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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    CONGRATULATIONS on the happy occasion, Cali! The photos are gorgeous. Your beautiful daughter deserves wonderful things after all her challenges and the new family looks so happy. ๐Ÿ’“

    The inability to get deliveries has been a major frustration. It's only been 3 months and 12 days, but who's counting? ๐Ÿ˜œ I ready muss the convenience of groceries and Amazon bodies arriving on my doorstep. I took advantage of a coupon for pizza the other day. They've delivered here before, knew about the construction and were willing to bring food down the alley to my garage. When I first typed that, it said willing to bring guys to my garage. Who do I call for that delivery? ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    I committed to teach an online class next month so the construction needs to finish up before then. I can't have the huge machines beeping and smashing away while I'm trying to share my tiny snippets of wisdom.

    Annie, still thinking of you and Josie often.

    Hugs, Lyn

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Hope all are well and healthy through this different season.

    Lyn you are so funny ... Delivering guys to the garage cracked me up ... Just meeting the guys in the alley is risky sounding in itself. Hope your construction concludes soon.


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Howdy, Ladies! Just checking in. How goes it? I feel so bad for people going through chemo now. It's never a pleasant experience, but very scary now.

    I've been busy learning about teaching online as I mentioned. There weren't enough students for my May class to run. I'm contract labor so always do preparation with no guarantee of income, but don't usually have to invest this many hours for zero return. I know that I'm not alone when it comes to job loss during this crazy time. Cali, would you believe the construction still isn't done? We had a record-breaking amount of rain, but after more than 4 months, my patience is running thin. ๐Ÿ˜ก

    Although more businesses are opening on a limited basis, I still plan to mostly stay home. What about the rest of you?

    Warm Regards, Lyn

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Morning Ladies ๐ŸŒน Hope you moms had a nice Mothers Day ๐ŸŒน

    Got together with small bit of our family at my house and enjoyed brunch together. First time with my mom & step-dad since they are in their 80's we have only had drive by visits on their driveway. They are leaving to Montana soon where they live in the warmer months. Once there I know there is no social distancing as per papa who isn't practicing it any more much anyways.

    Lyn... I hope you are getting out a bit even though you live in a construction zone ๐Ÿ™„ I can't imagine. It must be frustrating getting ready to teach a class they cancel..financially & emotionally.

    Hugs ๐Ÿ˜˜

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Everyone! Happy Belated Mom's Day to everyone.....and yes like Lyn said- thinking of you Annie!

    Cali- those pics are beautiful!! What a turn around from where you all were a year plus ago. Congrats to you all! I'm so sorry you fell! So scary, esp when you don't want to end up in the hospital now! The idea of Montana in the summer sounds great (even though I've never been lol)!

    Dara- do you post your pottery pics on Instagram??

    Kelly/Kechla- hows it going over there? Are you noticing a difference with the fish oil? I've been taking it for a while- taking 2 of those large pills I try and avoid I think I found a brand that gives you more in 1. I tried switching once and I had that fish burp - yuk! I found myself over the weekend dreaming of Maui- of course I looked up the prices lol. I've been trying to even find possible camping spots in the summer, but that's already difficult to do

    Lyn- you are so funny! I totally forgot about Zumba! I think you're right- not like anyone is watching, just get up and move! I definitely have been trying to do that more- its a catch 22 with joint pain after walking, but then if I don't do something, more pain. I seem to recover now a bit quicker if I'm consistent on moving most days. I've been using the Aaptiv app and that helps. I don't have to "think" about what i should do you can scroll through and find something based on your level and time limit. You find some of the coaches walk you through things better than others. But even on a walk program, they remind you about your form and talk about mental health things and it's all motivating.

    Lyn- what do you teach online? Construction let up?

    I'm trying to get things done around the house, but of course it's not fast and I beat myself up for not getting enough accomplished (as my husband works nearby). I did finish a small project for Shea's drama class and did some landscaping in the front yard (basically re-did by moving plants from my backyard). I was really patting myself on the back with one of the big plants I was able to pull out lol. Plus- I feel it's exercise! We have 2 hummingbird nests going right now (that I can see)- which is fun. Love those little guys/gals.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Morning Ladies I hope all is well.

    Kelly B.... Thank you ... Isn't it amazing what a difference a year makes? Sounds like you have been busy replanting around your place. Any movement is good. Maui would be a nice place to be about now. We're there some good deals on flights? Our tickets to Montana in July were cheaper than we have ever payed. Now if there are no glitches we are good.

    Hubby and I have been walking daily and so far I have gained about 6 lbs back of the 30 I lost last year & that's discouraging. At work I guess I got in a lot more movement then I knew.

