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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Dara, I'm very sorry to hear about your brother and that your recovery has been so challenging. It must have been so hard to cope with the sadness of losing a loved one, let alone adding in the difficulty of traveling in a non-weight bearing boot.


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Ajbclan, how is your daughter doing?


  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Sounds like we all have quite an assortment of maladies. I hope everyoneโ€™s knees, feet, stomachs, shoulders, etc are on the mend.

    I just had an onc checkup this week and they are concerned about some new tailbone/lower back pain. Add to my joint pain and persistent cough, we are doing a PET scan on Tuesday to see what we can see from top to bottom. Additionally, my vit D is a bit low, so upping my dose of that. Hopefully that will help take care of the bone/muscle pain. Please ish me luck for a healthy scan.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly, so very sorry for this latest scare. It seems we go along and feel semi-normal and then some little thing pops up and it takes us right back to day 1! Let us know on Tuesday how things are going.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Everyone-

    Trying to catch up. Yep- one thing after another it seems....and for others life just "moves along smoothly?!".

    Lyn- thanks for asking about my daughter- esp with all the crap you're dealing with! You have dealt with too much, but love that you can make the rest of us laugh through it all.

    Cali, Dara, Kelly- I agree- life needs to mellow for this group! Kelly- you're in my thoughts and prayers that this is just another pain, and not something more. I know how quickly our minds go sideways, and you've already had to deal with multiple diagnosis!

    Dara- I felt the same after chemo, felt like something stupid with my arm swelling and getting whatever it was (I can't remember the name haha). It felt harder than chemo at the time- kept me down more. I think with the chemo we learned how to ride the good and bad days so to speak...when something puts you down longer its frustrating.

    Let's see...last week the kid "wasn't feeling well". Of course it hit the day after we raved with the neurologist how well she was doing lol. She stayed home from school- part of me knew I could have pushed her but it was one of those whatevers. Then she started getting a rash. What the....then I remembered rushing her to the Dr as a kid- rash on her arms....googled again what she had back then- slap cheek. A virus. Well, now I feel like crap. No rash, but wonder if it's the same virus. Feel bad because I always question if she's just being a teen, but she was legit not feeling well.

    I feel like each of us just want to live life a bit, and keep getting knocked back. Some much more than others for sure.

  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    just wanted to check in quick and let you know my scan was clear!! Turns out I somehow bruised my tailbone... Happy, happy day

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    WHOOOO HOOO!! Best news in a long time!!! So happy Kelly!!!

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Kelly / Kechla,
    YAY! RAH! SIS BOOM BAH!!! What a relief that your scan results were OK. Dang, this stupid cancer makes every health issue double scary, doesn't it?

    ajbclan, you just had to tempt the fates by being so pleased with your daughter's situation, didn't ya? We know that's a silly superstition, but it sure feels that way sometimes. Did the rash go away?

    Dara, how's the foot doing?


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly-- YAY PARRRTTTYYYY! Isn't it strange to this we'd all get this excited over a bruised tailbone??

    Lyn, thanks for asking... the foot has finally started doing so much better! On week 5, all of a sudden the pain started to ease. Next week I get the 4 inch pin taken out and I think it will help even more! Then just two weeks till I can put weight on it. It sure has sidelined me for a while. I can drive, but only if there's someone on both ends to help me get the knee scooter out of the car.

    Tomorrow I'm going to a 1 year old birthday party for my great nephew. He and his parents are here for a week from Amsterdam. I'm just laughing because being new parents, they've never had a child's birthday party. It started out small, and now is up to 60 people with quite a few young children. They're having it at a park in LA, but with no playground equipment. I asked if they needed anything for kids to play with and they hadn't thought of even having balls for the kids to play with! I just laughed! My 5 grandkids alone would go bonkers at an adult party for a 1 year old. lol! Any of us who have had kids' parties can see the writing on the wall. Will let you know how it all goes!

    Hang in there ladies! That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.!

