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Anyone getting ready to start Radiation in Fall 2016?



  • Miko, I was told that it would be 6 months after. But I am in New Zealand so may be different elsewhere.

  • Miko
    Miko Posts: 198

    tyty Amusing: ooo hum, I hope I can get through it without too much discomfort. My poor breast has been through so much since November

  • Miko, I asked my surgeon if I could take painkillers beforehand and he said yes definitely a good thing to do.

  • Miko
    Miko Posts: 198

    oooo tyty Amusing that is a great proactive plan. Hopefully, I won't be a sore by then. I expect my mammo will be in June or July

  • Miko...I am due for my mammogram in June my RO said. I feel at this point ...yikes!

  • Miko
    Miko Posts: 198

    Hi Caligirl: although I don't see my surgeon for two weeks, i am sure,that is what she will also tell me. I am hoping to be better by then, but, not holding my breath. I can barely bare to touch my breast to apply moisturizer. I will be taking extra strength asprin before going. 😩

  • Miko
    Miko Posts: 198

    well oh well oh well. I am now nearly 2 weeks post rads and my nipple is not doing so well. Hurts to touch even water while bathing. At first it was nearly burnt black but now it is blistering and raw. I get it that my bc was just behind my nipple, but it is frustrating that there is really nothing to combat the discomfort. I am trying out "udder cream" which keeps me moisturized but not pain free. Hum, i hope this clears up before it gets worse

  • darab
    darab Posts: 894

    Miko, both my surgeon and my MO said they like to do the first mammo 6 months post radiation. He said they need to wait for any and all changes to the tissue from rads to settle down or it could skew results. My center now does the 3D mammas and I'll also have an ultrasound. Mine was just barely above the nipple and I still get phantom pains.

  • Miko
    Miko Posts: 198

    tyty Dara: hopefully i will be hurting alot less by then. I cannot imagine mashing my poor breast right now. The rads really did a number to my nipple. I didn't feel anything or have much burning until the boosts but now it pain to touch. Tyty again for the info. HUGG

  • Miko, I think my nipple was the sorest part of it.. the rads really hit it, surgery was on the left side of it, and it peeled more and i put aloe on it and aquaphore... it's still sore now, but not as bad... takes a while, but gets better.. I see my MO in march to find out when she wants me to have the mammogram

  • Miko
    Miko Posts: 198

    Hi IHG: I hear you, i just cringe at the mammogram word. I cannot imagine how much pain I would have , if i had to do it anytime soon. 6 months at least gives me some hope that the mammo won't hurt more than the ones i normally took prior to rads. I also see my MO in March and hopefully she will be able to get me back on track by easing my mind. Since diagnosis my life has been a whirlwind of treatment one after the other. I have forgotten what normal is prior to BC. Tyty for your words of wisdom 👍

  • Miko,

    I'm not relishing the visit with the MO.. and the mammo... I've been helping two of my brothers and the cancer since last year and now, one is in a nursing home, treatment is over and the oldest just passed last month... I'm having difficulty trying to find 'what do I do next'

  • Miko
    Miko Posts: 198

    hi IHG: that is a lot to deal with - sorry to hear about the passing of your brother my condolences. You are truly a strong gal and you will overcome all obstacles. Perhaps your MO will be able to answer the questions you have. I actually cannot wait to see my surgeon next month and see what direction I have to go to move forward. My MO is not very forthcoming. He is sweet but not much information comes out of his mouth except see you in June. Apparently my surgeon will be following me with prescribing my mammos, according to my MO and obgyn. Hummmm

  • Thanks Miko, My BS sent me a letter saying they want to see me and to have a mammo, but they are moving offices and don't even know when they will be in them, so am changing bs to Cancer Care where my MO is...

  • Miko...sorry you are having such discomfort. My nipple is the most painful right now. I fear anything bumping it. Like my little granddaughters head last week as we snuggled. I have had painful throbbing under my armpit near my lymph noid incision. I'm figuring it's just those nerves healing...I hope.

