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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    I normally have high blood pressure, but shopping with its extended periods of standing / walking and especially loading groceries into my vehicle seems to provoke these incidents. Let us know what your GP thinks, ajbclan The most recent incident was the first time that I thought to check my BP. Lower is usually better, but you can definitely have too much of this good thing. ๐Ÿคข

    Our forecast is filled with triple digit heat. It seems like Cali should be able to sneak me into her luggage for the trip to Yellowstone! ๐Ÿ˜‰


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Oh my goodness Lyn .... How scary! Have you been okay since you made it home? What about one of the delivery services or like Wal-mart you order and pick up in the parking lot ...with your air conditioner going.

    West Yellowstone was wonderful. It was warm for locals but I was basking in the 80's in the afternoon. When I got home last week my son and I drove to visit our family in Garden Grove...which was so nice to sit out in their shady backyard. Not possible here in Clovis...we have triple digits all week๐Ÿ˜ฐ

    Back in the lovely summer of 16 when I was diagnososed with breast cancer they found I had a genetic heart issue too ... so I was hit with a double whammy. I am switching cardiologists to get a second opinion of all these meds mine has me on. So far no word on my blood work.

    Don't y'all be jealous but I had my colonoscopy yesterday and to make it even more fun they threw in an endoscopy too!! For extra precautions.


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    First, Annie, I think of you and Josie often and hope you're doing okay. ๐Ÿ˜˜

    My last grocery shopping trip was OK, but it was a short one and fairly early before it got super hot. Thanks for asking, Cali.

    Your vacation sounds lovely. I'm excited that we have a forecast high of only 91 degrees one day next week. Sweet!

    Re: the genetic heart issue, ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ! Or perhaps I should save that emoji for your colonoscopy news? Who says Cali doesn't know how to party? Seriously though, the cardiac stuff sucks. I'm sorry you got a nasty health one-two punch and hope you got the all-clear on the colon test.

    My MO was booked so I saw her PA for my routine check-up. She assured me that chemo-related fatigue only lasts 6-12 months. I wish my body would get the memo. ๐Ÿ˜‰ After dealing with fibromyalgia nonsense for 30 years, I have no idea what a "normal" level of energy is. I only know that I see many friends my age or older leading active lives that would leave me in a coma. I'll call to check on my tumor marker test results, but assume no news is good news.

    My main "pity pot" complaint right now is that the Baker's cysts on the back of my knees are killing me. I hadn't had to have a Synvisc injection since 2013 despite teaching 4-6 hours per week versus my current 1-2 hours. I dread waiting weeks, if not months, to see an orthopedic doctor, being forced to start over as a new patient, filling out their mandatory 12-14 pages of paperwork (NOT an exaggeration!), the time & money, blah, blah, blah. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ I got my skin cancer stitches out. YAY! I was looking quite pathetic with a lymphedema sleeve on one arm and 5 inch bandage on the other. It looks like a shark nibbled on me, but better the scar and chunk of tissue gone vs. a 2nd procedure to get clean margins.

    Hang in there, ladies!


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Happy Sunday everyone! Wow....August is approaching....surreal. I had to go online to fill out paper work for my daughters fall school year, Kathie was my out of state contact. Ugh. Obviously changing that.

    Tried a train trip to L.A. yesterday. Teen became moody and didn't feel well, which through her father into grouch mode. Good times lol. To top it off we almost missed getting off the train when we got back home! I went down the wrong stairs and there was no thing we're running lol. I can find humor in it but the rest of them not.

    Cali always wanted to hit Yellowstone. So many things on my bucket list.

    Lyn- do you do the manual drainage as well? I'm back in PT. Of course the therapists comment on how horrible my posture is lol. Last week I saw the gal that I primarily saw last summer. She said my arm was bigger than last summer! What! Crap. I don't notice. I get the aches here and there, but I'm trying to be better about nightly drainage and my stretches (thats more for my range of motion that's still not 100%). The therapist I primarily see this time really is making sure I'm doing it right. So far I've gotten a passing grade on it lol. She showed me a quick video of how they used dye so you can see the difference the manual drainage makes immediately in the lymphatic system. I always thought it was a little hokey, but that sold me.