    Love, Dara

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Happy weekend Ladies!

    ajbclan ...we call that Fifth disease in my elementary health office care world. Very contagious but rare in aren't you a rare lucky duck to get it

    Dara ....I am so glad your foot is finally not as painful. I hope a day in the park didn't disrupt that. Also hope the young children didn't get bored at the park for hours.

    Kelly ....Yay for a clear scan...we celebrate the good.

    I am not enjoying this diabetic diet but finally use to cardboard & nuts with grass on the side.

    Hope y'all are doing well & think about our missing friends.

    Hugs ๐Ÿ˜˜

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Dara, how great that the foot is finally being better behaved. I hope all goes smoothly with the pin removal and that you're doing the boot scootin' boogie in no time! How did the party go? Any of the little rascals run amok?

    Cali, the diabetic diet sounds delic...well, it sounds hideous, but I hope you're getting major improvements in blood sugar / weight control to make the changes worthwhile. ๐Ÿ˜ I've been making notes on meal planning and healthier foods to bring into my diet. I deal horribly with deprivation so had to kick traditional diet plans to the curb to lose my first hundred pounds. I plan to work on crowding out some of the unhealthy food with better choices rather than giving up the good stuff. I'm going to be working both part-time jobs the next couple of weeks. That kicks my very ample rear so I don't plan make any significant revisions until I get past that hurdle. I think I've already done most of the grieving related to my forced retirement so I hope to sidle out of work my last day without getting the ugly cry face. Wish me luck!


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Everyone! Wanted to send a quick note here before I got too far behind!

    Dara- so glad things are progressing- you are so deserving of some peace in the health world! Curious how the party turned out? I had a chuckle- I remember doing those "birthday parties" but they were really adult BBQ's lol.

    Kelly/Kechla- I still just grinning about your tailbone. I'm so glad to have some "good news" posted here! Let's keep that rolling!

    Lyn/Cali- Ok yeah diet blah! Lyn- I'm like you- once I have to cut something out, all I do is focus on food. So I agree- I try to eat more of the healthy and try to just limit or pick my sweets a little better. Oh and right now I'm addicted to salty pretzels lol.

    I've been listening to a book on Audible (I'm horrible at actually reading) called Genius Foods. It's more about brain health (my mom had dementia). Lyn- I could never do this full board lol, basically cut out all the good stuff! BUT....I'm doing what you said- I'm taking away what TO eat and maybe cut back on the other stuff of make better choices. For example- one of the genius foods for your brain is olive oil. So on my salads I'm feeling good about using that with balsamic. Healthy fats are great for your brain I guess (avo, eggs)- so making some slight shifts that way.

    Saw the nurse practitioner yesterday at the MO's office. I had my blood draw the previous week, I thought for sure the white cell count would stay low or be lower since I hadn't felt good LOL....nope- it was actually in the normal range for once! Go figure- so who knows what I had if anything.

    OH...loved this- MO's office still has you fill out the symptoms sheet- pain, fatigue, stomach issues- same sheet as I completed with chemo. So one thing I circled was fatigue. She was like- ok that's the menopause. Oh really? Then she said "and that little pill we give you doesn't help". LOL...ok thanks for that. She told me to exercise more. ha! Ok...seems to be "the" answer.

    Have a great rest of the you all have said- thinking of our other friends here....if you read this, please check in- don't feel like you have to respond to anything we've written. I'd love to hear how everyone is doing.

    *** reminded me- daughter is feeling better, rash is gone. Headache increased but the acupuncturist said the barometer is affecting everyone this week. Interesting.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Lyn are so funny...whoever invented all this high calorie yummy stuff anyways? I am trying to make some better choices and I hope it works. Thank heavens I finally lost that 10 lbs I gained when taking the chemo steroids.

    ajbclan ... Interesting audio mom was the healthiest person in our family, diet, exercise & brain games always. She had to have open heart surgery suddenly the same year of my cancer fun and she has continually declines with dementia since. So I guess in protest I did an all out food fest after my treatments. Because didn't I deserve it? Of course now I am paying the price... and donuts?? Why do so many people bring us those at work....I just smell them now!

