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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Oh I'm so sorry about KZ, but I know how hard she fought. We all know how fragile life can be and my thoughts and prayers are for her and her family.

    I had my 3 month onco exam last Tuesday and am glad to report my labs all looked good. I'd been having some pain underarm as well as at the bottom edge of the breast with the lumpectomy. He said he's sure it's nothing but would order an ultrasound if it would make me feel more confident. I decided to wait a month and he said I could just call in for the test if the pain didn't go away. It's just a very slight dull ache and I tend to think it's scar tissue.

    Went in to LA yesterday to see a number of my family and had such a nice day. Life is good and we're reminded to appreciate every moment we have without pain, stress, or illness! Take care

    (and welcome back VLH!)

  • AnnieTater
    AnnieTater Member Posts: 57

    Hi everyone,

    I am heartbroken to see our chemo sister lost so quickly. This damn disease.

    I had a mastectomy on December 29th. It has been pretty awful. I feel terrible for all of you with repeated major surgeries. This was my first and I have been a bit thrown on recovery time. It doesn't help that I had an internal infection and needed emergency surgery a few weeks after. I've been on IV antibiotics for several weeks, just stopped two weeks ago. I've since had one tissue expander fill and I am TRYING to be positive that reconstruction is going to go somewhat smoothly from here.

    I started a new round of chemo on Thursday - Cisplatin. I haven't done this type of chemo before so hopefully if there are any rogue cells it catches them. Clear margins in surgery and I had the Guardant 360 test done and there is 0% circulating "somatic alterations" (the DNA cast off by tumor cells). So we are calling this excellent news (with the knowledge that this test is not always comprehensive).

    Cisplatin reminds me most of AC chemo, mostly stomach/exhaustion and not so much body aches. Manageable.

    This kids are great! Josie is cuter and sweeter and sassier every day.

    Thinking of all of you all the time!


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Thank you for checking in, Annie! I'm sorry that you've had such a rough time with your surgery and must face chemo again. The Guardant results sound very, very promising. It's great to hear that the kids are doing well. I hope the Cisplatin side effects are minimal.


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Dara, it's good to hear you had a favorable oncology follow-up visit. Please let us know whether the pain subsides and if you decide to go forward with the ultrasound. Fingers crossed!

    Kechla / Kelly, the chest overflow comment cracked me up ! Post-reduction, my new bosoms still feel foreign to me. I lost all feeling in the nipples, you know, those perky tykes who point jauntily to the sky and leave me concerned that they'll make an unauthorized appearance if my shirt is the tiniest bit low cut. 😁 I need to look for "cutlets" because I think adding volume at the bottom of my bra will guide the nipples more forward and possibly let me use the bras I bought when the PS optimistically & erroneously said I would be a D cup.


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Morning Chemo Buddies 💕

    Had a great weekend celebrating my grandson's 2nd birthday! They live in the Vegas area so that's fun.

    I think of the lose of one of our sisters and realize how people have taken such a relaxed attitude for breast cancer. People will comment .. At least it was only breast cancer or thank heavens you had breast cancer it's curable.... Yes it is but there are still lives being lost to it and that can't be minimized. Bad enough we get the survivor guilt. Only breast cancer seriously ?? go have some fun at the chemo connection and see what a breeze it is 😳 make me smile ... My body makes me cringe 😱 One boob weighs a ton and is scared up after radiation & lumpectomy. I wish I had asked better questions and made different choices but I just wanted to survive which I am so, so thankful for each day even if my two ton boob won't stay in my bra.

    Kelly.... Look up Fresno County Pink Heals ... It will move your heart. They came to surprise me with a visit between surgery & radiation and I swear it got me through. Which is why I volunteer with them now.

