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Anyone getting ready to start Radiation in Fall 2016?

Just had last TC chemo treatment following Bilateral Masctectomy in April w. Tissue Expanders. Getting really for final implants on 8/23 then radiation in September. After that is done it's on to Hormone therapy. I'm 46 so the hormone therapy seems to be the hardest decision for me so far...

I've read from so may positive ladies that radiation following chemo is very doable with a few tricks so I've gotten them written down.. Miaderm an the Lindi skin roll. Hopefull since i am still working full time, that my schedule will fall after hours as not to disrupt too many things. :)




  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Posts: 526

    Count me in. Having a re-excision on 8/10, rads to start in September. :-/

  • I meet with rad onc. on 15th. 3 wks since lumpectomy. Feeling anxious to say the least Scared

  • I have completed 10 infusions of weekly taxol + herceptin with only 2 more to go! I start 6 weeks of radiation on September 6. I am hoping radiation will be easier than chemo. My chemo hasn't been horrible, but the fatigue, body aches, and chemo brain are getting pretty bad

  • I'm in! About to start chemo. Will start rads in December. Nice to "meet" you!


  • s1d1c1u1
    s1d1c1u1 Posts: 48

    I just had my Lumpectomy. Surgeon said I would start rads 4 weeks after my surgery. I think I'm more nervous about Rads than I was abt the surgery.

  • Is it me, or does 4 weeks seem too early after surgery to start? :-

  • josieg
    josieg Posts: 13

    I see my RO on Monday and will be starting radiation at Stanford soon after that, followed by hormone therapy after radiation ends. Just started a new job Monday and planning on continuing work full time (but will ease back if needed). Will be great to collaborate with folks who are going through this at the same time.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    Just finished chemo this week. I met with my RO yesterday. I'll start 4 weeks of rads in September. Before chemo, she had estimated 6-7 weeks. My MO then said 5 weeks a month ago. Happy to hear that it's 4 weeks. Don't know why, but I'll take it.

  • sfar
    sfar Posts: 22

    I just finished my last TCH treatment and have an appointment with an RO on 8/18. I had a lumpectomy back in March. Should be starting Radiation in September. It's been a long Spring & Summer!

  • I am scheduled to start radiation on 8/22/16 for 4 weeks. I had it on my other side in 1996 for 6 weeks., when I was 34. I recall some skin irritation that developed as the treatment went on. I also had some fatigue toward the end. I'm planning to work this time for the 4 weeks. I wish everyone well who will have treatments beginning soon

  • Myraknits
    Myraknits Posts: 191

    chemo? Check! Lumpectomy? Check! Now it's time for rads. I'll find out on Thurs what the schedule is but I'm so glad to be getting through all of this. Then it's just Herceptin till Feb. the good news is pathology came back and I'm officially cancer-free!!

  • reflect
    reflect Posts: 280

    Hi all, met with RO Friday and he said I am not a candidate for hypofractionated rads (the shorter "Candaian protocol) b/c of + nodes, so 5-6 weeks for me. I still have lx ahead of me, so probably won't start until...October? I was very surprised when he mentioned rads to internal mammary nodes, first I've heard anything about it. A recent MRI report mentioned something that was "probably an internal node" but didn't mention it being suspicious for anything. Has anyone else had rads to nodes other than axillary?

    Myra, soooo glad your path report says cancer free!! How wonderful is that?

  • Scout7
    Scout7 Posts: 10

    lumpectomy scheduled for 9/6. Rads to start Early October. Left breast. They say I will need 33 treatments. Plan to work full time through. I see a few of are also working to. Will be looking for good tips on keeping energy up.

  • Myraknits
    Myraknits Posts: 191

    Hiya Reflect!! It feels REALLY good! I don't even care about what else I have to do. LX wasn't too bad at all. My arm got sore from node removal but it's much better now.(2 weeks later)

  • Hi everyone!

