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Starting Chemo in December 2016



  • tlgio17
    tlgio17 Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2017

    StayMom--thanks for sharing, hoping I can maintain somewhat of a normal work schedule, with time off if i really need it.

    Chickenandgoats--thank you as well, good to hear how others have the scheduling down. Makes me feel better about all of this for sure.

    Jezikah, thank you as well for sharing. I have mine scheduled (so far) on Thurs, so hoping I am good to go back on Mondays.

    Next step of this journey, sigh.

    Thanks again all!


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396
    edited January 2017

    Hi Ladies- I'm from the Aug chemo board- just a couple of quick comments- sounds like you all are handling your treatments well so far! My head was really sensitive even at the stubble stage, but it did get better. With the eye twitching, my nurse practitioner said to make sure I got electrolytes in, so I made sure I drank a bottle of Vitamin Water daily and that really minimized that SE for me (I also had some eye watering that I just had to deal with).

    Best wishes to you all and to Traci as you head down this journey- unfortunately it seems to affect everyone differently---- hoping your side effects are minimal so you can continue working.

  • dcdrogers
    dcdrogers Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2017

    Unfortunately I don't have any tips for stopping the pain, but I do hope it lessons and goes away soon. Did you mention this to the nurse during your treatment? It sounds like what you're experiencing may be signs of neuropathy. My MO told me to let her know as soon as possible if I experience neuropathy. Any sort of tingling, numbness or burning sensation should be reported as I think they will adjust the dosage next time you have your treatment.

    Hope you feel better


  • Jezikah
    Jezikah Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2017

    I'm on the 6th day after my second treatment and feeling pretty good, considering. I hate that I was feeling mostly normal and then had to go do it all over again. Lack of appetite wasn't as bad this time around, so that's good. Still nausea, fatigue, and GI issues were my biggest SEs and also my mouth/teeth are more sore than the first time around. It just feels like I had a very rigorous teeth cleaning at the dentist along with the aftermath of a burnt tongue. And I hate that I'm losing my sense of taste again after just getting it back last week!

    Also, my hair is really patchy and about 75% gone. I have a few large bald spots, but still some hair holding on, so my head looks like an animal with really bad mange. I haven't let my husband see it and I told him last night that it looks "gross" and he said something sweet about how it's not gross, it's just part of the process and that he still thinks I look beautiful. But I still didn't let him see my head... I hate looking at it, so I don't want him to have to see that. I would shave it to the skin, but my scalp is too tender for that... I just want it to all fall out already!

  • dcdrogers
    dcdrogers Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2017

    Interesting you mentioned having sore teeth. I noticed that after my 1st treatment that the teeth along my lower jaw line ached a little off and on for about a week and a half. I forgot to mention that to my MO. I wonder if that has something to do with the chemo treatment or the Neulasta shot. Very Interesting.

  • scaredashell07
    scaredashell07 Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2017

    ladies. I also have sore teeth for a few days after treatment and then goes away. The eye twitching sounds annoying. Sorry for those having that SE and all the other painful and annoying SEs.

    Is anyone taking calcium

  • dcdrogers
    dcdrogers Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2017

    I'm taking Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin B6.

  • Goincrzy8
    Goincrzy8 Member Posts: 79
    edited January 2017

    ajbclan any certain flavor of Vitamin Water I usually drink XXX. Any other tips?

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Member Posts: 246
    edited January 2017

    I had no idea how raw and hurt the inside of my mouth would be. Mouthwash didn't begin to address the pain and problems with eating and drinking.Ginger, which everyone recommends for nausea, was impossible. And cinnamon and mint. I had to get toddler toothpaste. No one told me that! I've since learned that sucking on ice during infusion is supposed to help.

  • Scorpiogirl
    Scorpiogirl Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2017

    Hello Everyone,

    I started my TCH on 12/16 with my 2nd round scheduled for Friday. Just read through all your posts and it is very helpful seeing all your advice on how you are managing side effects. The worst for me was terrible bone pain for 2 days after the Neulasta shot (which I got 2 days after 1st TCH). I think Taxotere also contributed to this. Have had runny eyes and nose, taste buds feel turned off (not so much metallic taste just dull), have lost about 15% of my hair (planning on clipping/shaving on Saturday), had one bad day with throwing up and diarrhea (Compazine and Immodium helped), diarrhea continued for about a week. Did anyone else have bad side effects from Neulasta? I did take Claritin which is supposed to help but don't think it did much. Ibuprofen/Tylenol didn't really help either. Just got a heating pad as I will be having another Neulasta shot Sunday.