    Oh and Lyn- I had a Bakers cyst too! I think it might finally be gone on its own. It's been months, so I've stuck with walking and hiking. I need to do more strength exercises.

    All my love ladies! Kelly B.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    You know girls nothing like a good dose of y'all to feel normal again. So glad we are in this together.

    So far no update on my colonoscopy & endoscopy so my thought is no news is good news. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Did I mention my breast surgeon sent me to a Genetic counselor? I saw her today...apparently the normal is to see this group, counselor, dietician, support services...etc when your diagnosed. Somehow I fell in the cracks and this was never brought to my attention. When my BS saw my testing results she was concerned because there was an .Uncertain Significance .... Sure tell me this 2 years later. My counselor said in the 2 years since my testing there have been improvements made and that means now there isn't a concern with my MSH2 gene tested...hmmm? Ya sure Okay?? If you say so!! Another morning wasted but good to know.

    We are supposed to have some 90's weather next week too ...yay!!

    Hugs ๐Ÿ˜˜

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hi all! Cali, I've never heard of a baker's cyst! I went to a genetic counselor when first diagnosed. Nothing at all showed up, even though I'm the 7th person in 2 generations to get BC. He said it was just one of those "bad luck" kinds of BC!

    Things are fine with me. My only complaint has been my 3rd UTI in 4 months. I sometimes wonder if the chemo has long range effects that don't show up until years later?

    I'm doing my pottery from home -- there was a small electrical fire at the studio so has been closed for a couple of weeks now. Sure hope no guests decide to visit as my second bedroom is a clay mess! You all take care and try to stay cool or dry. It's been brutal here! Dara

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    So I have a question for all of you. I'm on letrozole (Femara) as a hormone inhibitor. Does any one else's meds cause you to seat, especially on your head? It is beyond embarrassing, During the daytime, I have sweat running down my face and my head looks like I dunked it in a bucket of water. At night, I'll wake up and need to towel my head! I never had hot flashes when I went through menopause. This sucks!

    I'm on another antibiotic. They determined that the "virus" I had a few weeks ago was actually E coli that I'm having a hard time getting rid of. Then to top everything off, I broke a toe last night. I swear I really do think I've paid my dues!

    Cali and Kelly, how are you surviving this heat? It's been 105+ here and we're getting a lot of smoke from the Holy fire. We aren't that close but the smoke is really traveling. Kelly, you must be getting quite a bit of it. This whole situation is so tragic. It's like the whole state is on fire!

    You all stay safe and cool.. Love, Your Very Sweaty BC friend!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Happy Friday Ladies! Ok yesterday was my 2 year diagnosis anniversary. Wild....

    Heat- yes I'm tired of it and I usually like being warm lol. When I first read your post Dara we didn't have any smoke. Yesterday the sky was orange- gross. That fire blew up horribly over night- so frustrating some guy started it. I think it's making my allergies kick in and therefore upsetting my stomach yesterday so I was like- wait, I don't have E Coli like Dara lol?!! Hope you're healing from that and the toe and everything else. I get so frustrated at all those type of things!

    I'm still on Tamoxifen but I'm pretty sure she'll try and switch me at the end of this month. Tamoxifen has the same type of hot flash side affects but I could also be getting those from menopause so she just shrugs like- doesn't matter what's causing it same fun result. I can handle the hot flashes, but I'm afraid if I switch I'll get all that horrible joint pain.

    I "graduated" again from PT lol. They're like you can keep coming and finish what was approved or if you want to stop that's ok. Yeah, I hate appts lol. Now I just need to be better about stretches and get my strength slowly back and make sure I do the manual drainage regularly so I don't have that issue.

