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Anyone getting ready to start Radiation in Fall 2016?



  • Seraphima Mine have never mentioned creams or anything to me. Everything I learned, I learned from this forum. I've now had 6 treatments and saw a hint of pink already which RO dismissed because it's too soon lol. I'm very thirsty all the time now, so getting tons of water is actually pretty easy for me right now. Fatigue has already reared its ugly head these last 2 days. Not bad...nothing like chemo, but I feel like it comes on really fast around 6pm and a 10 minute nap is all it takes to feel better.

    Sending good vibes to all you wonderful ladies.


  • H Seraphima:

    I'm sorry you aren't feeling confident in your radiation team. it seems to vary from facility to facility how "hands on" they are.

    I think most women here will agree that consistent, regular use of moisturizer is key. Applying it immediately after a treatment (in the dressing room) is helpful, if you can. I applied two or three times a day and then overnight.

    When my under breast area became an issue they gave me Cool Magic Hydrogel Sheets which were a miracle in healing my skin.

    I ordered some from the manufacturer to use for the rest of my treatment days (I have 5 left out of 30) and then for the week or so after.

    It sounds like they're checking you so try not to worry and keep asking them questions.

    Best of luck as you progress...


  • Seraphima, my skin is bright red from my lupus. The rads haven't started to affect it yet (other than the lupus flare). I asked my dermatologist how my skin was going to handle 20 more rads treatments. Her answer was, "surprisingly well". I'd show you pictures, but I don't want to send you running screaming from the room.

  • Today is #21. 12 more to go! Getting redder and itchier everyday. It's so confusing what is best to use. First told aloe, then aquaphor bc aloe seems to make rash worse. No scented soap, no moisturizer BUT was told to use dove sensitive (plainly says on box 1/4 moisturizer). This is after I mentioned using oil of olay sensitive. Seriously, what would be the difference?!?! AQUAPHOR seems to be the only one everyone agrees with, so I'm going to stick to that and hope for the best. If this is the worst I experience thru this nightmare, I'll gratefully accept it. Lots of good thoughts and prayers to you all!

  • ClarkBlue - I've read that the Boron in prunes helps with maintaining bone structure and building bones. I don't know what is in prunes to help with fatigue. The serving size for prunes is 50g (~7 prunes). I'm up to 5 now. I eat them with some walnuts, so that snack is filling. A mix of prunes and walnuts is my après-rads snack.

    Seraphima - I have trouble drinking enough liquids, so I prepare cucumber water that's easier to guzzle. The night before rads I put some sliced cucumbers in my water bottle to "steep" overnight. In the morning I can drink it all at once before leaving for my appointment. I refill the bottle a few times before eating the slices. Cucumbers are naturally cooling.

    CT scan - I had it as part of my simulation. It helped with knowing how much to breathe in to move my heart out of the treatment field. I don't know the cost. In Quebec, all cancer treatments in the hospital are covered. We do get taxed heavily, but at least the cost is shared. I hope those with insurance issues can find help.

    Some of you mentioned not getting enough information from your rad team. These are links to guides to radiotherapy from my hospital.

    I just had treatment #2 out of about 20 (15 treatments and 4-6 boosts?). It takes about an hour. They make sure I'm lined up correctly and take several images. I've also been reminded to put moisturizer on my back (left scapular area) as well as the front. I'm using Miaderm because my mom brought several tubes for me on her last visit. Thanks, Mom!

    I had blood drawn before my first treatment. Glad to see my blood counts are around pre-chemo levels. I feel tired, but I haven't been sleeping well this week. Need to fix that.

    Music - It seems whichever tech gets there first chooses the radio station. I've seen up to 5 in the control room. Today was an oldies station. Heard the Beatles, Aretha Franklin, and the Beach Boys. Thought it funny to hear Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire during treatment. "Burn, burn, burn..."

    Hope everyone is doing well! Week is halfway done! Keep cool!

  • ayr1016
    ayr1016 Posts: 156

    I wish I had music. I forget to ask each visit. The only music I get is from my cell phone when a reminder goes off at 11am to take my meds. If it goes off, that means the appointment has gone long because I am usually out of there by 11. Today was longer because they did more x-rays. She said I would get them every 5-7 days to make sure nothing has changed. It was kind of hard because my arms were in that position above my head way longer than normal and my left arm starting hurting and going numb.

  • I meet with my radiation oncologist 9/26. My dermatologist suggested I ask my RO to prescribe bionect. It is supposed to help with radiation damage and scarring from surgery. Has anyone else had that suggestion?

  • I see mine tomorrow and I haven't heard of that.. but i will ask him too..

  • I just read online that bionect is a hyaluronic acid cream, and the miaderm has hyaluronic acid as well as aloe vera and calendula. Let me know what you find out.