    Have a great week!

    Hugs ๐Ÿ˜˜

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Cali- I made the mistake (haha) of getting on the scale....I'm probably a good 15 lbs heavier since chemo. I know the menopause affects it, and probably the AI I take, but I'm trying to just kick up moving. I also know it helps with the joint/muscle pain and I guess the fatigue. I'm assuming I'll sleep better lol. Maybe when Dara gets back on her feet we can start encouraging each other to move? I have a fitbit that I took from my daughter who wasn't using it. I have to tell you I really actually like the sleep monitoring it does. I know it can't be completely accurate, but it does recognize the times I feel like I'm awake, etc. It helps you focus on that. Also it reminds you to move lol.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    ajbclan.... I definitely need something to remind me to move. I am doing better at getting out there and walking each day or riding the stationary bike collecting dust and used as a towel drying rack in the extra bedroom!! I am also doing some yoga stretches each morning. Since doing my healthier lifestyle my tingling feet and hands have improved to. My pelvic pain and bloat are so much better. This week my cardiologist went over my echogram results and took me off one of my meds which she said can cause weight gain and make you tired ....yay!

    Hope everyone is well..

    Hugs ๐Ÿ˜˜

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    It sounds like 2019 will be the year of more motion for our gang. I'm nervous about the commitment to having to get up at dark thirty twice a week for 12 weeks, but bravely signed up for the free Livestrong exercise program at the YMCA in a nearby suburb. I've never regained my endurance since my 2nd or 3rd AC treatment and am so steenkin' tired that I can't seem to force myself to exercise regularly on my own. I'm frustrated by feeling winded and my heart rate elevating over 100 bpm with minimal exertion. I can't get in to the cardiologist until May 1st so that gives me a month to see how much I can improve while working in a supervised environment in case I do a face plant. Clean up, Aisle 4!

    CaliGirl, how weird that your mom's dementia coincided with surgery. One wonders about a cause and effect relationship. Is anesthesia to blame? Some post surgical medication? Simply a coincidence? It must be incredibly difficult to watch the mental decline. I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this and can understand turning to food as a stress reliever. Those yummy carbs send seratonin to the brain, a short-term comfort with nasty long-term consequences. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    I actually wonder how much the stress of watching my mom decline, added to my fast and fun cancer growth lol. My mom passed from dementia in late April, I was diagnosed beginning of August. Interesting enough, I was due for the annual MRI and it all got pushed to Aug because of all that was happening with my mom. Sigh that's life.

    Cali- how wonderful just some improvements are getting you off of those meds! Looking up! Lyn- I think just our mental "eye of the tiger" is a start! Even if we're thinking about making a change or exercising- it begins there...we may not follow through everyday but it's on our minds and hopefully we'll continue to progress further. I know you can make some improvements before seeing the Dr- that's a wonderful goal! You're a strong cookie!

    Years ago (when I was in much better shape but didn't think so haha)- one of the podcasts I listened to was a older "famous" runner who really pushed the run/walk idea even for those folks that did marathons etc. One thing I like that he said was just go out with the goal of even 10 min. If you do the 10 min and feel like doing more- than great. If not- you did the 10 min. Heck- start with 5 min. It's all a start, right?!

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Now I'm going to hear, "Eye of the Tiger" in my head all day. Thanks a lot, Kelly! ๐Ÿ˜ I managed to get up at dark thirty and survived my first Livestrong class. I took it easy and the trainer was great about showing me modifications for a beginner. The facility is in an affluent suburb. I'm trying to keep my eye on the prize and not feel out of place despite being the only morbidly obese person in mismatched Wal-Mart clothing in a sea of slender people in chic leggings who could literally run circles around me. No worries...I'm sure I can lose that extra 90 pounds before my free membership expires in 3 months. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Seriously though, all the other ladies in the program were lovely, warm and welcoming. I feel lucky to have found a program near me.

