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Starting Chemo in December 2016



  • BCS2016
    BCS2016 Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2016

    2nd treatment was uneventful and my daughter was actually a bit bored. My kidney numbers were up. Not enough to stop treatment, but enough to keep an eye on. I wondered if it could be from the 2 glasses of wine I had on Christmas...

    Finally feeling tired. Not a fan of the steroid. Was up most of the night even with the Ativan last night. No the rosy cheeks are starting.

  • scaredashell07
    scaredashell07 Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2016

    Having my second ac tomorrow. Going to make sure o use the rinse for my mouth and More fluids and small snacks to help with nausea.

    Do you ladies get bloodwork every time you do a treatment? I got a finger prick but no bloodwork.

  • Pamela23
    Pamela23 Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2016

    Scaredas hell--I always have bloodwork the morning of to check my RBC counts (my hemoglobin keeps dropping) and my WBC count. Will they take it in the morning?

  • chickensandgoats
    chickensandgoats Member Posts: 44
    edited December 2016

    I have had bloodwork each time right before my treatment. They give me a printout of my counts to keep for my records

  • scaredashell07
    scaredashell07 Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2016

    I got bloodwork today. Getting ahead of myself. Last time was first one so they didn't need one. Hair started falling out. Pulling pieces out this morning. I'm going to buzz it today.

    I'm hoping for a better year in 2017 for l of us. Hoping to be well enough to celebrate a little tomorrow with friends of the kids. Happy new year to all you strong ladies!!

  • Summer2016
    Summer2016 Member Posts: 104
    edited December 2016

    Hello everyone---2nd treatment down!Smile

    Had blood work prior to my treatment yesterday morning and my doctor said it looked as if I had not had a chemo treatment. Don't know if that is because that was my first treatment or due to the Neulasta pump that self injects 27 hours after treatment.

    Less dizziness yesterday during my second treatment. Maybe due to taking Claritan before. However heartburn indigestion started right away even though I had Pepcid that morning. Noticed when I ate dinner at 7pm last night that the metallic taste was back. Yuck!

    Also was very fatigued by 9pm last night. Up this morning with nausea so started meds for that with crackers. Fatigue is still very strong this morning.

    BCS2016------- Good to know that your treatment was uneventful! Glad no scary reaction or any thing that might have upset your daughter. I'm with you on the steroids. Always happy after the 3rd day with those is over.

    Chickensandgoats------That is nice you get a printout on your bloodwork. I'm going to ask for a copy of mine next visit.

    Pamela23------So I had the Dignicap Nurse check her records for the actual number of people who have used the system at Oncology Specialist Park Ridge IL. She apologized and told me that I was not the 2nd but the 4th patient to use Dignicap. She believes due to the cost. She told me that the representative of the company told her that most of the facilities they try to put the system in do not have the space for the equipment and aren't able to allow the extra 2 hours after treatment for people to sit attached to the machine because they have tight schedules in order to get all chemo patients in and out! That's why my nurse had me in at 8 am for bloodwork, doctor follow up, cold cap fitting with pre chemo drugs, Then chemo starts around 10:30am and I don't finish with chemo until 2pm then stay until 4pm due to Dignicap extra cooling and warm up time.

    KB870- Yay! Great news on your bloodwork and being good to go for 4 treatments!

    Dizzygirl-----I'm with you thinking there are a lot of us from Illinois! Believe me if I had thin hair, I doubt I would have gone the Dignicap cold capping because of all the extra time plus I must drive much further for treatment. That 2 hours after treatment to complete cooling then slow warm up for scalp really makes me crazy as I just want to leave that chair. BTW, just curious are you on Neulasta? Wondering if your BC dropped even though you were being given a preventative.

    In fact, is anyone else on Neulasta pump or injections and experienced a blood count drop? Thought Neulasta was to keep us on track so we can get through treatments with out a bump in the road.

    I have had a several people ask why I am having chemo since my clinical markers are low IDC 1.3 cm, node negative, stage 1, grade 2, ER 85% PR 60% HER 2-, however my ki67 35-40% Oncotype 26(intermediate) & mammaprint high risk luminal B. After 3 oncologist opinions' it was my understanding that they consider the biomarkers the new way to decide if breast cancer should be treated with chemo. All 3 did not like my ki67, 2 went mostly by ki67 with oncotype and the 3rd didn't like ki67, oncotype and mammaprint. All 3 recommended Taxotere with Cytoxan 4 treatments.