    My Ki-67 was > 90% which scares me. My MO said that is fairly normal being HER2+.

    Thanks to you all for posting your journey through this, it has helped me a lot!


  • dcdrogers
    dcdrogers Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2017


    I had pain from the Neulasta shot. I started Claritin the day before my 1st treatment and took it for 5 days. I didn't have any problems or pain. 2 days after I stopped the Claritin (I thought 5 days would have been enough) I woke up in the wee hours of the morning with excruciating lower back pain that radiated up my back and into my chest. My heart was also racing. I also took Tylenol which did absolutely nothing. I didn't make the connection to Neulasta at the time, but luckily I had an appointment the next morning with my MO for follow-up after my 1st treatment. I casually mentioned that I was experiencing terrible lower back pains and she made the connection to the Neulasta. She wrote me a prescription for a very low dose of Oxycodone which I had no plans on taking. Boy was I glad for that prescription. There is no way I would have been able to function and I already couldn't sleep, sit or rest without major pain. Luckily the pain subsided in 2.5 days so I didn't have to take much of the pain meds. I wonder if I stopped to soon taking the Claritin? Not sure, but my 2nd infusion is tomorrow and this time I'll try taking the Claritin for 7 days.

  • dcdrogers
    dcdrogers Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2017


    Thankfully I haven't had to deal with mouth sores. I've been trying to be proactive with that as I've been prone to canker sores and mouth ulcers in the past. I've been gargling with baking soda and salt rinses twice per day. Once in the morning and again at night after my last meal. I've also been brushing after each meal with Biotene toothpaste followed by gargling with the Biotene mouth moisturizer (mouth wash) and so far it seems to be helping.

    FWIW I'm also on a Proton Pump Inhibitor meds for stomach issues which can deplete certain vitamins and minerals (magnesium, calcium, b12, etc...) over time. My magnesium and vitamin d tends to run on the low side so I take magnesium, calcium, vitamin d and vitamin b6 each day. These are the only vitamins and minerals that I'm taking and my MO is aware of this. I myself have found that when my magnesium levels are low I tend to suffer more with mouth sores.

    I'm familiar with the pain that comes along with mouth sores. Hope you feel better soon.


  • BG46TN
    BG46TN Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2017

    HI everyone, popping over from the Nov chemo board.

    As far as your Neulasta pains, definitely take the Claritin starting the day of Chemo and for up to 10 days after...If you have the on body injector have them put it on your belly as opposed to your arm. My first chemo I had it put on my arm and the bone pain was excrutiating, now I get it on my belly and its MUCH more bearable, I get 1 day of achy/ sensitive skin more horrible pain. My MO also said I could take Advil when the bone pain is bad and heat is awesome!

    I gargle with salt water a few times a day to keep mouth sores away.

    Definitely take your nausea meds like clockwork, before you feel sick! As for the constipation I am still struggling with that, I tried colace and it didn't really do much so I have been eating raisin bran for breakfast every day, seems to help a bit better...and lots of water.

    I find drinking Smartwater or Core Water goes down much easier then regular water, especially during chemo and the few days also has electrolytes which help with some side effects.

    Good luck ladies!! We are almost done with this blip in our roads <3

  • scaredashell07
    scaredashell07 Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2017

    DCd- did your doc tell you to take those based on bloodwork

  • Scorpiogirl
    Scorpiogirl Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2017

    Thanks for your replies!

    Dcd- I will start taking Claritin tomorrow which is s couple days earlier than last time and take it for more than a few days. Excruciating is how I would describe the pain also. It was constant and I couldn't do much for that couple days. I will also tell MO and hopefully they will give me something stronger for the pain.

