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Anyone getting ready to start Radiation in Fall 2016?



  • Terri17
    Terri17 Member Posts: 8

    Thanks, Scout. Do they do any others without the breath hold too? So are you doing the 4 or 6 week radiation treatment? How is your skin holding up?

  • Terri17
    Terri17 Member Posts: 8

    Another question for you radiation experts! For those of you doing the 4 week radiation versus the 6 week - how is your skin holding up? At what point did you notice any skin side effects? I know the 4 week stint gives you more radiation each time but you wind up with the same amount at the end. I am doing the 4-week session. In addition, do any of you have to do more than 4 breath holds? How about shoulder pain from being in that position every day for the radiation? I noticed shoulder pain after my simulation!

  • s1d1c1u1
    s1d1c1u1 Member Posts: 48

    I had shoulder pain after sim, too! But it's not been an issue during treatment as I'm only on the table between 5-12 minutes each day. I do 4 breath holds of not more than 20 seconds.

    This is my last week of whole breast rads then I have 5 boosts. So happy! And my dr finally signed off on me returning to work on the 30th. A week later than I wanted, but he felt it was better to be safe than sorry. Skin is still holding up well. No itching, no peeling, and the tenderness I had last Monday is gone. Think there must have been some swelling last week.


  • bagsharon
    bagsharon Member Posts: 142

    I called my RO and explained that I would like to start my radiation ASAP after my chemo so that I can finish my treatment before the end of the year and avoid another high deductible/out-of-pocket. He was very supportive. We made a tentative appointment for my simulation only two weeks after my last chemo treatment. (I've been having minimal side effects, by the way.)

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    I'm done cooking! 15 + 4 boosts. On the table for 20 mins - shortest session for me. Got to ring the bell. Skin is a mix of varying degrees of redness and lightly tanned. Underarm is sensitive. No peeling. Told the radiation effects will continue for 2-3 weeks. Follow-up appt in 1 month with RO. MO and kinesiology appts next week.

    I was on the table for so long my back would get stiff, so I used the waiting time before treatments to exercise and stretch my shoulders, back, and arms. I had no shoulder pain, but my shoulder ROM is pretty good.

    Good luck everyone! Hope you have minimal side effects. Time for a nap. Medicating

  • LifeAloft
    LifeAloft Member Posts: 69

    Huge congrats Serenity!!!! 😊

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Serenity, so very happy for you! Time for the Happy Dance!!! Congrats!

  • s1d1c1u1
    s1d1c1u1 Member Posts: 48

    Congrats, Serenity! I'm so happy for you :-)


  • Briannek
    Briannek Member Posts: 4

    Day #1 of radiation in the books. Only 29 to go 😉

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    Thanks, everyone! Hug

    Briannek - It will be over before you know it. Good luck!

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    Wonderful Serenity! You are done!!

    I just got back from my first tx. I have 9 fields and it is longer than 15" but should get shorter as they figure out the drill. Neck & shoulder got stiff but not unbearable. Skin feels warm. Feeling an odd sensation when I breathe, like lungs or throat irritation. Or maybe it's unrelated.

    I've been told 5 weeks with possible boosts. They are doing a CT part way through. When I asked why the nurse said she couldn't answer that. (what?) I'm assuming they are looking for something, right? Anyone else have a CT midway?

    Cheers all.

  • boobsBgone
    boobsBgone Member Posts: 34

    Serenity - way to go.

    I just did the first step - got sized up and tattooed. then possible next week the practice run, then rads. 25 to go! i forgot to get the miadern cream. will head out this week.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    reflect - I had a CT after my regular treatments to determine the treatment plan for some of my boosts. I warmed up my neck, shoulders, and back before treatment. Felt much better after treatment. Keep an eye on your breathing. It's probably unrelated. I caught a cold during treatment.

    bbg - Miaderm and Maiderm-L are the only lotions I've used so far. I do like using a salt spray first.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534


    For his 1993 book, "The Lost Tycoon," Harry Hurt III acquired Ivana's divorce deposition, in which she stated that Trump raped her.


  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526

    Congrats Serenity!

    Brianne, BBG and Reflect, you've go this! We are here for you.

  • Imkopy2
    Imkopy2 Member Posts: 214

    Way to go Serenity! Very happy for you 💕👏🏼🍾

  • justbebrave
    justbebrave Member Posts: 1

    I start radiation really soon. My rad onc said that it would be low dose and they would continue to lower the dose with every treatment. Had anyone else done this before? I'm really hoping my skin had minimal to no this an unrealistic expectation with "low dose radiation"? I've also been using a mixture of 100% shea butter, Jamaican Black Castor Oil, and coconut oil. My scars have healed REALLY well from the mastectomy...but now I wonder how my skin will do with "low dose" radiation and this mixture.

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    Hi Justbebrave, welcome to Fall 2016 rads. I'm only a heartbeat ahead of you (2 treatments) so I can't answer your question, but someone here will. Congratulations on all you've done so far, and it's great that your scars have healed so well.

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526

    JustBe, I didn't have a mastectomy, and I haven't heard of lowering the dose each time. But, my scar healed well too. The worst part for me was the node incision and my nipple. Make sure you keep the node incision moisturized, and try not to wear things that rub against it, like camisole tops. Once I stopped wearing those, it got better quickly.