    Wishing everyone well!

  • BCS2016
    BCS2016 Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2016

    I get my blood work done every time prior to treatment – my understanding is that I would not get the treatment if there were some off numbers. I also get the print out. I assumed that was standard! My white blood cell numbers are slightly elevated from the Neulasta. They did not seem worried about that.

    Question - I had read that icing my hands and feet during the taxotere portion could help with neuropathy and nail damage so I did that both times. The first time, the nurse was sweet and said she had seen a few patients do this. Yesterday's nurse told me she had never seen that before and was questioning me about why I was doing it. Is anyone else trying this? I don't know if it works, and if it does not then I am very happy to give it up!

  • dizzygirl01
    dizzygirl01 Member Posts: 45
    edited December 2016

    Summer2016 - I was on the Neulasta but it didn't bring my counts up. MO said some people need more than just once after each chemo treatment. She changed it to Granix shots for 4 days after each chemo. I have to return to the infusion center all 4 days for the shots. The neulasta would have been more convenient but it just didn't work on me.

    I am on Day 16 and hair has been coming out in unexpected places. Guess I didn't realize you lose it everywhere!

  • Summer2016
    Summer2016 Member Posts: 104
    edited December 2016

    Hi Dizzygirl----thanks for replying. I'm sorry Neulasta didn't work for you. Gee, hope I don't run into that issue my oncology center is a long drive. Yesterday while I was having chemo, I could over hear the woman in the next space being sent to the hospital for a couple of days. Don't know details as to the issue just know she and her family were upset.....I felt bad for her. And also starting worrying again about ending up in there myself :(

    I understand about the hair in different places falling is all such strange experience! I do hope your new blood count booster keeps you going so no more issues! Best of luck!

  • Pamela23
    Pamela23 Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2016

    Summer--I'm doing chemo because of my oncotype score of 28. Had 2nd opinion at Northwestern and they recommended the same thing. My Ki67 was 25%. So our cancer is a faster proliferating one which responds well to chemo and if any of those little suckers went rogue & got in our blood stream through the blood vessels surrounding the breast tissue to lay dormant in a bone or tissue, they have another thing coming! I have to remind myself of this and it's the ONLY reason I can handle this!

  • chickensandgoats
    chickensandgoats Member Posts: 44
    edited December 2016

    Wow! Major chemo brain fog today. I just couldn't focus on anything! I made sure to make a list before I went grocery shopping and I still wouldn't promise that I got everything. I am hoping this will clear up over the weekend so that I can be ready for work on Monday. I've been off for winter break from school and I'm eager to get back to my students, but I sure would have been less than useful today.

    Have any of you experienced this S/E and how are you handling it?

    Happy early New Year's!

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Member Posts: 246
    edited December 2016

    BCS2016, when I had Taxotere at first session, the chemo nurse just brought the ice packs for feet and hands, taping onto feet, instructing me to dig my fingertips into the ones for hands. It wasn't questioned or discussed, just do it. They do the same for Taxol. I think they know what works, But wish I had known to suck on ice to help with mouth sores, which is the same concept.

  • beebs2704
    beebs2704 Member Posts: 88
    edited December 2016

    summer2016- my MO explained that the Neulasta (or Neupogen) shots bring the WBC counts back up faster than without it. She said that they can't stop the WBC from dropping.

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited December 2016

    Happy New Year to All!


  • ilsunrise
    ilsunrise Member Posts: 91
    edited December 2016

    Hi ladies, I've been MIA since I went up to Chicago for a few days to get "away" from it all. Had a great time with DH enjoying the holiday lights and other sights and sounds of the windy city.

    Several of you have been talking about icing your nails and feet if on Taxotere. I haven't heard of doing that before. I did just notice last night that the skin underneath my fingernails is starting to look a bit raged - very dry and cracking. Also, when I touch my finger tips, it leaves little indention's that don't pop right back our immediately. That seems really weird.

    Question for anyone who has not gone through menopause yet. I started my period right after my first chemo treatment (as expected). It stopped after a couple days (as expected because mine are really light). But then it started up again a few days later and has lasted now for 9 days. Is this normal? My MO did say that chemo would put me into menopause.....Anyway, just wondered if anything similar happened to anyone else.