    Hugs ๐Ÿ˜˜

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hi all! Still mainly sheltering in place, but thinking things are beginning to open up a bit.

    Cali, Congratulations! The pictures are beautiful and it looks like a very beautiful family.

    I went in on Tuesday for a Covid test, no symptoms, just wanted to help with the state increased testing numbers. No results yet, but since I've been no where for 2 1/2 months, not expecting anything other than negative results.

    Kelly, yes I have an Instagram site for my pottery, it's sycamorecanyonpottery2018. I also have a website I'm working on a set of dishes right now since I'm holed up for a while. I did get down to see my daughter and grandkids on Monday. Some sad news on that front. My grandson whom I've mentioned here before, has continued having really difficult challenges of late. I'm sure the upset with school and covid hasn't helped, but they've gotten to the point where he needs more behavioral help than just once a week, etc. He'll be going to a residential center for kids in San Diego. The hope is that he can receive some intensive therapy and be able to return home. He's only 8 so it is quite devastating. He and I are very close so I'm have a difficult time with all this.

    Also still having some issues with my back. I had a couple of sets of injections and will be getting the next level... nerve ablations sometime this summer. I think the chemo and radiation did on number on my bones as my density tests continue to show a decline. Lovely, huh? Cancer, the gift that keeps on giving.

    I, too, wonder about Annie and Josie. I doubt she's checking in here as she would comment. I've said prayers for her and her family.

    Sorry this hasn't been a very exciting post. I laughed with a friend who asked why we haven't been talking as much. I answered that there's really nothing new to talk about! We are living Groundhog Day for sure!

    You all take great care! Hopefully life will return to normal soon!

    Love, Dara

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Howdy, Ladies!

    I'm hanging in there and think of you often. May 20th marked 4 years since my diagnosis. Since the odds of recurrence fall significantly for triple negative folks at 5 years, each annual milestone is significant.

    MY STREET FINALLY RE-OPENED FRIDAY! It's going to be difficult not to run amok with deliveries, but I'll try not to go retail crazy. BUY ALL THE THINGS! BRING 'EM TO MY FRONT DOOR!!!

    I want to speak to each of your notes, but my wagon is draggin' badly today. For now, know how grateful I am that we've become cyberfriends, albeit due to a scary shared experience.

    Hugs, Lyn

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Hello Ladies,

    Dara .... I am so sorry with all that is happening with your grandson. I'll be praying for him and the family. This can't be an easy decision for them, Hope your back gets better. I have more aches & pains with some relieve with physical therapy. My ankle has been hurting and I really have no time for pain walking has been my best thing to do with the corona virus crud.

    Lyn... Yay for getting deliveries finally. Now you just have to control woohoo for 4 years. My 4 years is on June 28th and being triple negative also each year is a blessing. I have my mamogram on the 25th then see my oncologist the following week.


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    We love this lovely cybergroup and we're sending you all our thoughts! Medicating

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Ok I started to post and got side tracked computer acted like the link was a virus a week ago lol. Let's see if I finally get something on here!

    Dara- I DID get on your email and instagram though! Too fun!! I can't believe your poor grandson....I really hope this is a smooth transition for him.

    Lyn- congrats on the street! It's those small things that bring us some happiness now haha! Ok that's big. Are you still working out in the house??

    My joints really were kicking back up again. My hands are stiff, but no trigger thumb thankfully. Its more in my knees now, and like you Cali, walking is my go to. So I get the frustration. I found a PT on youtube I've watched in the past. I need to be better about stretching, but did her stretches for knees (basically it's everything around it) and it's better. I also started taking Move Free I believe it is (glucosimine, plus others). I think I've been on it for a week so not sure if that is kicking in.....I walked yesterday for 4.5 miles (not fast), then we did a ton of yard work. I still get stiff when I've sat and go to get up but at least it's not as painful as it's been. I miss when I was able to jog! I think I even jogged like twice during chemo haha. dang it!

    We've stayed pretty much at home still. Starbucks seems to be a daily thing with my daughter, so we sit in the drive through almost every day lol. Grocery store, we did go down to San Diego area and hit the Marshalls in the high end area briefly masked. Nice to just shop semi normally. Then ate lunch in an outdoor type of restaurant. Lots of spacing and ocean breeze. Again some normalcy. My 17 year old still hasn't hung out with friends outside of a couple of park gatherings. I know a lot of folks/kids seem to be back to socializing but the #'s keep increasing so it's just so confusing.