    I, too, wonder about the role of stressors immediately before our diagnoses. Luckily, my 86 year old mother is still sharp as a tack, but I dealt with extreme pain and tons of x-rays for six months due to the misdiagnosed SI joint / herniated disc issue, had a 2 1/2 month reprieve, then found the blasted life-altering lump. Coincidence?

    Dara, how's the foot doing?

    Get up and move it, ladies, even if only for five minutes!


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    I think we are all going to hear Eye of the Tiger now when we get to moving Kelly...but that's okay as long as we all keep moving. I like that even 10 minutes out there or 5 are better than none.

    Lyn you are so funny with your description of yourself at the gym.

    When I was diagnosed in June I had gotten my annual pap and all in March and my doctors office forgot to give me my slip to go get my mammo. While seeing my regular doctor in June I mentioned it to her and she gave me one...and that was when it all went sideways with cancer. I had all my nightmare treatments, surgery and fun stuff then go in March for my annual pap again right after my radiation finished and fried my armpit and boob. I decided to tell the doctor my sad events of the past year and through in how they forgot to even give me the paper to get it done so it was done later as if it was their fault. She said maybe it wouldn't of shown up so well in March..hmmm? True!! Shut me up!

    Thank you ladies for always brightening my day!


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    I hope the Easter Bunny brought everyone delicious candy...the zero-calorie, zero-carb kind, of course!


    P.S. It's the eeeeeye of the tiger!

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    LOL.... you gals are cracking me up with the EYE haha. Lyn- I agree with Cali- I love how you can paint a picture for us with your activities! I love you're going to the gym seriously- I'm always impressed by anyone out there moving.

    So I've had the "eye" this week. I had done some workouts for free on the Audible app. I think tis through what's called Aptiv- it's an app. Long story short I got an email for a "7 day challenge"....ugh- ok what is this lol. Then it gave me 45% off the app for the year. Works out to less than $5 a month- ok I can handle that. So the guy leads you through the exercises....actually for the most part like the motivation he gives (there's women too on the APP but this 7 day challenge is through a guy). I've now done it 5 days in a row which IS almost world record for me haha. 2 more days. My hip flexer is hurting though and I'm sore as crap. BUT..then I put pants on and ugh! So keep at it Kelly!

    I'm assuming this is a side effect of the AI I'm on but my hands have been falling asleep at night, and then it was super warm this morning, asleep, tingling....took a long time to come out of it and now I still have some of those feelings. Geeez....does it ever end the annoyances??

    So a long time guy friend sent me this random text this week: "how long were you on chemo for". to elaborate on your question?! Sounds like he just got diagnosed with lymphoma...not sure which one yet. Funny how we do "forget" a lot of what we went through that brought us all together!!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    I hope everyone had a great sugar free Easter!

    Yay Kelly ... Doing good. I am still just walking in the evening and doing some yoga stretches each morning. So I am moving!!

    I went to see my oncologist and he doesn't need to see me for 6 months...yay! He was very happy I have lost 20 lbs since my last visit ...yay me! I walked out so happy. Don't even know what else he

    Hope y'all are well.


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Weird that you would get the tingly hands now. My fingertips are still numb from the Taxol neuropathy, but I rarely get tingling any more.

    I only made it to chair yoga once this week. I planned to do the exercise bike & treadmill yesterday, but my friend ended up at the ER so that obviously took priority. I saw that there were some free audible "books" from Aaptiv available for my Fire tablet; however, when I tried to check one out on my phone, it wanted to start my Audible trial membership, then charge me 15 bucks a month. No, that's not my understanding of free so further research is needed.

    Cali, 20 pounds? Woo Hoo! I got promoted to six months, too. I get my bosoms smashed this coming week so fingers crossed that goes well.