    Love y'all 😘

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Nothing like a few people to surprise you on your driveway & pray for your recovery 💕💕💕image

  • AnnieTater
    AnnieTater Member Posts: 57

    That is so beautiful, Cali! Brings me to tears. So many good people in this world. <3

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Thank you Annie 💕 How are you doing? Think of you often

    Forgot to mention Pink Heals is nation wide. 💕💕

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Y'all were awfully quiet while I was on vacation so what's been happening in your worlds? I have my regular follow-up appointment with my medical oncologist next week. Hopefully, nothing worrisome will be disclosed. Fingers and paws crossed for luck!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Not much going on in my world... just regular life stuff, grandkids birthdays, pottery, and I got my cold back again. This time luckily it didn't turn into anything serious. I love going to the pottery studio, but people tend to go there even when they're sick, and of course share! I took care of my 3 grandkids ages 9-3 a week ago and had a great time with them, but coming home sure felt great! I find I just don't have the energy after chemo and rads. My brother who has/had lung cancer is doing incredibly well. He had surgery to remove one lobe, and then one chemo dose. His specialist said research is now showing that (at least with lung cancer) one dose of chemo is just as effective as 3-4. His cocktail doesn't cause hair loss, and he is really feeling terrific. It will be interesting in the future to see how treatments change. I don't regret for one moment the path I chose, but hope new things come about in the future.

    Happy St. Paddy's Day to all. Love that we are still connected as we move forward with our lives! Hugs to all. Dara

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Happy St. Patrick's Day 🍀🍀

    Lyn...where was your vacation? Hope this week goes well.

    Dara... That is interesting regarding your brothers chemo treatment. So glad he is doing well. I am still tired a lot. I hear ya on the energy when watching the grandchildren. I had my 3 for over 12 hours last Sunday and I was so exhausted. I'm telling you between that and the time change the next day at work I was a slug.

    Hope everyone is doing well 😘

  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    here’s what I’m doing this week! Sunny Jamaica!!


    I have been challenging myself to get my energy back and have been exercising daily. Came in 2nd place on our weight loss challenge at work w 18 lbs lost! Starting to feel more like myself again.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    I'm glad you checked in, ladies!

    Dara, UGH to the cold! Since it was so ineffective, I delayed getting my flu shot until news reports finally scared me into action. I cringe when people cough and sneeze into their hands, then touch things. Perhaps we should make a T-shirt extolling the virtues of doing so into one's elbow? Despite being grossed out by nasally stuff, I've inexplicably incorporated the Mucinex ad's, "Boogers to Betsy!" motto in my daily conversations (with myself & the dogs only).

    What fabulous news about your brother! Who knew one could have a single dose of chemo?

    Cali and Dara, I can't imagine wrangling grandchildren. I admire your grit! My vacation was in Arizona, so very nice in March! Following in Dara's footsteps, the night of my arrival, I caught my foot on the wheel of my suitcase and did a face plant. Luckily, I escaped without injury other than bruises and my pride. When I arrived home & retrieved my bag at nearly midnight, SuperShuttle didn't have any drivers at the airport, even though another lady and I had confirmed reservations. The good news is they ultimately sent me home in a Mercedes-Benz, but it's not like my neighbors were up at 1:30 AM to observe my stylin' ride. 😁

    Kechla, ohmigosh, Jamaica sounds amazing and the nearly 20 pounds weight loss should have you swimsuit-ready. I can't wait to hear about your trip.

    No more trips for me as the pet sitter fee set me back $450 on top of all my medical and veterinary bills. With being out so long, I lost my reserved times at my dog training job and only have enough students for one class instead of the four sessions I taught pre-cancer. I'm not going to lie…having to start over & rebuild my wee business at nearly 64 years of age just plain sucks! The backlog of two years of cleaning, organizing and paperwork at home is also daunting, but we've become the queens of the one-day-at-a-time thing, right? 👑


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Ok ....Jamaca .... You win!! That looks so nice and I am so proud of your weight lose and getting so healthy. I can't say the same as I still lug around that 10 pound weight gain from my chemo steroids... How long can I blame stuff on the chemo??

    Lyn ... I am thinking of your airport story sorry about the face plant and that no one got to see you pull up in that Mercedes. I can't imagine trying to build your business back up. I am just plum too tired after work each day.

    I went to a Breast Cancer support group with my friend who asked me to go with her. Hmmm.... Not sure if it was my thing. Y'all have been my best support for sure. I sure appreciate you all.