    Shea's learning to drive now....that's more stressful than I really realized. Getting 50 hours in is work! She had her first behind the wheel lesson (they now have to do 6 hours with an actual instructor, 50 hours with you and 10 of those need to be at night). Shea was stressed for 2 weeks on approach to the lesson (which I laugh at myself- we don't see anyone for months, then throw my kid in the car with no mask and a stranger)....the next day she went driving with me and says "I miss Jim! (instructor)". Sorry for grabbing the door handle haha. So an hour is basically tops for us in a day.

    I'd love to get out of town! Can't even camp, they're just opening that up and of course you can't get a reservation.

    My best to everyone! Thanks Moderators this is a solid group!

  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310

    Thanks for checking in ajbclan. I hadn't checked in here for a couple of years. Doing well. Still taking tamoxifen, and have occasional issues. Does anyone still suffer from "chemo brain". It's been better this past year, but I question myself sometimes and wonder if it's the fact that I'm getting older (just turned 46). It so nice to see that you ladies are here and check in.

    I've worked thru the whole Covid-19. Still working at an assisted living. I thankfully worked on the side that had no cases of Covid, but still worked 12 hour shifts for a few weeks.

    Wishing everyone good health and love.

  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Hello all! Sorry itโ€™s been so long since Iโ€™ve checked in.

    So nice to hear from you SH!! Thank you for all youโ€™ve done as an essential worker!! I hope that youโ€™ve not had any close exposure and are able to stay safe! Cali, your picture was beautiful!! Lyn, so glad you are free of construction! We are getting a roundabout and it is creating quite the detour... Ajb, good luck on the driving instruction! Dara, I canโ€™t wait to check out your instagram.

    I donโ€™t really feel the chemo brain any more but my body is a wreck! I started taking anastrazol and my body does not like it at all! Joint pain is awful, I am having tightness in my chest/back that is very concerning (got it checked out and it โ€œlooksโ€ ok. But it still continues), my LDL cholesterol results just came back and they are extremely high which I have found out is a side effect of anastrazol. I imagine my doctor will be calling on Monday... I have gone off the anastrazol to see if things improve. I dont think I want to go back on it. Ugh! Enough!

    We are keeping as active as we can given the pandemic. I wear my mask if we go anywhere and it is so frustrating to see 90% of others not. Weโ€™ve been doing more outdoor activities, hiking, kayaking, bonfires, etc as a family, but I just want to have a big get together with friends. Patience... My son will be going back to college in 6 weeks and my daughter will be a senior in high school. She was chosen to be a drum major for the marching band and am keeping my fingers crossed that they will be able to do it. My husband has taken over most of the cooking. He is amazing!! ๐Ÿฅฐ

    I am trying to get inspired to do something big creatively and I canโ€™t seem to find inspiration. Iโ€™m considering starting doing some stained glass. Or maybe take up some painting again.

    I am still working from home, but go in to the plant from time to time as needed. It sounds as though I will probably be home officing for the remainder of the year.

    I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy!


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Morning! Good to hear from y'all. I love to hear how everyone is doing. Sensitveh....glad your staying health. I seem to have the ole chemo brain still but I think mine is sliding right into old age brain ๐Ÿ˜ณ I seem to get the aches and pains and like you said Kelly the body aches. I know full well if I keep up the stretches I feel much better so I don't know why I put it off. Seems you are keeping active ajb... I know every day I walk is better for me. Yesterday I got in the pool and swam & stretched and I know it's so good ...then even after rinsing off my skin was itchy and dry ... Not sure why that happened so badly because I put on lotion... Maybe another age thing.

    I had my mammogram, oncologist & yearly pap appointments and every thing checked out. I sit forever at my oncologist always but I am also thankful I'm not where I was in his office 4 years ago.

    We are going to Montana this week and I pray we get there and back staying healthy. We don't want to take any virus to my mom & step dad. If my moms dementia wasn't so bad we would of postponed but she wants to see us so badly and doesn't understand this whole pandemic crisis... But thenI am so confused too. I'm ready to be done with this lifestyle and get it if I'm going to.

    Take care & stay healthy!

    Hugs ๐Ÿ˜˜

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Everyone! Sensitive- I didn't realize that now it's been a month since you posted! I'm so so thankful you responded and are doing well under all of the circumstances! Stay healthy and as Kelly/Kechla said- thank you for being there for that community!

    Ok Kelly/Kechla- funny timing when I re-read your post as I just had my blood work done and my cholesterol was high for the first time. Maybe this is why my Dr didn't say anything as I didn't realize it was a side effect of Letrozole! I thought it was all the 100% grass fed beef I put into our diet trying to keep away dementia lol. The last couple of years I've been reading more about healthy fats and where our food comes from. Doing more full fat yogurt etc. Ok- time to balance. My daughter (who will be a senior as well) came into my room last night stressed about school. I thought it was the Econ she has to take over the summer, but it's fall and the realization she may not get a senior year with her friends. Really stinks! She's still plugging away at the driving, and I had forgotten she needed her wisdom teeth pulled last summer, so put that fun item on the summer list for July lol. Already crappy lets just add to it!