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Another clear mammogram out of the way. It's not a guarantee that something shady can't be happening elsewhere in the body, but it's still a relief.

    Dara, you haven't checked in for a while. How's the foot doing?

    Annie, thinking of you and Josie.


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Cali and Lyn great news!! 20 lbs?!! Wow- whats the secret?!!

    Lyn agree- we never know what's lurking, but so nice to have one scan looking good!

    Dara- would love to hear from you.

    Annie- we think of you often.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Lyn...woohoo...for another good scan. I have my annual next month.

    I hope everyone is well and wish everyone a Happy Mothers Day ๐ŸŒบ

    Even if your not a mom you have mothered someone or something. We all have the heart ๐Ÿ’œ


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Sorry to have been absent for a bit. All is well here. I've recovered (as much as possible) from my foot surgery. It's not perfect, but I can at least get around. Just no long hikes yet!

    My husband had a new pacemaker put in and recovered so quickly we both were stunned. I just got back last night from 4 days in the Bay area for a pottery workshop. It was in Berkley and I drove (yes, by myself) on Thursday and came back last night. My sister leaves about 20 minutes from Berkley so I stayed with her and had a really nice visit when I wasn't in the workshop.

    Seems the end of the school year is roaring to an end. My family are all teachers so they're barely hanging on at this point (lol), and my oldest grandson is promoting next week from elementary to middle school. He's so excited!

    My scans won't be until the beginning of July. Lyn, congrats! and I'm thinking good thoughts for everyone else. Love to you all. Dara

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Dara! Yea! Glad you are back on the road....literally! So glad your hubby is back up and running so quickly from his surgery. I love that you're saying no long hikes YET....I just glanced at the latest posts on this website and came across May 2019 I posted some encouragement. I remember thinking- will I ever get there? I cannot believe we're coming up on 3 years. Dang that is just mind boggling.

    I've gotta go get ready to get my 145 lb dog off to 2 vets. Usually the husband comes to do all the handling/rangling/lifting- but he's got a meeting now! Love that my anxiety creeps up with this stuff lol. Daisy made it to 8 years old with 2 heart conditions and on 2 meds....crazy. Sometimes drives me crazy lol, but so love her.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

    Kechla/Kelly, Annie....would love anyone else to say hi as we think of everyone often.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Dara...sounds like you doing great. You are on the road to recovery completely yay!

    Lyn ...not sure how you rangle your Daisy but hope it went well.

    Enjoy your Memorial Day

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    ajbclan, how did the Daisy wrangling go? My herniated disc and various arthritic joints insist that I'll need to size down if I get another dog. My best friend of many years ended up in the hospital unexpectedly so I took care of her Pembroke Welsh Corgi. One concern with that breed is they can be pills with other dogs. I'd also prefer a longer leg dog, but she is darling and I couldn't believe how easy-care her coat is.

    Dara, I'm glad that you're boot scootin' along now. Hmm, given how long you were in a boot, perhaps that's not the best description of your renewed mobility? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Great news on the hubby's pacemaker installation going smoothly.

    How goes the twig eating, Cali? I can't seem to get it together with a healthy meal planning, but my blood pressure was 120/80 at the cardiologist recently despite getting lost en route and my morning blood sugar readings haven't been awful so I'll celebrate those victories.

    Speaking of celebrations, last week marked three years since my cancer diagnosis. Interestingly, it was a busy day and I didn't even note its significance at the time. I was reading a study about how most breast cancer survivors think the positives of their experience outweighed the negatives. Seriously? The positives for me were:

    1. Finding out that I have some amazing friends, including those willing to tote me to surgeries and other tests that required sedation due to my claustrophobia;
    2. Meeting all y'all (as the east Texans say);
    3. Having a wonderful oncologist.
    Beyond that, it's been a physical, emotional, financial pile of ๐Ÿ’ฉ! I guess I'm just not cancering correctly. ๐Ÿค”