    I am starting on 22nd August too springlotus! That is to say tomorow actually. I had two appts with my rad onc last Thursday and Friday, got my tattoos done and the final rehearsal and I'm all set to go tomorrow. I' m having 6 weeks irradiation and I intend to get back to my fitness routine as soon as possible. I think I' ll get started with walking and see how it goes. I also intend to work during rads but since I am a teacher I will have the luxury not to go immediatley to work, probably in the mid of September. Good luck to all of us ladies!

  • Only just started Rads!

  • s1d1c1u1
    s1d1c1u1 Posts: 48

    I have my RO consult on Thursday. Really really not looking forward to rads, but at least it's the last step in my treatment plan.

  • Had 1 of 33 today. It was so much easier than my nerves allowed me to think. I'm sure as the weeks go by I'll start feeling effects of it. Good luck to us all beginning this journey!

  • s1d1c1u1
    s1d1c1u1 Posts: 48

    Blahndie74 how long after your simulation did your weekly rads begin? Trying to plan my work leave.

    Glad it was easier than you expected. I'm pretty nervous about starting, too. Good luck!


  • bagsharon
    bagsharon Posts: 142

    I meet my RO tomorrow and my MO on Monday. From looking at most of your signatures, it looks like chemo is usually done before radiation?

  • s1d1c1u1 my simulation was last wed. I'm still amazed how quick and easy. Takes longer to do all the markings than actual radiation. Goodluck to you! We can keep up with each other and compare. My Dr has me using only aloe gel but I've read so many other options.

  • good luck to all i had 25 treatments am glad to be done except side effects

  • Hi, all -

    I did radiation last summer (7 weeks, including boosts) and thought I'd pass on a few helpful tips that came from the radiation clinic staff:

    1) Between now and when you start your radiation, stay out of the sun as much as possible, paying particular attention to the area to be radiated (cut back on the topless bathing!)

    2) Baby your skin like never before and use lots of moisturizer NOW - before you begin treatment. Once treatment starts follow your clinic's recommendations

    3) Ask your RO for a referral for a pre-treatment lymphedema evaluation with a qualified physical therapist. She can take before and after measurements and give you stretches to help avoid tightening of the underlying tissues during radiation.

    I hope you all do well and benefit from your treatment.

  • Was supposed to meet with RO and have sim yesterday, but she called in sick. Have to go back on Friday. Not looking forward to rads, wish I could skip it. But, I don't ever want to go through chemo again, so rads, here I come.

  • My first treatment was earlier today. I will try to check in and let everyone know how it's going. I feel great right now (2 mos post chemo) so not looking forward to more treatment. Just ready to get it behind me.

  • 2ND20
    2ND20 Posts: 19

    I am to start radiation therapy soon. I had huge breathing problems with chemo (taxodere) and heard that sometimes breathing problems come with radiation. Anybody know?

  • I'll join you folks, sim is completed, I start on Tues the 30th, not looking forward to it, but ready to get it over with.

  • s1d1c1u1
    s1d1c1u1 Posts: 48

    I had my consult this morning. You would think I'd be used to getting naked in front of male doctors after all the other people who have seen me naked these last 6 months, but my hubby wasn't able to attend this appointment and I felt really uncomfortable with the new dr and his male student.

    Didn't really learn much during this appointment except that he thinks I will be on leave of absence until mid November...I know I will go back sooner than that because I'll go stir crazy otherwise.

    Sim appt hasn't been scheduled, but he mentioned it'll probably be in a week and then another week before I actually begin rads.

  • bagsharon
    bagsharon Posts: 142

    Met my RO yesterday. He's surprised that chemo is being considered but regardless, radiation is on hold until I finish chemo. Good news is he is recommending only 19 treatments. I have a good friend who had radiation therapy 20 years ago and is now having secondary cancers. I asked the doc about it and he said that radiation seems to affect younger people more. I read that as that as I'll be too old in 20 years to worry about it.

  • s1d1c1u1
    s1d1c1u1 Posts: 48

    Mine told me the same thing lol. As I am 38 now, i"m more concerned with eradicating this cancer than I am about the cancer I might get 20 years down the road as a side effect of rads. He told me I would be 30 treatments ugh! I was hoping for less. It's my damn tripe negative status. Harsh chemo and way more rads than typical.