    Cali-hope you're able to relax and enjoy your trip! So glad all is good on the health front. My knees are still bothering me so my dr put in for PT. Hopefully will get that scheduled this week. So my exercise is not consistent. Also I was having heart palpitations, so went to the dr for that because aren't we more sensitive and paranoid now?! EKG was fine, but did the treadmill test (and had to have a covid test the day before and quarantine so i could be mask less for the actual treadmill portion- negative covid at the time!). Good news is I'm not crazy and he confirmed what I felt haha. And- it was good it didn't happen during exercise. Of course he was like could cut out coffee (um- yeah no!), stress. Basically what he gave me idea wise. We decided to do a halter monitor for 24 hrs and while I waited for them to come back I of course googled. Alcohol was another thing that can increase. I know with all going on that my stress is probably higher too. So we shall see.

    I woke up and the first thing I read this morning is Kelly Preston (John Travolta's wife) passed away yesterday after battling breast cancer for 2 years. I guess they didn't publicize it, but that wasn't how I wanted to start the day.

    Lyn...Dara- thinking of you both as well. I'm hoping maybe some of the old crew pops in at some point - if you do, please don't feel like you have to read and address anything here- just say hi and let us know how you're doing.

    Virtual hugs to everyone!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hi all! Sensitive, so great to hear from you again! I wish some of our other chemo sisters could check in. Does it seem possible that it is 4 years next month to start chemo!

    I went last week and had the first of 2 spinal ablations (they insert needles along the spine, briefly heat the needles and zap the nerves along the disks giving me problems. I'm amazed at the improvement! I'll get the other side done next week. Keeping fingers crossed the results last a long time.

    I've been trying to keep up with some pottery, just for my mental sanity. What are you all doing for fun? have you taken up a new hobby etc? I've also been making masks for the local hospital. I belong to an Art Alliance which supports our local art museum and arts in the schools and community. I found prints of certain famous artists' work, such as Van Gogh and Monet. I'm making masks for them to sell to benefit the arts. I find I go from reading to pottery to sewing. Variety is the spice of life!

    My grandson is faring quite well. His immediate family can visit weekly and they report that things are improving. He also can use the phone and call certain people whenever he'd like. Consequently, I talk to him almost daily and sometimes multiple times a day! He like to read to me, which is good because I find there isn't a lot to talk about with the quarantine. He just had his 9th birthday and was very happy with gifts, and he could FaceTime with each of us as he opened his presents.

    Please stay safe! I never dreamt this whole thing would last this long! And it seems like we're no where near the end! Take care, Love to all


  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Happy Wednesday everyone!

    I hope you are all doing well. Dara, glad to hear you spinal pain is getting some relief.

    Ajb, senior year is upon us. My daughter has decided she wants me to do her senior photos so we have done several photo shoots so far. Itโ€™s been some fun bonding time!

    My son is going back to school in 3 weeks. I am both excited and scared for him. He is careful with distancing and wearing a mask, but itโ€™s just hard to imagine how things will go.

    Health wise, I recently had an appointment with my oncologist. My last one! He is taking me off anastrazol. He feels that it is doing me more harm than good and actually with my hysterectomy, he doesnโ€™t recommend any more hormone therapy. Yay! Also, he is releasing me to my family practitionerโ€™s care. I have lost about 10 lbs and have about 30 more to go. It is not coming off very fast despite being active and eating right. But, Iโ€™m committed and keep plugging away. My joint pain continues and I now have what they believe is a frozen shoulder. Iโ€™m doing PT to try to get past it. Itโ€™s quite painful in certain positions but in other positions no pain at all. I suspect maybe some separation of tendon or something. My smaller joints seem to have some improvement. Iโ€™ve also seen a gastro again for the bloating and joint pain, but we have not found anything yet. In October I will have a scope and also check for celiac. Speaking of other side effects of anastrazol, my onc thinks that it may have been responsible for some back pains that we were concerned may be a heart issue. Since off it, I have not had another episode. I would say in general, my body really liked its estrogen and is rebelling without it. Unfortunately, my cancer was also a fan. :/

    Since we are stuck at home, weโ€™ve been on a remodeling kick. We painted, organized, and de-spidered the garage. We are now painting all the wood trim in our basement white and replacing carpet with laminate wood flooring. My husband is stressing about moving all the furniture and our pool table. Next we are going to work on the kitchen and replace our kitchen counter, backsplash and paint the walls. Iโ€™m still trying to decide on the wall color. I was thinking a light blue, but not sure about that with wood cabinets. Might go with a grayish tan instead. Another project has been added for us as weโ€™ve had several bad hail storms and are also now getting a new roof and siding. Jeesh. Itโ€™s become a little more than we originally planned, but it is rewarding getting it all done and being productive

    I hope that you are all enjoying the summer and making the most of it. Wishing you the best!


