have been the same thing, but haven't used yet- since I'm still doing chemo.

    Today is my "I'm getting bummed" day- start the steroids, have to drink a ton of water, which is my reality check that crap is coming lol. I did get out and exercise more this last week, felt bad and good at the same time.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hang in there Kelly, and also Elizabeth. Just keep telling yourself that the end is getting closer! You can get through the crap knowing that it's temporary! And Kelly, I used the Pureology all through chemo, just couldn't take any Biotin until 3 wks post chemo.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Thanks Dara! Has anyone started looking/talked to Dr's about nutrition, etc post treatment? I just saw something on GMA where they were talking about after treatment and integrative therapy....trying to google lol.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Interesting Kelly let us know what you find out.

    Brandi ...good luck. I go back in January and wonder how I will get up early each day?

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    My RO said it's important to have a really healthy diet. I've read that during rads, especially, we need to increase our protein to help the body heal. One source said that during rads, 60 oz of protein and 100oz of water are recommended. My MO also said I need to increase my calcium and D3 vitamins once chemo was over. I'm really trying to eliminate processed foods and sugars. I found a great book that gives all sorts of info on surviving BC. This one is information, not recipes. Here it is:


    Then I found another good once that has recipes. I got both on


  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    Hi everyone. I havent posted for a really long time. Have gone back to work part time. My final chemo is right after thanksgiving. #6. I have been treated constantly for yeast infections and they are checking urine fir uti which Im kind of freaking out about. Im on the TCH treatment. which i think only a few of us are . I had my first chemo the same day as Wench lori, seems like along time ago. Im glad to see so many of you have finished and are going on and doing well.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Welcome back Karey. Congrats on being almost finished! I know all these chemo deus are hard on the kidneys so really hope everything clears up when chemo ends. It does seem a long time ago that we all started on this thread. It is what really got me through though and I am so thankful for it! Hope next week goes smoothly.

  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    Thank you Dara! I think you and I are 2 originals on this thread. I also have radiation to begin. I am going to ask my MO about the consequences of not doing final chemo or at least cutting the dose down..I feel like my body is saying "no mas" I have read on these boards where women have been told not to much difference in not doing the last one. I will let you all know what he says. I know my wbc was low last time but they went ahead with it. I will be on herceptan for a year so maybe that will be enough. Also they want me to see a urologist. I think the chemo can do permanent damage to kidneys!

  • Leydi
    Leydi Member Posts: 53

    DaraB - Are you sure that 60 ounces of protein was recommended during radiation treatments? That would be 3.75 pounds per day. I don't think I could eat even half of that in one day. Yikes.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Leydi, duh, thanks for catching that. I meant to type grams of protein (ounces is for the water)! Sorry about that! lol

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Dara thanks for the books! I actually saw my MO today (was suppose to by NP)....I'm always so happy to see her lol. I briefly asked her about nutrition, seeing a nutritionist. I guess it's not covered by insurance, but there are resources. She said even the discussions about sugar and cancer are clear, so she said "don't eat a lb of candy a day" lol - said everything in moderation- we need to live our lives.

    Karey- good to hear from you!! I'm sorry you're dealing with crap! I'm on the same drugs as you- #5 tomorrow (of 6). Your post made me realize again how important fluids are. I just searched on this site about kidney issues and our Carboplatin came up. Hang in there. I've been drinking a vitamin water a day- NP told me I need the electrolytes and probably why my eye has been twitching, so I partially freeze those and it's been helping.

    I asked if I would get an Oncotype- nope- no need since I already am doing chemo. Still a chance for more chemo. They'll not only use the pathology report but what the surgeon sees when she goes in. Looks like I'll have surgery in January but should know next month. I'm so dense that the MO said she honestly can't determine if she's feeling the tumors or just dense I'm glad i had the ultrasound.

    So much to stay up with- Dara keep us in the loop with the Arimedex....I know we can have side effects from those as well. How to keep up?! LOL

  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    Hi abjclan. I think you and I are the only ones on this regiman. I felt pretty good on #5 except for these other issues and bad diarrhea 😷. I had also read that carbolatin is rough on kidneys Im definately going to talk to MO about all of this Good luck on #5 just drink a ton, I do think it makes a difference.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    thanks karey! typing with one hand- bloodworm fine so chemo #5 underway!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly, hope all goes smoothly and you have easy SEs! And after today just one more!