  • I live in Los Angeles also. I am scheduled for lumpectomy on Oct 10. I am expected to have radiation only and I am wondering how soon you start after surgery. I think I am coping, but be happy to get thru the surgery. Where did you have your surgery and who was your surgeon

  • Positive2strong I went in for the simulation 4 weeks after lumpectomy and began actual radiation 5 weeks later. The surgery was actually the easiest part of my treatment plan. I'm so happy that you don't have to have chemo!


  • So I heard that rads often makes people feel emotional...a few hours after treatment I am so irritable. It's like a high dose of PMS lol My poor family! Anyone else experienceing anything like this?


  • i just started this week, and I haven't noticed being more irritable. I won't ask my husband because his response would be "How would that be different than normal?" Singing

  • Serenity... that sounds like a husband.. lol

  • I would have to agree that surgery has been the easiest part of this, twice. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that any one of us is emotional. Think of everything we are going through!

  • Hello! I finished chemo on 8/26 which included Hercepton. And just had my first infusion on Herception alone. I will continue this until April of 2017.

    I have an appointment today with an Radiation Oncologist. I have not had my surgery yet.

    I have had friends that just finished their radiation and told me to expect it to be like a very bad sunburn. 😮

    Best of luck to you

  • IHGJAnn49 - Yep, he's snarky, but he earns his keep. Loopy

    Rosariesoffaith - Good luck with your surgery!

    Today's session 3 of 21 was a bit longer than an hour. A student was getting training. Almost fell asleep. I didn't recognize the music playing. It was similar to Enya. That might have made me sleepy.

    I get zapped from multiple angles including from below. Anyone else?

  • Mine takes less than 10 minutes on a bad day. Most days I'm in and out in 5 minutes. I get 2 zaps from top then 2 from below.

    I had country music today...the only genre I cannot stand.

  • Wow! Takes them at least 5 minutes to make sure I'm lined up! Tues and Thurs they put a mat on me. I got zapped today with and without it.

    I don't like country music in general, but I like some artists such asLyle Lovett, Johnny Cash, and KD Lang.

  • I saw my RO today and depending on my oncotype it may be two to three weeks before I start treatments

  • I've already met my RO but my path to radiation got detoured into chemo land. By my calculations, I should finish chemo mid November. I want to get started with radiation as as possible after that so that I finish before the end of the year and avoid another deductible and out of pocket. Of those of you who did the surgery-chemo-radiation route, how soon did you start rads after chemo? I'm hoping I can get my tattoos and sim done while still doing chemo so that everything is ready to go.

  • Today was #15, about half way there, it really is going pretty quickly! Mine probably take about 20 min from the time I get in the room, not sure how many zaps I get, there are several. I'm getting pretty itchy on a couple spots, under my breast and a spot on my chest, the RO gave me hydrocortisone and said its to be expected. The spot under my breast is the worst, it's right where my bra hits, I'm a little worried wondering how much worse it will get. And not wearing a bra in public is not an option for me lol

  • Bagsharon - My MO wanted my rads to start between 4-6 weeks after chemo.

  • ayr1016
    ayr1016 Posts: 156

    I am definitely getting more irritable (especially right after). I yawn the whole way home too. I get zapped 14 times! I counted one day. It goes all the way around me it seems. I am getting whole breast, chest, and axillary. So glad tomorrow is Friday. I try to go braless as much as I can. When I come home, I am resting in bed a LOT now. My treated breast is so hot all the time. I know it is not suggested to use ice, but can we use a cool towel?

  • i haven't counted, but I think you beat me! How many treatments have you had?

    Yes, we can use a cool towel. I bought something like this

  • I've used a cold wet wash cloth. It really does help with the heat.

    Today was 13 for me. They couldn't get me properly aligned. I felt uncomfortable the whole time. They started over three times and ended up taking two X-rays and bringing in a Doctor to look at me.

    LifeAloft, I switched to a wireless bra almost immediately after I started. Feels much better than my under wires.

    I get zapped from both sides, one long one and then three short ones.

  • ayr1016
    ayr1016 Posts: 156

    SerenitySTAT Today was #9 of 33 for me. Thank you for posting that link. It made me remember that I have a cooling towel from my son's baseball days. Just need to figure out where it is since it has been a few years now.

  • Anyone else notice that weight is not easy to maintain during radiation? I noticed that even if I eat foods that would ordinarily put weight on me, I am not gaining. I've lost a couple pounds a week eating cheeseburgers and fries. I'm weighed weekly and the RO sad a few pounds aren't a problem. I needed to lose the stress weight I put on during the diagnosis/surgery time so it isn't a bad thing.

    This may be the ONLY upside to this treatment... Smile

  • I've lost 4.5 pounds in 10 days. The first week especially, I was queasy and had no appetite. Now, no more queasiness, but still not hungry. I gained 17 pounds during taxol (I blame the steroids given), so I'm more than happy to disregard my ROs pleas of not losing weight.


  • I've had 3 treatments, and I'm down over a pound. Haven't had much of an appetite. Plus I've had no grains this week. Does this mean I need to have more scones than I had last week? I was told losing no more than 5 lbs is ok. I don't want to lose more than 10.