    Hoping some folks may check in here since it's our "month"! Even just a quick Hi we'd love to hear from everyone.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Hi y'all ... We are baking & smoking here in Clovis. The Ferguson Fire in Yosemity is just spilling smoke into our valley. The air is bad and I am over this heat. We have had a record broken for most consecutive days in the 100's ever here!! Yepee!!

    Dara ...seriously?? and then you break your darn toe!! So sorry! Sorry about the sweat too that is just not fair..remember we said our cancer was the gift that kept giving.

    With it being our 2 year month I have some sad moments when I think back to our chemo days. I am so thankful we had each other and still do. I hope everyone is doing well.

    My endoscopy came back good and the polyps from the colonoscopy were all clear so that's a praise.

    Tomorrow it is back to work week with inservice meetings, trainings and getting my office ready for when the students return next week. I am hoping this is my last year.

    Stay cool girls and keep praying for those poor firefighters & California.

    Hugs ๐Ÿ˜˜

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Ohmigosh, I didn't realize that it had been so long since I checked in with my chemo buddies!

    Kelly / ajbclan, no, I don't do the manual drainage. I couldn't master the technique. Remember, though, that I have a lymphedema pump. I've been dealing with an annoying itchy rash on my face so skipped the pump for a week in case since it sometimes rubs my face if I fall asleep while lying on my side. I didn't think the pump was helping, but the garment sleeve did feel tighter when I started using the pump again so I guess it was providing some benefit. It's been hard to make myself wear my sleeve and gauntlet In the heat of summer. I find myself going for the lowest compression, most stretched out sleeve because it's the easiest to don. Do you wear a sleeve daily? Re: the rash, I need to find a new dermatologist, but I know y'all can relate to not wanting any more medical appointments! ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

    Cali, great news on the colonoscopy & endoscopy results! I'm taking my friend for hers soon, but still haven't had one yet at age 64. I've imposed on my friends for rides so often with the cancer & back / hip issues & the prep sounds yucky. Excuses, excuses, right? I'm glad the msh2 gene is apparently not a concern, but, yeah, thanks for mentioning it two years later. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ The fires looked so scary! Have you gotten rain in recent weeks to reduce the danger? We got rain yesterday and welcome cool temperatures for a single day although now it's super humid and 90 degrees today. My mom in the Midwest had to put on a sweatshirt. Doesn't that sound wonderful?

    Dara, one does have to wonder if there is a sneaky genetic flaw lurking with 7 people having cancer in two generations & that's terribly scary! ๐Ÿ˜• There's a lot of various cancers on my maternal grandfather's side of the family, but only a single known incidence of breast cancer in 4 generations. I know we tend to exaggerate the importance of familial history, but that field is constantly evolving. I'm a little confused. (Like that takes much!) Are you saying that the repeated UTIs were actually an E coli issue? Everything OK now? Are you back in the pottery studio yet? Isn't a sweaty head the pits? Hmmm, maybe not the best choice of words. ๐Ÿ˜ Even when I was 18, slender and got tons of exercise, my face and head would sweat profusely while the other girls in my dance class would get a pretty, dewy flush on their faces. With my hideous post-chemo hair, I wear a baseball cap whenever possible and choose dark colors to hide the nasty sweat line. ๐Ÿ˜ž Maybe it gets better as your body adapts to the hormonal changes?

    Annie, you're thought of often.

    Check in when you get a chance, All!


  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202


    Hello everyone.

    This is the first time I have been back to this site since I finished my radiation. I spent a few months doing nothing. Just trying to get through the rest of my Herceptin treatment.

    My first mammogram was in August of 2017. It hurt like hell. I didn't know they could scrap the chest that close with that machine. But it was all good.

    We went to Rotan in September and met a wonderful couple from Colorado with whom we spent half of our vacation. I wound up with a really bad urinary infection and had a trip to the hospital there. Thankfully antibiotics knocked it out. The rest of the vacation was awesome.