    One of the worst parts of dealing with all this cancer pain and emotions is that our life's have gone on with the loss or illnesses of our loved ones which makes it double hard on our already raw emotions. This group is such a great support for me

  • Miko
    Miko Posts: 198

    hi Caligirl: tyty for your insight. I think the femara i am taking is also affecting me emotionally it is like menopause all over again👎 Yes i totally agree that i would be in a darker place without this group of wonderful gals

  • Hi everyone, my rads ended 01/31/17 and since then I've been feeling great. I'm eating healthy,taking vitamins. The joint pain on my hands tends to diminish, so are the neck and shoulder, legs and knees weak extremety. The only thing is my left underarm is still mildly swelling. It was not seroma or lymphedema. Does anyone know when it will go away? Thanks.

  • Houston....I'm sorry I can't help you with yourquestion. I hope someone can help you.

  • Houston2016… Did your Dr tell you it wasn't lD? I've had swelling under my arm since rads ended in the end of Oct. I just saw my MO last Friday and he said it was truncal lymphedema. I'm to start PT to do light massage to get the fluid moving. It got quite painful and spread down my ribs for a week, but it's back to just the underarm and side of breast. Hope you get some answers. We've all been thrrough so much. It's just a slap in the face that all these little side effects keep creeping up on us constantly reminding us about things we're ready to put behind us.


  • Hello everyone, it seemed like when things are going well, then came another problem. While examining my breast yesterday, I noticed slight swelling on the left side chest bone, just few inches below the collar bone. I read about lump on chest wall as a sign of recurrence. I freaked out! How can it be so soon?

  • Don't panic Houston, it could be any number of benign things including an infection.

    I've started to have tightening in my breast, side and armpit so have been to see the physio. Lots of massage (ouch) but it really helped. She also gave me some stretching exercises to do. Cancer, the gift that keeps on giving.

  • are right it seems to be one thing after another Amusing said BC its the gift that keeps giving have far too many things happening. Have you made an appointment?

  • darab
    darab Posts: 894

    Cali... it's a gift I'd sure like to return! I don't have swelling, but still have a spot in the center of my chest to the left of my sternum that is so sore to touch. I see my RO again next month so will ask him about it then. and then there's the joint aches from AI. Yuck... Just want to be normal again.

  • Houston2016
    Houston2016 Posts: 248

    Hello Ladies, it's been awhile since I've been on here. I got so busy after finished rads 01/31/17. I tried to continue eating healthy, exercise, and take vitamins, and actually feeling stronger and stronger every day. Since rads stopped, I don't have as much aches and soreness as before. The only problem is probably Anastrozole, I still feel stiffness of hands when wake up in the morning. I stretched so it got better during the day. The only thing I still have pain on my hip and my knees feel like someone beat on them so it's hard to get up from a chair or get out from my car. The MO said because estrogen is lowered, my joints are less lubricated. Does this continue like this for a long time? I'm just afraid bone loss and my knees are losing cartilage. Do anyone have same issues? Please share. BTW, the chest swelling is just reaction to the rads, RO said any recurrence would be on top of the skin. Thanks ladies.

  • darab
    darab Posts: 894

    Hi Houston. Glad to hear things are going well after radiation. I too had a great deal of joint pain so my MO kept trying different ones. I've now tried all 3 AIs available and still have a few joint pains. I've had both hips and one knee replaced, but I still have have joint pain in fingers, shoulders and back. I've heard it substantially declines after about a year. My RO said it's like when we first started menopause, our bodies had to adjust to the estrogen changes, but we didn't have hot flashes for life! Like you, things get better for me during the day, but then I get sore again in the evening. Hang in there.

  • Elastogelgirl
    Elastogelgirl Posts: 184

    hi all,

    So I'm starting rads next week. I really want to use mepital film. Can I just order it and use it or do in need permission from my RO? Where is a good place to oreder it. Can I just use it from Friday to Monday in between rads? I'm not having any luck with my cancer center as far as answers and I'm doing my rads 5 hours from home. I'm really sick of being ignored on these things that can help and at least not hurt

    Do I need to have mepitel on for my rads simulation? If not that would give me another week to convince my RO that I should be able to use it.

    Where is a good place to order it?

    Thanks very much I'm scared and frustrated.


  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Posts: 401

    I don't have an answer for you on mepital film, Elastogelgirl, but I'm starting rads next week, too. Go for my simulation tomorrow. Best of luck to you!


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Posts: 407

    I didn't use Mepitel either. I know I've read where others did but I think where you go depends on who uses it and who doesn't promote it. If I can find the past recommendations I'll let you know where I found them.

    TapperMom good luck to you both as you move ahead in treatment.

    I am doing much better as time heals.