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Howdy, Ladies!

    Nice of the administrators to drop by. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sorry that I've fallen off the planet. I, too, recently had my regular mammo & oncology visit. Luckily, nothing disclosed in terms of scary cancer stuff ๐Ÿคธโ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคธโ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿคธโ™€๏ธ, but my blood sugar was the worst it"s ever been and my cardiac endurance is as bad as when I was on the Red Devil. I can't seem to get it together and all the political bickering leaves me feeling lower than a snake's belly. Geesh, Wendy Whiner here! ๐Ÿคช

    I want to read everyone's notes before replying at length. Even if I'm bad about posting of late, know that I think of y'all fondly and frequently. Hang in there!


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Ladies! I'm actually heading to the oncologist in about an hour. Routine and with the NP. I can't believe it's been 4 years. Don't you remember reading folks on this site saying they were years out and it seemed to far away. Now we are here, and so thankful we are. Maybe we can do some kind of meet up after all of this covid is over....might be in line with our 5 year??? Something to look forward to :)

    Lyn! I've been thinking of you...a little concerned so glad you're "Ok". I get the heart issues....I did do the halter monitor. He said I had about 330 PVC's (and no...not to do with those pipes you buy at home depot lol). I guess that's not alarming. Ok. I'm with you- between covid, politics, and everything that goes with it all I know that's kicking up anxiety that I probably didn't have a lot of before. There's definitely days where I wake up and just feel out of sorts. It seems to be a lot of Mondays. The "oh boy" what do I get to do this week? Clean? Figure out dinners? Then grocery store? wow fun? lol. I'm very fortunate that through covid I've gotten to know a neighbor. She and I will distance walk. We recently have met at the beach (yes we drive separate lol), and we've both found getting down there just 'helps'. Sometimes I find just getting outside helps immediately.

    Kechla/Kelly- wow- I'm jealous of the work at the house! We have a mental list, but nothing has been done lol. My husband's work has been stressful with covid, so I am not nagging. Plus he likes to make sure he's getting the best deal or price so not like I can just move ahead. But hmmmm....maybe I should haha. We have some down times around's definitely hitting my Senior that her year is not going to be what she thought. She's been socializing with her group of 5 kids. They'll come here, and hang out in our backyard. They came last night, and Shea came in at one point and said "somethings off". She later said everyone was just sad. They seem to get through that together and were laughing later. It's definitely just tough on everyone.

    Dara- I'd love to buy a mask! Please share if you don't mind?? I'm so glad you're able to communicate with your grandson and that you're getting some back relief!

    I've been working on my paint by numbers lol. It's a big colorful cat. Silly, but first art I've done since I was a kid. I realize I don't do art because I'm so critical of what I do, even painting within the lines lol. I'm also taking an online class through Coarsera. This is the 3rd class I've done and not sure I'd recommend this one lol. The first one I did was The Art Of Well Being. I'd really recommend that one. Not time consuming and it's good. The 2nd was a Contract Tracing class (for COVID for example). Definitely interesting and I actually got a free certificate. Not sure I'd want to do that job, but now it can be an option. Right now I'm taking a class called How to Understand Arguments. Um this one is weird, and super long and a lot more work lol. So I'm struggling but with all the "debate" in the world right now I wanted to do better when I get into situations with "friends" lol. I did sign up for an Emeritus class and start Spanish online on Monday :) Still trying to get the 17 year old her driving hours behind the wheel as well. Always "fun" lol.

    Cali, Sensitive, Annie??? Anyone else we'd love to have you check back in. As always- just say hi, let us know how you're doing. No need to write a book like I just did lol.

    Thank you all for being there.....4 years! We did that right?!! Maybe we should pop back and see what we wrote.....I still remember Dara's harrowing trip to the ER!!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Morning from smoky Central California!

    I posted something a couple weeks ago but must of forgot to push

    I am back to work and let me tell you getting up and out each morning is rough. I'm too old for this. I am so done with Covid 19 ....I have had to do more zoom in services at work ...tired of it all. I have developed asthma and it's no fun not being able to breath & when I start coughing the whole world stops and looks at you now days ...just trying to breath folks

    I think of you all especially our seniors this crazy year. I hope and pray they can get back to school soon.