    BG46TN- I don't get the injector- I have to go to local hospital at 8:30 am Sunday for Neulasta shot. I'm glad you found placing injector on belly helped. I will also grab some Vitamin water. Am on Vitamin D because of low level and because I am recently diagnosed Type 2 Diabetic, MO put me on B6 to help prevent neuropathy. So far so good with that!

  • Pamela23
    Pamela23 Member Posts: 394
    edited January 2017

    Dee--I'm with you on the taste buds. I haven't been able to taste since the day after Thanksgiving and just when I can distinguish between sweet, salty and bitter, I get another treatment I have found textures to be important. Cold and crunchy are more satisfying than warm mushy things. It's been really hard over the holidays with all the yummy food around but at least I don't have to think about holiday weight gain! I have my moments where I complain all my pleasures have been taken away-taste, alcohol, good sex--but I know this is just a short period of time and it's worth never having to deal with this disease again!

    Summer--I'm on the same regimen and haven't experienced what you have, definitely mention it to your MO!

    Also, I'm 1 treatment ahead of most of you ladies and I'm finding even with the women in the Nov group that we are at the point that we're getting really fatigued. I was reading that red blood cells take 4-6 weeks to regenerate so zapping me every 3 weeks is really lowering them to the point where I'm winded just going up the steps, and I'm someone who ran 5 miles/week just a month ago. I was also reading that iron, folic acid and B12 help with the production of RBCs. Is anyone taking supplements for this? I'm already taking iron but thinking of adding a B complex. It also said to cut down on dairy because calcium interferes w/ iron absorption which makes me rethink my calcium intake.

  • scaredashell07
    scaredashell07 Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2017

    should we all be taking magnesium and calcium. Do they check those levels in bloodwork

  • dizzygirl01
    dizzygirl01 Member Posts: 45
    edited January 2017

    Wow, we certainly are getting into the heavier side effects. So far my worst are mouth sores and fatigue. Now I realize I have been having dental soreness too. I was chalking it up to my TMJ but it may be both.

    I am on TCHP and my worst days were days 4, 5, and 6. My next round is tomorrow so I will see if that stays the same. I am also having trouble getting my counts back up. Nurse mentioned I may be battling this through the whole 18 weeks. Ugh.

    Stay strong ladies!!!

  • Summer2016
    Summer2016 Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2017

    Hi Pamela23 thanks for the response! I called my oncologist regarding my fingertips that feel as if they have third degree burns on them. She prescribed a packet of steroids that are taken over 6 days to hopefully relieve my finger pain, hip, knee, and legs as well. She told me to take Motrin as I was not able to drive and hour and 40mins one way to pick up pain pills. I don't know why they can't call pain pills in to my pharmacy. This happened to me when I had my BMX too. Anyway, I don't believe Motrin will help my stomach issues so will try taking the steroids first.

  • chickensandgoats
    chickensandgoats Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2017

    scaredashell07 - My doctor hasn't suggested any supplements at this time. It seems each doctor has their own opinion of what we need to add to our particular chemo cocktail.

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited January 2017


    Specific bloodtests like Magnesium, Calcium and Potassium may be added to your usual bloodworks as seen fit by your MO, based on your current physical condition and if you have specific complaints about SEs or anything unusual.

    Many green veggies contain magnesium and traces of iron. Calcium can be obtained from almond or soya milk, aside from dairy milk. Potassium, from banana or cucumber. Other vitamins such as D, B6 & 12, E, Phospolipids etc. are very important depending on our individual body needs.

    It is only a matter of personal choice together with being well-informed about your diet regimen.

    To know more about food and natural bio-active compounds/epigenetics that may help fight cancer, here is a nice link to go to... I got this from another wonderful friend in this forum

    Hope this helps you and all the other wonderful ladies on this December 2016 chemo thread.

    Regards to everyone!


  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited January 2017

    Being Happy is like...


  • dcdrogers
    dcdrogers Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2017


    My MO only recommended Vitamin B6 to possibly help with any neuropathy I may or may not experience as I go through chemo. When I mentioned to her that I'd like to try it she was on board and said that taking B6 wouldn't hurt so I could give it a try.