    Then I went to Little Rock to spend most of a week with my 92 year old father and step-mom. I had a wonderful visit with them before I left to go to my home town of Shreveport for my 50th High School Reunion. That was a great thing. I was able to see my best friends (we were friends from 1st grade and have stayed in touch all these years) Then back home to Canada. I am so very glad I was able to go. My husband is an angel (most of the time, LOL)

    My last Herceptin was in October, 2017. It was so great to finally ring that last bell. It took a couple of months for them to schedule the removal of the port, but that was the last vestige of the treatments.

    The beginning of 2018 was spent getting my strength back. Walking more and working in the garden. In May, we went to Costa Rico with the couple we had met in Rotan and some of their friends. It was a good trip and I was able to snorkel a lot while we were there.

    Brad and I watched a documentary when we came back home on Prime TV called The Magic Pill. It talked about the Keto Diet. This is a diet that changes your metabolism from sugar burning to fat burning for energy. Since cancer lives off sugar for growth, we started this diet. I said what did I have to loose, I am hoping it will help prevent a recurrence. I have lost about 40 lbs since May and have decided to stick with it in one of its forms or another. If interested here is a link to explain :

    This July, I took a PADI Open Water Diver course and became a certified scuba diver. It was very gratifying. At the end of this month we are going on another trip with the couple from the States. This time we are going to Bonaire where the diving is extraordinary. Brad said it would be a perfect place for my first diver vacation.

    I am back to singing again. Jam nights and karaoke with my friend, Luann. She was by my side through all of the treatments and I love her as if she were a sister. This is not the latest picture, but it is a good one since my hair came back in. It was taken at a jam session by a good friend. I'm skinnier now. LOL

    I thank all of you for your support during that time and hope that everyone is doing well.



  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    ElizabethAM.... All I can say is WOW..!! You have worked hard and been rewarded with better health & enjoying your life. I can not wait to retire and try much harder to get myself in shape. I worked on healthier life style all summer and didn't lose a pound. Even after my colonoscopy. They have not been able to figure out my bloated painful pelvic stomach area yet. I feel about 6 months pregnant..!! missy you need to get that colonoscopy. I'm sure you can get someone to pick you up and get you home and settled. You can Uber there ... That's my answer for everything now Wish I could help you.

    Hope y'all are doing well. We are heading to Minnesota this next week for my nephews wedding. Always fun to see family.


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Congratulation on completing your Herceptin, Elizabeth. The travel sounds wonderful.

    Hey, Cali, you're not the boss of me! ๐Ÿ˜‚


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Now Miss Lyn ... We survivor sisters have to look after each other ... Even if we seem bossy we care!

    Hope everyone is doing well.


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Everyone!

    I just noticed the Aug 2018 chemo board and had to pop on their and encourage the group there. It's amazing honestly to be a part of a group of women that are 2 years out now from that crap. I remember wondering how it would feel to have it behind me, and appreciated those that were doing well later, popping in on us and encouraging us.

    Elizabeth so great to see you and hear of all of your adventures! Helps encourage me to get out and enjoy life. I'm still bad about pulling the trigger on things.

    Lyn- like you I think of Annie (and so many of our original sisters) and wonder how she's doing. Annie we are all thinking of you!! My lymphedema is very slight I would say....can't see it but they can feel it and measure the difference. That reminds me I haven't been doing my drainage lately lol. oops. i had a great gal that was really good and making sure i got the technique down. It's good for anyone to know that a simple massage basically can move the lymph system quickly and more efficiently.

    I had another colonoscopy on Monday. i had pushed for it as my last one was right before chemo, and honestly I had been more worried about colon cancer the last few years then breast (my mom had both). I was a polyp farmer and even have my first tattoo on my colon haha (TMI). The GI Dr was like oh we can wait until 2020, me- uh no! I just had cancer buddy....I think we should check and see what's up in there. Well the crazy, but great news (besides losing 2 days of my life with that prep lol) is that no, I repeat no polyps! Even my Dr said "he was surprised". Of course I want to know why- what made the difference? Did having chemo benefit that? Or was it cutting back on alcohol over the past couple of years? I don't know, picking my brain as I'd like that trend to continue.