  • Scout7
    Scout7 Member Posts: 10

    Reflect- they do the CT to confirm the measurements and angles. I am on 13th treatment and they do X-rays on me every Tuesday to make sure everything lines up. It will al be come routine once you get going. Not scary at all.

  • boobsBgone
    boobsBgone Member Posts: 34

    My apt was yesterday for the marks and alignment. 5 small tattoos and only 1 hurt like i was going to explode. you can hardly see them. They are going to call me with my next apt for the sim - so we'll see if it is this next week or the week after. i just want this done.

    good news: did retail therapy with my sister who came to help me this week. down 2-sizes. i feel good and now have clothes that fit.

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    BBG, I start my rads on the 2nd... trying to get everything done before that... We'll Make It! I had my tattoos last week and I think it's the dye that hurts.. I got a double 'bite' from one.. but it doesn't last long and we don't have to get them again..

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    Bbg - Congrats on losing 2 sizes! ThumbsUp

    IHGJAnn - I got 4 tattoos. They were all uncomfortable, but the one on my sternum hurt much more. That's the spot that people press hard when you're unconscious to check for a response. Bawling

    justbebrave - Haven't heard of low dose radiation. I used a mix of rosehip oil and aloe on my scar and it healed well. I stopped using the mix before rads because the radiation oncology clinic said to avoid oils until the end of all treatments. I switched to Miaderm and Miaderm-L. I finished 15 treatments and 4 boosts on Monday. The treated area looks tanned with some parts a little reddish. My underarm darkened the most. No peeling. Still using the Miaderm until I run out. I would guess that your skin will just tan, but areas that had previous sunburns may do worse.

    Yesterday I woke up with my arms over my head. Think my subconscious is missing rads? I took a long bath yesterday, but I wasn't able to get all of the marks off me.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Hydrate and stretch!

  • Cwill
    Cwill Member Posts: 7

    Hi all, I am happy to join this post. I started a series of 25 rads on Tuesday, October 18th. I am doing preventative care with green tea spray, Turmeric, Vitamin B's and Eucerin. I know there are lots of options so I may change it up as time goes on. I am only on the table about 10 minutes with what seems like less than minutes of actual radiation coming in at 2 different angles. What is holding your breath for? I haven't had to do that. Can't wait to follow along with all you other Fall 2016 Rad ladies, it seems to help as I feel I am not so alone :)

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    Hi Cwill, when it's on your left side, your heart and lungs can be effected.. so holding your breath is supposed to minimize this.. I start my rads on Nov. 2 so it will all be new to me

  • ClarkBlue
    ClarkBlue Member Posts: 30

    Cwill - I would check with your RO about the green tea and turmeric. Those are pretty powerful antioxidants and I know some ROs are adamant about not using them during treatment.

  • amusingsoprano
    amusingsoprano Member Posts: 77

    Hi Cwill,

    I start rads next Tuesday and was told not to take any kind of supplement (including vitamins) or herbal remedies as certain things can interfere with the radiation.

  • Mariangel43
    Mariangel43 Member Posts: 45

    Jiffrig, my bill was for RT. And I had to bring the 10% on the first visit to get the CAT for measurement. I told the RO's secretary to erase me from the list. I hope that it will be lower in this new place I am going on Monday Oct 24. If the bill is high, ladies, I will call it a quit.

  • Mariangel43
    Mariangel43 Member Posts: 45

    Frill, your scarves are beautiful and you have such a grace doing them. You are a free-spirited woman. Don't let anyone take that away from you. I don't think you should a shaper with metal. I think there are options to deal with your scarves. If you a head to practice with, you may mount the head piece and secure with safety pins. Then you take off the piece and all is done you wear it back.

    Jiffrig, is good to know that Medicare covers LE. I saw a video of a senator adding amendments to the SS so that it include the LE side effects. I talked to my orthopedic surgeon and he gave me the names of two periphero-vascular surgeons to check me. If I need physical therapy, one of them will send me. The problem is that I have few days of license in my job and I have to use them wisely.

    I have to congratulate those of you who have finished, or are in the process of it. I also congratulate those of you who have complied with this RT procedure. My list for the RO is getting bigger each day as I read your posts and comments. I am greatly motivated to go to PS and finish the recon and leave the RT for the future.

  • Mariangel43
    Mariangel43 Member Posts: 45

    Michelle and reflect, I feel like you. I hope they don't change me the techs everyday cause I will with no guilt walk away from rad. I have let students and residents stay in the room with the principal surgeon but no one touches me. I love my BS but if he lets a a resident touch me without my consent, I will have to say a few words with him and go away. My PS fortunately works alone.

    My worry about changing techs is that not all are equally competent. I have read some horror stories of radiation sickness and poisoning, fibrosis and necrosis, and other long-term or permanent side effects. My antennas will go up and start checking on everybody and my brain will go on alert and suspect modes. A high-energy drain which is harmful for my health.

    As I have written on other forums, the guidelines for RT for post-mastectomy women have changed. If the RO doesn't know it, I will give her the article. Some of you have a very low Onco score and still you had to undergo chemo when it is not greatly recommended on low Onco scores.

    If I have to move to another city to receive my RT and get off the hands of a physician that makes money out of people's sufferings, I'll do it. I know they have to make a living with their expertise; however, no MD is allowed to harm others, that's the oath. They are accountable if greediness comes along and they harm anyone.

    Bye, ladies, sweet dreams.