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hi all... had my yearly mammogram, ultra sound, labs, saw the surgeon and the oncologist and got an all clear for the next year. They keep watching 3 enlarged nodes on the right side, but luckily, no change in size etc. Next year I'll start seeing the PA for the surgeon, and see the oncologist in 6 months. He did tell me that because I tested high risk for recurrence, he recommended I stay on the Femara for 10 years rather than 5. I'm fine with that and I think I'm tolerating the drug pretty well. I REALLY don't want a recurrence! A close friend of mine was diagnosed with ductal in-situ the year after I was and just found out she has a malignant mass back in one breast. She had a lumpectomy and radiation but no chemo. I'm glad I went the "whole kitchen sink" route and threw everything at it I could. Now she's looking at a double mastectomy plus chemo.

    Cali, I really feel for you, both with the terrible fires and going back to work! I went to Carlsbad yesterday to help my granddaughter for her first day of online 1st grade. My daughter also has to teach from home high school Advanced Placement so wasn't available to help. All I can say is there's a special place in heaven for primary online teachers!!! The whole online venue is so hard for the little ones who can't sit still nor watch a computer screen for 6 hours a day!

    I just laughed at some of the comments the poor teacher made:

    "Ellie put down the guitar, this isn't music time"

    " matt don't shine the flashlight in your eyes, it's not good for you"

    "Sarah, let's not put the duct tape on your head and keep dropping it"

    And in the middle of the lesson, bedlam broke out when one little boy lost his first tooth "right now this second!"

    But one similarity existed with the high schoolers I used to teachโ€” when told about the activities they could choose from to work on in the afternoon, one boy broke in to say, "but do we really HAVE to do them???" To which the patient teacher said, "Well it would be a really good idea!"

    So also Happy National Dog Day for those of you who have a furry friend.

    Take care all. We're all thinking to 4 years ago this month and journey we were embarking on.


  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Hello Ladies. We have had quite an August. We got hit with a Derecho (inland hurricane) a couple weeks ago that put our power, cell phones, and internet out for 7 days. Some are still without power. It destroyed over half the trees in our city. Power lines down everywhere and countless homes and businesses were damaged. We got off relatively easy with only 3 lost trees (a few more damaged), bent garage door, broken window, some damaged siding and soffiting, trampoline and some lawn furniture. It was intense. I have never encountered anything like it. It was like a tornado for a full 40 minutes. Gusts topped at 140 in Cedar Rapids and sustained winds of 100mph. 2 weeks later and our city is recovering with hundreds of linemen here from across the nation (and even a crew from Canada) working on our power lines. The city still looks very sad and destroyed. Having power again though is wonderful.

    Apart from the storm recovery, we are still working on remodeling. Basement is finished and we are moving on to our kitchen next.

    My son is at college and I am hoping that the students start taking things more seriously or they wont be there for long. Lots of cases are breaking out already.

    My daughters school got delay to a 8/31 start date due to the storm. She will be going 1/2 time online and 1/2 time in person. Marching band is pretty much not happening. Their band camp got cancelled due to the storm. Sounds like they may still get to play at a few games (if the games happen) but no marching and no show. Just a few songs. We'll take what we can get I suppose. I am just so frustrated and sad for our kids who are missing so many milestone events. This week our band vacation (Disney) was cancelled. My daughter is numb to the disappointment.

    Cali, you have certainly had more than your share of wildfires this past year. I hope that you are safe.

    Dara, I'm there with you on the mask making. I've donated quite a few and we have a good selection. I want to make sure my kids especially have ones that they want to wear. (Maybe not "want" but "will"...)

    AJB, I keep wanting to do Coursera, but not sure I will follow through. There look to be a lot of neat courses to choose from. My daughter is taking online learning for ukelele...

    VLH, I hope you are doing well. Sorry to hear your test results are not great. I hope you are feeling better soon.

    I am sick of talking about my health, so will just say that I am tired of pain. I don't remember the last time I felt "good". Stupid joint pain is most of it. ...and digestive issues. Bleh.