    It was weird though...I remember telling the nurses 2 years ago that I was about to start chemo. They encouraged me and said when they saw me again it would be over. I also thought- man, I hadn't even "met" Kathie yet, and now 2 years later she was in my life daily and then gone. Life is such a roller coaster.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend....lots of love and hugs. Dara- hope you're well. Cali- think this should be a cooler weekend!

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Cali, I should make sure...could you see the wee laughing icon at the end of my comment? I just realized my response reads very differently if not accompanied by a giggle. Boss away! ๐Ÿคฃ

    Is anyone in the group on Medicare? I think I saw on one of the lymphedema threads that they don't pay for compression sleeves so I'd best get one ordered under my current insurance.

    9/30 marks a year since I finished radiation. With infections, complications, my diagnosis changing from HER2+ to triple negative, changing my surgery plans, etc., I sure managed to d-r-a-g my treatment out.

    I hope everyone is doing well and that any tests show favorable results. That reminds me, I need to make my six-month mammogram appointment. Ugh!

    Happy Fall, Y'All!


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Goodness, in looking back, I realize it's been a while since I was on here also. I went back and read the posts from September to catch up. Lynn, I heard the giggle in the "You're not the boss of me!" even without an emoji! I hear it all the time with my grandkids. :-)

    I think I had mentioned that I've been battling a stretch of E coli since June. Thought I had the flu, then UTI. After 5 rounds of antibiotics, my (dumb) primary dr finally sent me to a specialist who determined that I have a super bug strain of E coli called ESBL. It means the bacteria emits an enzyme that kills off the antibiotic and allows the bacterial to spread to my blood. There are no oral meds that can kill it. Soooo, I'm now undergoing 10 days of infusion therapy (very reminiscent of our chemo days!!!) and hope that will get rid of this. Once again... Haven't we all done our part enough regarding medical conditions! I'm really ready to be normal!

    I'm still trying to keep my pottery going. I've slowed a bit, but am able to now sit and do my carving on my pots at home. Still adore it and it gives me a way to forget about everything else! Also, we adopted a darling 3 yr old basset from my son. She didn't get along with their other dog and needed to rehome her. We just love her and she's so much company. I'll include a couple of pics of the happy aspects of my life! You all hang in. I love catching up with you all and hope your days include something great just for you! PS have we had Annie check in lately? I think of her often and send good vibes her way. Take care all. Keep thinking about that get to gather somewhere, maybe when the weather cools. Love, Dara


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Dara the pup is adorable!! Love that picture. Your pottery is so good....I love the designs you did.

    Would love to get a lunch together or something!

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    YIKES, Dara, on the super bug stuff!!! Shouldn't we all get some kind of "perfect health for the next decade" pass? ๐Ÿค”

    I agree on the Basset Hound being darling and the pottery bee-you-tee-ful. ๐Ÿค“


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Hello Ladies! Happy Fall ... We have finally had some cooler weather in Central California.

    Lyn ... I agree we should have a free pass for any sickness for sometime. Like a get out of jail card. I was given a cute Cancer card from a friend ... Kind of a Cancer Card carrying gift.

    Dara ... Your pup is too cute & your pottery is so pretty. Hope those infusions help.

    My daughter has thyroid cancer and when the cancer center here C-Care called our phone to leave her a message just hearing them on my message machine for herto see an oncologist was kind of upsetting. Not sure why?

    Think of y'all lots & always keeping y'all & Annie in my prayers.

    Hugs ๐Ÿ˜˜

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Ohmigosh, CaliGirl, it's perfectly understandable that you would be upset by the call related to your daughter's thyroid cancer. Some ladies develop full-blown PTSD after enduring cancer treatment.