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Cali, I want to a few Fibromyalgia support groups. Initially, I felt intense relief in the presence of people who understood because people doubt you so much when you have an invisible disability that you begin to doubt yourself. By the third meeting, I found the meetings emotionally draining. I wanted to be there for the other people, but the negative energy was exhausting. I was still trying to work full-time and selfishly needed to take care of myself. Did you perhaps feel something similar?

    Ladies, I experienced an inexplicably feeling of dread today before my oncology appointment. I never felt this horrible, nauseating fear when I got my initial diagnosis, had my surgeries or found out that I had triple negative cancer so why now, nearly two years can after I found the lump? Today's visit was routine except that the doctor wants a baseline ultrasound since I've got a lot of scarring from reduction surgery. I hope the feeling wasn't a premonition. 😟


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Lyn, so very sorry for the worry and dread. I don't know why we get those inexplicable bouts of dread, but I understand. I think once diagnosed, we will always have that fear lurking in the back of our heads. I find I take the Scarlett O'Hara approach and tell myself I'll think about it tomorrow, and find something to really distract me. Sorry also about the support group. I guess it's why I never joined a face to face group for cancer. With this group, we can vent when we need to but then it's also very positive, like hearing about trips to Jamaica, and just regular life activities. I think it's important to not let the challenges immerse you completely. I have psoriatic arthritis quite badly, have had 3 hip replacements, a knee replacement, foot reconstruction (which has totally fallen apart again) and a severed gluteus medium in one hip. I find I just have to do something I enjoy and try to ignore the pain as much as I can. I give myself about 5 minutes to have a little pity party, and then go work on some pottery!

    Let us know how your ultrasound goes. We're all in your pocket for support! Sending good thoughts!

    Scarlett (Dara :-) )

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    I, too, embrace the Scarlett attitude most of the time, Dara. I will not, however, be converting my drapes into a gown! 😁 My CA 27/29 test came back fine. Although not definitive assurance, that's encouraging so I hope it will help with my apprehension. You've got some very daunting challenges, Dara, but and think the 5-minute pity party is a great way to handle it. Thanks for the support for the upcoming ultrasound!


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Annie, how is your Cisplatin treatment going? How many chemo infusions are planned? Please check in when you feel up to it.


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Ladies! Had to take a moment to catch up! Dara- I agree, it's nice to read about everyone's "regular" life, while getting the support needed for the C crap. Lyn- I love the way you write! You definitely can bring the humor into a story (even at your expense lol) it. And LOVE the picture from Jamaica Kechla!! Dang I keep hoping we'd get some travel in, but hasn't happened yet. We did get our passports updated last summer, on the hopes of traveling this summer. But the husbands job is getting in the way lol. Now it's potentially the following summer (he said why not wait until Shea's graduating, I said maybe I won't be around to enjoy it and want to go! lol).

    I'm just trying to bump my work hours back up (its only a part time job, 1000 hours a year, but with everything not close), while driving the 15 year old around. I can't believe the miles on my car. She's doing volleyball and is in the high school musical this year, so enjoying for the most part.

    I had to make an expensive decision for our kitten last week. He had a urinary blockage and it was emergency surgery or put him down. We did the surgery and so far he's doing pretty well. I haven't had a cat since I was a kid, so it's all new again lol. Had to change his diet (no dry).

    Should be staying in town for Easter. Wishing all of you a wonder week!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Morning Ladies!

    Lyn ...that is exactly how I felt. The negative energy was terrible. Even my fiend who I went to support felt it. When the lady next to me said ...I never had any real pain & I know it was my faith...I was just sitting there ringing my hands then another lady said ... I only cried once during my took all I could to not go over and slap her. At that remark my friend spoke saying she couldn't stop the water works. Then of course we got the downer stories..and the husband who came and only wanted to talk about his 24 days in the hospital with the flu..hey buddy get your own support group?? Obviously you all are the one for me 💕 Lyn let us know how the ultra sound goes.