    Hoping that all of you stay happy and healthy and that we find a darn vaccine for this virus soon. I need a good backyard party, hugs from friends, and am longing to travel again.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Hi y'all ... Still baking in California ... Our sky's cleared a bit then yesterday another fire somewhere so we are smoky again. We went to Henderson in the Las Vegas area last weekend. It was our grandson Liam's 1st birthday. My son Tony & his wife have had it rough through Covid crisis. He was an electrical engineer at New York, New Yorks Circus du Soleil show and was furloughed in March. Then laid off Officially end of August which ended their benifits. His wife Claudia has thyroid cancer and now her surgery is on hold. They have made the decision to move back to Germany for their good insurance & her family support during surgery & treatment. I am so sad but I understand. This pandemic has ruined many households & business and I am tired of it. daughter teaches SDC K-3 so you can imagine the funny things that have happened on zoom. One mom complained her son wasn't being called on ... Well grandma sets him up then leaves the room for the whole time... When it's his turn to be called on Ashley can clearly hear him under the table ๐Ÿ˜ณ Another little autistic student won't keep his clothes on so she has to remember to keep his video off. Another students mute wasn't on as dad started cussing when he couldn't find something in the back ground. It is crazy ...and my daughter is trying to keep her 2 girls on their zoom classrooms.

    Kelly... I can't imagine that storm going through. I hear it was bad. I am thankful it wasn't worse for you and your family. You know friend you can always share your aches and pains...that's what we're here for

    Keeping all our students and we ladies in my prayers as we get through this whole thing. Please share if you know of someone who needs encouragement.


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly, hope things have settled down with the weather. I know just what you mean about talking about health. I keep having new pains crop up, or a different part of my body seems to be falling apart. I just feel like a hypochondriac! I know some is hereditary, and some from the chemo or rads.

    Cali, I feel so bad for you all with the smoke. This time of year, it seems like all of California is on fire! My sister lives in the Bay area and the fires up there are terrible also. It makes it hard because the air quality is just so bad. I cracked up with your daughter's stories. Especially the little nudist! lol! I'll be going down to Carlsbad every Wednesday to help 3 little first grade girls do their computer online activities. It's supposed to be "independent" work, right, for 1st graders! My daughter has also hired a college student to come in 1-2 afternoons a week to help the girls do their afternoon online homework. 6 hours a day for that age is really hard! Plus as with your daughter, my daughter has to be online teaching her own Advanced Placement classes!

    Sure hope everyone else is surviving. I'm watching a lot of home reno shows as I just can't handle all the political news. Gosh, what's our future going to look like, no matter what your political views are? My husband and I are on opposite sides of the debates, so we just settle on Netflix and Prime movies! lol! Take special care all and focus on the good things!

    Love to all, Dara

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Howdy, Ladies! I should be cleaning house or filing boxes of paperwork or purging 60 years of belongings so, of course, I'm checking in with my chemo pals. :-D

    Yet another of my classes was canceled due to low enrollment. Someone asked about my job. I teach beginning Microsoft Office classes at a community college. Many of my students are women re-entering the workplace, people from other countries or those changing careers who realize that they need certain basic computer skills to be competitive in the job market. I was just paying bills & updating my income summary sheet and realized that I'm on course to have the same income I had in 1988, but, boy, howdy, have my expenses increased! Ajbclan, wouldn't it be too cool to have a 5 year celebration meet up? Other than visiting my family now & again, I haven't had a "real" vacation in over 20 years because of the tight budget. Hmm, did I get my Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes entry in and is that giveaway cancelled?

    The Zoom class comments y'all have shared are a hoot! My darling child is being ignored (while lurking under the table). Um, clothing isn't optional. Dads saying #&$*# in the background. First tooth lost, RIGHT NOW, THIS MINUTE!!! I can just see these meetings in my mind. Must be like herding cats. I've recorded some lectures, but with every class for the last six months canceling, I've not had a chance to screw up in person yet. My best friend of almost 30 years confessed that she put on a nice blouse & fluffed her hair, but wore pajama bottoms for a recent online meeting with a Board of Directors. I just know that if I did that, I would forget and stand up to get something.

    Ajbclan, I'm very impressed with your self-discipline in taking online courses. How goes the Spanish class? Is that through Coursera, too? Did you finish your painting? I used to love paint-by-number as a kid. As much time as I spend watching TV now, I'm glad that there were only a handful of stations when I was growing up because I spent time playing cards, board games and jacks, jumping rope and riding my trusty steed. The trusty steed was a used bike my dad bought for $5 at an auction, but I spent hours on that baby! I feel so bad for your daughter. Distance walking on the beach with a friend sounds like heaven. Just as I longed for spring when I lived in the Midwest, now I can't wait for summer to end and cooler temperatures to arrive.