    My hair has started falling out quite a bit the last couple days. My hair is very fine and was already thin, so I'm not having any discomfort in my scalp. I'm still not ready to shave it off but think I'm going to have to soon. So, I'm trying to decide if I should do that as part of NYE. I think my options, probably need to be one of these three - (1) shave it today sometime, (2) shave it when the clock strikes midnight, or (3) shave it sometime tomorrow as my start to 2017. I think for me it's going to be really emotional and I can't decide. Boy, I listen to myself talk about this and it sounds so pathetic.

    I'm glad that several of you can now check another round of chemo off your list....that's one less treatment until you get to the other side! Congratulations!

    Happy New Year everyone.....2017 is going to be a better year for all of us! When we get through our various treatments, we will all be stronger more resilient women!

  • scaredashell07
    scaredashell07 Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2017

    DCS- my nurse told me the Same about taxol .. To bring ice water and soak in it at time of treatment.

    ILSUNRISE- glad you got away.

    I am losing my hair now. So going to Buzz it. I was going to shave it off but my hairstylist said that I should cut it really short with hair clippers like maybe a half an inch short or much as I can go without shaving a completely it. might help with tenderness and discomfort. Completely shaving it will make it irritated. I am also not sure if ill do it tonight or tomorrow. Had my treatment yesterday so not sure how I'll feel tomorrow. Might just do it tonight. I got my wig and I like it a lot. looks nice on me.

    I had my period also first day of my first treatment. it lasted the usual amount. But doc said I might not necessarily go into menopause.

    On that subject of menopause is anyone who's premenopausal considering having her ovaries out I've heard through my oncologist and my Breast Surgeon but the drug used for postmenopausal women is actually more effective treatment.

  • dcdrogers
    dcdrogers Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2017


    I started my period 4 days early on 12-24. It appeared to be a normal cycle, but then 4 days into it it seemed as if my period restarted itself on what should have been my normal start day. Here I am now going on my 8th day (my cycle normally lasts 6 days) and it doesn't seem like it is letting up any. My MO warned me that I might go into menopause (I'm 46 yrs old) and that after Chemo some women resume having a menstrual cycle while others don't. I told her with my luck and my menstrual cycle I'd be surprised at all if it even stops....let alone stop any never comes back.


  • Summer2016
    Summer2016 Member Posts: 104
    edited December 2016

    Pamela23---That has been my new focus! Imagining the chemo warrior killing off those darn cancer cells wherever they are lurking!!

    Beebs2704---I just hope the Neulasta keeps working so that I don't have to skip a treatment! I see so many get hit hard on treatment number 3 so fingers crossed that it keeps doing it's job Smile

    As for those discussing the perimenopause, I am 49 and right there. So, far no period since my BMX surgery 9/14/16 and none during my chemo 12/8 and 12/29. My oncologist too mentioned that it may make me go into menopause either temp or perm. With my body who will probably start back when chemo is over.

    Wishing everyone the best for the New Year 2017!!!!!

  • StayMom
    StayMom Member Posts: 57
    edited January 2017

    Happy New Year's Eve! Hope all of you are doing well and able to at least relax and enjoy the evening with family. That is what I am doing and have no shame in putting my PJs on before 8pm!

    My 2nd treatment is coming up onWed and I feel almost back to normal. I did get my period 12 days late and it was pretty normal. My Oncologist said I prob would not get it again after my second treatment and that I could go into temp or permanent menopause. I'm 43. I also have an appt at the end of Jan to discuss my ovaries. Not sure if they will recommend removal.

    I have also been told that I will get ice treatment for my nails during taxol.

    Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and some serious cancer ass kicking strength for 2017!!

  • chickensandgoats
    chickensandgoats Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2017

    I am 36. I had my period right before I started treatment, but haven't had one since. I have completed 3 cycles of A/C, A late or missing period is not unusual for me since I have never had regular cycles except in the past when I took birth control pills. My doctor has not discussed menopause yet, but I have read that is often a side effect. I believe that since I am hormone positive I will have to take the pills or look at surgery to suppress my ovaries regardless.

  • Carolg516
    Carolg516 Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2017

    I had 3rd chemo treatment on Thursday December 29th. Drank coffee before so not as drowsy after. But still took 2 hr nap when home. Today, December 31st, I felt lightheaded, then weak with that chemo brain fog. Don't think I'll be up til midnight. Happy new year everyone!