    Kelly B...I understand your travel hopes. My DH started a new job this year so taking much time off isn't on his list and I don't have a lot of energy to argue about it. Taking the 15 year old around would exhaust me. I get so tired after work each day and the dinner prep I just want to veg out in front of the TV at night. Throw in babysitting some nights and I almost have my pity party then. Those Palm trees in Jamaica were nice to see during moments of stress.

    Hope you all enjoy your Easter week...I sure am since I'm off ...whoot whoot


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Ajbclan, it sounds like your daughter's activities are keeping you hoppin'! How is your kitty doing? Is the increase in work hours challenging? I take a nap after teaching my obedience classes and still have to sleep 10-11 hours that night. I needed extra rest after work pre-cancer treatment because of Fibromyalgia, but recovering is definitely more difficult now. I'm very excited to be back to work, but am learning not to schedule anything the next day because I'm a stiff, stupid zombie. Loopy

    Ohmigosh, Cali, I cringed when I read the comment about pain and faith. No offense to anyone's religious beliefs, but those kind of comments inherently suggest that people only suffer pain if they're lacking faith. Puh-leeze! This person was simply LUCKY to not have a particular side effect. Instead of feeling smug about a perceived veil of protection, perhaps feel incredibly grateful and consider offering sympathy for the suffering of others. I'm glad your friend spoke up. I'll bet but there were others thinking the same thing, but feeling too timid to say anything.

    The lengthy flu-related hospitalization must have been traumatic, but dominating a breast cancer support group discussion doesn't seem like the best way for that gentleman to deal with his situation. 🤔

    Annie, please check in if you get a chance. Maybe share a new Josie picture?

    One of us needs to win a big lottery and we'll have a chemo buddies meet up in a relaxing tropical locale! 🌴🏝️🍹


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    I had to re-read Cali's post- good lord! That sounds way to spend our time at all.

    Lyn- I'm with you- I still get tired. Feel like I'm always complaining about it too lol. Had a lady exam on Friday and they gave me tdap vaccine. Went to work, but by friday evening my throat was bugging me and now I'm back to feeling am I fighting something or is it the allergies I "don't have" (according to the allergist lol). I had blood draw last week for my MO appt this Wed so we'll see what they say. I'm trying to walk a bit more, but after work and running the child around I'm spent.

    I am sitting here thinking of all the things I really should be doing lol, but again no energy. Oh- if anyone is on Instagram, or I also found her on Facebook- here's a woman that's very inspiring. Her name is Emilee Garfield - (she also has a website. You can read her story, she's a cancer survivor, and a fitness instructor. She started last week videos on both Facebook and instagram of ways to get moving for those of us that can't as well. She also has some uplifting videos of her working with an older gentleman and the creative ways she's getting him to move and stay agile. She's "real" about things too, which is a nice balance. Anyways- if you have time check her out. I started doing some of her moves in the beginning of the week, and I need to do a couple of more to catch up but it's nice to have some motivation and ideas on what to do to gain my strength back.

    We are on the final stretch to the daughter's rehearsals will go to 8 and 9 pm this week! The musical is Legally Blonde, so should be a fun one. Kitten is doing well, but I didn't have any clue how hard it is to get a cat to eat! I ran into 2 other "cat parents" at the pet food store last week who have gone through it still working on that part but think he's doing well (thanks for asking!!).

    My work is only hard to increase hours because I have to cart the daughter around. I was going to work this weekend but with me feeling eh I thought I better not (I'm on the public buses so it's just too much exposure sometimes).

    I'm still "dreaming" of travel :)

  • AnnieTater
    AnnieTater Member Posts: 57

    Hi everyone!

    Cali - thanks for sharing your experience with the groups - you reaffirmed that they are probably not for me, either! I can sympathize with others to a point, but...

    ABJclan - Thanks for the inspiration. I am looking for more exercises that won't hurt me. What a fun musical! Hope you guys enjoy the final show.

    Lyn - I could definitely use a tropical vacation right about now.