    Speaking of that, Cali, I think you're in a heat wave? I've been recording the news and digesting it in small bites that aren't so overwhelming so I'm sometimes watching a report from 3-4 days ago. How is the asthma? The fires are so scary! My allergies have been terrible and on the rare occasions that I'm out in public, I, too, worry that I'll cough or sneeze and send people scurrying. I ventured out today to get some Mexican food (needed handmade tortillas for breakfast tacos!) and forgot to put my mask on at the drive-through lane. I don't have trouble remembering when I get out, but struggle to remember when I'm in the car because that doesn't feel like being out in public, ya know? I'm so very sorry to hear about your son and his wife having to relocate. I have concerns about "Medicare for All," but there is something seriously wrong in our country with medical expenses bankrupting even people with insurance or situations like Tony's where he has to move to another country to ensure medical care for his wife. I'm glad that you were able to celebrate Liam's birthday together and hope that the treatment goes smoothly.

    Dara, great news on the enlarged nodes staying stable. If the Femara isn't giving you any problems, I understand wanting to stick with it to reduce your recurrence risk. I'm so sorry that your friend's DCIS advanced to a mass requiring chemo and the double mastectomy. My family and I often disagree on politics so I've told them that I will no longer discuss them. Although I have had to limit my intake in recent months to remain sane, I'm one of those people who rotates through news sources seeking a balanced perspective. It's difficult, but I'm trying to control the urge to engage with someone I know isn't receptive to any viewpoint that differs from their entrenched one. At least my dog always agrees with my Netflix and Prime movie choices! :-D

    Kechla / Kelly, it's hard to imagine the kind of storm damage that your area experienced. I'm glad that your loss was limited, but a week without the most basic amenities sounds awful. How is the kitchen remodeling going or is that pretty much on pause with local building supplies and labor going to those most severely impacted by the storm? Is your son still away at college or did they revert to all online teaching? I think our local elementary & secondary schools are trying in-person starting tomorrow. There have been tons of technical issues with their online training so far this semester. I feel bad for students, teachers and support staff alike. What a shame to have to cancel your Disney trip. I think of the young Hawaiian man singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" when you mention your daughter taking ukulele lessons.

    Whew! That was a big, hairy catching up note. Check in when you get a chance, gang!

    Love to All, Lyn

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Morning Ladies!

    We finally got some air we can breath. The ash and reddish sky is gone here. I can't believe how bad it was I have coworkers who live in the foothills who are still evacuated and many friends with home losses in the Shaver/Huntington Lake areas... So sad. Then answered prayer we got some sprinkles which didn't put out fires but it helped our air. These poor businesses that have been suffering from Covid and now this. I am still working and getting older I do finally have an appointment with an endocrinologist Doctor this week since I have type 2 diabetes now along with my thyroid issues. Maybe I can tell her my whole that will take us about 10 hours. Question ladies??? Do any of you still have pain where you had lymph noids removed???

    Lyn.... Where is that Publishers Clearinghouse money?? I've been waiting too!! Maybe it's with my lottery winnings but I hear you have to play to win!!

    Dara... My husband is hooked on Fox News and his Twitter feed... I send him to the other room because I am tired of politics and I'm really tired of our governor .... Otherwise together we have watched more shows together this year than through our whole 40 years married.

    Thinking and praying for you all through this mentally challenging time ๐Ÿ’•

    Hugs ๐Ÿ˜˜

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Cali, my husband also watches Fox New; I watch CNN. I figure somewhere in the middle is sanity! I really have gotten to hate election years. They seem to get nastier with each election, and I don't think one side is much better than the other.

    Lyn, so sorry about your class. I have a friend who teaches computer programming at a community college, but I think her students are going for an AA degree in computer science. I guess you don't get the laughs with your students' comments that I get with my granddaughter's class. Everything is now online, everything from meetings to medical appointments (which I really like). but I have a hard time with Zoom when people talk over each other and get off on tangents.

    I'm doing pottery when I can. I'm still having quite a bit of pain in my lower back, so bending over the wheel gets tiring. I've been doing some hand building and having fun with birdhouses again. I'll share a couple of my favorites. Take care everyone and stay cool, away from storms, and ash!

    BTW, a 5 year get together sounds awesome. I'd love to meet you guys in person. Love Dara


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Cali, I'm glad that you're finally getting some better air quality. This has been a brutal allergy year for me so I can't even imagine adding smoke to the mix. I have tender points all over my body from the #%ร—ร—:# Fibromyalgia, but I'm especially ouchie in my sentinal node biopsy area so I feel your pain. I thought maybe it was because I had the badly infected seroma. And now I'm going to be singing, "M-m-m MY SEROMA" for the rest of the night. ๐Ÿ˜ It really is a terrible double whammy for businesses to deal with the horrible fires on top of COVID-19.

    Dara, I'm sorry that back pain is intruding on your creative time. The flight school piece is so cheerful!

    'Til We "Talk" Again.,