    My mammogram last week didn't reveal anything scary (affected breast only this time). I know the mammogram only looks to local recurrence, not metastastis, but with every clear test, I think of Kathie having a diagnosis and treatment plan nearly identical to mine and being gone while I'm still here. It seems so random. ๐Ÿ˜ข

    Dara, how are you feeling?

    We haven't heard from some of you for a while. I hope it's because you're busy resuming your normal activities.

    Annie, sending warm thoughts to you and little Josie.


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Lyn thank you for the encouraging words. I have been through the gastro Doctor telling me my problems with pelvic pain & bloating are not any problems in his field of meds so I am back with gynecologist stuff again. So I'll see were that leads? This gets so frustrating when you feel like no one is worried but me.

    You know I don't understand how they find out if you have metastatic cancer? I am hearing about it so much but don't understand?

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hi all. Cali, I know how frustrating it is to just go from one dr to another. I had that with the E coli but the infusion therapy now seems to have done the job. I also just got referred to an endocrinologist at CoH for my bone loss due to letrozole. I also have scoliosis and I guess that's what's causing the lower back pain. I always freak out because when my sister's bc metastasized, she started having bad back pain and it had gone to her spine. Cali, I think they follow your blood work and sometimes look for certain markers to determine if the cancer is back or spread. They look at the liver and kidney numbers and then track things down.

    I'll be getting a bone infusion on Nov. 12 to try and strengthen my bones, but it's not too bad since I just have to get it once a year. Gosh... will the organ recital ever end? I'm really sick of drs and still have a couple of surgeries looming... foot again and then hip. It takes a lot to maintain this great body!!! lol! Take care all! Happy Halloween!

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Cali, I can only imagine your frustration. That's how I felt when doctors thought my hip implant was failing and every step took weeks or months as I went from teaching dog obedience 4-6 hours a week to using a rolling waller.

    There's a tumor marker blood test (CA 27/29 or something like that) that can be suggestive of metastasis. If the marker is only elevated once, I think they usually retest again in three months to see if it's a trend. Absent that or other funky lab work, I believe doctors rely on symptoms. For example, breathing issues might cause your oncologist to order a CAT scan, x-rays and/or PET scan. I've had shortness of breath issues lately, but a constantly stuffy nose suggests allergies related to record rain for weeks are to blame. Let's face it, any symptoms seem scary after breast cancer. Keep us posted on the GYN visits.

    Dara, I'm glad the infusions seem to have kicked some E coli butt (no pun intended!); however, the bone loss & looming surgeries stink!!! One of the few good things about triple negative is that we don't have to deal with the hormone-related treatment for years. Back pain is the pits. Simple tasks like grocery shopping, loading / unloading the dishwasher, vacuuming, mopping floors, etc., become literally painful. I've been in the mood to purge and clean lately, but it is discouraging to slug down pain pills that damage the kidneys & liver only to make minimal progress before being forced to quit. ๐Ÿ’ฉ I hope the bone infusion proves fully successful. As with Cali, keep us posted!


  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Annie -- Thinking of you and the baby often.

    Dara -- so sorry to hear of the e-coli problem. I'm so glad you are now on the mend. I hope those infusions really help with the bone density problem. I have Osteopenia, but we are treating it with Vitamin D and Calcium for the moment. The pottery is just beautiful. I used to paint ceramic dolls, but haven't done it in years. That pooch is adorable.

    Callie -- Hang in there girl. You will finally find someone who can help. It took me almost 3 years to find out I had a ruptured appendix.

    ajbclan -- So glad your colonoscopy went so well. I had mine done for the first time ever and was polyp free, but my hubby had 3 polyps removed.

    Lyn -- Glad your mammogram went well. I had one done too, but have not heard anything so I guess all is well. Next Wednesday I will have by second 6 month meeting with the Oncologist. Hopefully it is as uneventful as the last one was.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Good to see you, Elizabeth! Three years to discover a ruptured appendix? Good grief! I hope you get a favorable mammogram report.