    Cisplantin isn't fun and neither is reconstruction. I have finished 3 infusions. I'm having radiation recall in my radiated breast which means huge angry rashes after infusions. Both tissue expanders have slow leaks and that is causing extra pain in my right side, but my PS rightly thinks we just keep going forward and try to make it to the exchange in late May/early June. I am still working full time but honestly wish I didn't have to this time around. I only take off infusion days. Not much to say - y'all have been here before. I am just trying to make it through to last chemo, the last surgery, even though I was here last year, too.

    Anyway. I have been checking in on you guys but don't feel like I much to share.

    Much love to all!


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    OUCH, Annie! The rash and TE pain sounds miserable. I'm sorry that you're dealing with that, chemo and working full-time. I don't know how you do it, especially with a toddler. I know you didn't volunteer for this. I'm truly in awe of your strength, but also want you to know you don't have to be a "brave warrior" here. Vent away if you feel the need because, da*n it, your situation just plain stinks! I wish I could offer you more than caring thoughts. Please keep us posted. {{HUGS}}

    I had my ultrasound and mammogram today. Despite my brief feeling of fear recently, both were fine. I went to a different facility this time, one recommended by my oncologist, and I was very impressed. I'm really hurting tonight because the mammographer had me all but standing on my head to be sure she got every square inch of interest. In addition to her thoroughness, the radiologist came in to check me personally and meticulously record the necrosis over my right reduction scar. My dopey nipples required extra images because of their weird location. I realized I'll need a new high neck suit if I take water aerobics classes. A relatively minor annoyance when I'm feeling incredibly relieved.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    oh Annie thank you for checking in when your going through so much ... Please know we want you to use us in any way you need...scream, vent, tell us off or tell God off ...He'll listen too and then we will give him a little piece of our minds ... What's left of mine 😱 I wish I could come help you in some way... I will keep praying you through this.

    Wouldn't that be fun a chemo buddies trip .. I would be happy for a fun visit at a coffee place.

    You ladies are my therapy ... Love ya

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hi all, so sorry it's been a while since I've checked in. I've been going like a lunatic with pottery. I signed up for a big art market in Riverside which is this coming Saturday. I of course am so very far behind and have been working 8 hours a day and am still not finished! Why did I sign up for this???

    Annie, I'm so sorry for what you're going through right now. It's just not fair! My sister had a hard time with the expanders also. I know it can be painful and hope it eases soon. And that angry rash sounds miserable.

    Kelly, teenagers certainly keep you busy don't they?Hope the musical went well.

    Lastly, here's a couple of pics of a couple of my things.




  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Dara- wow, what a lot of work and it shows in the beautiful pieces you posted pictures of! Good luck this weekend....wish I could head out there but it's the musical lol!

    Annie- I'm with Lyn, how the heck do you work through any of this and with a toddler?! No way to take some family leave or something to give your body a break and time to heal? How many more treatments? The TE's are no fun, and it has taken me a while to get used to the foob's, which I don't think I'll ever be fully "used to", but they "settle in" and I can finally sleep on my side without weirdness.

    Cali- I'm definitely up for a lunch or something! I had come across a group on this site that meets like in San Diego for lunch. I know some of us are too far away, but a few are in California??

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Happy Mother's Day to all of you! I hope your day is filled with love and you do something special for yourself! Love, Dara

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Happy Mother's Day everyone! Hope you're all doing well....


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    I hope y'all had a great Mother's Day!

    How's everyone doing? Annie, where are you at in your treatment plan?

    I'm doing OK other than major chemo brain issues and my darned lymphedema pump giving me grief. I left my car door ajar when unloading groceries so zipped out to go to a dental appointment to discover a dead battery. DOH! I recall doing that once in the late 1980s when I was working 60 hour weeks, but my only excuse this time is it was hot and humid. My nice AAA guy told me my battery terminal was bad so I had to immediately bring it to the mechanic in case it wouldn't start again.

    While waiting for AAA, I was starving! I opened the microwave to put lunch in and there was my breakfast enchilada. No wonder I was so hungry. I don't know why I've been such an airhead the last few days. Maybe a Fibromyalgia flare amping up the chemo brain? 🤔

    Hugs to you all!