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited January 2017

    Staymom- My head hurt too and when I got rid of the hair-it felt so much better.  I think kids are better with it than you think, let them help you pick out fun hats.

  • ilsunrise
    ilsunrise Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2017

    dcdrogers - sounds like we're having a similar experience with the period that never wants to end. Maybe we are going into menopause from the chemo.

    scaredashell07 - good point on just cutting the hair short and not shaving it entirely off in order to avoid scalp sensitivity. So far, I've just cut mine about 3 inches. But it's still coming out pretty good so may cut the rest off tonight. I have to go back to work tomorrow and will probably be wearing the wig.

    Carolg516 - good for you....another treatment done and you can check it off the list! Take it easy and have the naps if your body is telling you that you need it.

    StayMom - I hope your next treatment goes well on Wednesday. My next one is on Thursday and I'm starting to dread it.

    Well ladies, let's all push on strong as we continue into the new year.

  • dcdrogers
    dcdrogers Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2017

    Ok. So here I am 3 days from getting my 2nd infusion and my taste buds are just starting to reactivate. I would say I have about 30% to 40% of my sense of taste which is great considering everything tasted like cardboard for the past 2 weeks. I'm looking forward to treatment as it will mean 1 more under my belt, but I am not looking forward to the digestive issues (extreme stomach bloat) and no taste buds.


  • scaredashell07
    scaredashell07 Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2017

    I did it. Buzzed my head. No more tenderness. So relieved. Kids have not see me with shorter hair. Nervous about that.

    I felt much better this second treatment. Although I feel down the stairs because I had socks on and walked to fast to get the door. Now I have large bruises on my legs and hips

    chemo fog is annoying and makes me feel a mess.

    Anyone have tingly lips. I feel like my mouth is dry and lips are tingly

    Happy new year! And good luck to those getting treatments this week

  • tlgio17
    tlgio17 Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2017

    Hello all, sorry to jump in the Dec group (I start chemo in Jan). But was hoping I could get feed back on how working full time goes w treatment. I have been off four weeks for my masectomy and now return tomorrow. Next week I get my port placed and first chemo so I am trying to see how everyone managed w work schedule. I'm nervous I won't be able to maintain.

    Thanks for sharing any input, appreciate it.


  • StayMom
    StayMom Member Posts: 57
    edited January 2017

    Thanks Mistyeyes. You are prob right! My son already told me I look awful (in the sweetest, most honest and innocent way) so shaving can't get much worse!

    Scaredashell glad you are feeling good. Careful! I also fell down the stairs a few weeks after my surgery! My mind and body don't work together like they used too!

    ILSunrise we are very close in our cycles. Just think how well everyone is doing on their 2nd treatments and then we will be one more closer to the last! I'm just so excited to be 2 down, 4 to go after tomorrow!!

    Welcome Traci! I think it all depends how you respond to the chemo. Most of us seem to be managing ok so far. I'm off work for the time being but can tell you that if I needed to work I prob would have been ok starting the week after chemo. Some work through everything so I'll let others chime in!

    Good luck to those of us getting treatments this week! One step closer to being finished with this! X

  • Summer2016
    Summer2016 Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2017

    Well, first treatment I had my fingers had tingling however this 2nd treatment has caused severe burning in my fingertips. Anyone find some type of relief from this? It feels as if all my fingers have been burned! Any suggestions are welcome to stop this pain! Thanks

  • chickensandgoats
    chickensandgoats Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2017


    I have finished 3 A/C chemo treatments and have managed to work full time so far. The doctor has the chemo worked out so that I have my treatment on Wednesday and my really tired days are Saturday and Sunday. I teach middle school so this allows me to rest on the weekends and work during the week. So far the only days I've had to miss have been the chemo appointments. In a couple of weeks I am switching to weekly Taxol so I'm how that will affect my work schedule. I am hoping to continue working as long as I can due to financial and insurance reasons.

  • Jezikah
    Jezikah Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2017

    Hi Traci, welcome! I think with work, it really depends on what your work entails. I have an office job and I've had my treatments on Wednesday, work a half day Thursday and then take off Friday, feel groggy and tired Saturday, better Sunday, and then fine to work by Monday. If I HAD to work, I could work more, but my work is very flexible and understanding and I have a lot of donated sick time from co-workers, so I don't have to take off any unpaid time. Fridays after treatment have been the worst days for me. This last Friday, I spent most of the day in bed and definitely wouldn't have wanted to be at work at all.