    My shoulder blade pain continues unabated and now my affected breast, armpit and the scarred area of my reduction surgery skin flap are all tender so don't know what is up with all that. I'm wondering if maybe my lymphedema is expanding to the breast / trunk. The other possibility is too scary. Scared


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Update: The culprit is shingles. This stuff is really touchy!


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Lyn...where did your shingles start at? Crazy... I had shingles about 6 months ago which started on my breast area and thank heavens they caught it early.

    Elizabeth.... 3 years?? Thank heavens you didn't wind up with deadly infection. That is crazy.

    Dara... I am so glad you are getting some good care. More surgeries are not fun.

    I went for my second ultra sound in the past year today. Not thinking they will find anything like the last time but I will go along with the medical game that one person says one thing and the next Doctor says that can't be and then gives another idea. How can one doctor be so opposite as another?? How can one doctor say possible scar tissue and the next one say it can't be...are medical schools and books all wrong? Had my 6 month oncologist check and he didn't even want to weigh in with an opinion guy!

    Fall weather is coming to central California soon I think?

    Hugs ๐Ÿ˜˜

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Everyone! I'm sorry I've been quiet....sometimes I feel like sifting through all my email at home is a full time job lol, so once you get semi- behind on the posts you want to give everyone your thoughts and that takes some time.

    I sit here and watch yet another shooting on the news and I just am tired of it....we didn't have to deal with this and the sheriff even said kids these days are more prepared and think about how to get out- geez.

    Cali- what the heck. Ok I can't believe your daughter is going through cancer stuff, and then they still haven't figured out your pain. You have every right to feel frustrated and scared....feel like the Dr's should do even more due diligence after we've already gone through this crap and like someone said the PTSD.

    I just went to a memorial for an old boss. My husband and I met working for her when we were in our 20's. I knew she had some kind of cancer, but when I've popped on and off Facebook over the years I assumed it wasn't BC of course since she didn't lose her hair with the chemo that I noticed. She passed about a month ago....seemed to be doing fine and then they found out yep- spread. I believe it was cervical. I looked back on her Facebook page and it was a few months ago that she got an "all clear" PET scan. I guess she was house boating the month prior to passing. 69 yrs young...nuts.

    So we always have that worry in the back of our minds...I know with Kathie she was getting extreme headaches, and a trip to the ER found the tumor in her brain. I still want to know- so was it always there, even through the chemo? I now get when my parents felt pain, that they would jump to the cancer conclusion. Oh hind site.

    Lots of love and hugs to you all.....

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Cali, when will you get your ultrasound results? Regarding the shingles, I thought. I recalled you having it (them?), too. I got a spot on my upper breast, the cancery one, of course. Then my back started itching like crazy and broke out in multiple welts. The pain and tenderness in my breast and lymph nodes plus extreme fatigue had me a bit freaked out despite my recent clear mammogram. The shingles diagnosis surprised me because my rash didn't look like what I expected. Having said that, it's difficult for me to see the rash on my back so I resorted to contorting in front of a mirror taking a photo over my shoulder with my smartphone. Awkward and hard to get a detailed image that way. Where's a selfie stick when you need one? ๐Ÿ˜€ The doctor suggested calamine lotion, but even my trusty "medicinal uses only" silicone spatula can't reach the rash. This is one of those times when being an old maid is a challenge!

    I see that autocorrect changed "ouchy" to "touchy." Hey, buddy, ouchy means NO touchy so stop "fixing" my notes like you know best!

    Kelly B., I'm glad you checked in. I've had the same "overload" issue with Facebook when I don't check my news feed for a few days. Inspired by you, I made a point of responding to some people new to the forums. I'm sorry that you lost your friend to $#!@% cancer, but am glad that she enjoyed a good quality of life until shortly before her passing. Although I didn't have the daily contact with Kathie that you did, I think of her every day, in part because our pathology reports were virtually identical. The randomness of the disease and how it can defy all the toxic chemicals we throw at it is frightening.

    Annie, sending caring thoughts to you and Josie.