    Elizabeth, good luck tomorrow!

    Karey, hope your SEs ease soon. The only time I had diarrhea during chemo I wound up in the ER. Not fun.

    A man at radiation finished today and when he came out everyone clapped and cheered for him. He'd had 30 tx for melanoma on his back. We all need to celebrate every single finish line! We can do this!!! my only reaction to the Arimidex is very queasy stomach that hits at various times of the day. MO and RO said all should resolve in about 3 months.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kelly....thinking of you and pray #5 goes smoothly for you. My MO said the same things just moderation with everything.

    Dara... Thanks again for all the tips. I take D3 2000 iu. I wonder if that's enough? I know I don't drink enough water ...I try ... I am never going to get enough protein. I will check some of those recipes.

    Yesterday I had my post-op appointment with my surgeon. She said everything looked so good unless I have a problem I don't need to see her. I almost feel lost without her staff too.

    Your right Dara we have to celebrate every step.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Vicki- I've been taking 2000 mg almost daily of the D. I was doing that before all of this, give my daughter 1000 mg. At one point (few years back) - took a lot more based on feedback from someone online- then found a counter that you can take too much lol. So 2000 seems to be ok. Honestly (knock on wood)- the household has stayed pretty healthy.

    Feeling tired (even though still on steroids)- drinking and trying to plan and stay ahead of stomach and mouth SE's.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Cali, I take 2000 also for D3.

    Kelly, hope stomach and mouth issues are minimal.

    Day 8 for rads today. I'm in and out in about 15 minutes. LOL don't even put on a bra going in as I just have to take it off. Stick one in my purse for after! Everyone is so nice and you get to know the people who have the same times as you.

    Cali, how's your hair doing? I keep inspecting mine in a makeup mirror, but not seeing too much change.

    I know I'm impatient for everything to be back to "normal."

  • jandjmom
    jandjmom Member Posts: 40

    Karey, I am on TCHP as well. I started late on Aug 30th so I still have 2 more to go. My next one is on Monday. I did pretty well until #4 which laid me out with fatigue and nausea. The nausea didn't let go until day 11! Not looking forward to 2 more. The taste issues are the worst. Water tasted decent starting on day 13 this cycle, but almost everything else still tastes off if not downright nasty. I am hungry so I eat any way, but the first week to 10 days, Ensure shakes saved me. Lost 30 pounds (could stand to lose another 40 no problem) during treatment. So I just laugh when people post menus and recommend drinking a gallon of water - like that's going to happen. Have a little numbness in my fingers which makes the iPad a challenge at times. My liver numbers are up, but nothing to concern the MO. I get Nuelasta so my WBC has been good to high as well as my platelets. My red blood cells are taking a bigger hit every time which explains this fatigue. I am on day 18 and I STILL need a daily nap to get through the day. I can handle the daily Big D with Imodium as no cramping or pain so far. Just can't be far from a bathroom - ever just in case. Cannot wait for chemo to be over!!

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    jandj -- I know what you mean... I had my next to last treatment on Monday, this last one is scheduled for the 30th... To help the red blood count I was told to eat red meat... It has lots of protein and iron, so it should help with the tiredness. I found that it did help me quite a lot. I was tired and short of breath. I had some big D too, but it seems to have stopped now... What I have now is joint and muscle pain...

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Elizabeth and JandJ- my 5th was yesterday- usually today I'm ok since still on steroids, but I'm fading. Trying to stay ahead of the stomach and nausea- took Zofran earlier (I've been avoiding because it's constipating but MO said works better). Not looking forward to the weekend....finding I get teary easily too...just cry for nothing. MO said fatigue is cumulative, and I guess she's right! Gotta get through this and one more, and pray I don't need more next year. Hang in there ladies!

  • Trenatina
    Trenatina Member Posts: 5

    Hello i am currently in chemo taking the red devil this will be my 4round coming up been kinda rough on me....trying to stay positive..

  • Trenatina
    Trenatina Member Posts: 5

    yes the joint and muscle pain is the worst and dealing with vomiting and nausea..

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Trenatina- so sorry you are here....did your MO give you something for the nausea and/or pain?