    I was already taking Vitamin D, Magnesium and Calcium before I was diagnosed with BC. My Vitamin D levels are always low. I'd get them within range and as soon as I stop taking the supplement my levels would take a nose dive. My PCP has me taking 5000 units every other day. I started taking Magnesium only after taking Dexilant for a stomach ulcer. The Dexilant (it's a PPI) causes low levels of Magnesium and B12. I had both checked and while my B12 levels were good my Magnesium levels were very low.

    I am taking Prednisone (I'm tapering off) for muscle inflammation. Since Prednisone is known to cause osteopenia and osteoporosis along with MANY other horrible side-effects I started on Calcium. My rheumatologist initially wanted me to take Fosomax, but researching I decided against it as the manufacturer clearly states in the literature that if you've had an Ulcer in the past year you should not be taking Fosomax. Not to mentioned the Prednisone alone was destroying my digestive system (reactivated ulcer). No way was I taking Fosomax on top of it. After doing more research, I brought it to my rheummy's attention that the Vitamin D I was already taking coupled with adding Calcium should be enough to support my bones since my initial bone scan was normal. She agreed that I could give it a try.

    I made sure to mention to my MO all of the vitamins/supplements that I was on in case she wanted me to stop taking anything, but she's ok'd everything on my list.


  • dcdrogers
    dcdrogers Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2017


    I had been placed on Iron supplements earlier this year because my Ferritin (iron stores) are low and I've always been slightly anemic. I had to stop taking the iron supplement in May of this year after learning I had developed another stomach ulcer. Iron can be a little rough on the stomach and there was no way I could continue taking it until my ulcer cleared up. I should have started back on the iron supplement in July when my ulcer cleared up, but in July I started developing muscle weakness which led to me being put on Prednisone. Since, I'm experiencing digestive issues on Prednisone and Chemo, I decided to hold off on trying to add iron back into my supplements list. Instead I've been trying to incorporate more red meat (not that easy) and leafy greens into my diet. Once I've finished chemo I'll have my PCP check my iron again and I'll probably have to go back on iron supplements.


  • Jezikah
    Jezikah Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2017

    I've been taking an Iron supplement because I was anemic. That's the only supplement that my MO recommended.

    Also, I know we've been talking about periods. I haven't had one since November - right before Thanksgiving - when I was also doing my egg retrieval. I was on Letrozole for 3 weeks total - 2 weeks during the egg retrieval process and then 1 week after to keep my estrogen levels down. I haven't had a period since although I'm usually pretty regular and if anything have them more frequently than not, but do know that not having periods is a possible chemo SE. This week I have had a lot of clear vaginal discharge, which is unusual. I have to wear panty-liners. Anyone else have this side effect?

  • Irishmom3
    Irishmom3 Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2017

    Hi ladies and Happy New Year! I had my 3rd A/C treatment today. For the past week I have very watery eyes and a runny nose. I look like I'm crying all the time. I'm taking Claritin and this doesn't help. Just curious if anyone else is having this or any suggestions. Tha

  • Scorpiogirl
    Scorpiogirl Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2017

    Hi Irishmom,

    I have had just one round of TCH and due for round 2 on Friday. I have same side effects as you. Very watery eyes where I just blink sometimes and tears run down my cheek. Also, runny nose for past couple weeks. Don't know what to do about it but will ask MO on Friday.


  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Member Posts: 246
    edited January 2017

    I also had runny eyes and nose with TCHP. Constant wiping away tears and ended up with conjunctivitis. So be careful! Starting over today with AC and hope that SE doesn't manifest itself

  • chickensandgoats
    chickensandgoats Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2017

    Hello, ladies! I am enjoying keeping up with your posts! Wishing all of you fewer S/Es as we progress through our journey together!

    I am a week out after my third A/C so feeling pretty good right now.

    We are having some light snow here in KY, so I get to spend the day at home with my kids. Dealing with BC sure reminds me to appreciate these little family moments much more! Have a wonderful weekend!


  • scaredashell07
    scaredashell07 Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2017

    yes having runny nose and some tearing Tmj and a constant feeling pf tightness. I have to consciously relax my face and I feel better. Anyone else have this "stress " feeling in their head and and neck